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Posts posted by BeLZedaR.4790

  1. > @"Alin.2468" said:

    > I would love such option. Imagine so many rewards with just a simple PvP button. It's the best idea ever for farming PvP, because every loss will bring fast pips and rewards.


    > +1 for this. Great idea. Anet please add a surrender button, it totally makes sense because we already have AFK in teams, and it's not fair to waste gameplay time. We need faster rewards and jump to the next PvP match, and then the next. We need this surrender option. Totally awesome!!


    Yes plis izi pips we need better farm so we can get more gold per hour like pve farm trains otherwise is not fair

    If reward in pvp is not as good as pve is obviously why pvp population is not like pve population.


    (☭ ͜ʖ ☭)

  2. Generally what said above is correct, use your cleanses smartly to get the most benefit out of them, and if you can see you are about to take too much condition damage, try to get your glint heal out while working your way out.


    In general though, your best bet with revenant vs condition builds is to evade the conditions before they are even applied. Treat their attacks like a power build, assume that you have to evade the damage like you do vs a power build cause your cleanse is limited.

    This means you need to learn the big condi burst tells such as..


    Scourge starts pulsing a lot, and/or raising their hand to create ghastly breach. Or the torch 5.


    Mesmer clones relocating (axe 3 usually followed by shatters jaunt etc). Or 3 seconds after they go invis the torch explosion.


    Thief st... oh it has no animation xD you have to predict it.


    Not many other condi builds around at the moment but that’s the idea.

  3. > @"coro.3176" said:

    > The Great Condi Nerf Patch really needed to reduce cleanse across the board, but it didn't. If you reduce stacks by 50%, extend duration by 50%, but then don't **also nerf cleanse by 50%** , you have effectively **nerfed condi by 50%**.


    > .. and that is basically what happened to all condi builds (excluding mesmer/scourge/thief).


    The patch was definetly very poorly done, as instead of making conditions a DoT thing like it tried to do, all it did in practice is to make sure condi can never be DoT and can only be played on massive burst builds such as thief mesmer and scourge.

  4. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

    > > On the one hand I can see this very enjoyable, if well made and correctly integrating a leaderboard (imo a seperate one to conquest).

    > >

    > > But on the other, how do you address stuff like FB scourge being unstoppable and ruining any sense of competition by turning it into the best comp wins?

    > >

    > > In conquest its already kind of true, but you have the potential to out-rotate to overcome such situations. In 2v2, I don’t see counterplay.

    > >

    > > Even if fb scourge is nerfed, the next best healer + dps will take its place. Or something like double bunker soulbeast.

    > >

    > > Bottom line It’s hard for me to not see it becoming extremely unfun with balancing that is aimed at conquest.


    > Telling you, terrain differences. You don't see FB/Scourge roam duos in wvw for big reasons.


    Kind of, but FB scourge still dominate zerg fights. They don’t roam because of

    1) No chase potential. Any other roamer can easily choose to not engage. And likely will never go vs fb scourge.

    2) No escape. Cannot survive zergs that choose to try and eat them.


    I agree open terrain in wvw helps vs scourge, but on the contrary the only 2v2 map we have is actually extremely tight.

  5. On the one hand I can see this very enjoyable, if well made and correctly integrating a leaderboard (imo a seperate one to conquest).


    But on the other, how do you address stuff like FB scourge being unstoppable and ruining any sense of competition by turning it into the best comp wins?


    In conquest its already kind of true, but you have the potential to out-rotate to overcome such situations. In 2v2, I don’t see counterplay.


    Even if fb scourge is nerfed, the next best healer + dps will take its place. Or something like double bunker soulbeast.


    Bottom line It’s hard for me to not see it becoming extremely unfun with balancing that is aimed at conquest.

  6. > @"Abazigal.3679" said:

    > > @"suffish.4150" said:

    > > Why, if rating is not a good representation of skill, do the same players almost always reach the highest spots on the leaderboard season after season and no unknown names reach the top spots at the end of the season?


    > Well, most of these players do start close to their previous rank, and everyone agrees that matchs above 1650 aren't the same as matchs between 1300 and 1600 in terms of matchmaking and competitive teammates. With all due respect to top players, i'm pretty sure if i was placed at 1800, i would remain around it at the end of the season and not decrease below 1700., and several players are in the same case.


    > Fact is matchs below are a huge pain, and like you said, you need to play a lot of games to get your deserved spot. Too many chain loses and frustrating matchs, forcing you to play in ridiculous way to get secured wins.


    As someone who got placed silver/gold in a few seasons and climbed to legend every single time, you are delusional.

  7. If you remove the titles I would like to see legendary division removed.

    And instead have the top 99 spots display as a number on a new badge.

    Otherwise no reason to care for leaderboard spots, because let’s be honest the prestige is not as much there anymore for anyone to care without a visible bragging rights reward for it.

  8. Many of the skills that were nerfed from pulsing stab to normal should be nerfed in stacks.

    And then normalize rampage and tornado aswell.


    Before people cry tornado is already weak, pulsing stab already doesn’t make it strong enough, it needs a buff elsewhere.

  9. I don’t really think Gw2 and its systems are that bad at this point in time.

    The only issues are the lack of diversity (new game modes for unranked, SH could and should be reworked),

    And the power creeping of new elite specs every new expansion. With the PoF ones its gottten so extreme that It wasn’t even playable at launch. The next one, oh boy, I hope they learn.


    Oh and build diversity, true, but I don’t think thousands of skills is the solution, and claiming there is no “meta” or optimal strategies because there’s many good builds is narrow minded.


    To solve build diversity in Gw2 they just need to look at traits and/or traitlines that are just not giving anything meaningful and provide them with something that makes them useful at certain scenarios. Just to name a few:

    Salvation (rev traitline), Fire (ele traitline)...

    Thief traps, Jalis legend, ele signets...

    Just off the top of my head. Too many more to mention.

  10. > @"Odik.4587" said:

    > > @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

    > > > @"Odik.4587" said:

    > > > tldr

    > > > if you want to nerf condis to actually make damage over time rather than burst... they would have to remove all kind of oneshot/highburst builds because condi builds wouldnt ever stack anything before get killed.

    > > > @Arbalest.4506 fb have pull alrdy , mesmer hate train is here because its nerfed in wrong places =)

    > >

    > > Correct damage nerfs are needed aswell, or more to be honest, they need cooldown increases instead (most of them). The amount of burst on things like rev or engie is fine, aside from the fact they can burst again too soon.

    > > Some outlier literal oneshots loke DJ need an actual damage nerf.

    > Rev and holo damage is fine ? Really ? Holo forge have way too much damage and you said that before as well (they can keep you in CC for 8-9seconds while doing damage on top) . Rev always have 25 might hence why his damage is crazy as well . Anyway I dont think Anet will do anything about it, this all suggestions/discussions wouldnt be even seen xD


    Ok calling it fine maybe isn’t true, but my main point saying that was, that cooldown increases to reduce spam and the frequency in which the bursts happen in, might be better than just reducing the damage.


  11. > @"Odik.4587" said:

    > tldr

    > if you want to nerf condis to actually make damage over time rather than burst... they would have to remove all kind of oneshot/highburst builds because condi builds wouldnt ever stack anything before get killed.

    > @Arbalest.4506 fb have pull alrdy , mesmer hate train is here because its nerfed in wrong places =)


    Correct damage nerfs are needed aswell, or more to be honest, they need cooldown increases instead (most of them). The amount of burst on things like rev or engie is fine, aside from the fact they can burst again too soon.

    Some outlier literal oneshots loke DJ need an actual damage nerf.

  12. > @"Arbalest.4506" said:

    > > @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

    > > Did you even read my post?


    > You need to be more specific. I read them and there is my reply.


    A quick tldr ( I guess i should’ve added one)

    The game has too many cleanses, thus forcing condi builds style to be that of a burst.


    Generally my suggestion is to reduce the damage conditions do but heavily nerf cleansing across the board.


    This aims to allow condition builds to act as ramp up damage, and damage over time, which I think is the role they should occupy, leaving the burst side of things for power builds.

  13. > @"Arbalest.4506" said:

    > Actually all profession have very good access to condition cleanse.

    > All profession have access to trait like remove condition when dodge, or stealth or heal. Those + condition removal from utilities + class mechanic + high vitality are huge advantage over condition builds.


    > But players don't want to take them because it is against their play style. They love to see those huge 12k crits every time they attack. Or 20k hit after few seconds of 'setup' behind walls.


    > No one like to be killed regardless what kind of damage that kills them. They just hate to admit defeat against player who are 'less skilled' than them.


    Did you even read my post?

  14. > @"dominik.9721" said:

    > Conditions are actually the best example to represent the power creep.


    > Just consider the warriors skill "shake it off": Went from cleanses 1 condition in 2012 to cleanses 6 conditions + 2 loads in 2018

    > Remember when geomancy+doom (3 bleeds+poison) was an actual powerfull sigill combination?


    > Nowadays we have an inflation of powerfull conditionskills that apply torment,confusion and burning and also an inflation of condition cleanses to keep in track with it.


    Pretty much

  15. Reading this, keep in mind this is to encourage discussion, mostly about the role condition builds have nowadays, which I think is not, or at least shouldn’t, be intended


    It’s a topic that is sitting on my mind for a while, that for a condi build to be viable nowadays it needs to be able to do a massive burst of conditions in a very short time coupled with several cover conditions to be able to kill opponents.


    Considering a few factors that are pretty much facts at this point:

    1) Conditions were never meant to perform quick bursts, but instead were meant to be the dominant type of sustained damage dealers build.

    2) No one likes to be killed by a quick burst of conditions, especially when often their cleanse will miss the mark because of cover conditions.


    So it’s not hard to conclude that conditions and mechanics that interact with them (cleanses mainly), are not in a good spot. I’ve seen suggestions in the past, but I felt none of them nailed the issues with conditions quite right, so here’s my own take of things.


    I think it is much better to start looking at the issues from the non-viable condition builds rather than the top tier ones, to understand why condition builds are forced to be burst loke they are today.


    If you ever tried to play a condition build such as condi ranger, rev, engie or warrior against a firebrand or a weaver, you’ll get what I mean when I say: *The game has too much cleanses right now*.


    You are never really able to put out pressure to kill said builds, and even against some builds that are less infamous for being bunker. even if they heavily misplay. They have to misplay very hard to drop against a non-viable condi build, or rather I say a non-burst one.


    So my first suggestion would be to nerf cleansing, pretty heavily, across the board.


    But naturally, if you nerf cleansing without dealing with the already strong condition builds, then they will dominate very hard.


    So while doing that, there’s two options to prevent burst condi builds to be even more prevalent.


    1) The easy one that works: nerf them. Reduce the stacks of conditions on some outlier skills, remove some cover conditions such as cripple and vulnerability.


    2) reduce the damage conditions themselves do, but not by a ton. Why:

    This aims to create two types of conditions builds:


    1) consistent amount of DoT that varies very slightly if your opponent consistently hits skills on you. What I have in mind here is stuff like condition ranger, warrior, necromancer, ele and revenant.


    2) does damage in “waves”. Has dead time but has higher DoT than ordinary condi builds during its peak times. Simillar in playstyle to current mesmer, thief, engie and guardian, but kill time over a single burst is vastly increased, aiming to change the pace from “cleanse or die instantly” to “you”ll die soon if you don’t cleanse and keep taking hits”, but since the damage is not as extreme, you can choose tk counter pressure before you turn defensive. Keep in mind cleanses are much more rare, so the damage is more likely to connect.

  16. I think at the very least its worth trying again and seeing if match quality improves. I’m pretty sure it will, and it can be fun to queue with someone.


    The only real disadvantage of duoq back is the feeling that you can’t soloq if yoh actually care about rank, but let’s be honest. As it is right now its hard to care anyways because match quality is generally pretty bad.

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