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Posts posted by Balthazzarr.1349

  1. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @"X T D.6458" said:

    > > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > > > @"X T D.6458" said:

    > > > > > Sometimes its map politics,

    > > > > > Sometimes its payback,

    > > > > > Sometimes its for funsies.

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > lol... ah the feeling of being steamrolled by 60 BG killers. I have no complaints though. It is what it is. I know it's there and frankly it's a lot of fun to poke (the hornets nest) aka fire keep or even set on dbl, a few times with a bunch of people and watch the big blob of BG flood over the wall as we port away. oooh yaaa.. we is trollin ya too! lol

    > > >

    > > > ... and case in point ... a very short while ago a handful of us (about 15) were heading to swc on DBL. A scout sees us going passed the SWT. I say to the group.. prepare for a BG blob of at least 25 coming to the camp.... by the time we got there so was the blob. Some even laughed... oh it must be so much fun taking down half your numbers.. but as they say, it is what it is! That's the BG way... now if they had sent even numbers they would have died!

    > >

    > > I dont understand, what were they supposed to do just let you pass by?


    > I think maybe people want a group to count how many are there and only have that number respond.


    lol oh come on... I'm not saying that at all. The facts are the facts... BG sends BIG numbers to defend even a paper structure or camp.. Most other servers... well any other server that I've come up against doesn't do that. I'm not complaining.. no sense in complaining.. it is what it is.. and THIS is the BG way.. that's it :P

  2. > @"X T D.6458" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > > @"X T D.6458" said:

    > > > > Sometimes its map politics,

    > > > > Sometimes its payback,

    > > > > Sometimes its for funsies.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > lol... ah the feeling of being steamrolled by 60 BG killers. I have no complaints though. It is what it is. I know it's there and frankly it's a lot of fun to poke (the hornets nest) aka fire keep or even set on dbl, a few times with a bunch of people and watch the big blob of BG flood over the wall as we port away. oooh yaaa.. we is trollin ya too! lol

    > >

    > > ... and case in point ... a very short while ago a handful of us (about 15) were heading to swc on DBL. A scout sees us going passed the SWT. I say to the group.. prepare for a BG blob of at least 25 coming to the camp.... by the time we got there so was the blob. Some even laughed... oh it must be so much fun taking down half your numbers.. but as they say, it is what it is! That's the BG way... now if they had sent even numbers they would have died!


    > I dont understand, what were they supposed to do just let you pass by?


    You misunderstand the purpose of my post. I'm not complaining. As I said, it is what it is. Most people may or may not send some roamers or a small group to defend a camp, esp one that's just T1... BG sends a zerg/blob pretty much every time. Not complaining seriously... it's just the way of things and that's all I was trying to point out.

  3. > @"Eremes Guile.1480" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > > @"X T D.6458" said:

    > > > > Sometimes its map politics,

    > > > > Sometimes its payback,

    > > > > Sometimes its for funsies.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > lol... ah the feeling of being steamrolled by 60 BG killers. I have no complaints though. It is what it is. I know it's there and frankly it's a lot of fun to poke (the hornets nest) aka fire keep or even set on dbl, a few times with a bunch of people and watch the big blob of BG flood over the wall as we port away. oooh yaaa.. we is trollin ya too! lol

    > >

    > > ... and case in point ... a very short while ago a handful of us (about 15) were heading to swc on DBL. A scout sees us going passed the SWT. I say to the group.. prepare for a BG blob of at least 25 coming to the camp.... by the time we got there so was the blob. Some even laughed... oh it must be so much fun taking down half your numbers.. but as they say, it is what it is! That's the BG way... now if they had sent even numbers they would have died!


    > 15 is enough to take on 25 no-skill BG. Kek.


    haha... well yes if the 15 are skilled and organized and not a random pug group like ours... ;)... although when I say at least 25 I mean more like 30 or more... when they descended on us we disappeared amongst them... that's how many there were... we looked like a few ants on an ant hill.

  4. > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > @"X T D.6458" said:

    > > Sometimes its map politics,

    > > Sometimes its payback,

    > > Sometimes its for funsies.

    > >


    > lol... ah the feeling of being steamrolled by 60 BG killers. I have no complaints though. It is what it is. I know it's there and frankly it's a lot of fun to poke (the hornets nest) aka fire keep or even set on dbl, a few times with a bunch of people and watch the big blob of BG flood over the wall as we port away. oooh yaaa.. we is trollin ya too! lol


    ... and case in point ... a very short while ago a handful of us (about 15) were heading to swc on DBL. A scout sees us going passed the SWT. I say to the group.. prepare for a BG blob of at least 25 coming to the camp.... by the time we got there so was the blob. Some even laughed... oh it must be so much fun taking down half your numbers.. but as they say, it is what it is! That's the BG way... now if they had sent even numbers they would have died!

  5. > @"X T D.6458" said:

    > Sometimes its map politics,

    > Sometimes its payback,

    > Sometimes its for funsies.



    lol... ah the feeling of being steamrolled by 60 BG killers. I have no complaints though. It is what it is. I know it's there and frankly it's a lot of fun to poke (the hornets nest) aka fire keep or even set on dbl, a few times with a bunch of people and watch the big blob of BG flood over the wall as we port away. oooh yaaa.. we is trollin ya too! lol

  6. > @"sorayuki.8906" said:

    > My hope is some players from SoS will share their views, and whoever is matched up with BG & YB next week can follow up.


    > It could be nothing, but here's my view having played on SoS for the last 9 months: BG & YB are working together to deny any other servers enough points to remain in T1.

    > On EBG, you see BG objectives untouched while SoS objectives are flipped faster than they can be reclaimed.

    > On other BL's, you see the BG zerg coming to defend YB objectives.

    > The 2v1-ing is seen time and time again.


    > SoS spent a good 6+ months in T1, but 2 weeks ago something changed. I'd love to know what so as a server we could adapt and resume our fight to beat BG for once. But if it's a rigged game, that's uh, not cool, ya know ?


    lol, I'm on SoS as well. ... and I have friends on other servers... every server says the same thing about the other two servers they're fighting. Hey look they're ganging up on us. People say that about us and BG, us and YB, us and.... and so on. It's the same on every server I have friends on, which is quite a few. Everyone thinks the other two are ganging up on them. It's kind of what you call take all the stuff you can, when you can, gank who you can when you can... and so on and so on...

  7. > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > > Here's a little update for those that really believe that Ranger is useless in a group fight.

    > > > >

    > > > > So many people keep saying that Ranger is a ONE target attacker. Do they even look at the LB specializations and skills?

    > > > >

    > > > > Every one of my longbow skills hits up to 5 targets, (using Lead The Wind in the Marksmanship specialization). When I fire into a zerg I am hitting 5 people at once, not just one! And frankly all this talk about reflect?? I still don't see any issue with it at all while playing my Soulbeast... Once in a while I'm hitting someone 1v1 and they hit me with reflect which knocks me back for a second and that's it. It's not a killer... just an inconvenience.

    > > > >

    > > > > Add: Leader Of the Pack in the Soulbeast specialization and you have a bit of support for team members close to you as well if you're using Stances, which I do.

    > > > >

    > > > > As for those guys running away, keep this in mind:

    > > > > Long Range Shot (Long bow #1) does more damage the further away the enemy is. With my set up if the enemy is 1000 or more away I hit them for at least 953 damage... that's usually multiplied by my 80-100% crit chance and over 200% crit damage, which is why the further away you get the faster you fall!

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > There are classes that do everything you posted above much more efficiently, with boonsharing /booncorrupting, CC. As for the dps part, well, eles/scourges dominate ranger in that aspect by a mile,in zergs.

    > >

    > > Yes, well as true as that may be... and I do play other classes, Firebrand, Spellbreaker, Scourge... but I play Soulbeast the best. I survive better and kill more with soulbeast. So although I might not be supporting the team with heals etc I'm at least taking enemy targets down.. and not just one at a time. Eles and Scourges may or may not dominate as far as dps goes.. but they still die plenty well when I hit them. There's enough other stuff on them already that makes them nice and soft for me. And since I'm range, like I said, I kill a lot of enemy. I have as many bags as you can possibly have and start out a night pretty empty... have to keep them cleaned constantly after running for a bit.

    > >

    > > Over all the other classes are obviously best in a squad.... but if you have me and my Soulbeast in a squad you won't hear complaints from a commander. At least it's been so long since I've been asked to leave any squad that I must be doing something useful.


    > Sorry to be blunt, but neither lootbags or the fact that you are ranged count for much. If anything, to actually be useful for the squad as a soulbeast, frontliner, you would have to play stanceshare (which you dont cause you like to camp on longbow-btw, soulbeast can use other weapons as well to be more useful). The only reason to play soulbeast is because a player just loves the ranger class and cant play anything else in a zerg. Sure, you may pick off some Weaver or scourge who stayed behind. Or knockback the enemy comm to be annoying. But thats it. This meta (and all previous metas, hell, soulbeast is not even in non meta) and the current wvw class structure would only accept a soulbeast in a squad if the squad isnt full, or if the squad roflstomps the enemy zerg. Soulbeast just doesnt cut it. A bad/mediocre necro will do probably more of a difference than a good or great soulbeast. But then again, how many mediocre necros are out there and how many great soulbeasts?


    At the end of my day all the above doesn’t matter. I do what I do and enjoy it. My commander counts on me for targetted enemy he wants powered down and for scouting etc. Not everyone must be a big healer or frontliner. You can try to “slap” me down for my play style but as they say it’s my way of fun in this game.


    Having said all that... I can play my other classes well, I just prefer my Soulbeast.

  8. > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

    > Eotm needs to be deleted is all that needs to be done


    lol I never thought I'd see myself agreeing with someone from Mag.. cause you know we love to disagree with you all.... But YES Totally EOTM should just be removed. I've popped into it a few times over the last week just to see if it was still alive... and nope. Even right at this moment it's almost totally green, no tag anywhere of course... some small things like sentries flipping here and there... ah the eotm glory days have long since gone!

  9. > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > Here's a little update for those that really believe that Ranger is useless in a group fight.

    > >

    > > So many people keep saying that Ranger is a ONE target attacker. Do they even look at the LB specializations and skills?

    > >

    > > Every one of my longbow skills hits up to 5 targets, (using Lead The Wind in the Marksmanship specialization). When I fire into a zerg I am hitting 5 people at once, not just one! And frankly all this talk about reflect?? I still don't see any issue with it at all while playing my Soulbeast... Once in a while I'm hitting someone 1v1 and they hit me with reflect which knocks me back for a second and that's it. It's not a killer... just an inconvenience.

    > >

    > > Add: Leader Of the Pack in the Soulbeast specialization and you have a bit of support for team members close to you as well if you're using Stances, which I do.

    > >

    > > As for those guys running away, keep this in mind:

    > > Long Range Shot (Long bow #1) does more damage the further away the enemy is. With my set up if the enemy is 1000 or more away I hit them for at least 953 damage... that's usually multiplied by my 80-100% crit chance and over 200% crit damage, which is why the further away you get the faster you fall!

    > >


    > There are classes that do everything you posted above much more efficiently, with boonsharing /booncorrupting, CC. As for the dps part, well, eles/scourges dominate ranger in that aspect by a mile,in zergs.


    Yes, well as true as that may be... and I do play other classes, Firebrand, Spellbreaker, Scourge... but I play Soulbeast the best. I survive better and kill more with soulbeast. So although I might not be supporting the team with heals etc I'm at least taking enemy targets down.. and not just one at a time. Eles and Scourges may or may not dominate as far as dps goes.. but they still die plenty well when I hit them. There's enough other stuff on them already that makes them nice and soft for me. And since I'm range, like I said, I kill a lot of enemy. I have as many bags as you can possibly have and start out a night pretty empty... have to keep them cleaned constantly after running for a bit.


    Over all the other classes are obviously best in a squad.... but if you have me and my Soulbeast in a squad you won't hear complaints from a commander. At least it's been so long since I've been asked to leave any squad that I must be doing something useful.

  10. > @"Annihilator.2617" said:

    > > @"Gorani.7205" said:

    > > Sidenote (as mentioned in the other "track thread" you have opened:

    > > Triumphant and Legacy armours have all stats available, including the high priced HoT stats (Viper, Trailblazer etc.). They should be considered for use, before you salvage them.


    > In which cases that rare stats can be useful?


    At pretty much no time are rare stats useful. But the mats you can salvage from rare gear can be very useful if you're making other things. Rare and anything below that are really only good for their salvage value.

  11. > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > haven't had that yet, but I'd seen queues on bl's but still got in right away and it still showed a queue... happened several times in the last week. One queue said 10.. but got in the moment I clicked and the queue still showed as 10.. go figure.


    > Seems like it takes a little bit for the queues to update when a large group leaves from the map, I would guess after everyone that jumped has loaded into whatever other map.



    That makes sense. Similar to adding people to a squad and waiting for the supply count to update, but probably a little more lag on the queue update.

  12. > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

    > Yes longbows seem to have longer range than listed, I don't know if that has to do with piercing on it on or not. You can compare it to every other projectile in the game and they tend to be within their range, but if you check like shooting smc second floor cannons or south hills cannon, rangers can hit those easily while say an elementalist might have problems with their projectile attacks.


    > Certainly does travel a little further if you're shooting downwards, as then even elementalist attacks like staff fire 1 tend to travel a little further than normal. More realistic? maybe, not sure it's fair to have longbows have that extra range, since they already have the longest range in the game for players anyways. If there's a drop off range, then instead of happening from like 1500-1800 it should be happening between 1200-1500 instead.


    I hate to agree, being a Soulbeast LB user... but I agree.. ;)

  13. Here's a little update for those that really believe that Ranger is useless in a group fight.


    So many people keep saying that Ranger is a ONE target attacker. Do they even look at the LB specializations and skills?


    Every one of my longbow skills hits up to 5 targets, (using Lead The Wind in the Marksmanship specialization). When I fire into a zerg I am hitting 5 people at once, not just one! And frankly all this talk about reflect?? I still don't see any issue with it at all while playing my Soulbeast... Once in a while I'm hitting someone 1v1 and they hit me with reflect which knocks me back for a second and that's it. It's not a killer... just an inconvenience.


    Add: Leader Of the Pack in the Soulbeast specialization and you have a bit of support for team members close to you as well if you're using Stances, which I do.


    As for those guys running away, keep this in mind:

    Long Range Shot (Long bow #1) does more damage the further away the enemy is. With my set up if the enemy is 1000 or more away I hit them for at least 953 damage... that's usually multiplied by my 80-100% crit chance and over 200% crit damage, which is why the further away you get the faster you fall!


  14. > @"No One.3716" said:

    > For the newer players that may only have one character; utilize the social aspect of the game to your advantage. Join and be active in coms, whatever that may be. Develop a repoire with a commander or group. The main intent is still to have fun and if you're actively participating, asking questions, joking around, scouting, making calls w/e it is more likely to be able to get a squad invite as well as potentially learning some things, making new friends and/or finding a new guild which makes the whole experience more enjoyable for everyone.

    > It is a lot easier to squad kick a random that you have no idea who they are, and that never says anything, then the guy that truly wants to learn and improve asking questions.


    Bang on! Totally agree with all you've said above... as well...A scout is super valuable.. you can even get shared participation regardless of your class if you volunteer to scout.

  15. I have run a Ranger since the beginning of my time in GW2 almost. Started with Mesmer. Over the years I've become a damn nasty Ranger/Soulbeast while roaming etc.


    I will run this class when I feel like sniping along behind a zerg or roaming, but after actually running WITH an organized well built fight group for a while it's very obvious that my Ranger, regardless of how good I think I am, has no place in our WvW raids when we're fighting other groups. You can bring 50 Rangers against our fight group of 20-30 and you will all die fast. That's how it is when you have a fight group that's organized and trained well.


    As many people have noted here, if you want to run Ranger, Thief, etc that provides no real support to a zerg then go ahead and follow along and don't expect to be invited in most of the time. If it's a pug-commander (like I am at times) then everyone is welcome to the disorganized fun.


    Until you have actually played a number of different support classes in an organized group and understand truly how they work you will never understand what the people are saying here. I will never invite myself into a squad that's running when I'm on my Soulbeast but I will accept an invite if it's sent. I will snipe and scout etc. but if I want to JOIN the group and help then I get on my Spellbreaker, Firebrand, or Scourge and GIVE support as well as damage!

  16. haven't had that yet, but I'd seen queues on bl's but still got in right away and it still showed a queue... happened several times in the last week. One queue said 10.. but got in the moment I clicked and the queue still showed as 10.. go figure.

  17. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > @"Zefrost.3425" said:

    > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > > That's what scouts are for.

    > >

    > > And how are those scouts going to stop any decent thief or any minstrels thief? Or even a mesmer?

    > >

    > > They can't.


    > They. Are. Not. Supposed. To. Fight. Them.


    > But they stop your entire group from running there for nothing


    Maybe not... but if you figure out which part they're hitting and lay in wait for them... then pounce as they're engaging the guards they can usually be killed without a lot of serious effort. Just have to hit them at the right time with the right stuff. -- have soulbeast will kill --

  18. > @"Last Crysis.1934" said:

    > Having to spend 6+ hour in WvW is ruining the game for me, just to get the Gift of Battle. I don't find it fun getting killed ever minute when i am just trying to find away to get my participation up and repairing walls for that whole time is boring. So PLEASE A-net do something for the ppl who don't like WvW or any type of pvp.


    hmmm... It's called "Gift of Battle" because you're supposed to go in and BATTLE. I don't particularly like PvE but I spent hundreds of hours in there doing what needs to be done to get the masteries and xp and gifts etc. needed to get what I wanted. It's all part of the game. Seriously what would be the point of making these things super easy just because someone didn't like doing them? It's like saying to your professor that you want that degree but he should give you easier work to get it. ;)

  19. > @"Aetatis.5418" said:

    > > @"Floz.8904" said:




    > anyway - my criticism doesnt solve the issue. i've been there a lot in EU. every other matchup looks exactly like this.

    > waiting for the new alliance system and hope for better coverage/calculation of the matchups... although i have been warned, that people already plan to actively play two accounts in two different guilds just to alternate the active guild, when it is matched up with easy kills due to being inactive the previous week.



    Ya well I'm pretty confident that there won't be enough people actually trying to play two accounts to make a difference of any sort. In the new system I think people will find that things like this aren't going to be a "thing" to do. Balance, or something as close to balance as we can get will be more of a reality and hopefully that means all of us will see a lot more fun in WvW than we've done in years... *fingers crossed*

  20. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"K THEN.5162" said:

    > > > If you want to watch the world burn, then play minstrel's daredevil with all the evade skills and traits and equip adventurer runes. Once you've done that, choose a server you dislike the most and make their keep perma tapped with your excess of damage skills while invulnerable. It also gets pretty entertaining when there's +8 people chasing you.

    > > > Sample build: http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQJAWWn0MB9OhFmCmOBkmiFqiqLBCgDw7CShBYO73+xH-j1xHQBwT9nHqEEc6C2x+DK7RAAQlfA4KAEA4AY+5T+5Dc/93f/93X5nf+5nf+5nf+5LFQVq0A-w

    > > >

    > >

    > > Why would you equip a staff in both slots? Cool down is still there if you swap. Just curious... Is there another weapon set you use for this, or just the staff? (Pardon my ignorance on DD but I haven't run it) :)


    > Weapon swap sigils.


    > And thief weapons are based on initiative.



    ah... ok, tx.

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