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Posts posted by megilandil.7506

  1. > @"Thorstienn.1642" said:

    > Mesmer has always been a troll class, and condi mirage just takes it to a new level. This is unfortunate for both the class and the PvP of the game.

    > For the class, as it inherently makes it more effective in lower tiers and less effective in higher tiers as players learn to "ignore"/see through the gimmicks and deal with the conditions (ie dont spam abilities and runs round with stacks of torment and confusion). This is bad design as it leads to lower tiers screaming for nerfs and higher tiers crying about nerfs.

    > For the mode, as I think mesmer in general and condi mirage in particular, is the no1 cause of new to the mode players giving up on pvp in this game: followed by 1 shots builds, stealth mechanics, toxicity, and if they make it far enough the Matchmaking system.

    > In saying that, I dont know how to fix it, but I do know that Anet has not done it correctly so far. In the future mirage will get the chrono treatment and lose IP, and probably get different shatters.

    > Personally I'd make all mantras 600 range max, and lower the condi pressure from Infinite Horizon somehow, and then leave that for a while to see how it goes.




    because the real problem with mesmer is the clone mechanic, low tier players even get a posibility of understand what hapends and fight more againts the computer that a low tier mesmer, low medium tier player have a remote idea what was happening but their invest almost all the time in the fight trying to figure who is the real mesmer, medium high players have and idea of what is hapening and can identify real mesmer in a reasonable time, but the time lost in it is often enought to allow mesmer to try the one shot or to reset, high tier players identify real mesmer almost instanly and can manage to have an even fight with the mesmer.


    And mirage agravated this because clasic mesmer and crhono have some dificulty to use and makes almost no presence in low tiers, only some troll alt acounts and some players that have a medium skill on mesmer but 0 map awareness and that dragged them ranks below their mechanical skill,but mirage can work just blindly smashing keyboard on cd

  2. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > @"tacomex.8179" said:

    > > Please include deaths as a top stat in PvP, so that players who're feeding actually feel bad and perhaps they'll want to play better or try to improve.

    > >

    > > Thanks


    > It's actually a great idea.


    > In fact, I'd like to see a complete 2nd page that pops up after the first page of top stats, that would show us something like this:


    > * Most Damage Taken

    > * Most Deaths

    > * Least Amount Of Healing

    > * Revived The Most By Other Players

    > * Most Time Spent Off Node


    > It's funny the more I think about it, these stats in conjunction with the original stats, would create a very strong indication for who was carrying, who was getting rolled, who was contributing in general, and if someone was throwing. Out of all the new stat suggestions, this would probably be the best implementation.


    > IE: Someone on your team gets Top Damage, Top Kills, Most Revives, Most Offense. Then if he also gets Most Damage Taken, it would indicate that guy was baller stronk and constantly in the fray carrying team fights. However if someone had no top stats, but received Most Damage Taken, it would indicate he was a punching bag that match and really didn't contribute much at all.


    > Most of those 2nd list stats would function like that. Depending on what top stats they get, it would indicate if something like "Least Amount Of Healing" meant that they were an indominable force to reckoned with, or if they were just dying too fast to use heals at all.


    > That's exactly what we need for a better representation of individual contribution.. an alternative list of top stats to pair with the first, to better define the actions that the player took to get those stats.



    better a complete ranking of stats or at least gold silver bronze medals, sometimes you get 0 top stats but if you look at percentiles you see high percentile on each one, I know top stats often are meaningles butwhen you do a hard work get a high percentile on every one category 25% or more of team contribution but you get awarded for no one is a bit frustrating and you seem irrelevant when probably you are the true match carrier

  3. > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

    > I'm guessing some botters are running outdated programs, the other day i saw 2 on my team just continuously running at the gate at Legacy of the Foefire *facepalm*

    > obviously lost the match (19-500 RIP) because the enemy team dont even both with our gate, so they stuck in there the entire match


    > I think one way to screw the botters is put unclimbable walls/gates like Foefire on every map, the tiny porting gate will shift left and right at random... Anet can put some algorithm to flag players with Botter/AFKer that hangs out within the wall after x minutes for review



    i think also that would be a good bot detector for pvp, randomized obstacles that flag people traped by for further revision


    this, and ofcourse, revise the accounts with an insane number of match per season

  4. today u seen a good think with the changes, bots having problems with the new obstacles, the kiten bott seem like one of those vacum robots coliding with the obstacle until they get a valid route to the point, it can be a good anti bot mechanic adding randomized obstacles in map to ensure no preloaded pathing to work

  5. > @"Widmo.3186" said:

    > > @"Terrahero.9358" said:

    > > a No Weapon Swap week.


    > Great idea, do you know that in this game exist classes like Elementalist or Engineer and they don't have any weapon swaps? Cool.

    > And no stealth week, there are already target painters, sentries, DE got nerfed, Mirage got hit too, watchtowers, traps etc. Yet ppl still complain about stealth mechanic, lmao.

    > And why No Downed Week is better than No Stealth or No Weapon Swap week? Because _everyone_ has access to downed state in opposite to stealth or weapon swap. Thats why this kind of weeks won't ever happen.


    > @OP, yes, would like to see another week of No Downed State, fights looks more smooth and 1vX is more possible than ever without ress handicap.



    Nobody complains about stealth as a mode of moving players/groups stealthy around map(healthy stealth use), people complain about stupid ganker builds oneshoting from stealth (no healthy stealth use)

  6. > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

    > I think I encountered my first bot (a mirage) yesterday. They were on my team two matches back to back. I took a break, came back several hours later and they were again in my next three matches. I remember thinking "wow, this person is _still_ playing?" Then a teammate said they're a bot, and it all made sense.


    > Foefire seems to be a map that reveals bots as they get stuck unable to exit the home gate, running into it forever unless it's broken.


    not only in foefire, temple one have the small icy ledge in the side of stairs that leads to midpoint in that bots get also stuck

  7. problem is not scrapper can hold 1v1 1v2 1v3 or 1v50, problem is the same of cele ele, tank druid and mirage: they can live forever just runing in circles and ciclyng their skills in and infinite loop just as a PvE rotation and this is not how a pvp class have to work pvp is a mode of action/reaction not a fuking raid boss

  8. or make visible team wide, top stats are meaningles but a general performance table could be more significant, and sometimes the most significant player to game not receive any one but is "silver" / "bronze" medal in all, and their job has to be show to other teammates

  9. > @"James.1065" said:

    > > @"megilandil.7506" said:

    > > >

    > > No, mixing gamemodes with diferent meta is always a bad idea, conquest have specific roles, DM have others and capture the flag others mixing qs of those gamemodes will ruin pvp and matches will be determined before start

    > > >

    > >


    > You are absolutely mistaken. What makes spvp bad at the moment is the repetitive game mode of capping 3 nodes and holding them on every map. You can win every map without using the map mechanic at all because they only make a significant difference in super close games. So every game is the same


    > The reason to have a que that gives the players 3 different game types choices means that every game will be different based on votes before the game starts. If cap the flag pops you would have to change your strategy and playstyle compared to if a map with conquest pops or DM - making player adapt to the map and game mode that gets voted in to be played, and keeping players on their toes as roles would have to change depending on what map gets played.




    remember that there is no build templates, yu have to manualy change your build to new environement or have toons prepared for each gamemode, mixing gamemodes will be pure shit, and by votation is that made the people hate it, when introduced was time of full teams mixed in q that full voted logically for the gamemode they were build making horrendous farms to unprevented pugs

  10. Oh!!!! this one!!!

    i have this user under radar from 3-4 seasons , because firts encontered on placement mathc runing a LB DH that only uses LB auto and i wanted to know what kind of shit i was paired with, after ewncountered several times the next seasons runing a hammer engi with weir actuation and playing a lot of games but no much more than a hardcore no life pvpr, around 1000-1500 season, i see now that they go to mesmer...


    Fun fact: during the beetle race event they apeared me as the best timer(in general clasification)with perfect time in each race, several seconds better than 2 and a lot much less than gold requirement for each race




    Diessa : 0:44,440

    Gendarran: 0:32,400

    Brisban: 1:02,000

    maelstrom: 0:27,520


    more than a full minute under for gold requirement

  11. > @"James.1065" said:

    > I love spvp dispite all its saltiness, unbalance and other worts.


    > However, there is a problem of variety of maps that has to be addressed. All of the maps currently revolve around capturing 3 node points and holding them. Besides becoming super repetitive, another problem is that this type of mechanic inherently gives certain aoe Condi spam classes a huge advantage.


    > I suggest there should be 2 more game types introduced:


    > A. 5v5 death match (lasts 6 minutes. no objectives other than kill the enemy team as many times as possible. Whichever team has more kills and less deaths win.) X4 different maps to chose from


    > B. 5v5 Capture the flag and return it to your base. First team to cap 3 flags win. X4 different maps to choose from


    > The above games must be combined with the top 4x played existing "hold 3 points" maps.


    > When choosing a map screen pops up, 1 of each game type map is randomly given as a choice for you to choose from, so there is always a choice of 3 differebt game types and a chance that any of the games types will be played in your next fight. I think that would be good fun


    > Comment on a new game type you would like to introduce!

    No, mixing gamemodes with diferent meta is always a bad idea, conquest have specific roles, DM have others and capture the flag others mixing qs of those gamemodes will ruin pvp and matches will be determined before start

    > @"Zenix.6198" said:

    > we already had deathmatch in the game once ....and as far as I remember everybody hated it (for good reason).

    > Add the powercreep of 2 expansions to that and I'm fairly certain people will still hate it.

    despite the bad mechanic of the courtyard that makes matches very snowballables, the main reason people hated courtyard is that was a farming mode for teams prebuilded for the mode againts pugs/teams queuing for conquest same as champions dawn when was in standard q


  12. > @"Phatt Dude.7538" said:

    > On three occasions now, I have gone into the dwarven ghost treasure rooms, and gotten the purple plate from Frodak(?) the dwarf ghost. Going into purple room, I find 2 hidden chests, then confront the graveling. usually there are others in the room. I repeatedly killed the graveling today, and got no plate from it. More than 10 times. Someone suggested i re-log. I tried that, found myself outside the purple room still able to transport into the room. Still no new plate. Yesterday, again in the purple room as first room, the graveling repeatedly gave me back a purple plate, so i could not progress to other rooms. 2 days ago, i was disconnected abruptly while in the purple room having the same trouble, and when i logged back in, i had no plate, no plate holder and no light of deldrimor. Its terribly hard to progress with the dragonblood weapons, when i cant accumulate the gems i need from the final hidden chest.

    > i was unable to try going to a different IP by using the LFG tool because it was later in the evening and some time had passsed since meta. REAL REAL frustrating.


    i found same issue today, after kill many times with others we suposed that only gives one plate at a time to the one that do the final blow.... great programing on that :angry:

  13. > @"PlagueParade.7942" said:

    > Listening to WPs talk about a bot having 3k+ games, that's a lot of gold. Though, he believes it's the person trying to get a good rating. As someone above said perhaps we should get less gold for losing and more for winning.


    not matter at all, i have 3 more than 3k games players(bots) added to friendlist and they sit in a WR of 45%-50% if you decrease prices for losing and increases the ones for wining they obtain aprox the same.



  14. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > I haven't encountered any bots myself personally. I largely agree with WoodenPotatoes's take here:




    > At 17 minutes, 55 seconds in.


    ypu had luck, yesterday midday, low gold i had two matches with **2** bots one per team and i suspect i had more because i remember the name of those 2 from another ones

  15. > @"syszery.1592" said:

    > > @"Aodlop.1907" said:

    > > I didn't say it was op or that deadeye were impossible to kill. I said getting killed by one was frustrating and poor design. You don't feel like this idiot deserved his kill, cause he just appears out of nowhere and one shots you during a fight. Even if you do spot him during your fight, you may no longer have the tools to dodge his stupid one shot skill. No class should be able to deal that much damage with ONE spell.



    > And what is the difference to any other viable thief spec in spvp then in your opinion? +1 fights is all about timing and pressing the right buttons. If you get killed by pewpew during a 1v1 or 2v2 it's because you didn't pay attention to what is going on on the rest of the map.


    > Tl;dr: _This idiot_ totally deserves the kill because he 100% fits his role as +1/assassin/roamer...


    a pewpew dosnt apear of thin air shoot and disapear in thinair with a simple dodge


    The problem is STEALTH, STEALTH(as implemented in GW2) is a stupid mechanic for a "competitive" game based on tab targeting.


    STEALTH is a great concept for a movement related skill, not for a combat skill where stealth users can enter freely in stealth mode when focused by one or more toons

  16. > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

    > OP is missing a critical part of why condi builds are considered low skill builds for low skill players.


    > It's true that DOT isn't inherently any more easymode than normal direct damage. In fact it should even have more counterplay and be even more difficult to play in that regard. But it's not. Why? WELL BOOOOOIIIIII, to find that out you need to look at the skills themselves.


    > Look at some of the best power skills in the meta:


    > Photon forge - Holographic shockwave: Obvious animation on the holosmith. Huge telegraph. Animation locked during cast. Large windup.

    > Whirling attack: Obvious animation, skillshot based, tell is in the weapon swap

    > Shackling wave: Post-nerf even grandma can dodge this skills tell now.

    > Whirling defense: Very obvious animation, requires you to sit in it to get the full damage. 99% of the time dying to this is entirely your own fault.


    > Now lets look at some of the best condi skills in the meta:


    > All shade skills: Zero cast time AoE abilities with indistinguishable animations

    > Condi Mirage shatters: Zero cast time AoE abilities

    > Necro staff: Low cast time ranged abilities with massive AoE


    > TL;DR the problem with condi isn't condi. The problem is the overwhelming majority of condi abilities are huge AoE instant cast skills that allow you to play condi builds by just running to wherever enemies are and 12345ing. https://www.twitch.tv/bikzesnake/clip/ShySoftAirGuitarVoteNay?filter=clips&range=all&sort=time









    this is true, but also is other important think that make condis feel chesse unsportive play to most people:

    -that you have no relevant information on what are killing you: true, you have icons in status barr that shows the condis you have on you, but is also true that status barr is filled with a ton of icons that flashes and changes every second.


    If they clarified the info in conditions on you, condis will be a more "legit" play. way to do this in my humble opinion:

    -Make 3 separate rows: one for condis, other for bons, and other for misc modificators(permanent bonuses aplied for other classes for just existing, food , boosters etc)

    -put in bons and condis a visible timer of time they will last, not this marginal bar that is hard to see and also you have to calculate by speed that fades out

    -show like is showed in barriers the expected life lost if actual condis ticks to the end

  17. > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > @"geist.4126" said:

    > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > >

    > > > Stealth hasn't been an issue for 6 years, thieves have had plenty of counters for 6 years too but lazy players who don't want to learn like everyone else did, insist that it's broken and needs to be fixed... Then when they do it, they say "thief just needs to git gud"....

    > >

    > > It has been an issue for years now. Remember ghost thieves? Why do you think so many people ran thieves instead of other classes? With some exceptions there was never a true counterplay to stealth. That's why PU mesmer or D/P thieves were always top roaming builds.

    > > What counters do you know besides the completely useless stealth traps of the time before "marked!"? The few revealed skills in the game which had low rang and could be dodged?


    > Call me old school but sometimes its as simple as using proc sigils or an auto attack rotation to see when it cycles over..


    in other words: luck finding where the stealthet character goes

  18. > @"BlackBeard.2873" said:

    > Finally someone who gets it! Mesmers are not to supposed to be fun for their opponents, only for the player using. And they are totally underpowered too with a kit that doesn't feature enough impacting skills.


    > I propose the following:

    > * Since one of the best ways that mesmers destroy others fun is by making it a fight vs. the UI and through lack of visibility, the following changes should be made:

    > - All of your opponents skills should be randomly shuffled around on their toolbar every time you shatter. This really fits with the theme of confusing your opponent and should further destroy any enjoyment of the game. If this doesn't work, then we could have each shatter randomly replace a utility skill with one that isn't selected! Making a player feel helpless is the best way to improve the mesmer's enjoyment of the game.

    > - Clones should persist for longer after shattering, and should turn the opponents whole screen pure-white, or randomly blocking off different portions of the viewing field any time they get hit with a shatter. Fighting vs. something that completely destroys all visibility as it currently does removes fun quite effectively. Even moreso with the visual bugs that cause the shattered sprite to persist. Instead of being stationary, the sprite should continue to just run in circles. This will further improve mesmer's ability to ruin visiblity. If that isn't sufficient, they should also leave pink trails behind them that persist for 30s. Perhaps we should also increase the number of clones (see below)?


    > * Mesmers need the ability to apply more pressure from out of nowhere, and the ability to just continually apply burst-pressure (as opposed to waiting long times between bursts like a terrible designer would do). They also only have 5-6 get out of jail free options for when the fit does hit the shan...that leaves them vulnerable for a few seconds while they aren't bursting and they sometimes don't disengage properly to get their CD's back.

    > - As such, I think that all mesmer skills should instantly recharge by 5s every time a shatter is used.

    > - Clones are too hard to generate since they revamped them. Sometimes you need to purposely use a clone skill to get access to one. As such, every 2s another clone should pop up and use whatever skill the mesmer just did. These guys are MASTERS of manipulation, not mere pedestrians. Further, every skill that produces a clone should instead produce 3 so that there can be a full shatter. Perhaps the clone limit should be increased to 6....maybe 9? It should probably be 9 to further help with destroying any visibility and sense of power that other players have.

    > - About the lack of defense. I think every shatter skill should now apply 3s of mirage cloak on use. Also, dodges should give mirage cloak that lasts 2s. I mean, only being 33% better than a normal dodge in duration isn't enough. It should be at least 166% better.


    > I think Anet should stop trying to pretend like mesmer's are not favored. Let's go whole-hog and take away ALL the fun of everyone else so only the favored class remains. That is the best coarse of action, and I demand these changes be made immediately.



    you forgot one to make the poor mesmers competitive:

    - every time you kill the mess their swap with a clone that shaters healing the mess and damaging the oponent


    wuth your list and this final touch mesmer could be some day competitive in hands of one of the few top ten players

  19. > @"OutOfOrder.3719" said:


    > We all have played those games where 1 guy will keep charging middle by himself into 1vs3 or even push far all game only to die every time.

    and if they can manage to figh a long time, they keep 3 players atached to mid where the other 4 players could dominate sidenodes in a 4v2

    > All I'm proposing is that if your team manages to win despite having a player repeatedly die multiple times, the player that is clearly being carried should receive less of a rating gain than other players who will receive full credit for the win.

    in the case said before the player that does so carries the others holding longs 1v3 and finally dying maybe more than 6 times and with your system it will be penalized for carrying the whole team


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