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Posts posted by megilandil.7506

  1. > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

    > Stronghold is clearly ideal for farming, just as courtyard was. That makes it counterproductive for PvP. No map or game mode should favor specific classes or combinations that strongly. **Teams spent entire seasons farming stronghold. In the process they likely drove away players. No one likes to be crushed repeatedly.**


    this, and messing with a complete diferent game mode in standar pvp q the first days, people hated stronghold and courtyard for being and entire diferent gamemode that could pop in your queuing for conquest pvp while you have no toon prepared or no mood for this completely diferent gamemode: oh i want play conquest with my roamer/decaper or point holder... shit... courtyard/stronghold... im fucked

  2. > @"Skullduggery.2517" said:

    > I've been thinking this for a while, but wouldn't it be nice to have an open world PvP or duel system?

    > There are so many locations in the open world, be it the cities or in the field that would make great areas for a player vs player duel. I would love to see an option brought in where you could right click on the players name in local area chat and challenge them to a duel, to which if agreed to would turn both players hostile to each other, but no one else.


    > Of late I've found that PvP has more or less died, with what used to be 60 odd rooms which you could join, reduced down to 2 or 3. I feel that open world duels might be the next step in the evolution of GW2's PvP.


    Simply not, this game PvE is focused in player cooperation, Dueling and Pk in open map is for games where the players compete for resources/loot

  3. > @"Delweyn.1309" said:

    > One problem is that the game mode was thought for premades, players who communicate and play together.


    > When there is teamplay, the power given to the team is not the average rank of both players, but give a boost hard to calculate.

    > But the most skilled the players are, the biggest boost it gives to the team.


    > Exemple with random numbers, it's the idea that's important

    > 1400+1400 = 1400 (+10 of teamplay)

    > 1500+1500 = 1500 (+ 30 of teamplay)

    > 1600+1600 = 1600 (+100 of teamplay)

    > 1700+1700 = 1700 (+200 of teamplay)

    > etc...


    > It's not just an addition, like the system calculate it, it's EXPONENTIAL.


    > It's why duoQ can completly destroy the algorythm, even if the opposite team has good individual players.


    > DuoQ in 10v10 will not have such impact and it would be ok.

    > But with this gamemode and a format of 5v5 only players, it's should be either full premades or full soloQ.

    > Not something flawed to please some players.


    > As long that Anet will never bring somthing different than 5v5 conquest, they will never get out of problems at each season. They can't please everyone and by doing some tweaks, they please no one.


    and you forget to mention the way they place duos, first they try to make the average, fail duos of carry friend or smurfing that break game, after they try to place in the highest value of duo, carry friend duos break the game for those who get them(they get a low player in packet) and after they tried again with average(knowing its a failed one and exploitable)... now we donnt know exactly how it works

  4. > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

    > > @"megilandil.7506" said:

    > > > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    > > > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

    > > > > All i can say is none of you passive players would be able to handle none passive players if you were forced to actually hit key's to immune yourselves.

    > > > > Just saying, lazy play = lazy players = Not real pros

    > > >

    > > > This is such a weird argument to me.

    > > >

    > > > If I make a strategical decision before combat, is it lazy? Or is it strategy?

    > >

    > > the arguments are stupid, but those passives are abussive, BUT there are necessary due to bursty stealth characters, if a class (or two) could delete a toon whith a 0.5 sec burst starting from stealth some countermesures have to be added to prevent that imbalancing situation, those measures are passive lifessavers, that become abussive in normal combat.

    > >

    > > The real problem in this game is bad implementation of stealth and give it to high burst classes. FIX or DELETE stealth and those passives can go also


    > Argument is not stupid. It's just simply put. If passive so abusive but necessary bcuz of bursty stealth characters why delete the chrono bunker for example? Between that & the abusive passives that makes Engy & War tank as much as chrono bunker while dishing out mega damage is broken. This is what this thread is all about.

    > Balance says you can be tanky with weak damage output. Or you can be squashy but but with large damage output. Or something in between. But you can't be all of them with out breaking up the balance.


    they dont delete only the chrono bunker, they deleted entire bunker meta, no crhonobunker, no inmortal cele ele, no altruist guardian etc etc

    i know about what is the thread, and im with you about those passives, but also i know for what those passives have to be ingame, to remove those passives also the cause they exist have to be solved, if noone can be instadeleted from attacks coming from nowhere those dont need to exist. if they only remove those skills, and they have to be removed, without soklving the stealth high burst problem they will break the game in favor of ganker clowns making unplayable for more than 90% of playerbase

  5. > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

    > > All i can say is none of you passive players would be able to handle none passive players if you were forced to actually hit key's to immune yourselves.

    > > Just saying, lazy play = lazy players = Not real pros


    > This is such a weird argument to me.


    > If I make a strategical decision before combat, is it lazy? Or is it strategy?


    the arguments are stupid, but those passives are abussive, BUT there are necessary due to bursty stealth characters, if a class (or two) could delete a toon whith a 0.5 sec burst starting from stealth some countermesures have to be added to prevent that imbalancing situation, those measures are passive lifessavers, that become abussive in normal combat.


    The real problem in this game is bad implementation of stealth and give it to high burst classes. FIX or DELETE stealth and those passives can go also

  6. > @"Nova.3817" said:

    > if anything ranked should require you to form a team and unranked be a solo que haven


    Its just the oposite, in ranked you "gain" a **personal rank ** not a team rank until this is this way ranked have to be the solo site. Playing duo , trio, quad or team you hide your **personal rank** into a figured team rank.

    The game need some more team formats, true, but this is not the actual ranked

  7. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > Bad news guys, they are not going to rework stealth in any way. If they did, all the classes that have hard stealth utilities and weapon skills would require a rework to compensate. It's been in the game since inception.


    > They may very well do some nerfing to DE stealth, but they will need to compensate. Stealth is literally the only thing that DE has. If you think otherwise, play a ranked game on DE without snipers cover trait, or shadow meld, or using the rifle 4 combo. Your other weapon set can not be d/p. Use zero stealth, just use your other "defenses". Let us know how it works out for ya.


    thief have two "core mechanics" stealth(regardles of that i think stealths is a very bad implementation) and high movility, the fault is not compensating when designing the elite specs, DD have a great movility increase, shave theyr stealth acces, DE have a great stealth acces shave theyr movility


    let the thinks

    core thief: "medium" stealth and movility

    DD: high "movility" low stealth

    DE: high stealth low movility

  8. > @"ChartFish.1308" said:

    > My only issue with shadow meld is how it lets the DE burst from stealth then disappear again. Maybe it should be treated like elusive mind and DD dodge, "if you remove revealed using this skill add 5 sec to cooldown".


    no, this shit have to be remo9ved completely.

    revealed is a not universal acces way to counterplay the broken stealth mechanic and puting a counter to it is ridiculous


    being more exact, stealth have to be removed or completely reworked to a non combat utility

  9. > @"killy.3278" said:

    > This is completely irrelevant for spvp. One shot malicious backstab builds are useless outside of WvW.


    > In the best case, in the time you spend building up malice and camping stealth to down one opponent for 5pt, the opposing team would have gotten 20-30 by capping because your team would effectively be 4v5 on the rest of the map.


    > In the average case, the opposing team's +1 would likely arrive before you can stomp the other guy, since you gotta take your sweet time to build malice and reposition for an unblockable stab. At that point you run away, or stay and die. The guy you were fighting then gets res'ed, and you wasted upwards of a minute accomplishing absolutely nothing.


    Not irrelevant, saying that playstile is bad teamwise dont mean that some stupid one uses it, and thief comunity is full of stupid ones that only want to gank people matter what hapends to team

  10. > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > All the nerfs to scourge are still not enough in my opinion, it's still too braindead spam profession which reward bad players without skill to get easy cheap kills even on better players. Everybody says going melee, but since shades have a range and can be placed under your feet this is stupid.

    > Now all scourges run the portal skill which allow them to port inside you and condi spam bomb you in literally 1 second interrupting every single skill you try to cast, having stability is a malus instead of a bonus, having resistance (unless pulses) it's completely useless.

    > Having condi cleanses is useless in many cases, since after 1 second you have more conditions on you than before.

    > Mirage on the other hand it's just too rewarding for the low risk you have playing it. And same as scourge, after one week fully playing it you are able to kill better players than you. And this is not fair.

    > They have a too small window to counter attack them, and if you can, they just disengage in seconds and not even a thief can chase them down, and the opposite, you can't ever disengage from a mirage, he can chase you down double speed and range than your profession whichever it is.

    > And people say scourge is okay now bla bla, you can counter it easily with this and that. If it was okay and easy to be counterewd it wasn't still abused this much in both spvp and wvw, still so many double scourges matches and in wvw is still the top priority profession in a zerg, and small scale too. It's a stupidly broken class to roam around too even if people don't believe it, still the same trailblazer kitted set and you are a pain for every class.

    > And against those stupid healing power vitality condi scourge is even worse.

    > Stability and resistance are made for a reason, TO WORK as it's written in their text.

    > I am okau with the boon stripping of spellbreaker, yes he removes my stability first and only after he tries to land his CCs skills with his pretty obvious animations, everysingle profession don't waste their CCs abilities into an enemy with stability, you either wait it finishes or boon remove it first and then CC. Scourge? He doesn't give a kitten, you have stab, resistance, he just spam and corrupt everything you have without have to watch the enemy boon bar. How is that not a brainless profession to nerf into the ground?


    scourge is not a problem of numbers, is a design problem, same toolkit cant be ranged and mele at the same time, if you play ranged unles you are a LB ranger or DE that outrange them bad, if you attack mele bad

  11. > @"Shaogin.2679" said:

    > So the last time I played Ranked PvP for rating, I managed to finish in Plat 2. Lately though, I play to farm ascended shards of glory and just for the enjoyment.


    > So now I don't mind queuing with my friends in Ranked when they want to do some PvP, even if they have a much lower rating. However, I guess I'm a bit mixed up on how the mm handles placing us as a duo team.


    > I assumed that if I am Gold 3 and my partner is Bronze 3, it would treat us bot as Gold 3 and match us accordingly. However, I am guessing this is not the case, because when we win a match I gain like +7 or so and then when I lose it is -30.


    > Now for me this is actually helpful, since my rating could plummet, and then I'll have easy matches when I play solo again and get easy pips. For players that still care about rating though, this seems like it would be really discouraging for people that want to play with their friends if their ratings aren't similar.


    > So does anyone know how the mm matches duo queues and why the system is like this? Also, is there a decent reason for the system being like this or is there a better way?


    Last time they said something about, they said that a duo is managed as the average of the two members... allowing another time the fuking snurfing theme.... but only to be sufered for the poor mortals(me included) that dont have 1600 rank

  12. > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > > @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

    > > > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > > > It is funny that ppl still think metabattle builds rated by some NA randoms are a good indicator for any balance issues xD

    > >

    > > By all means post another site that sources builds for conquest. I don't give metabattle much credit because 10 reviews for a build means that 1 low review greatly swings the rating of the build.

    > >

    > > But ask anyone in /m pvp lobby and you will be directed there for builds. I'm just pointing out that it is an indicator of mirages power.

    > >

    > >


    > The NA random noobs on metabattle rating a build they get rekt by not a build they could play themself in any decent skilled environement because it is rly good.

    And that is the reason of the game now is in this state, only taking advice of "greedy pros" that only have in mind their class have superpowers.

    balance will be attained in all skill segments considering balanced a class that have short timed windows of bulnerability because pros know by memory procs cds and timeframes of each ability and can xploit those short windows while for the rest of playerbase (90% or more) that spec is inmortal because they cand land a single hit by pure random is not balancing

  13. > @"Tom.5914" said:

    > I do not understand why it should be so hard and sooooo time consuming to balance these 2 or maybe 3 builds, it is obvious they are much too strong (spellbreaker is strong yes, but I see this spec not on the same level like mirage and scourge)


    because first they have to admit they screwed it big time with some profesion design, scourge cant be balanced(their area supresion is to big, and if they lower they kill the spec), they have to redesign from ground, mesmer and all their variants cant be balanced(invis, high burts, visual clutter and high damage evasion uptime in the same package... fuking god), they have to rewrite the entire profesion. others that arent op but are plainly stupid like the DE(what have they smoked in the moment that they decided this game needs camper snippers)

  14. > @"Hot Boy.7138" said:

    > If I steal regeneration from that Mender's ele/guardian/ engineer, etc. I should receive the same intensity per tick of healing. Instead, when I steal boons, regeneration to be specific, it uses my own stats. It makes boon steal half worth it.


    > I'm a mesmer, and use Arcane Thievery to steal boons. I'm assuming all other boon steal skills are the same in that they aren't using the initial caster's stats.


    a broken OP mesmmer complaining about not being full god mode

  15. > @"aspirine.5839" said:

    > > @"Taqe.1342" said:

    > > There are lots of post already asking for this event feature to become permanent. Also all those ppl defending this event and neglecting scrapper and lots of traits, skills from other professions, what about no stealth week? Sound like a cool event right? wonder if you guys will come here and say " its just for a week, don't cry". Taking away MAJOR game mechanic is a serious thing, just my 2 cents.

    > > PS I don't play engi, hate the class


    > No stealth week sounds great, but that is a bit different. Not all classes rely on it so easy to suggest. Give the stealth users something to replace it with.


    and.... what they gave now to the non stealth oneshooters(the main beneficiaries of no downed)?

  16. > @"aspirine.5839" said:

    > > @"megilandil.7506" said:

    > > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > > I made a post years ago talking about getting rid of downed state and I've had to wait this long to get to try it out but it's just as awesome as I thought it would be.

    > > >

    > > > No downstate is amazing ANET please consider making this a permanent feature.

    > > >

    > > > It makes the combat much feel more tense and high stakes and it feels great to just blow people up and be done with them.

    > > >

    > > > It also makes outnumbered fights much more feasible which is always good imo.

    > > >

    > > > Seriously please consider making this a permanent change to WvW.

    > > >

    > > No, its the worse idea that they can have, they overreward the cancer oneshot builds, makes the game unplayable if you dont go in a big blob or run a cancer oneshot build

    > >

    > >


    > Hmm without this event 99% already run in a blob. So no change there.

    > One shot builds have always been strong, the did not get stronger overnight. If you die from them now, before you have also died. So again, what's changed then?


    what changed? easy, one shot builds, unfortunately are the same that have high reset/evade, uptime(thieves and mes basically) now can gank/troll easily more large groups, before downeds can harras them whith their interrups , atacks etc, now simply they have to eliminate one by one the easy way


    changes to this game mode have to be in the way to discourage big blobing and make more tactical multigroup map moving, one way to easy discourage the big blobing is removing the objectives limit on AOE(also lowering their damage to balance) a blob walks on a trap/meteor shower/ arrow cart/necro mark... all blob eats dmg

    the soaking dmg by being staked big numbes is a mindless tactic

  17. > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > I made a post years ago talking about getting rid of downed state and I've had to wait this long to get to try it out but it's just as awesome as I thought it would be.


    > No downstate is amazing ANET please consider making this a permanent feature.


    > It makes the combat much feel more tense and high stakes and it feels great to just blow people up and be done with them.


    > It also makes outnumbered fights much more feasible which is always good imo.


    > Seriously please consider making this a permanent change to WvW.


    No, its the worse idea that they can have, they overreward the cancer oneshot builds, makes the game unplayable if you dont go in a big blob or run a cancer oneshot build



  18. > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > The problem is the stupid rotation mirage can pull out.


    > Every single spec has a sort of sustain rotation to survive, one easy example is spellbreaker, rotating shield5, into full counter, into gs3, into endure pain passive and balanced stance passive, plus endure pain active and again into full counter can maintain a solid defense, but it's possible and easy to counter a spellbreaker especially for a skilled player.


    > Mirage rotation feels so brainless and "pve style". Seems like a pve rotation applied to pvp in which he can chain 10 freaking evades invuln, stealth while at the same time giving you so much pressure you have to use all your defensive abilities. If the mirage fails the rotation can still disengage in a matter of seconds and reset the fight and not even a thief can chase him fast enough.


    > It's not as brainless and spammy like scourge, and not easy to play like warrior, but its exactly in the middle.


    > A low risk high reward spec, and I don't think much time is required to master is and kill better players than you, that's the frustating part.


    This , this is the main problem, pvp have to be a game of action/ reaction, classes that in most scenarios can be sticky at a "pve style rotation" due to high sustaint, blocks evades.... or any other form of damage mitigation build in in the rotation while that makes that the actions of the rival will be irrelevant to you(max you have to kitting a bit to increase the survivality) , should be inspected whith microscope and take a serious nerf/redesign of how traits and skills interact with each others


    that hapened with the cele ele, that hapened with bunker druids, and that hapens with mirages

  19. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

    > > > @"Hybarf Tics.2048" said:

    > > > Sunken Chest in conclusion after all my testing is not a bug it is a complex achievement yes. Here's the thing it's one key a day only you can accumulate them and open more than one chest as long as those chests are not marked on the list. Once a chest is open it will remain so even after 5pm reset, chests only close once the full 10 markers list is complete.

    > > > This is where people go wrong they don't check with the marker list they assume the 5PM PST will reset everything. It is the marker list that resets it all not the server time. B)

    > >

    > > You're wrong. I checked with my marker list (I *also* have a methodical approach to repeating the achievement, working up from the bottom), and the four that I have "unchecked" are still allegedly open when I visit them. I last visited them before the end of my current achievement cycle, and I've never had a mob-dropped key, so it's one chest a day for me.


    > Agreed that the theory alone won't explain all the evidence. For example, I finished series 2 over a week ago and the chests haven't reset yet. (I didn't visit any chests until I had 10 keys; I collected 8 from dailies and two from random drops.)


    > So sure, @"Hybarf Tics.2048" is probably correct that there are multiple cooldowns involved, not all of which expire on reset and some of which won't start until the Master Diver achievement is completed. However, not everyone waiting past that time is able to open any of the chests.


    > And, even if that hypothesis was correct, it's unintuitive and confusing. There are no other collections, chests, achievements that were intended to work like that.


    not multiple cooldowns. mi first round i opened 11: reopened the last that just respawn after completing the list. my second round was 7 days after 7 keys from dailies 2 droped from mobs, and the third i tried **_11 days_** after, all keys from dailies achiev and forgot a day

  20. > @"Hybarf Tics.2048" said:

    > Sunken Chest in conclusion after all my testing is not a bug it is a complex achievement yes. Here's the thing it's one key a day only you can accumulate them and open more than one chest as long as those chests are not marked on the list. Once a chest is open it will remain so even after 5pm reset, chests only close once the full 10 markers list is complete.

    > This is where people go wrong they don't check with the marker list they assume the 5PM PST will reset everything. It is the marker list that resets it all not the server time. B)

    i have it blocked(chests apearing open) at the start of my 3 round, 0 chests marked in the list----->you are wrong


  21. > @"Bigbosos.2063" said:

    > > @"eksn.7264" said:

    > > This is a feature, not a bug. Stealth needs some counters.


    > Both stealth and target break are exactly made to prevent the enemy from attacking you. It makes absolutely zero sense that if someone breaks target channelled skills keep hitting them because they locked before target break.


    no , stealth is to prevent being targeted, not to prevent being ataked, stealth is not and interrrup

  22. > @"blade eyes.2034" said:

    > > @"lLobo.7960" said:

    > > > @"megilandil.7506" said:

    > > > The real question is: ¿should F2P players/acounts have acces to the competitive modes of pvp?

    > >

    > > This.

    > >

    > > F2P should be able to get into hotjoins and unranked, but not ranked season or tourneys.


    > The PvP population is already low as far as I know, and having that kind of restriction could damage it further.


    the problems of pvp is few enforcement of rules, and allowing f2p to play it agravates the problem, if casually an acount get banned/bloked for any reason, 1 minute after the infractor is back with a brand new acount, few ocasions the infractors get punished and in this rare ocasions the infractor gets 0 penalty because they lost nothing

  23. > @"Madisonlee.9641" said:

    > PP has its issues for sure, but I literally don't think I've ever been killed by one 1v1, and if you're complaining about +1, uhm...pretty sure any decent thief regardless of spec would insta tear you a new one when +1ing you...and that's kind of a thief's role...


    > I don't really see a problem with PP other than just how boring it is to spam 3 lol. They are incredibly easy ( and fun! ) to hunt and punish XD


    > Also, scourge needs a counter, so :/


    you said the thing *any decent thief* not a one key spaming moron that gets all in that one key spam skill: might stack, bursty damage....

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