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Posts posted by megilandil.7506

  1. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > Massive area denial.

    > Occurs at multiple locations.

    > Hits multiple targets.

    > Multiple strong effects.


    > Why are classes that do AOE as their primary damage outperforming single target classes in single target damage?


    > Also, they are better at sustain and support.


    > Who is pvp made for?


    AOE must tp be weaker than single target.... and ranged weaker than hand to hand... but...

  2. > @"Adzekul.3104" said:

    > It was bad enough that we have a mesmer bot, and so many mesmers using it in Silver (and maybe also gold, if I believe what I am told). But now we have bots for longbow Soulbeast and hammer scrapper.


    > It is just so incredibly sad and disappointing that nothing is done to cleanup the mess that is the lower tiers of GW2 SPvP. There will be no new blood advancing out of bronze and silver into gold and platinum because the bots create a glass ceiling. No human can carry 4 bots.


    > Please clean up this mess Anet. Put CMC on the job. He will fix it.


    every profesion that can work in a continuos closed rotation or in a high burts "oneshot" shit can be scripted easily and work



  3. > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

    > > @"fumcheg.1936" said:

    > > Where do you actually find those bots and hackers? Since the beginning of this season I sunk from P1 to G1 and then went back to P1-P2 and haven't seen any bots or hackers so far. I've experienced terrible matchmaking, bad players, trashtalkers and other brand features of GW2 PVP, but that's all.


    > NA and EU servers have vastly different PvP experiences, especially this season. Most of the crying comes from NA players, while EU ranked PvP is still relatively healthy.


    im in EU gold, welll tis season i stoped two weeks ago because of bots and there is a lot of them i have atleast 10-15 aded to friendlist showing they "play" 24/7

  4. > @"Entropo.1524" said:

    > > @"georgessj.4198" said:

    > > > @"Entropo.1524" said:

    > > > this is just fear mongering and paranoia at this point . stop spreading misinformation plz . not even gonna discuss this . . u cant prove those are bots . bots do exist but not to this extent .

    > > >

    > >

    > > Cant prove they are bots? ahhahahha nice try bot user or hired lawyer :lol: but sad for you this isnt 1970 and we can tell when someone is botting.Whats the matter? You started to panic because more and more people learned how to recognise bots from bad players? feeling a litle anxious that a bot ban wave might come? Well i dont think a bot will ever get baned cause arena needs them but i really really hope they ban at least 1 bot, yours.

    > >


    > bold of u to assume i care about pvp enough to bot it , intill one of u bot scientists figure out what ur claims do to the pvp community and how everyone is paranoid now that everyone else is a bot just because people claim some BS like this . a bot is obviously a Bot its not even something that u have to look closely or squint ur eyes at to figure out ,and a player that doesnt play by ur standards isnt a bot ,and a player that doesnt do what ur thinking of isnt a bot , a player that rush into an unwanted cap isnt a bot ur just spreading ur panic to people that just want to enjoy the pvp casualy


    if u dont care about pvp but care about farming easy gold you bot it.


    and if one of those ones you suspect you can see how many games play for season and you see that they play an abnormal high amount of games (like 3k per season) its definitively a farming bot that bots near to 24/7

  5. > @"Kaida.1478" said:

    > > > > @"darksome.1697" said:

    > it seems the OP and the others feeling cheated on a "reward" thinks Anet is rewarding people for logging in and playing after the rollback happened. And that is not the case.

    > >

    > I feel a bit cheated because people who logged in and lost nothing also get compensation, but I do not because I didn't log in during the very specific time frame they decided you have needed to. Someone who lost nothing, someone who lost 1g and someone who lost a legendary precursor all get the same compensation provided they logged in between x and y time (Granted the precursor will probably be returned after a wait of about a week or two for support to get to your ticket).

    > So we're dealing with basically 4 groups -


    > Lost nothing but logged in = gets mount

    > Lost nothing of real value (nothing worth putting in a ticket about) = gets mount

    > Lost a lot, probably will get it back from support but will have to wait = gets mount

    > Didn't log in because knew about issues and thought it was the best thing to do to just wait and ticket after if anything was missing = gets only the bonfire


    > I feel this sets a dangerous precedent for if anything like this happens again in the future. (I.e. People will log in just to make sure they are seen as "entitled" by the computer, which will result in even more players getting free things even though they actually weren't that affected.)




    you have left one combination:

    logged get some dupped gold or items(intentional or not) =gets mount

  6. > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

    > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > Honestly I don't think I've seen a single bot in NA this season.

    > >

    > > However, when I was ALTing on EU the other day, like every other game I was in had a Mirage Bot in it. And I'm not just calling bad players bots here. These Mirage Bots were definitely actually real bots, and for whatever reason they were all over the place EU.


    > Yeah Ive seen more of those than I have actual mesmers (or thieves, for that matter. Seriously where are all the thief players?). The part I dont get is, why Mirage? Surely Guardian would be easier to bot. Or Necro.


    bots uses the class that can stay alive/perform better spaming a closed rotation without having to take in consideration what people are doing around them (so many variables to take in consideration)

  7. > @"Eugchriss.2046" said:

    > > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

    > > Come back to PvP as a 4 man pre-made and one of the first few matches (unranked) we whooped another 4 man pre-made team. We saw them again with our 5 man premade all got DDoS'd at the same time except from the 1 person who was in our 5 man that wasn't there before, all the while no one from the other team was affected. Mass report ensued however is this level of cheating normal in PvP now?

    > >

    > > Gotta be desperate to cheat in unranked. When we came back in, they were all on our lord after us being in the lead vs them again.

    > Are you saying that someone is prepared to risk his money and his freedom to win a random game vs 4 anonymous people in an unranked game of a random video game?


    testing the new cheat toy before using in ranked?

  8. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > ofc bots will win games, if you drop super low people start being so bad that bots start being on their level, sad but true.


    if you made clases that have a closed rotation(thing that never have to hapen in a pvp environement) that do consistent damage and have a lot of survival in it. Bots staying in closed loop will be efectives until the level of peopple of suficient knowledge of the class to exploit the few gaps in that rotation

  9. > @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

    > > @"Drennon.7190" said:

    > > Considering there are a ton of bot mesmers in plat, I’d say they’re winning. Stand on a ledge and watch them bug out and run against a wall until you move.


    > They're in plat matches because the matchmaking is busted, not because they're actually plat.


    > They lose most of their games because they're worse than most players, and they bug out throwing matches.


    > It's like people are saying. Bots are only in it for the gold. It's why they were a problem before the new legendary, and why they are after still. They don't have to win or even do anything at all for Ranked to be one of the best gold farms in the game.


    no, they dont lose most of their games, i have a lot of suspects added to friend list and they are about 1000 games or more, have someone that breaked the 2k games yet for this season, and all they are about 45-50% winrate


    > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > Why would bots farm for a legendary? Even if they did, they have no means of transferring it to the intended account, meaning they'd have to bot on their actual accounts and.. well, don't have toe xplain why that is a bad idea.


    i have one of those botters added in flist: 1500 games this season aprox that sits in a 36k+ AP acount

  10. > @"anduriell.6280" said:

    > > @"Fantasylife.7981" said:

    > > I been testing condition classes for a lot lately 2 weeks Aprox, because condition is more dominant on this meta, and I come to a conclusion why condition is very powerful. If you have any input please let me know, new knowledge is welcome I could perhaps apply it to my testing.

    > > Reasons Condition is strong!

    > > 1. Not Enough condi clense on some classes

    > > 2. They stack quite easily, fast and can easily be reapply instantly

    > > Solutions!

    > > So solutions to balance condition dmg would be 1) give classes more condi clense and keep the damage same or 2) nerf condition damage in general by half while maintaining the clenses currently.

    > > The classes I have tested in Platinum and Gold are (ONLY) Condi Mesmer, Guardian, Revenant and Ranger. These classes condition damage is quite powerful and easily applicable to everyone. I was not disappointed by none of these classes high damage.

    > >

    > > P.S I tried warrior, but it seems that currently warrior can be easily shut down at the moment I felt like this class also lacks condi clense for been a close combat only class.


    > We have 2 issues with condition:

    > * spike damage in some builds

    > * easy application.


    > The easiest way to solve the issue is to implement a condition debuff when the player cleanse any condition. This debuff could look the same icon as the original condition but purple, similar to the food debuff.


    > While this debuf is active it would avoid the condition to be reapplied on the player.


    > This debuff would have non stackable duration, defining the duration as 1s for every stack the player has.


    > This will accomplish the following:


    > * It will include a Risk vs Reward mechanic, the player can choose to spike the target with multiple conditions and high amount of stacks at once at the risk of being cleansed and stay immune to their damage for a period of time or choose to apply constant but low amount of conditions keeping in mind the target won't will always be affected by some.

    > * Add a depth to condition combat and active gameplay: The player has to keep an eye in the debuffs the target has as it can waste a spike because using it in the worst moment.

    > * It will balance in an organic way the flow of the battle. High spikes can be denied giving the target to counterplay heavy condition builds.

    > * This can be implemented in PvE as well, keeping an holistic design.

    > * Future specializations may have an elite which removes this debuff.

    > * No damaging conditions will be mostly unaffected as those stack in duration. Immunity after cleanse would be 1s for each of them.

    > * No other changes are necessary, no reworks in condition damage no reworks in full classes.


    > There is already the technology as shown in game that shows this is achievable.


    and why not make all heals put a barrier to soak the next incoming power damage, its basically the same.


    I think the major problem in condi is how easily and quick , some clases can stack it with autos with low visual tells, my think is that condi not need to be nerfed, need to be moved to a more skillfull play style, autos can not create new conditions only stack preexistent ones, you need to create the firts stacks it with a relevant CD and after stack with autos , ofcourse power damage base in autos of condi weapons will need a litlle increase


  11. > @"montecristo.1324" said:

    > In several occasions before the game started and people was talking and I was just reading, my teammates started to write on map chat to report me for being a bot... only because I didn't want to type, so, are we 100% sure about ALL these bots? bip bop


    "players" with more than 1000 games in this season, i have someone in flist that has beaten yet the mark of 2000 games... yes...

    they are farming bots

    > @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

    > It'l happen once they get rid of freebie pips in Ranked.


    > If they or anyone wants those sweet pips, they should have to earn them.


    the ones i said have a 45% or high winrate, removing free pips will make them less profitable but not great impact, because for not harming real ppl(or at least the ones that try onestly to play and win) if they remove free pips on lose they will have to increase the earned in victory or give it more impact to actual ones

  12. > @"Ganathar.4956" said:

    > > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

    > > Problem with trying to balance for lower skilled players is that the game devolves into spam, because nothing really matters, just spam skills and something will work. The reason you balance off of the upper tiers is they know the classes and know the skills and their counters as well as play styles, in the lower tiers many people don't even have a good build and don't know what their own class can do, no less the opponent. So fights from those lower tiers, the outcomes are RNG, you can have someone on a well made meta build and someone on a random trait build and have the player on the meta build lose when they have the advantage (because they just don't know the skills they have on hand). This is why you don't balance off of lower skilled players, the win/loss often have nothing to do with a build, no less a single OP skill.

    > >

    > > However, the opposite happens at the higher levels, two people fighting and the one with a OP/broken build almost always wins, but you swap the player and builds and now the other player wins all the time. Both understand the builds, both know the counters etc etc, however the build it self is over performing. Now, there will almost always be something that is over performing....but by how much? Some are small, and yes offer an advantage, but can still be beat with the right effort, then you have the over performing builds that are just oppressive vs most other builds.

    > >

    > > As for people talking about higher tier players in lower matchups, even if balanced for the lower tier, that means more OP skills, as that skilled player is going to know what to expect from others, and how those OP skills work and how to best abuse it in a build, so they are going to steamroll everyone. Now, if things are balanced off of the higher tiers, that higher skilled player is still going to steamroll everyone in the low rank matchup, as the skill delta is going to be big enough that every fight they get in, the other side is going to consider it OP.....They wont be able to tell you why, or even give a single skill as an example, but they will swear up and down it's OP, however you put them on that same build and they will still lose the fight.

    > >

    > > Progression and improvement are also reasons to play a game. When this is taken away, people get bored, as this is a competitive mode after all, if you don't want to learn or get better, go do PvE. The mindset that you just give everyone a gold star, I never understood.


    > Actually in my opinion spam builds are a result of balancing for top tier players and not low tier, so the complete opposite of what you are saying. Why is that? It's because they are generally ineffective against you once you get good, but they crush lower skilled players. You can have a low skill player defeating a player who is a little more skilled quite handily with the correct spam build. That is obviously not a fun experience for the loser and results in huge imbalance in the lower tiers with certain classes/builds dominating everything, while top tiers are completely unaffected.


    > Balancing for low tiers involves actually removing this sort of gameplay, even though it poses no problems to top players. After all, you cannot argue for nerfs to these builds from a top tier perspective, because many of them fall off hard as you get more skilled.


    they have to take consideration of the 3 tiers because if not that makes thinks like the anterior iterations of mirage exist, in low and low-mid tiers because of the incredible amount of eframes, invulns, breacktarget and shufle with clones that their kit packs during a long time spaming on cd skil in mirage are equal to play god mode and only geting killed for walking in random aoes, and worse, make the class super efective for bot scrips that copied the recomended rotations to use and executed it with exact timing every time

  13. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

    > > Everyone can get DDoSed if they have an internet connection. Welcome to the future, enjoy your stay.


    > the good thing is that nobody cares about us or this game deeply enough to hack/cheat, I have never seen a cheater in this game for a reason, nobody cares to do it.


    a bunch of bots and teleport hacking says hello

  14. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > When these players make it into average games they can 1 v 3 or 4.


    > They have a different understanding of the conquest than an average players concept, and the cohesion(lack of) is apparent.


    > If you are the high level player and you are stuck with the low level players not doing what you expect, you will be frustrated at an almost inevitable loss.


    > If you are the low level player, you may mistake the high level game play for being a broken spec.


    > Or, you may believe PvP is just not for you if all you are good for is respawn.


    > Being new, you might feel inclined to make your way back to the pack, but if the pack is wiped out by one dude....you run to a uncontested point, but 1 v 1 may not be your thing, and of course...wiped.


    > The experience of pvp is RUINED by allowing high level players to leach into lower tier games.


    > The lower tiers need to battle amongst themselves, and find new champions though trialing experiences, and not disheartening experiences like the one detailed above.


    > Higher tier players may get less games, but they need to be pitted against players of equal skill to validate their claims of greatness.


    > I have a hunch that many players, especially at some higher levels, ahve a good idea of who is a threat, when the least amount of dangerous competition is on, and they play those hours with minimal game to reduce the risk of rating loss (not all players do this, but..)


    > If you can only play against players close to your rating (especially above 1600), it might make for more fun games.


    > It is worsened when the pair of duo gods gets thrown in against average players.


    > I don't think duo q is a problem.


    > I believe it is the flexibility of the match maker.


    > The search widens to much.


    > Deadlock players above 1600 rating so they can only face opponents of 1500+ rating.


    > It will make for better games, as rating camping will be more difficult and should get more experienced players more active.


    > Should not see a top 10 player in a gold game.


    as a poor silver-gold pvX player i think you cant not be more correct in your statements some tier barriers have to be hard barriers to cross by matchmaker but thats not entirely anet faults its also players fault aka alting to carry some friends or just trolling in low tiers, only imagine for a moment what kind of sport will be football/soccer if messi or cr7 or whatever player of firts line divisions could pop in a regional team wearing a fake moustache

  15. > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

    > I was in PvP for a few games with average of 300 ping.

    > And in my 4th game, someone on my team said he was going to DDOS both sides.

    > My ping spiked to 1000+ average when the match started and there was so much lag and I disconnected half way through.

    > It seemed like his friend was on the other team and I thought he was trying to give them a free win without losing points himself if DDOS someone to disconnect them is possible.


    > Just coincidence or did he really DDOS?


    DDOS is a targeted attack(they need to know ips and shit, or have big big resources to attack directly anet), but maybe there are other methods(someone theorized about that in a post saying that can be done via corrupted packets that can cause ppl near to hacker to crash) to cause peopple to crash, to me hapened two times that fighting versus two diferent bots/hackers and after beating them my game crashed , but i can ensure 100% because my connection is shit and sometimes i get random crashes but those two were too beneficial for the hackers he gets the point( crashed the two times after downing and while stomping or finish by damage) and put our team in 4 vs 5 until i can exit the crashed game and reconnect(my connection is shit and that could be easily up to a minute)

  16. > @"UNOwen.7132" said:


    > Some people want to play thief as what it was originally supposed to be. A deadly duelist. Its even in their description.


    then have to lose all their movility, a class that can cross the map in few seconds and is a relliable duelist is op for the conquest game

  17. > @"Vancho.8750" said:

    > > @"Exedore.6320" said:

    > > > @"Chaith.8256" said:

    > > > > @"Exedore.6320" said:

    > > > > I would prefer hidden rating, allowing ANet to adjust tier boundaries to better differentiate skill.

    > > >

    > > > As a community we cried out for years to give us a rating we can see with our eyes. The grass is always greener, don't forget.

    > > I've played under systems with tires and hidden rating. as long as the boundaries are well placed, I prefer that.

    > >

    > > > ArenaNet trying to react to player's wishlists, that's why PvP systems for 8 years have just been removed and replaced constantly, spending the entire development budget flip flopping between multiple equally flawed PvP systems.

    > > I wish they'd do less of that sometimes. The community is generally bad at knowing what they really want.

    > >

    > >

    > I always cringe when someone says "the community", you have many people with different desires you don't have "community".

    > The elo/glicko doesn't work since it is based on single player numbers and we play 5v5 it is probably works for 2v2 when you pick your team mate, but for conquest is really terrible there. The matchmaker constantly puts you in terrible games win or lose only a handful of games are good since the population is low and it is low since the game is not fun and we go into a loop. The glicko system wants you to play huge amount of games to determine what is your skill level and at some point you will end up in a place where you should win all of the games which is statistically impossible and this is where people start playing the meta game, the game outside the game. So you get the Meta gamers creating smurfs to bring down other people down, top players playing in duos while the other top players dodge their games and other shenanigans that have nothing to do with playing the pvp match.

    > That is why the tournaments are probably better ranking system then the ranked one.



    Just the contrary, the system works in a total random scenario, when you are able to team up you hide your personal skill behind a "team skill", and no, the system wants to put you in a place where you win 50% of the matches not the 100%.


    For making the system work propper to get acurate personal ratings they have to remove from the equation duos trios or whatever(possible) and also remove alt acounts from the league(hard to achieve )



  18. > @"The Light In The Darkness.6742" said:

    > If you are playing on a new account and want to queue ranked in a relatively short lapse of time which i guess most people do, why the kitten would you require players to reach rank 20 in order to participate in ranked games ?

    > It's not hard to reach rank 20 don't get me wrong but the pain it will take to get there not mentioning having to deal with "relax dude it's unranked" kind of

    > casuals is just irritating.

    > A good tradeoff would be to reduce it to rank 10.

    > There is nothing that defines skill difference between a rank 10 and a rank 20 besides the fact a rank 10 might be a bot.

    > Once again i've seen rank 20 bots so the "rank 20 prevents botting" argument is invalid.


    > Please fix this.




    - Increase minimum rank.

    - Exclude FTP from ranked.

  19. > @"Genesis.5169" said:

    > Seven years of guild wars 2 and its never been the meta damage type we are in and always have been in a power meta. There were 3 viable condition classes. Rogue, Mesmer. Necro, in within those classes they had 1 meta condition spec.


    > This is just a PSA ima dispel this notion of condition is OP and bring it back.

    > If you wanna say it is or was tell me when and if your account not old enough to have seen it ima call BS.


    there is no matter of how many classes run condis on one time meta, if the 2-3 clases are the prevalent ones in that moment that is a condition meta, remember that only 5 are represented ia a team and if "alwais" you get 2 or 3 of those clases per team

  20. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > @"Tycura.1982"


    > Eeeeh I dunno man. Rangers can do it, Deadeyes do same thing, FA Ele/Temp/Weaver does same thing, PP Thieves do same thing.


    > Players in GW2 just hate pew pew, end of story. Doesn't matter if it's OP or UP. People hate ranged attack mechanics in this game that go any further than about 600 range.


    simply because people hate being destroyed in safemode range, and that is agravated by the fact that all safemode ranged classes have good evasive maniobres to keep the safe distance and/or a decent kit for close combat, if ranged classes were doomed if enemy can reach hand to hand people will hate less pew pew

  21. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > @"megilandil.7506" said:

    > > > @"FyzE.3472" said:

    > > > When coliseum was reworked it was funny to watch how bots just got stuck in all of the added structures :lol: until they got reprogrammed ofc

    > >

    > > that could be a good antibot mechanic, mobile obstacles and system flaggin those who get trapet in obstacles for human examination and ban if adequate that and two more simple: examinate all acounts with a big nimber of matches played per season and restrict f2p acounts from ranqued pvp (not only for bot reasons, is to easy to create and use and throw f2p acount for trolling harasing and match manipulations without consequences)


    > And then you get bugs like players getting stuck and falsely reported as bots.


    flag to human examination, you readed all? or just only a part


    EDIT: BTW my bot "friends" have at this time 70-100 games played

  22. > @"FyzE.3472" said:

    > When coliseum was reworked it was funny to watch how bots just got stuck in all of the added structures :lol: until they got reprogrammed ofc


    that could be a good antibot mechanic, mobile obstacles and system flaggin those who get trapet in obstacles for human examination and ban if adequate that and two more simple: examinate all acounts with a big nimber of matches played per season and restrict f2p acounts from ranqued pvp (not only for bot reasons, is to easy to create and use and throw f2p acount for trolling harasing and match manipulations without consequences)

  23. > @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

    > So long as pips are given out as a participation award there will always be bots and AFKers who only queue Ranked to farm instead of actually competing.


    > While you do get more for winning and top stats and such, the actual difference is negligible. It's more reliable to throw games and bot to lose ASAP because you'll get pips either way and two blowout losses in ~15 minutes equates to the same or greater profit than an actual close full-length win.


    > There's so many bots in Ranked because it's the single-best gold farm in the game. To get them out; pips need to be moved to Unranked where bots don't have as great of a negative impact, and/or pips should only be rewarded for wins in Ranked which would drastically reduce the amount of bots because they would no longer serve a purpose. It would also force people to try if they want some sort of reward, which is how the **ranked** mode should be.


    i have many suspected boots aded to "friendlist"(one of those suspects, one who plays necro have already 41 games played and two others 20+) they manage to get a 45-55% winrate, awarding only wins not will solve the problem



    > @"VoidNard.7206" said:

    > > @"Speedylord.2798" said:

    > > > @"VoidNard.7206" said: The game was made around WvW and pvp but the devs are creating a different game.

    > > I'm quite sure the game's focus from the beginning on was PvE/Open World/Story.

    > > Anyways, although I don't play PvP or WvW on a regular basis, I agree with your statement that these modes deserve some love from the developers:)!

    > >

    > >


    > Open world? yes. Story? absolutely. PVE? lol, not even close. maybe you werent there when the game came out, but it was all open world and the end game was WvW.


    WvW was never designed about being the endgame mode, in the first time it was designed as a mode where spend the waiting time to do a dungeon or the next world boss you want to kill spawns, players taking the gamemode as a serious thing and being devoted to it maked it engamish mode

  25. > @"Avatar.3568" said:

    > I am not sure that anet is doing anything


    if in his verbal abuse had used terms about race, sexual condition, nationality or againts minoritys they could get a ban of variable lenght, if they only afked there will be no concequences

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