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Posts posted by serialkicker.5274

  1. I'm not saying Anet couldn't do better job with balancing, but big part of the issue is community and will always be. There are too many players who think the only way to play the game is with meta builds. Some even think if you don't have meta, then you are inefficient. And some think if they have meta build, they are automatically good players.

    How many people you think come up with their own builds for raids for example? Or fractals?

    Unless you make all classes identical, there will always be class or build that will be meta and people will demand that in their parties, even if others builds can do the job as well, maybe takes just few moments longer to kill.

  2. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > > > @"Hoodie.1045" said:

    > > > The warriors' rifle skill 3 Volley pierces targets, the F1 skill Kill Shot pierces targets and both of those skills deal more damage than the engineers' rifle auto attack, the only skill that pierces targets. The only profession with access to the rifle weapon that needs a buff is the engineer, not the warrior.

    > > >

    > > > Plus the warrior is meant to be a melee brawler, not a ranged profession like the engineer or ranger. You can still use the rifle if you want, as it deals a really good amount of damage, but in my opinion warriors benefit the most in melee combat.

    > >

    > > just because the class is meant to be a melee brawler doesnt mean to simply make a weapon useless so nobody plays it...that is just plain stupid


    > Actually that IS what that means. Why would Anet buff a ranged weapon if the intention of the class is to be melee brawler?


    I'll have to disagree that warriors intention is to be a melee brawler. Warriors are "fighters" who specialize is using weaponry in general, no matter what kind. The more, the better. There is a reason why warriors have most of the weapons at their disposal.

  3. > @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

    > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > Let's see now...

    > >

    > > 1) Wait for entire guild to log into the game to see a message about an event and then send you emails to sign up, which is limited at 10 mails and your inbox is instantly full. If you reply or just send mail you don't even see who you sent mail to, when you sent it, if sending was successful etc... Imagine trying to send a message to entire guild via in game mail system. One by one. Not to mention character limit per mail as well.

    > >

    > > 2) Make a channel on Discord where everyone can see it whenever they have time, no need to even log into game. They can post to sign up and all info is in the same place from entire guild. Can post long posts, videos, pictures, format your posts properly and much more. Posts stay there, no need to delete them to make space for more posts.

    > >

    > > Hhhmmm


    > I just don't agree with making a message on discord where everyone cans see it. There are some people who log into discord or have one and don't see the message because they don't do discord. Those people who haven't joined discord or signed into it, wouldn't see it. You are leaving those members out.


    I'm sorry, but I don't know if you don't understand or you choose not to for the sake of argument. I gave you explanation above why Discord is a lot easier to use in-game "tools" to manage events and guild. My guild runs couple of events, which I can't possibly properly explain and advertise in game because it is way too limited there. It's painful and time wasting nightmare. So, why should I bother and waste my time to do that in game for those few people who can't be bothered to use Discord and still even I did, it wouldn't be as nice, efficient and properly formatted as on Discord. Why?

    You are unreasonable. If this is a problem, simply find another guild. Joining guilds is optional and no one forced you to join a guild that you don't like or don't agree with their rules or expectations. Complaining about community, which is completely OPTIONAL to join, about how they run their things and it's not to your liking.... lol

  4. Let's see now...


    1) Wait for entire guild to log into the game to see a message about an event and then send you emails to sign up, which is limited at 10 mails and your inbox is instantly full. If you reply or just send mail you don't even see who you sent mail to, when you sent it, if sending was successful etc... Imagine trying to send a message to entire guild via in game mail system. One by one. Not to mention character limit per mail as well.


    2) Make a channel on Discord where everyone can see it whenever they have time, no need to even log into game. They can post to sign up and all info is in the same place from entire guild. Can post long posts, videos, pictures, format your posts properly and much more. Posts stay there, no need to delete them to make space for more posts.



  5. > @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

    > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > So, you don't want to prioritize the guild, but you expect the guild to prioritize you?


    > I just don't think putting the guild in priority requires me to push the rep button. I will talk almost non stop on all guild channels. I don't think me contributing requires me to push rep button. There are other ways to contribute.


    That's your opinion that representing doesn't contribute. And since everyone is allowed to have an opinion/preference and thankfully many guilds exist so you can choose, you can just ignore guilds that require 100% represent, if you don't like that.

    From my personal experience in many guilds, in vast majority of cases, in guilds with no represent rule it seems like no one cares there. It looks like LFG tool basically. So, if you have guild just for chatting purposes with random people most of which you never actually play with, then why not just chat in map chat and look for LFGs?

    GW2 is the first game I've played where multiguilding is a thing. In all other games I have played, you picked one guild and you were happy with it. Well, if you weren't you changed, but not like people change guilds here. You found the one you liked and you were loyal and tried to do your best to advance and contribute to the guild.

    In GW2 people change guilds like underwear. A lot of them are casual, they don't want to hear about any commitments, rules or anything else. Just leave them alone and when they will need you (guild), they will say so. But If the guild doesn't respond to their need, they leave. Basically "I'm not giving you any attention, but I will need attention and when I do, I better get it or I will leave." I'm talking here from my own experience running a guild and from experience from being in many other guilds.


    So, in the end, yes, 100% representing is not the best thing ever, but it's one of the very few things we have, because guilds and tools for running one in this game are a joke.

    By putting 100% represent rule as requirement, you get better chances to get people you want to apply for guild. Well, for those that prefer commitment and something more than just big chatroom. So, I don't see why people like that can't make their own guilds with their own rules/preferences/ideas which are all completely OPTIONAL for everyone to accept/agree to.


  6. > @"OriOri.8724" said:

    > > @"Cerioth.7062" said:

    > > I will probably get hate for this but...

    > >

    > > My guild requires 90% rep. However, we have some conditions to this. First off, we exclude repping for WvW guilds / raids from this (since we can see if theyre WvWing or raiding). Secondly, if someone has a family / small close friend guild we usually discuss it through and let it be.

    > >

    > > Our guild has tried several different methods. No rep, 50% rep, 75% rep, now this 90% rep.

    > >

    > > This has brought us the most desirable results. A tight-knit, not too large community fitting for people with a similar mindset. We are happy and proud within our community. If our rep rules dont work for you, no hard feelings. Our main goal is to create friendships and enjoy being there for each other and we have some social standards.


    > The repping doesn't create friendships though, nor social standards. Not repping the guild doesn't mean they cannot interact with you, it doesn't mean they can't talk in guild chat, or do guild missions, or come to the guildhall, or party up with you.


    > Its fine if you want a rep requirement for your guild, really. But don't pretend like repping the guild somehow makes the interactions different or more meaningful. Its the same interactions with or without repping. If the person is going to create friendships and be socially active, then they are going to do it with or without the repping. I think this is mostly confirmation bias, in that people more willing to try to make friendships and be active, are also more willing to rep when asked to.


    No, it's not. I've been in a lot of guilds and seen opposite of what you're saying every single time. One reason is, if you're advertising the guild with 100% rule there is a higher chance you'll get people who want to commit to one guild and thus all interaction goes with that guild. If you have five guilds and two or three do guild missions on Sunday, who will you join and do missions with? I've had members that had issues with this btw, just so you won't say it's not a problem and I'm making things up.

  7. > @"FyzE.3472" said:

    > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > Have you seen PvPers happy in any game at any point? Me neither. Of all PvP games I played, every single class or weapon was OP, often all of them at the same time.


    > The thing is, after the scrooge nerfs, everyone jumped n the next ~~OP~~ most balanced profession. Resulting in "Nurf X profession" threads. So, basically, X will change from patch to patch. Because balance.


    Yeah, that's my point. As long as people are getting killed, something must be OP and always will be.

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