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Posts posted by BeLZedaR.4790

  1. > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

    > Rev doesn't really need it. What the game needs is for condi specs to be reworked so they require more than one brain cell to play. Too many abilities that dump 4-8 condis with instant cast time spammable AoE abilities. Too many classes that can spam invuln while spamming said AoE condi bombs at the same time and then teleport/stealth away while waiting for their cooldowns so they can just do it again. Anet needs to start asking themselves "Is this good for the game?" when evaluating what to nerf. The fact that they don't is the problem.


    > The balance teams refusal to gut cheesy spam builds is the #1 reason why Esports failed in this game.

    Pretty much


  2. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

    > > Good points.

    > >

    > > Edit: figured I should mention that allowing prems in ranked is still a mistake in gw2 specifically and it was proven before. Aside from that though, good points.


    > So exactly how is GW2 so different from every other multiplayer, team-based PvP game, that this entire video doesn't apply to it?


    > Just stating, "It was proven that premades were bad for GW2." without actually providing evidence or reason for saying so, isn't enough.


    > Newsflash! Competitive PvP in GW2 is terrible. Why? Watch the video again if you didn't understand it the first time.


    Well, I’ll say that even in other games 5 man is a mistake (I’ll explain in a sec), but that’s different from duo queue. I actually advocate for duo queue to return.


    Why is 5 man a mistake? In gw2’s case i personally think s1-4 or prior to that is enough proof that the only thing it brings is people who don’t deserve it to the top ranks because a full team of plat 3s vs 1-2 legends + plat2s random team is usually going to be a victory for team of plat3s that also have discord. Unless ofc the legends are like misha+sindrener or something alike.


    But let’s put gw2 aside for a second and look at overwatch. Do you see ANY pro player going on full stacks for ranked? Ever? No, you don’t. Top players don’t do ranked to test their team’s skill because that’s not and never was the goal of ranked play. Ranked play is about self-development, and testing yourself, not your team.


    Good players test their team in two ways, tournaments and scrims. Gw2 has both.


    The only people that really benefit from full stacks are the “almost-pro” that are good enough to stomp almost any setup of randoms with their full stack, giving them high rank.


    So good players don’t really need 5 man, unless they want higher leaderboard ranks they don’t deserve.


    But what about the casual player, who “just want to play with friends”?

    There’s unranked for you. The definition goal of unranked is: “just play, in whatever party size you like and have fun.” Unranked has the flaw that it’s not rewarding, but it’s out of topic right now. But if you just want to play with friends for that goal alone, and not to inflate your rank, there’s unranked. If you want to increase your rank, become a better player as an individual.

  3. > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

    > > Good points.

    > >

    > > Edit: figured I should mention that allowing prems in ranked is still a mistake in gw2 specifically and it was proven before. Aside from that though, good points.


    > Proven? How? The only evidence we have from actual devs actually points towards the opposite direction.


    Seasons 1-4.

  4. > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > Power Shiro clearly gets countered by condimes what doesn't mean that you can't kill a bad one when playing a lot better than him.


    The skill gap has to be insultingly large and it’s still difficult.

    It could literally not be any more of a counter.

  5. Yeah you got it correct. PoF introduced mostly faceroll/spammy oriented specs that are highly tuned.

    I think that Anet should set themselves the goal of eventually having a pass on all of the PoF specs one by one, to design them to have counterplay, and punish misusing abilities more. This while still putting them on a high enough powerlevel so that when played well they’re very effective.

  6. > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > I'll admit its not the direction I would've taken with pulling Scourges back into line. This _is_ a pretty big nerf. That said, forcing scourges to think about _when_ to use their shades can be a good thing. They can still utilize their f2-f5 even without the shade while in melee.

    > Honestly its more of a (well needed) nerf for wvw than pvp. Don't expect them to be winning any 1v1's soon, but I guess that's not what they're there for.


    > ~ Kovu


    Except that I believe it is for pvp only.

    Edit: My bad didn’t see they added a correction.

  7. I don’t know how I feel about this. Bunker ele is the most PITA spec to kill in the entire game. If you ask me, I’d do the following:

    Increase riptide’s healing back and of some other water skills too.

    Slightly reduce durations of evades of the utility skill and earth2.

    Buff damage of fire2 and 1-2 dual skills.


    This way we halfway compensate for evade nerf by buffing heals and we buff damage to be able to kill people.


    Edit: and I’d like to see tempest make a return via FB nerfs and itself buffed.

  8. The issue is not really the way CCs work. But rather these two things:

    - CC cooldowns are lower than they used to be, so there are more CCs flying around.

    - Damage is way higher than it used to be, meaning that getting hit by a CC is more likely to be lethal and is thus more punishing and you have to avoid all of them.

  9. Some mesmer mains are so spoiled it’s funny.

    3/3 best mesmer builds were top of the meta by a large margin.

    Chrono got the right treatment, 2 to go!


    People that aren’t mesmer mains are kind of sick of mesmers being meta-defining/god tier since HoT launch, especially because they’re a shit class to fight full with low counterplay instant casts and mechanics and visual clutter.


    They so enjoy spouting l2p when playing an easymode class that has endless carry potential if you get good with it, only because it has a “high skill floor”.

  10. > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

    > tfw people accuse you of cheating if they see you as a rev with a plat badge because rev sucks so if you have over a certain elo you must be hacking.


    > I've stated before in the rev forums: Rev is underpowered, but not half as bad as a lot of the lesser skilled members of the community think it is. The problem is that the skill floor of Revenant happens to be higher than the skill ceiling of some of the other specs, so you really can't play rev effectively unless you have some decent knowledge of the meta. People keep suggesting insane buffs for Revenant like "Weapon skills cost no energy" without understanding that this would let the class spam a lot of our utility skills on recharge. The class needs buffs, just not _that_.



    The class needs buffs but not to the power shiro build. Power shiro is how a meta build should look like: high skill floor and cieling with high potential and many strengths but a glaring weakness (conditions in this case) that gives it counter picks and counterplay.

    This is in contrast to low counter play/counter-pick mirages and s/d thieves, and low skill floor scourge/sb.


    The only places revs needs buffs are the unused legends and traits to give it more diversity (Not shiro/glint basically).


  11. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > @"Yannir.4132" said:

    > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > > > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > > > > > We've been fairly open that swiss is taking longer than we'd hoped. We all want them to be done, believe me. As far as the On Demand tournaments, that's definitely still planned, but it will be post-swiss. We were hoping we could do them without new UI, but it didn't work out that way.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Also this is my opinion but I do not think the rewards should be reduced.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > PvE farms can generate 40g per hour. Even winning the AT finals (which takes about an hour to complete) only rewards 25g.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > The amount is still less than what you'd earn in PvE and it requires your team to be good enough to make it to the very end.

    > > > >

    > > > > The problem with not reducing rewards is that the on demand tournaments will usually likely be pretty small. One thing we've been thinking of is making a way of scaling tournament rewards by size. But this is more new code, so would probably come later.

    > > >

    > > > Would it be easier to award a set amount of gold per round you advance? Rather than just have a lump sum at the end/when you get eliminated. It could be like 7g per round or something like that. 3 wins would net you 21g which is usually semis. 4 would be 28g total. This would scale up and down depending on how many teams entered as difficulty increased/decreased.

    > > >

    > > > Also, if you lose in the first round I don't think you should award anything. This prevents people just multiboxing 5 players and afking at the start of the AT for free gold.

    > >

    > > I like this idea but it doesn't exactly work when the tournament doesn't have atleast 4 rounds. Off-peak tourneys can have as few as 4 teams in them.


    > Yeah that's the idea. If there are only a few teams, you'd make less gold in a shorter amount of time. Either way, I feel like this would be easier to implement rather than scaling the rewards based off of size.


    > Just reward a set amount of gold per win in an AT. EZ


    I don’t think it’s as linear as just size... an AT with good teams will be much harder than an AT with a bunch of random teams with avg players.

    It would be nice if there was a way to measure team MMR and scale off of that as well.


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