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Posts posted by serialkicker.5274

  1. # contact

    If you have questions and need more information, please contact me in game. In game username is same as it is shown here on forum - serialkicker.5274.

    You can also join our discord channel (link in the first post, as well as our website) and ask questions there. Everyone is welcome, new and veteran players, as long as you fit the description and share our goals.

  2. > @LanfearShadowflame.3189 said:

    > > @Branwen.8741 said:

    > > I came to GW2 from a P2W game over four years ago, where I played with people who poured thousands of dollars into their characters just to PVP. To put it into perspective, one person in a group I played with spent upwards of 20k. The gears and upgrades this kind of money was spent on were needed to stay on top and be one of the best. One simply could not compete with the almighty dollar even with great playing skills. I wasn't going to spend that kind of money to play a game and have been so very thankful that GW2 provides a way for me to farm, craft, and sell whatever I need to make purchases I want, as well as a way to buy gems and treat myself sometimes.

    > >

    > > I will support ANET when I can and purchase the little things here and there that I want, because at the end of the day, I want there to be a game with expansions and new content to play around with that do not require me to go get a second job to fund my addiction. At least these higher priced flashy skins are not necessary to have a good experience within the game.

    > >

    > > Many thanks and love to ANET!

    > >


    > I've played the kind of game you're talking about as well. Where people dump $1000 or more _per week_ into the game to stay "the best." Absolutely mind boggling. So yeah, to me a completely cosmetic skin for $25 isn't worth really blinking at. Granted I'm not necessarily fond of it. I'd like the skin, but its not going to kill me not to have it.


    Does it start with Sky and end with forge? :D

  3. > @GreyWolf.8670 said:

    > > @serialkicker.5274 said:

    > > > @GreyWolf.8670 said:

    > > > > @Cyninja.2954 said:

    > > > > I love how people are all:"What about expansions, what about the core game, what about blablabla".

    > > > >

    > > > > Yes what about those expenses for a game you likely have spent thousands of hours or more on? Obviously they are not what keeps the game and the developer afloat.

    > > > >

    > > > > But it's not about that, it's about the fact that arenanet has a staff which needs to get payed and the price of the game its self is not sufficient to cover. Now they have a business model in place which allows for a huge majority of players to play for free once they've payed the base price of game+expansions, the rest needs to get covered via the gem store. I'd call that more than fair.

    > > >

    > > > I do not care about that? They are a company. My only concern for them is whether I want to buy something they make, which I now do not.

    > > >

    > > > You go enjoy your camaraderie with ANet. They're not my friends. If they can no longer figure out how to make a buck that is absolutely not my fault.

    > >

    > > That's different from what you posted above about what you payed for. You payed for product. If you don't like it, your fault for paying before you informed yourself properly. I bought xpac two weeks ago and knew what I'm buying. Now, you can stop being so edgy.


    > You can be ANet's friend if you wish, too. They are a business arrangement to me. Enjoy your own "edginess." Apple would love you as a customer.


    I'm their friend because I disagree with you? Yes, they are business, that's why you pay for product. Or did you think you'll get xpac for free? If you don't like the content xpac provides, you could easily inform yourself first and avoid purchase.


  4. > @GreyWolf.8670 said:

    > > @Cyninja.2954 said:

    > > I love how people are all:"What about expansions, what about the core game, what about blablabla".

    > >

    > > Yes what about those expenses for a game you likely have spent thousands of hours or more on? Obviously they are not what keeps the game and the developer afloat.

    > >

    > > But it's not about that, it's about the fact that arenanet has a staff which needs to get payed and the price of the game its self is not sufficient to cover. Now they have a business model in place which allows for a huge majority of players to play for free once they've payed the base price of game+expansions, the rest needs to get covered via the gem store. I'd call that more than fair.


    > I do not care about that? They are a company. My only concern for them is whether I want to buy something they make, which I now do not.


    > You go enjoy your camaraderie with ANet. They're not my friends. If they can no longer figure out how to make a buck that is absolutely not my fault.


    That's different from what you posted above about what you payed for. You payed for product. If you don't like it, your fault for paying before you informed yourself properly. I bought xpac two weeks ago and knew what I'm buying. Now, you can stop being so edgy.

  5. I'm quite happy with my default raptor. Sure I wish I could put some more dyes on him, but whatever. I see these skins as prestigious and something for truly dedicated fans to support Anet with. Also adds a bit to the charm effect, even though I don't like any of these skins so far, but it still feels "appropriate" that some skins are hard to get and we won't see every other rider having same looking mount. Also I think everyone has a favorite mount and if at some point some really great skin comes out (different for everyone of course), many would probably be willing to put some effort to get those 2000gems to get their fav skin for their fav mount. Unless you're one of those that have to change skins every 2 hours, then RIP.

  6. > @LanfearShadowflame.3189 said:

    > > @serialkicker.5274 said:

    > > > @LanfearShadowflame.3189 said:

    > > > Nope. 23 slots, 23 characters. All races and armor tiers accounted for in there somewhere. Probably not done making characters anytime soon. I tend to put quite a bit of thought into making my characters, so there is no desire to reroll them as a different race. I know what I like by this point.

    > > >

    > > > Besides, unless something has changed (which is always possible) Anet has told us that a race change isn't possible due to technical limitations. Things hard coded into the code base as opposed to be variables populated from a database, which makes it difficult to change such things. I believe the phrase "it would cause too many bugs" was used. I no longer have the post bookmarked. I don't recall if it was a reddit post, or on the old forums.

    > >

    > > So, what exactly would stop you from doing what you're doing if we had an OPTION for race change?


    > The question was "would" I, not am I for or against it. Which, nothing in my response states whether I am for or against. Only that I wouldn't (which answers the question asked) and why if the option existed, and then goes on to cite (at least partially) why we may never see that option.


    Fair enough.

  7. > @LanfearShadowflame.3189 said:

    > Nope. 23 slots, 23 characters. All races and armor tiers accounted for in there somewhere. Probably not done making characters anytime soon. I tend to put quite a bit of thought into making my characters, so there is no desire to reroll them as a different race. I know what I like by this point.


    > Besides, unless something has changed (which is always possible) Anet has told us that a race change isn't possible due to technical limitations. Things hard coded into the code base as opposed to be variables populated from a database, which makes it difficult to change such things. I believe the phrase "it would cause too many bugs" was used. I no longer have the post bookmarked. I don't recall if it was a reddit post, or on the old forums.


    So, what exactly would stop you from doing what you're doing if we had an OPTION for race change?

  8. > @Tyncale.1629 said:

    > I do not like any of the other races, the Charr being at the bottom of the list. I do not want to play as a Cat (hate the walking on all 4s thing), leafy stick, miniature race or a big Oaf. Might also be of how Anet has stereotyped these races. Charr too warlike and aggressive, Asura arrogant and annoying, Norn "me not think me smash" and the Sylvari are just too 70's attuned to nature for me. :(



    And humans are all perfect with their plastic baby faces and cringy dialogue right?

  9. I'll be honest here, I catch myself pressing #4 quite a few times when I shouldn't. I'm pretty fresh on ranger, but still. For some reason this skill is so hard not to press and idk why. I think I'm probably wishing for another usefull skill on LB to fill the space between CDs. #3 is completely useless in PvE as far as I've seen so far.

  10. > @Cyninja.2954 said:

    > > @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

    > > > @Cyninja.2954 said:

    > > > > @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

    > > > > > @Cyninja.2954 said:

    > > > > > > @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

    > > > > > > > @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

    > > > > > > > Players pre-select for meta builds in random grouping because there is no way to pre-select for skill or knowledge of encounter mechanics. In a random grouping situation where players want to ensure a successful run, they will use the criteria that they have access to. The assumption is that the player who is using a meta build has at least made some effort to see what's wanted build-wise, and might also have made an effort to learn mechanics.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I can see your point here, however this mentality can also work against you. Any idiot can copy a meta build from the internet, but can they play it effectively? You don't need to have understood the mechanics in order to copy and paste the traits and blindly follow a rotation that someone else has designed. On the flip side, in order to make an off-meta build work you have to do a lot of research into the game mechanics and fully understand the rotation you are going to do in order to maximise your effectiveness with that build. In short, it is a lot harder to be effective with a non-meta build than a meta one, and those that manage it (in my opinion) show more skill and game knowledge than the people who do well by copying the meta.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > You are assuming that a player running an offmeta build will put in this amount of effort while players who simply copy paste do not. That's pure speculation, it might happen, it might not happen and it's completely out of any ones control to plan or work with besides getting to know the other player personally.

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > **It's quite simple really, let's assume 2 players of exactly the same skill that being absolute 0.**

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Player A runs a meta build which he copy pasted and has 0 clue of how the build works.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Player B runs a non meta build which he made himself and has 0 clue of how the build works.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Logic dictates that Player A will outperform player B.

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > **Now let's take this same situation and take 2 players who know absolutely everything about the game.**

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Player A runs a meta build which he copy pasted and fully understands.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Player B runs a non meta build which he created himself and fully understands.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Again, logic dictates that player A will outperform player B simply because his meta build is the most efficient build for the content.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Finally, you can play what ever you want. No one is forcing you to play anything. At the same time, you can't force any one else to play with you. It's the freedom of choice on both sides.

    > > > >

    > > > > I disagree. Unless you have a player who literally just randomly clicks traits without ever reading what they do, the non-meta player will probably spend a lot more time actually reading and researching what every trait and skill does in game, so your first scenario is quite frankly very unrealistic.

    > > >

    > > > And I'm saying this is a purely subjective unprovable might be scenario. Purely subjective and in no way possible to be proven.

    > > >

    > > > I could just as well say:"Well I believe that people who start using meta builds and even put the effort in to find sites and guides which provide them are invested enough to understand their class well enough to outperform someone who makes his own build. Why? Because the first thing someone does who is inexperienced with the game is not run off to metabattle or quantify looking for meta builds but get to know his class."

    > > >

    > > > And I would be just as hard pressed proving my statement as you are yours.

    > >

    > > Did you even read my previous statement at all? There's nothing subjective about it. I said that it takes no skill at all to copy and paste a build from a website and put it in the game. You don't need to have any understanding of the game mechanics to do that, so just having that meta build on your character does NOT make you a good player. Now hopefully people would take the time to actually learn the mechanics of the build before they play it, but not always.


    > No it does not, but it does take a certain amount of dedication and involvement to even go find a site with meta builds. Something someone who just plays along and randomly makes his build has not yet shown.


    > Most people do not automatically start looking for meta build sites just for fun and giggles.


    So, you pretty much assume that everyone who makes his own build has IQ below 80 and will always pick the biggest mess they can? If you have at least a bit experience from mmos and a few brain cells, it's not hard to put up a decent if not good build together without looking at any webssite.

    By your logic, someone who just can't bother to take a look at their profession, but rather copy pastes build from internet will perform better than someone who picks his own traits and skills because he probably at least read the descriptions? Your zero knowledge meta guy would probably lick the floor in first 5 seconds.

  11. > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > @serialkicker.5274 said:

    > > > @zealex.9410 said:

    > > > "Skipping... It's maybe THE worst gameplay in Guild Wars 2. " And theres goes any thumbs up you may had from me up until that point. And any point afterwards for that matter...

    > >

    > > So, stealth and run to the final chest is gameplay for you? You heard that Anet? Just make a long corridor, fill them with mobs and put chest at the end. People want to run, Anet! No need to waste your money and time for anything meaningful.


    > Skipping can be challenge itself.

    Sorry, but this is the worst joke I've heard this week.

  12. > @zealex.9410 said:

    > "Skipping... It's maybe THE worst gameplay in Guild Wars 2. " And theres goes any thumbs up you may had from me up until that point. And any point afterwards for that matter...


    So, stealth and run to the final chest is gameplay for you? You heard that Anet? Just make a long corridor, fill them with mobs and put chest at the end. People want to run, Anet! No need to waste your money and time for anything meaningful.

  13. > @Cyninja.2954 said:

    > > @Lipzipper.3160 said:

    > > I know I know, you've heard it before.

    > >

    > > "Update dungeons ANET kitten, kitten¤"#% ! etc..

    > >

    > > No!

    > >

    > > Don't update dungeons, revamp them.

    > >


    > Tomato tomaato.


    > I get it, you want to disarm people who are about to rush in and scream and not take the topic seriously, stating something like this does none of that. This is basic presentation stuff, if you are aware that people have heard it before, don't make them hear it again. The fact that you rephrase the term update to revamp shows you know how a thesaurus works, it hardly creates the groundbreaking difference in thematic approach which would be needed.


    > > @Lipzipper.3160 said:

    > > - I want dungeons to be valid and for them to have a reason to exist in the game for players who have unlocked all skins.


    > You have not yet shown that dungeons are not valid. As far as I can tell they are good gold per hour, provide an abundance of unique skins as well as end game runes and sigils (rune of nightmare for some condi builds as an example). I'd call that pretty valid. What you wanted to say was:"You want dungeons to get run by the community as often as they got used to run in the past."


    > > @Lipzipper.3160 said:

    > > - I want rng ADDED "note that", to the dungeons by allowing dungeon gear to drop from bosses ALONGSIDE the currency and vendors. (Low drop % obviously.)


    > More rng, I'm sure people will get right on that idea of supporting this. Wasn't one of your approaches dungeons were supposed to provide incentive for people with all the skins? What you should have said is, you want increased dungeons rewards to make the content more enticing. As is, not needed, dungeons are rewarding enough.


    > > @Lipzipper.3160 said:

    > > - I do NOT suggest new dungeons to be added. (the 8 dungeons from vanilla is enough as pillar content.)


    > Great, because they won't. This also divides the audience which you are intending to reach even further. You are now down to people who do not feel new dungeons are needed, yet feel the need that old dungeons require a complete revamp. That's going very niche imo.


    > I'm going to address the rest of your points simply by saying:


    > Yes, 5+ year old content which has no work seen on it will feel dated and not be up to par with current quality of the game.


    > Yes, dungeons could get a complete revamp/rework to bring them up to speed.


    > No, this is not so easy and would require massive developer hours as well as new design and implementation of rewards and a reward structure.


    > Yes, new players are left out to dry as far as dungeons are concerned. If this is to big an issue, make dungeon story lines all level 80. It's not as though a big part of the player base runs them at sub 80 anyway.


    > Any type of work done on dungeons is competing with work which could be done on other parts of the game. As such, the cost-benefit analysis disfavors change to dungeons just as it disfavors a redesign of Living World Season 1 (something a lot of players would love to see reintroduced into the game). So it won't happen.


    "Makes gold = it's valid" *facepalm*

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