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Posts posted by BeLZedaR.4790

  1. > @"PakSau.3709" said:

    > > @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

    > > Ranked in offseason allows premade. Needs to be fixed


    > Ranked and unranked queues go into the same queue during off season. They aren't separate, so nothing needs to be fixed.


    They are still seperate queues. But with the same rules. Hence it makes no sense, and ranked should remain duoq for the same reasons it’s duoq while season is active.

  2. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > > Why does the pvp/wvw legendary armor has no unique skin?


    > Because you don't have to be in a team to earn armor with legendary stats, unlike raids (PVE).


    > **teamwork makes the dream work**


    Welcome to LFG wars 2?

  3. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > I can't help but to wonder if the majority of the "No" votes is comprised of people who don't quite understand exactly what is happening. It's kind of like when someone votes for a candidate because they liked his attitude, but they have little understanding of government functions.


    So because people disagree with you they are clueless?

    Nah I understand what's down. Here's a thing though. If I want to play 5 man matches, I'm not gonna do that on ranked anyways when there's ATs. Granted there needs to be more than 4 ATs a day, but AT is a better format for 5 man queing.

    Also I like to play alone here and there. Don't see a reason to block off that option.

  4. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > That's a hell of a wall of text you got here. But I'd say that in essence a fair defence mechanism is a defence mechanism availiable to everyone. So I guess the fairest of all is the untraited core dodge linked to endurance that every character have. From this point on, all other defensive mechanism that aren't shared can be seen as "unfair".


    > This mean that fairness can only be found into uniformity and that anything that part from this uniformity can become unfair from one point of view or another. Class diversity, skill diversity, thematic diversity and build diversity are bound to create situations that can be seen as "unfair". And at the same time if these elements didn't exist, the game would feel bland for the player and it wouldn't necessarily succeed.


    > NB.: Now, some relatively recent game have some success in their blandness. For example Fortnite give everyone the same base character and everything else is up to luck and "skill".


    Fair or balanced does not mean equal. Fair means a mechanic that has counterplay with equal effort to use or counter a strategy.

    Balanced means that the mechanic is not stronger than other options (translates to better winratio).


  5. Considering this is 2 months worth of playtime (season length) and that you’re required to be on the top of the board to get these rewards, they should be something more in scale of a legendary weapon.


    Certainly not potions, I’d prefer no rewards at all.

  6. > @"bluri.2653" said:

    > Good no more titles ?


    Obviously you can’t care less for them, and quite the opposite now that they’re gone you’re happy because yours is more exclusive, but are you really happy that an incentive for people to try and improve is gone?

    Yes wintrade is an issue but just perma dishonor and title stripping them makes more sense to me.

    No titles, no one cares anymore, no one gets better.

  7. The only thing I disagree with in your post is the esports point.

    Esports is one of the main attractions to competitive players looking for a new game. With no esports many people I know just chose to not even try the game out.


    It’s literally the best marketing tool for PvP communities out there.

    Also keep in mind the money that went to esport tournaments was intended for marketing anyways, so what you’re saying is that Ads > esports.


    Others claim Anet is balancing around esports - this isn’t true anymore. Otherwise PoF specs wouldn’t be strictly better than everything else wouldn’t they? Except o. Rev but my point still stands.


    Balancing around esports would actually achieve what these people claim it destroys, which is lower the powercreep and add diversity, counterplay and complexity to the PoF specs.


    I’ll finish by saying I very much agree with everything else you said so you have my upvote regardless of your unnecessary bash on esports.

  8. > @"suffish.4150" said:

    > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > The removal of the titles was something we've been considering for a while. They haven't really felt great for a while, in my opinion. Mainly because the design of the reward actively discouraged you to play once you hit a certain position on the board. People didn't want to take the risk of losing their position and would often play the bare minimum required.

    > >

    > > My future desire (not happening this season) is to replace leaderboards rewards with rewards for reaching a tier. Then you're not punished for continuing to play ranked PvP. This does bring up the question of what motivates you once you hit the tier you feel you can reasonably obtain, but that should be up to making sure the pip rewards feel good enough to motivate you to keep playing.

    > >

    > > The duo-queue change is something we've been somewhat hesitant to bring back. It makes matchmaking at the high and low ends of the skill rating spectrum more difficult. Ultimately, it came down to the fact that most players have more fun queuing up with a friend. Regardless of the effect it has on competitiveness. So we're bringing it back and we'll see how it goes for the season.


    > I do understand your thinking behind the removal of titles, however your logic seems flawed in a couple of areas and one particular thing stood out to me immediately. You say that the removal of titles will stop people from camping spots on the leaderboard to stop them from losing rating. However, the only reason removing titles will stop this behaviour is because the players no longer care about their rating. Look at it this way- WHY are the people in the top 10 camping their spots? Because they care about their rating and do not want to lose it. The only reason these players would stop this behaviour is if they do NOT care about their rating and do not care if they lose it and we both know this is a terrible mentality to have in an environment that is supposed to be competitive.

    > The problem lies in the rating system itself, not the behaviour of the players. I do agre with you that camping a spot on the leaderboard is absolutely not something that should be encouraged, but is removing the rewards from both people who camp spots and people who play actively the best solution? Or is the best solution to make playing actively more rewarding in terms of keeping leaderboard positions? I don’t know how you would do this but I do know that simply removing the reason to tryhard for rating is a very lazy fix to the problem of spot-camping.


    > That said I am very happy that duo is returning, but I can’t help but feel disappointed that I will never be able to get the titles for top 3 and higher.


    I can very much relate to what you say here. The problem with camping spots is always going to be a thing if people care for LB spots in the way the system is currently designed.

    Making people not care is a bad solution. People don’t care now only because they already have them or because of wintraders.


    I’m pretty sure I brought up this idea before but I’ll do it again. The idea is to allow people to play more without hurting their ratings, thus they can play without camping.


    What I suggest is a daily reset mechanic on daily volatility. Meaning every day the first games you play will give you a higher +/- rating, but once you cross a certain threshold of games (I’m sure some testings can help figuring out good scaling) their rating impact becomes relatively minimal.


    This allows you to enjoy competitive games (unlike unranked) because it still affects your rating and you should still care, but no dramatic rating changes that will make you drop 10+ LB spots each loss.

  9. Heavy isn’t quite what it usually means in games, a tank. Neither light is a glass cannon. Weaver (elem) as an example is a bunker while revenant is a GC.


    Each class, and even build, has completely different pros, cons, and good/bad matchups vs the rest of the high tier builds (lower tier builds will likely lose unless they’re highly specialized to deal with said high tier build).


    Look up streams and builds to see what styles fit for each class at the current meta.


    But keep in mind meta is aleays subject to change, so I suggest you give classes your own go to try and test their flow.

  10. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > Amazing suggestions. 100% agree with every one.


    > These would draw a massive amount of players in AND BACK in to the game.


    > GW2 needs more hype. PvP should be fun and exciting with official (not player-run) tournaments to compete in. Actual promoted tournaments that can be streamed on twitch.


    I really agree. In fact, Gw2 is not only not hyped, but it also gets bad names from its own players, even those who on a bottom line likes the game.


    I genuinely think official tournaments are the way out of this one, because the feeling I get as to why people are actively dissing a game they like is that when there is no esports, there is almost no audience.

    When there is no audience, there is no recognition for the skill of a competitive player. New people coming into this game can go a long time not knowing the name of almost any or all good pvpers.


    From personal friends of mine a lack of esports in itself is enough to turn them down from giving a 2nd thought about the game i’m talking to them to as anything skillful or with competitive potential, regardless of anything else I say.


    Oh and spectating friends, would be incredible feature that is well worth its investment.

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