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Posts posted by serialkicker.5274

  1. Good ideas. Guild hall in general needs any love it can get!


    i'd also like an option to fill it a bit with more npcs. Right now there is a huge guild hall with couple of merchants inside. Looks kinda silly. Let's say, completing certain stories, achievements, areas, would unlock certain groups that can be sent to guild hall. There could be vendor, where you buy and item to activate exactly which groups you'd welcome into your guild hall.

  2. > @"Dami.5046" said:

    > I play GW2 and for that matter GW. When both games had expansions come out I bought them. In GW2's case that was both PoF and HoT of course and I got them because they were expansions, not because of masteries and mounts. The only selling point is that they were the expansion for the game I play.

    > And I would do the same IF we get another.

    > I would buy it if it was GW:EN all over if it was cantha if it was on a planet far far away.

    > And thankful that the game was still running.

    > Noone seems thankful we have GW2 these days.



    How did you gather that no one is thankful for gw2? Because we wouldn't buy an expansion that provides content we don't want to play? If you want to support the game, you can do so by buying gems, no need to buy content you don't want to play...

  3. I feel like this is one of those things people think they want, but fun would quickly fade away and it would turn out as investment was way bigger than it was worth it.

    Making a new race playable is quite a serious task and investment. They would really need to be sure that enough people want it and that it would "last". I don't know how many people would care about new race. I can only speak for myself and I would definetly not care and buy expansion if new playable race was the selling point for it.

  4. > @"Trise.2865" said:

    > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > It doesn't, because in real life you spend most of your time in a single city or two, unless your job makes you travel a lot, in which case, still can't compare to the way you travel in game. You can visit entire gw2 playable world within a day if you wished so.



    > > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

    > > > @"Trise.2865" said:

    > > > > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

    > > > >*snip

    > > >

    > > > Consider this statement: "There can't be 7 billion people in the world because I always see the same people over and over again."

    > > >

    > > > Does that sound like a rational, true statement?

    > >

    > > That's not even a proper comparison... it's not like I can choose to be in the UK, then port to Iceland, then to USA and to China after...


    > Regardless of where you are in Tyria, you are still on your server.


    Regardless of where you are in real world, you are still on planet Earth.

  5. > @"Trise.2865" said:

    > > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

    > >*snip


    > Consider this statement: "There can't be 7 billion people in the world because I always see the same people over and over again."


    > Does that sound like a rational, true statement?


    It doesn't, because in real life you spend most of your time in a single city or two, unless your job makes you travel a lot, in which case, still can't compare to the way you travel in game. You can visit entire gw2 playable world within a day if you wished so.

  6. I got a feeling OP is not aware that they can choose any gear (any stats) they need and then simply cover it with skin of their choice (obviously only heavy skins work for revenant). If I misunderstood, apologies, but you mentioned you want to be strong but still good looking, so I assumed such :)

    So, find out what build would you like to run and what kind of stats it needs. Get the armour and weapons with those stats, can be cheapest and ugliest, doesn't matter, because after that you can reskin it with skins of your choice. To unlock skins, you have to either equip, destroy or salvage item with skin of your choice. Once unlocked, you may apply it anytime, as many times as you wish for the cost of one transmutation charge per piece. And you can see all skins in wardrobe. Good luck.

  7. > @"Seera.5916" said:


    > @"serialkicker.5274" What specific ideas did you have in mind for those unique gifts?


    I was referring to things like luminous weapon skins. First few years didn't provide anything that couldn't be obtained by other means, except birthday booster if we want to count that.

    Then I believe at 5th year, it started getting some exclusivity, like luminous skins, that can only be obtained in birthday gifts. Now, while I'm not stoked for these luminous skins, we don't know what next years could bring. Perhaps at some point, there will be something I'd like to have and will sadly have to do without, because I'd have to wait another 5 years to reach players who kept their characters. (game might not even run for that long for me to reach there, heh -I'm not doomsaying here!- It wouldn't be the end of the world and I wouldn't start throwing things around, but I'd be a bit bummed.

  8. > @"Daishi.6027" said:


    See, I couldn't care less about backpacks, let alone about dying them. Yet, I'm not going to your topic to tell you it's a complaint. With your logic, it is a complaint. I, however, wouldn't say so. You give your ideas and I'll give mine.

    You have no way of knowing how many players my change would affect. There could be a lot of players wanting to delete a char or two, but bday gifts are stopping them. I don't know, you don't know. We could only speculate.

    In the end of the day, it's only an idea and suggestion. At no point I tried to make it a demand.

    Besides, all those thing Anet has to do that you listed, but surely they could find time to dye backpacks? They just wouldn't have time for my suggestion.

  9. > @"Daishi.6027" said:

    > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > @"Daishi.6027" said:

    > > > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > > > @"Daishi.6027" said:

    > > > > > If you wanted the gift so much you should have just got another character slot and left it alone.

    > > > > > Name change contracts are an option if you want a particular name transferred.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > If I go into game and delete my twilight intentionally, I don't think it's reasonable to suggest that all my greatswords should function with select-able stats and that it's somehow punishing. You should have had the foresight to avoid a punishing situation.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > You have to learn to weigh your options, and accept the reality that comes with it. It's up to you to minimize negative outcomes, not blame the system; when the system gives you every option to minimize.

    > > > >

    > > > > If you have read a single post of mine, I'll eat my hat.

    > > >

    > > > I did. and my point still stands.

    > > >

    > > > You, did not minimize risk to a degree you found acceptable. Otherwise this topic wouldn't even exist.

    > > >

    > > > That is not a flaw of the system that is a flaw of you. You don't want it to collect dust fully knowing? Fine, you lose out, you are fully aware you are losing out; don't complain.

    > > >

    > > > If you don't play it then what does it matter, what's the point of having an empty slot anyways?

    > > >

    > > > Do you withdraw money from your investments to make an even number, then complain how it's punishing that you didn't make interest on the money you didn't leave in as well?

    > > >

    > > > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > >

    > > > > He's not saying the current system is bad. Just that it does punish players who are like him and don't want to keep characters they don't want to play anymore.

    > > > >

    > > > > And he went a step further and came up with an idea that would solve his problem, but not affect how birthdays work for everyone else who does keep characters around they don't play anymore for the gifts.

    > > >

    > > > [it's not only about Your experience.](https://clips.twitch.tv/CloudyObliqueDogStrawBeary "https://clips.twitch.tv/CloudyObliqueDogStrawBeary")

    > >

    > > That's a lot of stuff you just made up.

    > >

    > > First, what risk? I clearly said I was aware of what I'm doing. I made my decision and it was such that I deleted my character. That doesn't mean I'm not allowed to share an idea on how to improve this system and hope perhaps developers will deem it worthy at some point. Second, I'm not complaining. If coming here and sharing an idea on how could something be changed to work for both parties without anyone get hurt, you call that complaining?

    > > My empty slots are my own business.


    > "a statement that a situation is unsatisfactory or unacceptable." Sounds like a complaint if you don't think the current system is satisfactory.

    > Frankly I think it is satisfactory to a reasonable degree, and not worth the development time to change.


    > But yes let's waste development time for a few people NEED to have clear slots so they can get a birthday gift which is tied to character creation. Please see the link for further response to your suggestion.


    Have you ever heard of constructive feedback or critique? If you choose to perceive it as complaint, that's your problem.

    What is waste of time is something Anet will decide on. This change would affect everyone. People would have more freedom when it comes to their characters and wouldn't need to feel like they are depriving themselves of potentially exclusive item, just because they want to delete a character.


  10. > @"Daishi.6027" said:

    > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > @"Daishi.6027" said:

    > > > If you wanted the gift so much you should have just got another character slot and left it alone.

    > > > Name change contracts are an option if you want a particular name transferred.

    > > >

    > > > If I go into game and delete my twilight intentionally, I don't think it's reasonable to suggest that all my greatswords should function with select-able stats and that it's somehow punishing. You should have had the foresight to avoid a punishing situation.

    > > >

    > > > You have to learn to weigh your options, and accept the reality that comes with it. It's up to you to minimize negative outcomes, not blame the system; when the system gives you every option to minimize.

    > >

    > > If you have read a single post of mine, I'll eat my hat.


    > I did. and my point still stands.


    > You, did not minimize risk to a degree you found acceptable. Otherwise this topic wouldn't even exist.


    > That is not a flaw of the system that is a flaw of you. You don't want it to collect dust fully knowing? Fine, you lose out, you are fully aware you are losing out; don't complain.


    > If you don't play it then what does it matter, what's the point of having an empty slot anyways?


    > Do you withdraw money from your investments to make an even number, then complain how it's punishing that you didn't make interest on the money you didn't leave in as well?


    > > @"Seera.5916" said:


    > > He's not saying the current system is bad. Just that it does punish players who are like him and don't want to keep characters they don't want to play anymore.

    > >

    > > And he went a step further and came up with an idea that would solve his problem, but not affect how birthdays work for everyone else who does keep characters around they don't play anymore for the gifts.


    > [it's not only about Your experience.](https://clips.twitch.tv/CloudyObliqueDogStrawBeary "https://clips.twitch.tv/CloudyObliqueDogStrawBeary")


    That's a lot of stuff you just made up.


    First, what risk? I clearly said I was aware of what I'm doing. I made my decision and it was such that I deleted my character. That doesn't mean I'm not allowed to share an idea on how to improve this system and hope perhaps developers will deem it worthy at some point. Second, I'm not complaining. If coming here and sharing an idea on how could something be changed to work for both parties without anyone get hurt, you call that complaining?

    My empty slots are my own business.

  11. > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > > Kinda looks like a human character there.

    > > >

    > > > I don't know, there are extra character slots; seems like it would have been prudent to wait to delete the 'offensive' human character until the Achievement had been changed, rather than requesting the change after the fact. (Especially since it was acknowledged that it was known it would affect the acquisition of rewards.)

    > >

    > > That's Norn. I'd change to Charr if I could with gems. Offensive human was waiting and collecting dust three years in hope for that. I did not suddenly gotten an issue with this mechanics. See that Asura guardian? I completely forgot about him. He is closing in on 6th year. (others are less than a year old, but I'll keep them). I would like to delete Asura as well. I kept him mostly because he has almost all crafting professions finished. And birthday gift is an extra. But I'd like to delete him and probably will after 6th year. It's just a shame that they put exclusive rewards behind birthday gift of character. I simply wished to express my opinion and suggestion if Anet would consider doing anything about this at some point. Didn't expect people to go crazy and oppose the idea, like it's going to crush whole game down.


    > I get not wanting to hold onto characters you don't want to play anymore. But with the unused character slots, you could park them somewhere to get daily jumping puzzle rewards and collect gifts until you need the spot for a new character?


    > At least for something to do until when and if ANet implements something like you want suggest.


    I know, thanks for tips, but that's not how I play. I do things I enjoy and don't concern myself with things I don't care about, like achievement points for example. I have enough gold and enough skins that I wanted to enjoy the game at my pace.

  12. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > > Kinda looks like a human character there.

    > > >

    > > > I don't know, there are extra character slots; seems like it would have been prudent to wait to delete the 'offensive' human character until the Achievement had been changed, rather than requesting the change after the fact. (Especially since it was acknowledged that it was known it would affect the acquisition of rewards.)

    > >

    > > That's Norn. I'd change to Charr if I could with gems. Offensive human was waiting and collecting dust three years in hope for that. I did not suddenly gotten an issue with this mechanics. See that Asura guardian? I completely forgot about him. He is closing in on 6th year. (others are less than a year old, but I'll keep them). I would like to delete Asura as well. I kept him mostly because he has almost all crafting professions finished. And birthday gift is an extra. But I'd like to delete him and probably will after 6th year. It's just a shame that they put exclusive rewards behind birthday gift of character. I simply wished to express my opinion and suggestion if Anet would consider doing anything about this at some point. Didn't expect people to go crazy and oppose the idea, like it's going to crush whole game down.


    > I suggest you wait to delete the forgotten Asura until your suggestion is implemented.

    > If not, the choice to forego the rewards will be deliberate.


    Thanks, I'll think about it, but I doubt I will keep him. Like I said, I was aware that I'll be missing on the gift, when I deleted my first one and same will be with this. I'll just have to live with it. But doesn't mean it's not worth making a topic about it and provide an idea for potential change some day. I'll let Anet decide that. Fingers crossed.

  13. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Kinda looks like a human character there.


    > I don't know, there are extra character slots; seems like it would have been prudent to wait to delete the 'offensive' human character until the Achievement had been changed, rather than requesting the change after the fact. (Especially since it was acknowledged that it was known it would affect the acquisition of rewards.)


    That's Norn. I'd change to Charr if I could with gems. Offensive human was waiting and collecting dust three years in hope for that. I did not suddenly gotten an issue with this mechanics. See that Asura guardian? I completely forgot about him. He is closing in on 6th year. (others are less than a year old, but I'll keep them). I would like to delete Asura as well. I kept him mostly because he has almost all crafting professions finished. And birthday gift is an extra. But I'd like to delete him and probably will after 6th year. It's just a shame that they put exclusive rewards behind birthday gift of character. I simply wished to express my opinion and suggestion if Anet would consider doing anything about this at some point. Didn't expect people to go crazy and oppose the idea, like it's going to crush whole game down.

  14. > @"Ashen.2907" said:

    > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

    > > > Not getting something you don't qualify for is not punishment.

    > >

    > > Oh, but I did qualify. Suddenly, by deleting my first character, I don't qualify anymore. Therefore, deleting character is punishing. It is encouraged to keep characters even when you don't want them.

    > > I guess I should come to expect people like to get rewarded for not doing anything. Just like afk farmers.


    > No, choosing to give up a privilege is not you being punished.


    > Is my father being punished by Anet's decision to not give him log in rewards for GW2 when he never bought the game? No, he chose to not buy and play the game and so does not qualify for any rewards that would be offered for doing so.


    > ANet offers you rewards for keeping a character. You chose to forgo those rewards. That is not punishment. You got something that you wanted more than those rewards.


    Bad analogy. Your father never qualified in the first place, while I had, for 6 years. I had to make a decision between two bad choices. Either I continue to let my character collect dust or delete and miss out on rewards. Does that mean a change for the better cannot be made or should not even be proposed? Can't believe people feel so strong about opposing more freedom of choice. You'd think they follow that "play how you want" idea. Instead, they are arguing here strongly against the idea, that hurts them in no way.

    Whatever you wan to call it, it makes no difference in the end. I have made my arguments for the change I proposed. If you will feel better, forget about punishment part and the idea and arguments won't change at all.

  15. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > >

    > > ...

    > >

    > > You know, these build templates they are working on, will have a lot greater effect on people and character slots. If we can swap builds on same character, many people won't need multiple chars of the same class. By your logic, what the heck is anet doing, hurting their revenue!

    > >

    > > > How exactly did birthday gifts change and become a necessity exactly?

    > > Raids - not necessity, roles - not necessity, elite specs - not necessity. New birthday gifts are starting to get some exclusive skins. Skins are huge part of the game, we all know that. I would just like to think if next year or year after that brings something I like, I'm not missing it because of shoddy system.


    > If you think they arent going to sell build template slots your living in a imaginary world.

    > We probabely will get1 for free so we can have both elite specs at start.

    > But some classes want core aswell, warrior comes to mind for the better cc for example and then there will be elite spec 3,4 ,5,6 and so on


    Even one slot is plenty. I doubt many people would like to swap elite specs 5x a day. I imagine they would be mostly used to swap builds and utlities an maybe weapons around, for example mesmer swaping to reflect build for reflect heavy fight. Playing some core warrior this hour and then berserker next hour and then a bit of spellbreaker.... Idk, hard to imagine.

  16. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > One can not speak for ArenaNet, but one can speak for the playerbase?

    Speaking for Arenanet when you are not part of the team, is one thing and speaking for playerbase (not entire, you just made that up), is another thing. I can speak for people I have talked to, shared experience with, read about their experience in guild chat, map chat, forums etc..


    > I may not completely consider Birthday Gifts when purchasing a Character slot, but I _know_ I consider lost Birthday Gifts when deciding to delete a character. Even if it is a small percentage of revenue for ArenaNet, it is still revenue that would be lost.


    Thanks for confirming everything that I already said. You are concerned about revenue with this, but not with tons of other things anet is doing, like build templates. Or take QoL changes. Do you think QoL changes to inventory for example does not require time from developers? Do you think adding an option to insta store all materials was not lost of revenue? Not everything is about money, otherwise game wouldn't be fun and no one would play it. There needs to be balance.

    How exactly would they lost revenue with my proposed change? You would still get same rewards, just from different sources. You would still get special skin, just not for birthday gift, but anniversary gift instead. People who keep characters for birthday gifts would still get birthday gifts. People would still buy character slots for any reason they are buying now.



  17. > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > >

    > > > Would you be fine if they kept the character birthdays like they are, but added an account birthday? And of course removing account based gifts from the character gifts and adding a vendor or option to an existing vendor to give the account based gifts to players like yourself who don't have a character old enough but whose account is old enough.

    > >

    > > May I kindly ask you to reread my original post? You would realize that is basically idea I was going for.


    > I had not caught on to that and I don't know why people are against adding an account birthday gift.


    > But you may have been better served by being more explicit about not wanting to replace the current rewards when people were initially getting the wrong idea.


    I did mention it many times. But it seems people are really close minded and not happy that something that they personally don't care for, could be addressed. If someone doesn't feel strong about certain aspect of the game, then in his eyes, Anet would be wasting resources.

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