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Posts posted by Balthazzarr.1349

  1. > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > Let's be honest here. It didn't happen at this scale in the past. Even HoT release was smoother, not mentioning LW3 in general. Their release stability after PoF dropped drastically and I'm disappointed with their mediocrity.


    It's kind of mind boggling when you think of it. How can this have worked "well?" in their development/testing environment only to break so bad in production? Man, I'm a programmer.. if I did something like this in my company I would be in some sort of very bad trouble. Then again, Microsoft has been famous for beta testing their production releases on the general public and calling them solidly tested updates. *sigh*

  2. > @"Hellbore.1473" said:

    > Word to the wise, don't play on new release day and expect it to function as designed. I've been here long enough to know how this kitten works... WAIT at least a day or two so that Arenanet can iron out dem bugs that should have been taken care of by the QA team. I know that sounds harsh, and I understand there are many variables and unknowns when dealing with a live environment. BUT, I been experiencing that same errors and bugs with every single release. Every. Single. One. Multiple threads can attest to these facts (I will not bother to link, I dont care enough say what you will). Again, if you do not want to deal with the frustration, just wait to play on any other day except release day. As of right now I've wasted more time logging and relogging then actually playing the episode.


    so very true... right now I can't even get back into the game.. it keeps getting a network error. Will just wait until tonight after 2 or 3 patches have been applied... :P

  3. > @"Mil.3562" said:

    > > @"Rimu.7105" said:

    > > > @"Roxanne.6140" said:

    > > > There are commanders. They just run closed or tagless. Not all and not all the time, but it's getting to be the trend.

    > >

    > > I personally dont like that trend...its rather pointless imo...why wouldnt you want a large team to take out stuff with? more people = more supplies = more seige = more walls dead = more captures....


    > What happened is many guild leaders are getting more and more selfish and 'guild centred'. I believe these are tactics to 'force' you to join their guilds. These days, many small wvw guilds are desperate for more members in preparation for the coming wvw restructuring. Everyone wants to be the strongest and biggest guild. Can you see the problem ANet? More to come.


    > And what is this rallybot cancer that people are starting to spread? Those pugs, roamers and solos that joined the commander are doing exactly what everyone else is doing. They fight enemies, build sieges, repair walls and revive downed allies. In fact, i noticed that there are some guilds whose members who revive only their own and no one else.


    I'm currently running on SoR which is linked with JQ....


    I don't believe this is in any way designed to get people to want to join "your" guild. So many guilds these days it seems are more fight focused, and what that means is trying to build groups of people that run specific builds and hopefully run them in the way that benefits the group as a whole and promotes more battle wins.


    I have no problem with these sentiments actually. I am in one such guild and we run closed a lot of the time to "train" and to try to use our training to see how much we can withstand and win against bigger forces. It's fun, and intense, and I am a master at beaming to the waypoint!


    Then we will very often run open squad and haul in a bunch of pugs and just have a free for all fun time. It's not all the time but it happens.


    There are those people that do run open squads quite a bit and I haven't had problems finding them when I'm just in the mood for running around with a group taking everything we can. We win, we lose, we have fun, which is truly the only reason to play this or any game frankly.


    Sometimes I'll pop a tag and if you see "Tim Loves Pugs" with a tag up you know it's militia time in that BL with absolutely zero guarantee of survival... but a definite guarantee of pips and fun if you can handle dying. :)

  4. > @"Menzo.2185" said:

    > And do you think I don't know that? Which part of "I can prove that this is happening." u didn't read?


    Since you don’t have the actual numbers that anet has sry but you can’t prove it definitively. Let’s stop here though because there’s no need to start a yelling match over something neither of us can prove

  5. > @"Menzo.2185" said:

    > * Sorry my google translator english


    > I am from the SoS server and I play WvW every day with my guild. However, I constantly see BG, JQ and SBi putting more people on the same border as I am, while SoS is queuing at this same BL. Was it not for each color (red, blue and green) be able to put equal numbers on the borders? Why have I approx. 40 people on the border, fighting 60 reds and 80 green, seeing a queue in that same border?


    > Is the queue related to server population capacity? Is this fair?


    > 90 JQ x 90 SBi x 90 SoS = 270 ppl in one BL

    > If SoS only put 50, ok ... it's my server's problem. But I can not see a queue at this border, that's not fair.

    > And I can prove that this is happening.


    > Anet, do not fool us, balance this equally. PLEASE!


    Just because you don’t have as many in your group as the other teams do doesn’t mean you don’t have equal numbers on th bl in total. Pop into spawn, Garri etc and you will find afkers scouts roamers etc.

  6. > @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

    > Is there any way that A-net can show server population with links? Don't punish players for playing the game. Server status shouldn't be based on playtime.


    They could if they wanted.. but they've made it clear in the past that there's no way they will ever give out the actual numbers on any server.

  7. > @"Optimator.3589" said:

    > If you're playing WvW solely to see your rank number go up, you maybe need to think about moving on to something else. It's just a number that has no bearing on gameplay whatsoever. Play the game because you enjoy how it plays, or play something else.


    Totally agree! If anything I don't want my rank to go up. I'm Platinum and that puts enough of a target on me as it is. People just love to go after pretty much anything gold and up. They can super slow down the wxp for all I care.. lol.. just keep those trash goodies coming so I have something to salvage! ;)

  8. > @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

    > I've seen some 10k rank players who were lightly put garbage .. i.e. running full trps dh thats the only build they learned in eotm. Then they scream 'zomg dey focuses me cuz i r diamond.' No you just walked into 30 guys and overextended.


    but.... if I see diamond especially.. I definitely focus them. I saw one diamond guy once standing and watching "his" people fighting. He was standing on the overpass by Vale like he was the master watching his students. A guardian.... yes a noble sort... I'm just a soulbeast... and frankly guardians are hard for me to kill... but... he died. Oddly he didn't come back to idly stand in that spot again anytime soon... go figure.. I thought for sure he'd come back to prove his mettle... but nope.. bah...

  9. > @"Zalani.9827" said:

    > > @"Helreginn.1894" said:

    > > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > > > @"High House Dobby.5316" said:

    > > > > Since you're on DB... If you see Monkey talking on team chat. Just ignore him. He's an outlier.

    > > >

    > > > I miss being called a noob by someone so stupid he frequently misspells 4 letter words....like "noob".

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > Wait, DB has a Monkey too? We also have a Monkey who will misspell anything (I'm on TC). Does every server have a Monkey??? :open_mouth:


    > Mans been on DB since release, it's probably the same guy though lol.


    He hasn't been on DB since release. He was on BP for a very long time before moving to DB.

  10. T1? No thanks really... for me I find T1 is a cluster!@#$@#$ of garbage mostly. Not near as much fun as the lower tiers where you can actually get some fights in without being steamrolled by map queues of blobs that insist they are the best because they can outnumber you by at least double and so on and so on. Truly I'm not salty about that... much... just not interested in it.

  11. > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

    > Why does it even matter when PPT Means nothing? Those guys night capping and you getting angry about it is a waste of energy.


    Exactly. ya, let's penalize people for coming online when they can and trying to have some fun in the game that most paid for. Let's also get upset about the "night capping" because we might.... lose? Lose what? At the worst we get papered and guess what.. you GET PIPS for all that back capping. THAT is all that's really left in WvW other than the fight groups. Seriously people have to stop getting upset about "losing our stuff". Can you imagine if we never lost our stuff? What would we gain? No pips, no xp, nothing.... Let it go! so we can get it back...winning means zero in WvW so just try to have fun... get some good fights in... and let the k-train (not really k-train since you don't get crap for karma anymore)... do their thing and get their own pips where they can.. :)

  12. Too many maps? Nope I don't see that by any stretch. One for each server and the battle grounds... not sure how that can be too many.. if anything, not enough imo at those times when queues are so large.... but that was what eotm was supposed to be before it died a painful death due to bad everything. It should have been another 3 way server battle map and not a 3 way mega-server pve type garbage map. imo.. :P

  13. > @"Sky Fell.7604" said:

    > SoR is great! We here at JQ love the people in SoR. They're fun to play with and friendly!

    > Anyone looking for a link to bounce around in and play with new guilds should definitely consider it!

    > Very sad to say we'll likely unlink in a few weeks. SoR will be sorely missed.


    As one of the recent people to move to SoR I have to agree... having lots of fun with SoR and JQ. :)

  14. > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

    > > @"Skynet.7201" said:

    > > I think fundamentally changing WvW like that is a horrible idea, and not what many of us bought the game for.

    > >

    > > And, no offense, that looks boring.


    > How does it change the game fundamentally? you fight over ships instead of towers and keeps.


    You're still fighting over your items/territory etc. I don't see a big difference except what you're fighting for. Still fighting enemy, still protecting/taking stuff... not right?

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