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Posts posted by Balthazzarr.1349

  1. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > @"High House Dobby.5316" said:

    > > Since you're on DB... If you see Monkey talking on team chat. Just ignore him. He's an outlier.


    > I miss being called a noob by someone so stupid he frequently misspells 4 letter words....like "noob".




    oh you spelled that wrong... it's NOOOOOOOOOOOOOB


  2. When the alliance goes live there won't be servers as we know them. They will be dynamically created each cycle (whatever that cycle is). They will be balanced based on wxp, guild alliances and a handful of other things as noted in the original announcement. The bottom line is that at the start of each new cycle there won't be servers with tons more players than the other servers, and so on.


    Read the announcement and then the FAQ's... lots of good information in there if you don't read too far into the back and forth from forum posters.

  3. > @"Kolmena.2416" said:

    > Blackgate was winning every WvW match-up until now. Why is the server in 3rd place on this current match-up? Did guilds leave or what? I'm planing on playing the game again and my account is on Blackgate but if it's gonna be a dead server which server should I go to?


    They're trying to follow SoS into T2 so they can kill us again... bahahaaaa

  4. > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > > Nah, it couldnt. One skill (barrage), which also does little dmg... Nah. You can play that outside squad, as FB will do every other role (heal+support) much, much better than a ranger. Soulbeast+stanceshare MAY be better, but theres another extensive topic about that. So, sadly, ranger cant get into squad as it is...

    > >

    > > That depends on the squad and the soulbeast. Regardless of how much spam the poor old soulbeast endures it's a pretty decent precision killer yes... and it does have some condi clearing and other sharable things. Not like "that other class", but each to its own. When our fight group is out doing what we do we typically have one soulbeast in the group that survives fairly well and kills a lot. Boon Share, condi clear, healing? oh yes we have classes for that... but seriously you just don't HAVE to have every player in one of the three preferred classes.

    > >

    > > We could start up this old back and forth about Ranger/soulbeasts again but I promise I won't. I've said my piece, and I will continue to be IN the squad every time I run. Matter of fact I haven't found a squad yet that doesn't let me in with my Soulbeast so despite what pretty much everyone says about not being permitted in squads... here I am. :)


    > You have posted time and again in different topics about soulbeast. The fact that YOU, only ONE soulbeast, are in squads, means everything someone needs to know about what soulbeast can do and how useful it can be. The vast majority prefer FB, scourges, weavers or eles, because they do much better than soulbeast, in General. A bad scourge will still do better than a good soulbeast. No hate, just facts.


    haaaa no way. I have level 80 of everything... and I'm not a good scourge in my opinion... oh I hit the skills most of the time when asked.. and usually in the spot required... then try to live while the cooldowns are happening etc. I play the scourge build desired by my guild and so on and so on. I still survive longer and kill more with my soulbeast.. and yes.. heh... you're right.. I guess I've been pounding the Soulbeast pavement a little more than I probably should.


    I keep hearing that a bad scourge, firebrand, etc is still better than a soulbeast... but in my own experience, and I'm really not that terrible with over 3k wxp and most of that actual action and not pvd... I'm still better with my soulbeast... so in my mind.. a bad scourge isn't better... at least not my bad scourge. Maybe I should play it MORE? and/or my other classes more? but I can't.. I just can't... I got this love affair with my soulbeast that I can't let go. :)

  5. > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > Nah, it couldnt. One skill (barrage), which also does little dmg... Nah. You can play that outside squad, as FB will do every other role (heal+support) much, much better than a ranger. Soulbeast+stanceshare MAY be better, but theres another extensive topic about that. So, sadly, ranger cant get into squad as it is...


    That depends on the squad and the soulbeast. Regardless of how much spam the poor old soulbeast endures it's a pretty decent precision killer yes... and it does have some condi clearing and other sharable things. Not like "that other class", but each to its own. When our fight group is out doing what we do we typically have one soulbeast in the group that survives fairly well and kills a lot. Boon Share, condi clear, healing? oh yes we have classes for that... but seriously you just don't HAVE to have every player in one of the three preferred classes.


    We could start up this old back and forth about Ranger/soulbeasts again but I promise I won't. I've said my piece, and I will continue to be IN the squad every time I run. Matter of fact I haven't found a squad yet that doesn't let me in with my Soulbeast so despite what pretty much everyone says about not being permitted in squads... here I am. :)

  6. > @"Tor.1365" said:

    > There are probably a few options that will generate all clones close together, but the only 'instant' way I can think of is a mirage running Deceptive Evasion (trait) and Mirror Images Utility. It should generate 3 clones near instantly, and (should be) shatterable during the mirage evade frames.


    > It could also be any other clone generating skill combined with Mirror Images firing at the end of the cast.


    That works beautifully... and actually I used Mirror Images and Decoy to do this. Get your target, hit mirror images then decoy.. BAM.... Three clones in a fraction of a second. Sweet! Now to practice more!!!

  7. One of the main questions still hasn't been answered. How can a mesmer of any type pop 3 clones in a split second? I thought you had to hit a skill of some sort, that skill will generate a clone etc.. not three at once. I've seen this happen as well with mirages, and other mesmers and wondered how the world it's done.

  8. > @"Tajiseed.7831" said:

    > Thanks for feedback - I still (alone it seems) think it would be great, perhaps mount only available if 10+ in squad within range, and the 'aoe' boon etc applies then.


    > I also thought that cmdr tags were relatively rare due to cost, I'm possibly just being ignorant here.


    > *Tajiseed furiously scribbles out suggestion of mounted cavalry combat with charges/battle standards etc on a large open plan WvW map*


    nah you're not being ignorant... but a lot more people have tags than will admit. On some special event nights like we used to have on Crystal Desert when I was on there we could have 20 tags running around in ONE guild, just for fun. so ya there's a lot of people with tags out there... most people just don't use them.


    Back on the subject though... I still believe that in no way would mounts be beneficial in wvw ever. Easy enough to get around on ALL maps as it is if you know the maps. And as noted previously making it commander only, even if there was a squad number limit on it.. would just make the commander a target and he would be the first to fall every time. Definitely would not be a fun time for anyone except the people sniping down the commander ;)

  9. > @"KevEveryDay.8163" said:

    > where might one get ahold of these macros? seems interesting


    careful... you can use a "macro" to initiate ONE action... if you have a macro set up in GW2 to initiate a series of actions then you are in violation of the terms and if caught could be banned for a period of time.

  10. > @"Uon.7491" said:

    > It's more common than what people think. I left a large WvW Guild because it was mandatory to use a macro for Soulbeast, else you were kicked from squad or told to play something else. Most of the professions had links to an optional macro and program. /me sighs.


    > I've never used a macro, and will never use a macro, but that does not help me against all those that do. _cough~~Mesmers&Thieves~~cough_


    hmm.. wonder if it was the same guild I was on at one time.. :P

  11. > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > > > > @"Jerry CCH.9816" said:

    > > > > > If you want beat BG just stack SEA guilds.

    > > > > > bunch of guilds wipe twice then dodge map :/

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Too bad there aren't any good SEA guilds left except the ones on BG.

    > > > sotd of dh is still good. =)

    > > >

    > > > my guild is late sea to eu. we are only 8 though u.u

    > >

    > > How do they do against Cookie?


    > dunno. whos cookie


    ah... cookie.. apparently the Legend of WvW. A commander better than all commanders... and I don't say that in jest. People I talk to on different servers pretty much all say the same thing. He's VERY good (so the legends go) and if you get the pleasure of meeting up with his band of demons... prepare to die. ... and no I'm not on BG ;)

  12. > @"guest.9472" said:

    > SoS is filled with campers shouting recon instead of banding together to fight. Half of the server just stays inside of the spawn. Of course it feels like BG and YB are ganging up but it simply is SoS being a casual playground of a server. I'd love to join YB or BG considering the fact that I can solo encounters with entire zergs. I called out the SoS leadership and they simply told everyone to spam report me to get me banned. Face it: if you're on SoS, you're not going to enjoy most of WvW lmao. Those sparse moments where a commander actually holds respectable numbers behind them are frequently interrupted by knee-jerk node jumping.


    > The numbers then fade and all that is left are weak roamers and campers shouting recon. Where are the individuals with the confidence to take action? Seems like I am the only person fighting, not that I mind. I can't really be beaten in WvW, not matter the circumstance.


    Leadership? We have that?


    As for spawn sitting... lol, huh? ok then that's big news to me but then again I don't sit at spawn... most people don't that I know of, although many do because some just don't realize you can pip down in OS. Some experiences you had with obviously some odd groups don't represent the whole server. But hey, I'm not trying to sell it. We definitely don't, for the most part, have huge groups all the time, but we do have some nice smaller groups that do like to fight. Can't do it 24x7 but when we do we have fun one way or the other. People I know, and it's a decent number, actually have a lot of fun on SoS. Like most servers it's a nice community with its obvious trolls here and there... but still a lot of fun. :)

  13. > @"X T D.6458" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:


    > > Hey I'm pretty sure I saw XTD in there causing trouble too! ahahaaaa


    > Trouble is my middle name ;)


    > Let me just say that SoS really needs to understand map politics. If you don't, well it can come back to bite you on the you know what.


    lol.. oh ya I get it. The blobs ain't gonna stop... but that won't stop me from going back in again and again and causing whatever trouble I can too :)

  14. > @"Dreggon.6598" said:

    > well here's a dumb idea i threw together


    > make all structures invulnerable except the main one in each map - SMC in EB, and the garrisons in each borderlands, would be the only vulnerable structures


    > while you're inside one of those contested structures that your team owns, you get drip-fed WXP and reward track progress. the goal is to capture those structures so you get the gradual rewards, and defend them so you don't lose those rewards.


    > i haven't thought it through any more than this, if you like it then great


    Invulnerable? All structures except one? What would be the purpose of that? Might as well just make a new map that have just one structure in it that everyone fights over. What you're suggesting sounds like everyone would just sit inside their own Garri and get drip fed WXP and rewards for doing... nothing. ???


    That's what it seems like to me anyway, and if that's the case then seriously this wouldn't work out well at all.

  15. OK! I am FAR from the conspiracy theorist... as far as you can get... and last night... oh baby... it doesn't get any clearer than this. NSP was trying to take our Bay.. Out of nowhere comes a BG blob and hits our Garri... takes down the outter se gate. Then sits on the se wall running back and forth. The moment Bay is capped by NSP then BG leaves. Oh ya they take NET and fire a few shots at Garri to make it look like they actually wanted to hit it... then they were gone again.


    Nobody can convince me that this wasn't clearly planned.. even if ONLY by BG themselves. NSP might not have even known about it for all that matters. But it was clearly an assist to have Bay taken by NSP.


    After all is said and done I'm not complaining at all... I'm amused. I have many thoughts as we humans do about the motivation and at the end of the day it really doesn't matter. I suppose if I was in the server with more people than any other server by far, and bored, I would also want to find ways to amuse myself. I mean it really has to be boring knowing that all you need to do is blob up and take what you really want if you want to... much of the time anyway.


    Hey I'm pretty sure I saw XTD in there causing trouble too! ahahaaaa

  16. > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

    > So I have been noticing this a lot more recently. People getting stuck in walls when repairing the walls. It used to happen occasionally, now it seems to happen almost every time. Not sure if it's a result of a new update or what. Anyone else experiencing this?


    I have learned that the best thing is to just go to the spot where it gives you the option to repair and NO further. So far I haven’t been trapped since doing this.

  17. > @"Brother.1504" said:

    > Bg player here. Message for yb pls and thanks. Hit SoS garrison just after reset. Bg will hit SoS keep in ebg at the same time. TYVM comrade.


    > Ps. Don’t tell anyone it’s a secret.


    > Pss. No collusion. Xoxo.


    ?. I knew it! Not fake news!!!!

  18. > @"Eremes Guile.1480" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"Eremes Guile.1480" said:

    > > > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > > > @"Eremes Guile.1480" said:

    > > > > > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"X T D.6458" said:

    > > > > > > > > Sometimes its map politics,

    > > > > > > > > Sometimes its payback,

    > > > > > > > > Sometimes its for funsies.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > lol... ah the feeling of being steamrolled by 60 BG killers. I have no complaints though. It is what it is. I know it's there and frankly it's a lot of fun to poke (the hornets nest) aka fire keep or even set on dbl, a few times with a bunch of people and watch the big blob of BG flood over the wall as we port away. oooh yaaa.. we is trollin ya too! lol

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > ... and case in point ... a very short while ago a handful of us (about 15) were heading to swc on DBL. A scout sees us going passed the SWT. I say to the group.. prepare for a BG blob of at least 25 coming to the camp.... by the time we got there so was the blob. Some even laughed... oh it must be so much fun taking down half your numbers.. but as they say, it is what it is! That's the BG way... now if they had sent even numbers they would have died!

    > > > > >

    > > > > > 15 is enough to take on 25 no-skill BG. Kek.

    > > > >

    > > > > haha... well yes if the 15 are skilled and organized and not a random pug group like ours... ;)... although when I say at least 25 I mean more like 30 or more... when they descended on us we disappeared amongst them... that's how many there were... we looked like a few ants on an ant hill.

    > > >

    > > > make up your mind, 25 or 30??? anyways, its good that you guys are still having fun, likewise, every squad will respon to a scout call on team-chat... but still tho, you can still drop to t2 or something where you can just k-train everything like last week (Y)

    > >

    > > I definitely didn’t like that. Much prefer the insanity that is T1


    > welp welcome back! anyways i remember, we were having some fun fights with yb, then they had to stop and respon to SOS tryna cap their stuffs, and then yb came back to fight us, but then we had to respon to SOS tryna get in inner smc... so both BG and YB gets annoyed and decided to hit SOS's stuffs.


    lol... sounds like war!!!!

  19. > @"Eremes Guile.1480" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"Eremes Guile.1480" said:

    > > > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > > > > @"X T D.6458" said:

    > > > > > > Sometimes its map politics,

    > > > > > > Sometimes its payback,

    > > > > > > Sometimes its for funsies.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > lol... ah the feeling of being steamrolled by 60 BG killers. I have no complaints though. It is what it is. I know it's there and frankly it's a lot of fun to poke (the hornets nest) aka fire keep or even set on dbl, a few times with a bunch of people and watch the big blob of BG flood over the wall as we port away. oooh yaaa.. we is trollin ya too! lol

    > > > >

    > > > > ... and case in point ... a very short while ago a handful of us (about 15) were heading to swc on DBL. A scout sees us going passed the SWT. I say to the group.. prepare for a BG blob of at least 25 coming to the camp.... by the time we got there so was the blob. Some even laughed... oh it must be so much fun taking down half your numbers.. but as they say, it is what it is! That's the BG way... now if they had sent even numbers they would have died!

    > > >

    > > > 15 is enough to take on 25 no-skill BG. Kek.

    > >

    > > haha... well yes if the 15 are skilled and organized and not a random pug group like ours... ;)... although when I say at least 25 I mean more like 30 or more... when they descended on us we disappeared amongst them... that's how many there were... we looked like a few ants on an ant hill.


    > make up your mind, 25 or 30??? anyways, its good that you guys are still having fun, likewise, every squad will respon to a scout call on team-chat... but still tho, you can still drop to t2 or something where you can just k-train everything like last week (Y)


    I definitely didn’t like that. Much prefer the insanity that is T1

  20. > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

    > > > Must be a lot of new people on SoS or something..

    > >

    > > New linking... BP linked with SoS this run...


    > I mean to come in here and complain about what's happening to them being red in t1 when it's been happening for 9 months with their involvement.

    > Tables turned 0 sympathy.


    hmmm... ok must be talking about the original op then.. no complaints here though. Just a good ol ( and definitely not young), guy having fun! wp mastery and all.

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