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Posts posted by serialkicker.5274

  1. # Last Heirs of the Sun


    Looking for active, friendly and mature people of any skill and level. Guild holds currently 90+ members, with a mix of veterans, new players and returning players. We are doing everything PvE related. Raids are on hold for now and will happen when we have enough dedicated people for them. We play in relaxed environment, where everyone can play whatever and however they like. Our dungeons are full clears with no skipping mobs.


    We use Discord for voice comm and to keep guild updated with all info, events, guides etc. We regularly schedule guild events, that usually happen at weekends or some also happen on Discord, where people can usually take their time and participate when the time allows them. Because of that, Discord is a requirement for joining, since it holds all info that you need to become a proper guild member.


    All players who are actually interested in interacting with guild, joining events and guild activities to keep it active and fun, are welcome. We make use of ranking system to keep track of activity and promote those who are active members. Those who join and never interact with guild need not apply. We don't need numbers, we need people who enjoy playing with their guild!


    Our members are from all over Europe and most of us are in gmt+1 or gmt+2 timezone. Scheduled events are usually at 5pm server time.


    **Make sure you have read everything above before contacting me.** If you are still interested, please contact me on Discord - Blackheart#4911 (I'm not responding here on forum)

  2. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > People keep coming up with ways to shoehorn new races in by making “second class races” that don’t have all the features of the current races. Considering that according to gw2efficiency the [percent of players that make and play non human races](https://gw2efficiency.com/account/player-statistics) trail behind the human race by a substantial amount, a race that will inevitably be seen as a budget cut race will be played even less, making the new races a loss and the money spent on it would be better spent on other features. A new race that has only a handful of armors will be a race that isn’t played much in a game where the endgame is collecting cosmetics.

    > >

    > > Have you thought about the reason why Norns are not popular might possibly be because they are pretty much a copy of humans, just larger and usually more ridiculous looking?


    > And the reason Asura, Charr and Sylvari are so far behind? It can't be that Asura and Charr are just copies of humans.


    It would help greatly if Asura and Charr would actually have proper fashion and clipping issues fixed. And even if only half the amount of human characters are Charr characters, that is still a huge number. I'm not really concerned about getting new races, but the idea "Can it reach or be more popular than humans? if not then it's not worth it" is just disappointing". Yes, it's very obvious that human outnumber all others, but I see good amount and mix of other races.

  3. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > People keep coming up with ways to shoehorn new races in by making “second class races” that don’t have all the features of the current races. Considering that according to gw2efficiency the [percent of players that make and play non human races](https://gw2efficiency.com/account/player-statistics) trail behind the human race by a substantial amount, a race that will inevitably be seen as a budget cut race will be played even less, making the new races a loss and the money spent on it would be better spent on other features. A new race that has only a handful of armors will be a race that isn’t played much in a game where the endgame is collecting cosmetics.


    Have you thought about the reason why Norns are not popular might possibly be because they are pretty much a copy of humans, just larger and usually more ridiculous looking?

  4. It's not as simple as want to solo mostly - go single player game or want group content - go mmo. Even if you are lone wolf, mmo environment feels and plays differently. You have a feeling you are part of the huge world or universe that doesn't wait for you to turn on the game and continue where you left off. Life goes on even if you are not logged in. People are progressing, farming, fighting, saving lives, socializing and much more. It's a living world. It also gets updated "regularly", so there is always something to work on and feel progress in any way. Pretty much everything depends on the players. You can't exploit market as easy as in single player game and become a god over night. Even as a lone wolf, you'll be part of community when you take on world boss or big event. You know there are real people fighting beside you.

    I'm a huge fan of single player games and gw2 is one of rare exceptions of online games I play, but yeah, can't compare it simply like you did. There is much more into mmo than how you described it.

  5. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > When was the last time they revamped anything in the core game? Shatterer revamp was on January 2016, also brought gliding in central tyria with some map changes and tweaks. There was also underwater combat overhaul and the sunken treasures that were released last patch.

    > Other than a big boss and some minor content reworks they haven't touched core tyria at all after Heart of Thorns was released. Dungeons are core tyria content, which means there is little to no gain to update them, while involving quite a bit of effort.


    Just because it's old content, doesn't mean it's not worth bothering with it and people would not play it. Dungeons were popular for years and they would still be if we wouldn't have raids and fractals. We all know the reason why people play fractals are mostly because of better rewards and more challenge. If dungeons were reworked to provide good rewards and brought up to meet current balance, they would start shining again and I'll bet everything I got that if rewards were about equal, most people would switch to dungeons immediately and barely touch fractals again, if even.

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