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Posts posted by Balthazzarr.1349

  1. > @"Justine.6351" said:

    > > @"Brother.1504" said:

    > > For many reasons mounts in the current pve form present problems for wvw. But I still want them.


    > You and me both.


    > At least raptors. People seem to forget you cannot mount unless you are not currently in combat, anet would likely create a different set of masteries for the mounts and that they would likely be paired with territories.


    > The same people vehemently against mounts are probably the same people that were vehemently against gliders and are probably inclusive to the population of players who are currently enjoying the benefits of gliding (aka everyone at this point).


    ah not me. I always wanted gliding, but definitely not mounts.

  2. naaaa... the thrill of the WvW game is that rush to get to the other side of the map "just in time"! to save the tower or keep... or NOT. For me that makes it more fun. Keeps and Towers will always flip... otherwise we won't have anything to do. So it's the fun of the challenge to get there in time, then hopefully wipe the enemy. If we always had the ability to get there pretty much RIGHT NOW, then we might as well remove the walls and just fight in the field. Just my thoughts.. ;)

  3. > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > =) dont worry about the pips. do your best effort.

    > >

    > > hehe.... it's funny how I tell myself I don't care about the pips and the trash that comes with it... and then when I don't get them I miss it... but as you say... yep I'm out there fighting "for the cause"!... and I think the cause is... cause I wanna! :)


    > If you worry about pips too much, you'll burn out. I finished my legendary t2 wvw set of armour on christmas eve, and I haven't played seriously since then. Burnt out completely after capping my tickets each week for some 23 weeks or so.


    After 12 legendaries I don't go for those anymore... haven't even thought about any of the new ones.. yep too much grind ;)

  4. > @"boolah.1325" said:

    > you play wvw for the pips???


    lol... I actually don't... I don't even typically sit in spawn or OS waiting for them to cool down... but... it's kind of like that "thing" where you feel like it's some sort of measure of what you're doing... a visual thing that gives you that satisfaction that you are indeed kicking butt... and dying of course (WP mastery awayyyy). The "goodies"? Don't care about them because from what I can see there's nothing there to really care about getting. Just some sort of satisfaction when I hit that diamond level. ;)


  5. > @"reddie.5861" said:

    > well as roamer im gonna miss my server i guess well not the server but my servers community/teamspeak.

    > im not gonna end up in ally cus no1 cares about roamers at the end the blob does the big things i (we roamers) do the little things that no1 notice.

    > so ye im just gonna be pushed even harder into solo play if u ask me.


    Hey no reason the teamspeaks have to disappear. They can be renamed, or just used asis by the owners. Whoever these people are can offer the given TS up for use by whatever world they're connected with and so on... or not :) Up to them of course.

  6. > @"floppypuppy.5789" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"floppypuppy.5789" said:

    > > > We need an unopened chest/box gobbler that takes all unopened reward track boxes in your inventory, automatically opens them (and any nested boxes) and sells the contents on the trading post.

    > >

    > > oh nooooo... lol.... what if it opened up an exotic that you didn't have but probably really wanted... BAM it's gone! I'm not sure about you but even with having max chests available in my inv with tons of slots I fill them up during a wvw run. Opening all PLUS the nested chests would plug them up big time ;)


    > Lol if thats what you want then you don't have to use it. My inv gets filled multiple times a night and the next day it seems like I always spend about 20 mins opening boxes and boxes within boxes only to get 99.99999% things I don't have the slightest care about.


    That’s true!

  7. > @"floppypuppy.5789" said:

    > We need an unopened chest/box gobbler that takes all unopened reward track boxes in your inventory, automatically opens them (and any nested boxes) and sells the contents on the trading post.


    oh nooooo... lol.... what if it opened up an exotic that you didn't have but probably really wanted... BAM it's gone! I'm not sure about you but even with having max chests available in my inv with tons of slots I fill them up during a wvw run. Opening all PLUS the nested chests would plug them up big time ;)

  8. > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

    > > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

    > > Don't really care if the moment to moment game play isn't fixed.


    > This.

    > Won't matter how much you shuffle people around, if the quality of game play continues to degrade it won't matter.


    > --------------------------------

    > Also if people haven't noticed, in the last year there hasn't been any big bandwagons and stacking going on, in fact a lot of the top servers have gone down to more mid tier status, TC MAG JQ, YB DB previous to that. SoS got one of their old retired blob guilds back and another retired one more recently, the only real problem is BG that's basically left from the old era, but that problem is contained in tier one at the moment. Hell they were so far ahead in this weeks score they stopped playing from yesterday. While the new system is a reset button, I am concerned that the system will restart the stack wars again through alliances, although that should be a brief time since servers reset every 8 weeks anyways.



    Well, with alliance numbers being capped I think that stacking will be a lot more difficult. Each new season will see a regrouping of people into the newly generated worlds and each world balanced as close to equal numbers, and skill sets where possible so they say, as possible. So it seems to me that the stacking like BG experienced "back in the day" simply won't really be an issue. Looking forward to seeing how this all works though! :)

  9. > @"Kitta.3657" said:

    > > @"hmsgoddess.3869" said:

    > > Please no opn upgrades going back to costing something this was horrible before and doesn't need to return I spent so much in my WvW life when this was a thing please please do not being that back - badges of honor are a dead currancies is wrong, and you can already donate those to you guild go to your guild's wvw war room and spend badges of honor on badge of tribute for scribes to make guild siege.


    > It was only terrible because it costed gold which made it non-rewarding for players that were investing in. Badges of Honor is completely a dead currency regardless of the fact that there are avenues to spend it, it's still not worth spending. I have thousands upon thousands sitting there with no use and I know majority of people do as well. And my suggestion for donating to your guild are for this specific use for upgrades and not for buying siege. Not everyone needs siege - especially with how it's thrown at you so much. The cost of siege has dropped so low because of that. I completely disagree with you, auto-upgrades are horrible and only helped relieve the gold cost while introducing issues we didn't need.


    hmm... badges of honor can be converted to badges of tribute and used by scribes to make guild siege at a relatively low cost. For those that use siege this is a good thing.


    I totally agree with hmsgoddess though.. managing camps and yaks seems a lot more "active" than running in and out of a structure and spending silver and gold to upgrade it. Gets people out in the field defending those lumbering beasts. To me it's a better system. :)

  10. > @"Turk.5460" said:

    > > @"Tyyphoon.5301" said:

    > > Please reincorporate _crafting stations_ back into WvW. That was a QoL feature much missed. With all the mats generated from the massive bag farms I get the opportunity to participate in on Maguuma, I constantly find my mats at x250 limits sitting in my inventory and crafts bank. This limits my additional bag farm potential. But having crafting stations in WvW would let me compact my mats by promoting them to higher tiers and thus, allowing me to reclaim much needed bank and inventory spaces (I have maxed inventory and both salvage-o-matics, and still lack space during WvW fights) without having to exit WvW to Lion's Arch or MistLock to use crafting stations.

    > >

    > > The arguments made about WvW queues caused by crafting stations are fallacies. Desert BL rarely has any queues on Mag (and probably most other servers) outside of reset night. I can remain in WvW and continue to craft and still engage in team chat, without disturbing the flow of other players.

    > >

    > > Thanks again for thinking of us WvW players regarding QoL changes. Much appreciated.


    > This belongs in OS if anything. They do not belong in the main areas, there were times when crafting stations had 20+ people doing nothing helpful at spawn.


    Agreed! However now we have 20+ people afk at spawn letting pips run down!!

  11. > @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

    > > @"Chaba.5410" said:

    > > McKenna wrote:

    > >

    > > "We plan to track stats like play hours in WvW, commander time and squad size, time of day, and participation levels. "

    > >

    > > Given that players will only be able to choose one WvW guild per account, the statistics will be skewed for a bit for players with multiple WvW guilds. It is very likely you will need to take current guild membership into account when looking at play hours and make some adjustments to account for guild splits, subtracting hours.

    > >

    > > For example, I have one main WvW account and two main WvW guilds that rally at different times. I use a single WvW account for both guilds. But it is very likely that the two guilds will end up on different teams and thus halve the total play hours on the main WvW account. I know I'm not the only player who rallies with more than one WvW guild and will be affected like this.


    > Your play time will only apply to the guild you select as your WvW guild. You can only select one guild per account. If you play with multiple account then the play time of each account would be applied to the guild that was selected on that account.


    > This would in effect mean if you have one account and play with two different guilds the total play time for the account will be applied to the guild that you pick. If you are saying that your play time will change as a result of not being able to join your other rally then it will take some time to adjust to your new play hours.


    The fix for playing with the people you are playing with now would be to put both of your guilds into the same alliance. As long as the guild leaders allow that to happen then your guilds will always be together and you can play with all your friends. It doesn't matter which guild you rep because you can rep any guild you want, even one that's not in an alliance. All that matters to play together is for you to either all be in the same guild, or have your guilds in alliances... and I think at a lower level friend lists and such might apply but that's up to the dev to answer.


    As for your play hours... they are YOUR play hours regardless of what guild you are repping. It doesn't matter how many guilds you have, you can still only play x amount of hours as one person right? regardless of which guild you rep. If ANet is looking at the time you play in WvW to have that time applied to the guild you have marked as your WvW guild for some sort of metrics then I can see a bit of concern here... but not much to in my way of thinking.


    After all is said and done the key to making sure that the time you spend in WvW goes basically to 'all' of your guilds is to get them all into the same alliance. Yes it appears that the time would be applied, for metrics, to the WvW selected guild... but with your other guilds in the alliance they wouldn't become excluded at next season relinking.


    I'll let Raymond correct me if any of my assumptions are wrong :)



  12. > @"Boulder.3589" said:

    > > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

    > > > @"Boulder.3589" said:

    > > > Yes, Build templates please, maybe even keybindable or a button on the UI so switching doesnt require opening the character window first.

    > >

    > > A keybind that goes straight to specialisation menu? I made a post about this a long time ago but I don't know what the repercussions would be, also no one answered that thread hehe.


    > No that still takes too much time. I meant a button that will immediately load up your other pre-saved build when out of combat. Like how you can click the weapon swop button to swop weapon. Ofcourse you would still need to go create that build in your build window beforehand and save it first. Multiple buttons with multiple build slots would be awesome but I'm getting a little greedy now.


    Other games have things like this.. This would be an awesome addition to WvW. Having sets and builds for roaming, havoc, team fighting, and being able to swap builds on the fly to adapt to the play style you want to do in the next moment would be a wonderful addition!

  13. > @"grubnick.7849" said:

    > A way to auto-consume consumables would be nice. Often in mid fight the buffs drop and having to juggle eating food while fighting is clunky.


    YES.. For example have two slots, one for utilities and one for food. Whatever you put in there is automatically applied to your character when the current one runs out. You can switch them as you wish but these two slots would be specifically for this purpose only.


    This would be a GREAT addition to QOL in WvW.

  14. > @"brianmiguel.8517" said:

    > So will guilds need to kick inactive members in order to not take up alliance slots?


    No... the only members that will count will be the ones that have the guild flagged as their WvW guild. Anyone who doesn't have a WvW guild indicated for their account won't be counted in the WvW numbers etc.

  15. > @"Orpheal.8263" said:

    > @"Balthazzarr.1349"


    > Can you read even between the lines here? Or do you just ignore now the fact, that I wanted to try to be nice only with my name list...

    > If everything you can think about right now is only of becoming potentially infracted for just answering me, then I in fact just do believe that the deletion of your post was rightfully made by the Mods, because I absolutely believe in them in this case, that they were, unlike you now, able to read between the lines and see what perhaps my true intention with this post was in real, which I wanted to describe now.

    > Why? Because I just saw now, with your bad reaction, that you totally got everything into the wrong throat here, what I explained here at the beginning by using a kind of german slang at the start of my post, but maybe this doesn't sound the same way on English like it does for us in Germany - my bad for thinking so - in that case sorry again for misunderstandings.


    > However, I suggest, we just let it be here and forget everything here now, because as it seems I'm unable to fix here, whats already broken in how you think about my intentions ...


    oh dear.. I even said I had no ill will.. ??? I don't understand why you're continuing to get angrier at me... my "stick planted in my butt" comment was seriously a joke at myself... not a shot at you. It's really too bad this is typed in a note instead of spoken in voice to each other because we'd be laughing about how silly this got instead of potentially escalating into something it shouldn't be. Honestly I will say this again, it's all good.. there is no issue at my end.

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