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Posts posted by BeLZedaR.4790

  1. > @"Zenix.6198" said:

    > > @"Exciton.8942" said:

    > > I think it is discussed before.

    > >

    > > Major healing power + condition damage + some additional vitality is considered to be overpowered.

    > >

    > > The only thing you might be able to get is major healing power + condition damage but no more other defensive stats.


    > How is it considered OP?

    > We never had such a combination in the game.

    > The only combination that has been considered OP was major Healing power + major Toughness or major Vitality + Toughness.

    > Settler, Soldier, Sentinel or Cleric amulet all had one of those combinations and they ALL have been removed.


    > Amulets that provide high toughness have always been an issue in PvP...especially when paired with Healing Power, since it simply adds just so much more value to your heals than vitality. Sage amulet (even with just minor vit/healing stats) already is in the game and still no meta build uses it.


    I’m gonna assume you didn’t play during the broken mercenary amulet times? (Season 2~)

    What is suggested here is even better, mercenary was removed for a reason.


  2. > @"Yannir.4132" said:

    > This honestly feels like a "We're gonna take this away to re-introduce it in the next Elite Spec lol"-sort of change.

    > Blinding Powder was a really solid skill. What was the need to change it?


    I think they tried to buff d/p but didn’t want to make it too strong.

    I do think that overall this is a buff in most cases.


  3. > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

    > i thought every stun break works instantluy but just add silly skill animation wich locks you in it, for example the new blinding powder change (which is really dumb btw) breaks stun the moment you use the skill, but the 1/4 cast time is just for the rest of the tool lip (blind/stealth/blast)


    Blinding powder has stability though

  4. > @"NotoriousNaru.1705" said:

    > Most people are really only complaining about sword 4 but in ranked there are things that have much higher one shot potential than rev(mantra mes). The way the current meta is structured(competitively) that should stay the same unless other classes are also toned down. Rev is definitely in an interesting spot, where most inexperienced/average players struggle on it because of condi mesmer/scourge/thief but in the right hands the class easily can replace the thief role especially in this meta and how dominant rev is at killing holosmith/spellbreaker/firebrand which gives it a slight edge over thief, whereas thief has more sustain through better disengage and higher mobility. Outside of the mirage matchup, rev also has better 1v1 potential vs holo/spellbreaker which are 2 key bruisers in this meta making rev more versatile. Current rev adds another layer of decision making over thief in terms of continuing to + or take a 1v1 matchup vs spb for example(easy matchup for rev) but then having to also think of the thief +, that along with having the luxury of staying in teamfights longer to kill an fb whereas if the thief doesn't get a good opener on the fb/scourge 2v2, they most likely have to leave after forcing a decap or a full cap for their side, rarely getting the kill. There's alot of decision making that goes into it and only two players in na(idk any eu revs) are good enough to execute it.


    > As for ranked, in a climate that is extremely unstructured, and mostly a clown fiesta of awkward comps, and builds, and players in completely different leagues with no proper form of communication being thrown into the same match I can see why a lot are complaining about rev. "hurrdurr port sword 4 i die cuz i dont press buttons or have no support or i run meme builds or im silver 3 vs gold 3 rev nerf it". But at the end of the day rev is miles healthier than p/p thieves, 1 shot mantra mesmers, meme 1 shot soulbeasts, and the axe version of condi mirage and whatever other niche 'pug stomper' specs people come up with in ranked that either I haven't seen yet or just cannot recall at this particular moment.


    Very true, but I find thief still better because of the thief-rev matchup itself.

    Essence sap makes it a bit too favorable to thief.

  5. > @"Phantaram.4816" said:

    > The real solution is to make a very in-depth pvp mode that is both moba-like and battle royale-like. Plop down with your team of 3 on a designated spot on a very large map full of monsters to kill, levels to gain, and loot to acquire along with 10 other teams of 3 that if you kill you can take their loot and experience. Last team standing wins!


    > It has all the amazing facets of World pvp in mmos melded into a 30-45 minute game mode. Progression that is so core to the rpg experience and what makes games like mobas and battle royales so popular is in every match in the form of acquiring gear and levels and modifying your build as you progress. The classic and fun aspect of ganking the enemy while they are fighting pve monsters to level up is present. There is depth to strategy in that you can make team compositions based on being strong early game, late game, or have a specific power spike timing. Does your composition aim to farm Monsters and avoid enemy teams as much as it can or is it confrontational and meant to snowball power off of killing other teams early? Maybe there are risky strategies like splitting up early to maximize experience and loot gain but become very vulnerable to ganks.


    > It's like the perfect mmorpg game mode and no ones bothered to make it yet. I think it'd unite WvWers and Spvpers into one awesome game mode too.


    > I mean realistically a game like this would be best made from the ground up but an already made mmo is a great groundwork for such a game I would think.


    I like the concept but the game’s level scaling has to change for this to work. A level 80 is going to 1shot any level 75~ or below build.


    Other than that I’ll add I voted No because I think its not necessary for rank/ATs.

    It might be if you’re talking about unranked / hotjoins.

  6. > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

    > I hope for the following changes:

    > Engineer; increase cooldown by Holo leap by 2 seconds, make Holo wave LoSable and remove Y axis on it.

    > Nerf to either protection uptime, spectrum shield or frontal block. Not all of them. Remove pull from HLA tool belt, they have enough cc spam already.


    > Mesmer; increase cooldown on axe 3 by 4 seconds, remove the ability to dodge while stunned and rework EM to remove two conditions. Put a 5 second ICD on Ineptitude. Remove clone from sword ambush. Shave torch burns. Make portal one way only, either put the entrance down first so that the skill can be used to rotate your team and not yourself, or put the entrance down last so that you can disengage from fights along with people close to you. (But not go back through) portal nerf is long overdue. Or make it an elite skill.


    > Warrior; lower the damage on greatsword and give it to other weapons to promote diversity. Undo rampage change as it's way too spammy now.


    > Revenant; nerf damage on sword offhand or make them longer cast times. Make them cleanse two condis on legend swap + 1 extra cleanse on staff 4.


    > Ranger; greatly reduce the boonspam on Soulbeast builds. Reduce base damage on owl, gazelle and smokescale. Move the pet damage to underused weapons to promote diversity.


    > Elementalist; greatly reduce the evade spam while increasing damage across the board on sword and dagger mainhand. Making the class less frustrating to fight.


    > Thief; rework swindler's equilibrium into reducing steal cooldown by x seconds when evading an attack. Double steal isn't fun playing against as you need to dodge two untelegraphed skills instead of one. Rework instant reflexes to proc at 25%. See valluns video for Condi thief rework/nerf.


    > Necromancer; make shades LoSable again and remove cripple from shade auto attacks as they already have an abundance of wide condition application. Rework transfusion to not port the target, the res speed coupled with well is strong enough. Make torch 5 LoSable.


    > Guardian; increase the cooldown on signet of Mercy. Decrease healing done by staff 4 and staff 2 and move those heals to mace, this will force Firebrands away from sword and in turn lowering mobility. Decrease Condi cleanse / conversion on healing tome.


    > I only want to see nerfs in this patch, across the board. After PoF specs are brought in line, we can start buffing underused specs such as berserker, dragonhunter, core necros, engineers and so on.


    I’ll only add that full counter should become blockable.

  7. Ok first of all, nothing on firebrand + scourge combo? Wtf you on vallun, for real?


    Second I’ll address my main, rev.

    Thing is with might is that unlike other classes, revenant’s damage with 0 might is pathetic. Sword 2 with marauder scholar, fury, and Assassin’s precense will crit for 700~ on each projectile. Sword 4 will hit for like 3.5k tops and that is only if all strikes hit the same target, etc.


    revenant nerfs in the past made it so without might you are worthless, but buffed further the might capabilities of the build, landing you in 25m easily.

    The one thing that is overtuned in rev right now is sword 4. Other than that, if you want to reduce my might give me back some base damage. I only start hitting like thief autos at more than 10-15 might.

    Also with the amount of corrupts from scourge and thief stealing and annulments everywhere, there’s enough opportunity to render a rev useless for a little while by stripping it.


    I’ll add for a bit that rev wasn’t meta since PoF came out, and it just now starts to pop into an almost meta state, and you aim to gut it before it gets the chance.


    TLDR; only issue is sword 4. Might is fine because of heavily nerfed base damage.


    P.S and fix the RM bug and rev loses quite a but of quickness thus damage uptime.

  8. I think mirage and scourge suffer from the same issues really...

    but yeah that’s what it takes for a condi build to be meta now. Try playing condi rev, you just can’t rack enough damage before you die because things have too many cleanses for a build that has limited access to damaging conditions.

    Especially firebrand, can’t even scratch them even if they tank it all.

    Cleanses need to be lowered across the board along with the overkill amount of cover conditions on some of these builds.

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