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Posts posted by Balthazzarr.1349

  1. > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

    > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > It is _especially_ annoying that you cannot completely remove people from your Friends list since you have to add strangers to your Friends list first before you can invite them into your party via map chat right-click. Remove Friend, including from the Followers list, would be a real QoL feature.


    > You don't have to be Friends with someone to invite them to a party that way. Sometimes other issues can prevent it working properly, though.


    To be able to right click/invite, most of the time they have to be on your friends list..


    I just: /invite user.1234 for example so I don’t have to add someone unless I really want to.

  2. > @"Toolbox.9375" said:

    > Are you utilizing the combat camera mechanic that was added a little while back? That seems to override the game's targeting outside of a certain angle, for me, and may override stealth targeting entirely.


    I will have to check. I haven’t made any setup changes at all so if this is an issue then it would have been turned on by ‘the game’ cause I didn’t. Next time I’m in game I’ll have a look.

  3. > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > So what happened? It seems my rapid fire doesn’t track someone who stealths after I start hitting him. Did I miss an announcement about this change or is it a bug?


    > if you move and the stealthed moves through you, you interrupt yourself.

    > it still tracks like it used to. what exactly did happen to you that you think it doesnt anymore?


    Doing what I always do... rapid fire hitting a thief, he’s running away then steaths before rapid fire stops and it does NOT keep tracking/hitting like it used to.


    The last three times chasing down thiefs has been the same. Soon as they stealth I stop hitting.

  4. The quartermaster dies so fast I don’t see the issue. I shoot him down in less than a second. Rapid fire followed by knockback then maybe one more hit and he’s dead. If people can’t take him down like that then yes they should not hit him.


    At no point when I attack him does he ever move anything but backwards then dead.

  5. > @"Tibicia.8315" said:

    > Yes, I saw the emitter part. It did not bring back my missing cats. I was also hoping reset, but that was a few mins ago, and...nope. No cats. Tried the emitter again, still no cats. :/


    If the emitter is up then no cats.. if it's down then the cats will reappear after you exit then re-enter the home instance.

  6. > @"morrolan.9608" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"morrolan.9608" said:

    > > > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > > It seems odd to me that a bunch of guilds left SoS at a time when it wasn't 'full'... but it's full now? ... and another big guild just left SoS to go to Borlis Pass. Please do NOT make this into a matchup thread because it isn't meant to be that... I just don't understand how a server can become full AFTER a bunch of guilds leave...

    > > >

    > > > Is that Envy who left for BP?

    > > >

    > > > If they just left the world pop won't be updated until next week now.

    > >

    > > yes that’s the one ?


    > So they recruit SOS players then leave, fantastic.


    yes they had a pretty large group by the time they left.

  7. > @"morrolan.9608" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > It seems odd to me that a bunch of guilds left SoS at a time when it wasn't 'full'... but it's full now? ... and another big guild just left SoS to go to Borlis Pass. Please do NOT make this into a matchup thread because it isn't meant to be that... I just don't understand how a server can become full AFTER a bunch of guilds leave...


    > Is that Envy who left for BP?


    > If they just left the world pop won't be updated until next week now.


    yes that’s the one ?

  8. > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

    > Probably because the algorithm for server size is based on play time of characters rather than the actual amount of people on the server. And will take a while to kick in.


    When I talk about people "leaving the server" I am talking about the groups that actually play WvW. I don't know who the guild [Cook] is but I assume they come online when I'm not there?? Ah well, it is what it is... just makes me wonder is all...

  9. It seems odd to me that a bunch of guilds left SoS at a time when it wasn't 'full'... but it's full now? ... and another big guild just left SoS to go to Borlis Pass. Please do NOT make this into a matchup thread because it isn't meant to be that... I just don't understand how a server can become full AFTER a bunch of guilds leave...

  10. I guess nobody has come up against this before... there is an item called: Feline Dispersal Unit that you can also get, which I had. One of my fine friends must have activated it because I just noticed it sitting there and hit the 'F', went out and back in and well there ya go... kitties again... go figure... sheesh again..

  11. The OP isn't unique to EU. It's pretty much all over on NA as well.


    I am a roamer/havoc at heart. I will go where I want, when I want... and I will also run WITH a commander using specific builds designed for group fighting when the mood hits.. All of it is fun. There's lots of us types around...


    ... and then you have what you have mentioned... and that's the many many new people, either here for items they need for legendary stuff or some other reason... Most people I see in groups have under 1k wxp... actually most have under 300...(I have 3400+, not stellar but up there somewhere) and No they don't understand the "community" mentality because frankly.. other than the non-linked servers it doesn't exist much anymore. Linked servers have "no home" and not much community spirit anymore since they're tossed around every couple of months. The host servers (some of them) are taking a beating too.. Crystal Desert was a host but is now linked because people left.. and so on.


    The spirit of WvW has been broken for some time now in both EU and NA. Possibly if/when the new alliance system comes in some of that will change but I have my doubts... we will see.

  12. yep it's pretty bad when you have to set up traps there to take sups and remove stealth... and scout constantly... killed 2 people in the last couple hours coming in that way.. testing the scouting I assume... paid the price... :P

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