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Posts posted by serialkicker.5274

  1. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

    > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > Is there an Anette in Queensdale? I tried googling that name and nothing came up.

    > > I suspect it's more like A.Net(~~te~~).


    > Oh. Probably. I thought s/he was talking about one of the NFC’s with unique dresses that players keep asking for when s/he said _”I couldn't take my eyes off your dresses and the dyes you used to color them.”_ but ANet makes sense too.


    Pretty obvious he's talking about game itself to me :D

  2. > @"Echostorm.9143" said:

    > Here come the Doom Speakers. Flying will break the game! People will be able to skip content!! Wait. Don't we just run and fly past content now? When you're on your way to AB meta do you kill everything in your path or do you just ride to the gate? Do you stop for every single random meta when crossing a map because you have no choice? Does being on the ground with your raptor make those ground events unavoidable?


    > The argument that a flying mount would break the game is silly when you actually think about it. As it is we skip things anyway and there is no part of a map we can't get to as is. This comes down to 2 things, 1. fan bois who just parrot whatever they've heard from anet before without thinking about it critically. (I promise if an anet dev said flying was good they'd all change their minds rather dramatically) and 2. The Fun Police. They just want people the play the game exactly the same way they do. They think gaming should be hard and they resent anything that makes it easier for the unwashed masses playing 'their' game. If it was up to them there would be no mounts and no waypoints either. If people don't have 8 hours a day to grind in the game they are not worthy sayeth the Fun Police.


    > Having a truly flying mount wouldn't hurt the game at all, but it might be fun. :)


    > PS> The only people that flying ruined wow for are the types in this thread. Wow still has a massive amount more subs than gw could ever hope to have so lets retire that argument too please.


    As a matter of fact, yes, a lot of people do events. Don't generalize and count those who come for final chest of meta as a whole population. Every event I come across, if I decide to do it, even if I'm the only one there at the moment, there is a very good chance I'll get some company very quick. I actually even noticed, which should be quite obvious, that people are even encouraged to pitch in if they see someone already doing an event. If you fly over with your super dragon directly towards your target area of final chest, you won't even notice most events, let alone care to actually swoop down to help. When I'm on my raptor, I stop to help a lot more often than I do when on griffon. When I'm on griffon, I want to fly as long as possible, because it's fun or because I have my destination set.

    Not to mention, you would totally make gliding obsolete with flying mount, as well as probably most other mounts. Heck, griffon and skyscale would definetly become insta useless.

    Right now you have to use different ways and mechanics to explore - each mount has their own advantage and uses. Then you have gliding, bouncing mushrooms, updrafts, ley lines etc... With flying mount, all of this would become ruined and obsolete.


    > PS> The only people that flying ruined wow for are the types in this thread. Wow still has a massive amount more subs than gw could ever hope to have so lets retire that argument too please.

    Yeah, surely, millions more chose WoW because it has a flying mount and it doesn't have anything to do with it being there way before gw2 in golden time of mmos where genre was at it's peak. If WoW was released today, no one would touch it.

  3. Judging by how boring and simplistic open world is in other mmos, I wonder not people wish to skip all of it by flying over.

    Maybe my Griffon could "fly for real" if it didn't carry a big cat in full plate on it's back :)


    Also, in other mmos, mounts are usually just speed buff, nothing special about them. In gw2, each of them have their advantage and special movements, that, combined with other means of traveling like gliding, provides some dynamic and fun way to move around. If you had a mount that could fly for real, all of that would become obsolete. Gliding wouldn't exist anymore.

  4. > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

    > HoT was an amazing expansion outside of raids(which should've never been added to the game). Base GW2 was an awful, awful game.


    > POF was base GW2 2.0 so it was just as bad, but LS4 is amazing.


    Can't help but wonder what's such a big difference between PoF and LS4?

  5. Never had a feeling I'm grinding for xp or anything in HoT. There is so much to do. I stopped reading half way, because your claim make no sense. "> @"Kongajinken.3182" said:


    > Which all of this would maybe be cute if there was more content to explore.


    These maps have probably most content in entire game. Meta event are always on (each map has one), meaning most of the map is covered with events nearly non stop. Then you have hero challanges, adventures, jumping puzzles, mastery points etc. Maps themselves are multilayered and fun to explore, unlike core maps that are flat and you could mostly just run around on foot and see everything (not saying I don't like core maps.)

    > But wait you say! There's zone events going on! WOwzers! Now I only have 20 minutes in order for it to start, and no one's here, guess I'll just wait for the next event that starts in 30 minutes.

    HoT maps are probably still most played maps in entire game. Except for when we get new episode, new map might be busier for a week. Otherwise, HoT maps are always hot, large part due to great meta events that people still do regularly after all these years.

    > Guess I'll just sit here and do taris for the 9th time as wonder where to get enough XP to play the game again.

    Let's hope that you'll be able to pronounce it correctly after 9th time. Again, these maps are full of events and other things, if you are not getting enough xp, then you are not playing the game.


    > Once again I'll be retelling my friends that buying HoT was a mistake and to never come back, its a trap.

    Are you friends incapable of forming their own opinion?


  6. > @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

    > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

    > > > Take off your armor and go take SMC from Blackgate single handed.

    > > >

    > > > I don't know why people think Anet needs to make harder content when you can do it for yourself.

    > >

    > > That's the most common and stupidest idea to make content hard that I heard.


    > So, figuring out something for yourself to make the game more challenging is beyond your abilities?


    Taking off your armor and weapons that you worked hard for to acquire and feel like your character has evolved and progressed, is just silly. What kind of rpg and progression would that be? People want to feel progression of their characters, fighting tough baddies and beating them with skill/experience/gear they acquired to get to that point. No one wants to beat supposedly badass bosses and other enemies in underwear, just because AI is stupid enough for that to be doable. With your logic, every game could be piece of cake. "Just play with one hand or blindfolded if you want challenge, dude." Right? What kind of argument is that? And what kind of shitty game is that? Tell that to everyone who wanted raids in any game. "Just go naked into dungeon dude. They will raid your ass in no time!"


    There is nothing wrong for people to wish and ask for harder content, just like there is nothing wrong for people to ask for easier content or anything else they wish to see in game. Arenanet will decide what they think is best for their game.

  7. > @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

    > Look at all of these people supporting the leechers and afkers lol. Maybe we should all just afk in GW2. Why play the game when you can just afk for rewards while others work for you? That is the mentality of these people. The problem with the GW2 community is that they want rewards but they are not willing to put forward the effort required to get them. They would rather let other people do the work for them. They have time to complain but no time to put in effort.


    Some people can't just disagree simply, they come to inform you how horribly wrong you are and should uninstall NOW. A lot of people come here to give suggestions or share ideas and then a lot of people barely manage not to insult them when replying. Not sure what's so hard by saying - I disagree, here is why...


    Anyway, on topic. For me, difficulty is ok for the most part, even over the top in some cases. Jahai bluffs comes to mind. Idk if anything changed, but for some reason mobs there are quite ridiculous. Veterans were as tough as elites are normally.

    When it comes to difficulty, I would never say no to more intelligent AI, but that's not usually how hard content comes. It's usually give them more health and damage, which I don't wish for.

  8. I wish they would save "more maps" for expansion and rather focus on revisiting old maps and spending resources elsewhere in season 5.

    There are quite a few things rarely anyone wouldn't be happy to see, like more guild functionality and tools, more stuff for guild hall that is not just grind for the sake of gold sink, more instanced/repeatable content, more skins, more skills and so on.

  9. > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > No, they are not the same question just by the difference in the definition of the words "satisfied" and "viable", yes, they do both ask for opinions...but when you ask someone if they're satisfied or not the answer is mostly going to be yes/no without a followup needed...asking someone if something is viable also leads to a yes/no answer but with an automatic followup question of why or why not(this is something you learn when you learn how to detect behaviors in people and do active engagement),


    Let me quote your first response:


    > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > Since it's personal opinion, yes, everything is fine.


    And then:


    > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > By using "satisfaction" in the question that automatically makes it an opinion piece, if he had chosen instead to word the question this way: are all the skills/traits/weapons viable in GW2? then your argument would be valid. I said the way the question is worded, how you word a question changes it's context entirely...the OP's wording makes it an opinion piece.


    Your responses and idea are clearly "It's an opinion, so it doesn't matter" and now you are trying to strawman it seems.


    Besides, "satisfied" and "viable" are two different things indeed. But none of it means that answering with your opinion doesn't matter. OP wants to know how people feel about current situation about weapons and traits and you just complicated things for no reason at all. Having satisfied gameplay is just as much important as having viable builds.

    Satisfaction is one of the consequence of having fun. Having fun is very important in game. Obviously I'm not saying Anet should consider and realize every wish and suggestion on forum, but if something is known as bad or in need of attention because it takes away from fun and it's agreed upon by wide spread audience, then the question is far from "doesn't matter" and might be worth looking into.

    Whether this particular topic and question is important enough is something Anet needs to decide. But I'm talking generally about your "it's an opinion so it doesn't matter" approach. Guess what, if enough people has an "opinion" that the game is not worth playing, it would sure as hell matter quickly.

  10. > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > > > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > > > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > > > > > Since it's personal opinion, yes, everything is fine.

    > > > >

    > > > > It's more than just opinion. You can easily compare weapons by their damage, cooldowns, utility, versatility, performance and conclude that certain weapons are simply vastly inferior in all situations, so using them is intentionally hurting your performance. They might be only used for fashion.

    > > >

    > > > It's still just an opinion though, especially the way the question was asked...and there are those that care about performance and those that don't...which is all a matter of taste and subjectiveness. What I find superior or inferior might be different than what you find inferior or superior, numbers not withstanding....this is a game, I play for fun, so what ever makes it fun is okay with me.

    > >

    > > Well then, with this logic, aside from technical problems, everything everyone says about the game is opinion and doesn't matter. Might as well shut down all feedback/suggestions/wishes topics here and on any game ever. Also be sure not to watch any reviews before buying any game because it's 95% opinions.

    > > If Arenanet decides tomorrow to replace our weapons with sticks that deal 50 damage per hit, while boss has million health, you wouldn't be complaining, because that being boring, not balanced and not fun is only an opinion, so doesn't matter.


    > Since you don't quite understand I'm going to put the question as asked here: "are you satisfied with the amount of good or viable skills/ traits/ weapons?" By using "satisfaction" in the question that automatically makes it an opinion piece, if he had chosen instead to word the question this way: are all the skills/traits/weapons viable in GW2? then your argument would be valid. I said the way the question is worded, how you word a question changes it's context entirely...the OP's wording makes it an opinion piece.


    You sure know how to complicate things. It's a simple question. Do you think weapons and traits are balanced or not. There is nothing wrong with the question. Every individual decides for themselves and answers. What exactly makes you think this is anything but asking for opinion? Don't you think OP knows that? If it wasn't an opinion it would be a fact and there wouldn't be a need for poll.

    Besides, "Are all the skills/traits/weapons viable in gw2" as you put it is same kitten thing. If I answer yes, it's my opinion and someone else might answer no and it's also an opinion.

  11. > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > > > Since it's personal opinion, yes, everything is fine.

    > >

    > > It's more than just opinion. You can easily compare weapons by their damage, cooldowns, utility, versatility, performance and conclude that certain weapons are simply vastly inferior in all situations, so using them is intentionally hurting your performance. They might be only used for fashion.


    > It's still just an opinion though, especially the way the question was asked...and there are those that care about performance and those that don't...which is all a matter of taste and subjectiveness. What I find superior or inferior might be different than what you find inferior or superior, numbers not withstanding....this is a game, I play for fun, so what ever makes it fun is okay with me.


    Well then, with this logic, aside from technical problems, everything everyone says about the game is opinion and doesn't matter. Might as well shut down all feedback/suggestions/wishes topics here and on any game ever. Also be sure not to watch any reviews before buying any game because it's 95% opinions.

    If Arenanet decides tomorrow to replace our weapons with sticks that deal 50 damage per hit, while boss has million health, you wouldn't be complaining, because that being boring, not balanced and not fun is only an opinion, so doesn't matter.

  12. > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > Since it's personal opinion, yes, everything is fine.


    It's more than just opinion. You can easily compare weapons by their damage, cooldowns, utility, versatility, performance and conclude that certain weapons are simply vastly inferior in all situations, so using them is intentionally hurting your performance. They might be only used for fashion.

  13. Personally I'd like to see dungeon make a come back. They are most accessible instanced content compared to fractals and raids, so they would be enjoyed by larger population. Extra points if dungeons had different difficulties and better rewards.

    I'd like expansion over LW any day.

    I came to expect not much from balance, but I would like to see weapons rebalanced, because most of them are just not good.

    I'd like to see more funcionality for guilds and for guild halls.

  14. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > ... and how much of that is actually down to personal preference?

    > >

    > > I think the necro minion skills mostly suck but judging from what I see in game I am sure plenty disagree with me.


    > Exactly. This is a very subjective poll.


    And... what's wrong with that? I don't get it. It's not like this poll is going to be used in some serious research or that Anet will acknowledge it for next balance update. It's simple question asked on forums to see what people think.

    Besides, just because people use minions or any other skills/playstyle, doesn't mean they think it's nothing wrong with it. People like certain roles and playstyles, so they'll stick with it as long as they can. I like greatsword the most out of all weapons and I'll use it on any class as long as it's not absolute crap, even if other weapons perform better. Same goes for classes. Obviously some classes outperform others at certain parts, but that doesn't mean everyone will play only the most viable classes.


    As for topic itself, I especially think weapons are very unbalanced.

  15. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > * Dungeons aren't gone. The game even has two types: the original dungeons dovetailing the personal story (sort of) and fractal dungeons, some of which are literally LW instanced content, using the same dialogue.

    > * LW Story instances aren't any sort of "compromise." Nearly everyone (even ANet) wants to bring back LW. The question is: what will it look like as a reboot and what will it cost. Making them repeatable dungeons doesn't address either.

    > * Without explaining clearly what is different about fractal dungeons, there's no way anyone (ANet or other) could deliver what you want. Four of the existing fractals are near-identical to what we had during LS1. The only difference is the lack of context of the umbrella story, which would be identical in experience to anyone doing the game's original dungeon without having done the personal story (the old-school dungeons dump you right in the middle of a situation; the external context is explained in the PS).



    Oh, developers know what the difference between dungeons and fractals is. And you know it too. Telling OP they got 6 years old dungeons who were not updated in a long time and are not on par with todays end game content is just not what I'd call an argument. OP is clearly passionate about certain aspect of the game and would like to see more of it, just like any other player with their preferences.


    Fractals are not dungeons, plain and simple. They have clearly different designs and mechanics and thus were given their own LFG category and named "Fractals", rather than being just another dungeon. Fractals don't have story mode, have in my opinion lame progression system, have agony resistance, which makes playing with alts somewhat restricted and so on. Dungeons are simple and accessible to everyone, only tied to level of a character. Now, that doesn't meant I don't like the idea of putting some kind of progression system or anything else for dungeons, but I personally don't like how things are handled with Fractals.



  16. Whether this should be bannable or not is something I don't concern myself at the moment, but people being worried about it and expressing their disapproval, is also not unheard of. "Everyone can use it" Sure, everyone can also exploit bosses and mechanics in a way they weren't suppose to be played, but that does't mean I have to like it and that's completely harmless. When people decide this is new hot stuff and meta to do boss or some encounter this way, everyone and their mother suddenly starts using that exploit and if you are alone in party who prefers to do it as intended, you are asking for kick or some insults coming your way.


    Sure, this is a bit different, because people don't usually expect others to have these 3rd party addons installed (even though I did encounter some cases), but then again, I'm doing guild mission, trying to help new folks and there is this guy or couple of them who complete rush first try with Taco and encourage others who are having trouble with it to try it out, completely ruining first time experience. Of course, everyone decides for themselves if they will install it, but still, we all know how society can pressure you into doing things you might not otherwise do. People do things they normally wouldn't non stop, just to blend in and be cool, so they can hang out with the cool guys. And when 5 people complete the rush in first try and then wait around for those who are struggling, do you think those left struggling are feeling encouraged at that moment? Do you think they have fun? No, they think they are slowing everyone down and they lose interest, because why bother if some play with cheats. Point of group content is to work together.


    This is just one example and of course I know Anet supposedly doesn't have problem with these addons, but that still doesn't mean they are 100% right. They make good and bad decisions. They are also fine with afk farmers last time I checked and that's complete BS imo. I don't expect anything to happen in any case, but I can express my displeasure like anyone else is doing on forums.


    On a side note: I also don't like dps meter. The things I heard and read in game communicated between people that was result of dps meters, made me sick.

    I agree that everyone has fun in their own way and may do so, but I don't agree that these things are completely harmless and are definetly affecting others in various ways.

  17. Every time I hear guildie say to another when we do guild missions "hey, just use taco, it will show you the path and all traps for race", I have to roll my eyes. When you can't bother to play the game, it's time to stop and do something else.

    Reminds me of a friend who came from WoW and complained how few skills gw2 has and thus it's boring and easy. He forgot he put his entire rotation on a single button in WoW, because pressing multiple buttons in a video game that you're playing for fun is apparently too much these days.

  18. This is my first and only mmorpg that I have played more than 30 hours. I have come to conclusion that developers, probably goes for all mmos, don't even want to balance the game. It's probably intentionally that they put in bunch of random changes in order to keep things *cough* interesting and forcing people to keep adapting, grinding new gear, changing builds, switching classes and so on, in order to give them something to do and not quit the game 2 days after new episode release.

    I can't find any other explanation on how it would otherwise be possible to not be able to balance bunch of skills in 6 years, changing same skills 50x in over the years and still have unbalanced game.

    It doesn't even feel like my character is progressing and getting better, because same skill changes so much and so many times, it doesn't even feel like my character can control his abilities.

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