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Posts posted by BeLZedaR.4790

  1. still 3-4 mes every game. Top 3 is all mesmers. Mirage might not be as faceroll as chrono was but it’s close, and it’s just as strong as chrono was.


    Mirage needs the dodge mechanic to not be god mode. It’s powerful enough you can attack and gain special attacks while dodging and the. It’s also longer, netting more evasion uptime.


    It should not allow you to dodge while Cc’d especially without EM. EM itself needs to go.


    Right now it’s a distortion in almost every aspect, while not disabling cap contribution but also not ignoring unevadable attacks such as hammer 5 on guard.


    The damage itself should remain for now, and then we need a global tone down of damage, not just mirage. What puts it above the rest right now is the sustain and evasiveness (it can be extremely hard to catch, more than a thief).

  2. It would require giving up pre-match swapping which brings multi-classers an advantage for more game knowledge. I think it should stay.


    It also doesn’t make too much sense especially on classes with vastly different builds (let’s say fb and core guard).

    At this point you also want mmr per build, which is obviously ridiculous.

    Just general mmr is the best. if you really care about learning a new class your steps should be: - practise it a day or a few days in unranked.

    - Push yourself there to the hardest mechanical situations you can even if it means to throw (push 1v2s etc. ) to learn to use your class correctly

    - but also take a few games to practise rotations with it and understand your role.

    - Queue ranked with it realizing you’re probably gonna drop a bit, untill you manage to get back to your old rating.

    - at which point you know the class enough to play at your rating.

  3. > @"Specialka.7290" said:

    > So condi build overall are fine according to you? Even with all the cleanse you can have in your chosen specs or profession, you still end up with 5-6 condi and you just wither away without being able to do something. Is that normal?


    You do realize those condis are applied by something hitting you? And that you can dodge it like a power damage attack?

    It does more damage but can also be cleansed which will often make it do less damage.


    Condi builds by nature are not bad for the game, but specifically scourge and condi mirage. Definetly not condi engi sorry.

  4. > @"apharma.3741" said:

    > > @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

    > > > @"apharma.3741" said:

    > > > Condi mirage, people will not be happy till they don’t have to think to beat a mesmer.

    > > >

    > >

    > > I think you quite misunderstand the situation here. I want THE MESMER to need to think to beat ME. Right now they just need to kitten exist. Chrono is now finally where it should be for a braindead build, it’s time for a mirage nerf.

    > >

    > > P.S and scourge nerf because it’s also just as braindead and still op.

    > >

    > >


    > That’s a 2 way street btw. I think people are vastly overestimating the skill required to be effective in just about all the meta builds. It won’t stop with condi mirage and you know it, I’ve seen people still complaining at power shatter.


    Naturally power shatter got complained about. It was over performing since it was buffed massively. I believe that now since it got nerfed it’s more skillful and is fine where it’s at with reward for skill.


    That is/was not the case for condi mirage and chrono, and many other highly performing builds. Will it stop at condi mirage? No. Of course I know it but I think it’s good for the game.


    We should keep pushing for the highly skilled builds to be the most effective ones when played well. (Such as d/p thief, reaper, power rev, f/a weaver, tempest, power shatter, etc.)

    and for easy cheese builds to have a lower entry bar but be more nieche and thus less effective at higher level play. (Scourge, bunker chrono, spellbreaker, condi thief, etc.)


    Is it too much to ask for to push the game to reward playing builds that aren’t faceroll?

  5. > @"apharma.3741" said:

    > Condi mirage, people will not be happy till they don’t have to think to beat a mesmer.



    I think you quite misunderstand the situation here. I want THE MESMER to need to think to beat ME. Right now they just need to fucking exist. Chrono is now finally where it should be for a braindead build, it’s time for a mirage nerf.


    P.S and scourge nerf because it’s also just as braindead and still op.



  6. > @"Lasiurus.4067" said:

    > > @"Aktium.9506" said:

    > > > @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

    > > > Angeels rage always so overkill, it honestly ruins team comms. He can’t rage into his team chat and expect things to get better. Rage needs to be contained midgame so that your team can focus on the game and on the actual relevant things people have to say to coordinate.

    > > > It’s a practice that also helps you control tilt and allow yourself to perform well after a bad start and not block yourself mentally.

    > > Rage should always be contained. Admittedly, the stuff in OP's vid is more in line with being a whiny imbecile than rage. But still. If I for some reason forgot to turn off my chat when queueing and some bloke goes ballistic I feel obligated to do all I can to spite him short of going AFK, against my better judgement. And that's just not useful to anyone.

    > >

    > >


    > Please dont flame him too much, I did this video because I found his reaction funny, a lot of people can over react likes this, myself included.

    > I did this video in a fun way/goal, not to get someone criticized.

    > He's a nice player & he's one of the rare/few players giving love & life to pvp scene (he did the https://www.godsofpvp.net/ site for pvp players)

    > Thanks all, new video of AT coming soon :D


    Well I'm saying that because I played with him on an AT or two and he does it all the time. I don't hate him, he's a good lad. But recognizing this flaw will make him 1) more enjoyable to play with and 2) better at playing with teams and get better results.

  7. Angeels rage always so overkill, it honestly ruins team comms. He can’t rage into his team chat and expect things to get better. Rage needs to be contained midgame so that your team can focus on the game and on the actual relevant things people have to say to coordinate.

    It’s a practice that also helps you control tilt and allow yourself to perform well after a bad start and not block yourself mentally.


    Nice vid anyways, did well. Pretty funny rage compilation too.


    > @"dominik.9721" said:

    > scourge and fb the spec bad players can feel relevant in pvp


    That and mesmer, sb. Cba playing anymore with all this joke builds carrying people.

  8. That "fix" to the issue with sometimes still having upkeeps while swapping is now much much worse.

    Basically I use my glint upkeeps at start of the match and at reaching ~20% energy I lose all my boons (that's AFTER the match started, not when the start-match boon rip happens but after) and they still drain energy but stop giving me boons.

    Then when i swap they stay. It's consistent now.

    Idk anymore if the fix meant that it should do it all the time... but that's what's happening right now. please revert patch thx.

  9. Its better they fix things mid season and give it a chance to regain its integrity if the first half is not good on balance, and massively favors some classes.

    Leaving things as they are will just leave the season meaningless.

    Regardless though this patch only ruined druid’s day, and did nothing else impactful so the season is still meaningless due to mesmers necros and warriors.

  10. Anet honestly believes everything is fine so they decided to do no meaningful changes aside from another insufficient nerf to chronomancer.

    Everything that is not chronomancer apparently is completely fine guys and needed no changes at all.


    Just like it used to be, a patch with massive amounts of irrelevant changes.

  11. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

    > > > @"Kako.1930" said:

    > > > Looks like an average match to me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    > > Nope. I don’t see a red mesmer or two. Or three.

    > >

    > >


    > They are AFK in spawn lol


    Oh my bad. But I still don’t see the second one xD

  12. > @"bLind.6278" said:

    > > @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

    > > Matchmaking is not affected by decay. Only your badge is.

    > > What you said is because population is higher than ever with such an enjoyable meta as we have now.


    > So prime time matchmaking should routinely place you with players 150-250 points away from your own MMR? I'm pretty sure Ben has suggested direct contradictions to that.


    I was sarcastic on the second part. There’s a reason almost no one is legend tier anymore, people stop playing.

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