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Posts posted by serialkicker.5274

  1. Last Heirs of the Sun is a fairly new guild that aims to create a friendly and casual environment for active, social and mature players. We are PvX guild with a focus on PvE. We have a mix of experienced and new players and we are looking for more people to expand our roster, which we aim to raise up to about 75 and maintain it there.


    We are new player friendly guild and we are happy to answer your questions or lend a hand if you get stuck on your journey.





    - 18+ and mature people

    Not interested in drama, kids talk, flooding Discord with memes and whatnot. This of course doesn't mean we don't know how to joke and have a laugh :D


    - Friendly and social players, who are happy to play with their guild and join guild events and activities

    We like people who play with their guild, join events, chat and help each other.


    - Players who can represent 100% of the time (exceptions are personal guild bank, personal guild hall etc).

    Important rule, don't ignore it. You don't like it? No problem, great news, no one is forced to join.


    - Willing to use Discord (required).

    Guild wars 2 is disappointing in managing guilds department. Discord is a great tool for keeping people updated, for scheduling events and general communication and therefore

    important part of the guild. Using microphone is optional.




    If you meet the criteria and you are interested in joining us, please contact me on Discord - Blackheart#4911 or guild officer - LegendaryFroddo.5193

  2. Reporting them does nothing from my experience. I've been seeing same guys for weeks, despite reporting them several times with clear screenshots. That was a while ago. I stopped bothering. But I wish they would be punished, because it looks seriously ridiculous.

  3. > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

    > > My advice is not to join a guild that advertises unscrupulously in map chat. The best experience you can get with one of those is "neutral".


    > I agree, mapchat recruiters always seem to either gather as many members as possible or have strange requirements or offer no help.


    > The best way to join a guild, if you don't care about joining one fast, is joining one after a positive experience in instanced or group oriented content.


    I'd assume the same, but now I'm in the position where I have to advertise through map chat, because recruiting solely from website is very slow and would probably kill the guild. But we are very friendly and have a lot of new players that are happy with us. And we don't just toss around invites, that's for sure.

    OP, if you are on EU servers, feel free to message me if you want to give it another shot at finding a proper guild :)

  4. Taking them out now would not be an option, but launching the game and continuing without PvP and WvW would be interesting and probably very good for us PvE players.

    Now they are stuck with these two and have to "waste" resources on them. I say "waste", because I have a feeling they wish they could remove them from game without making people rage.

    Also, people who only PvP or only WvW, I imagine they don't spend a lot of money on gemstore.

  5. For me, quotes never really did much where it comes to game trailers. Either they do nothing for me or they actually look distracting or even negative if they are from some random source and quote is nothing special.

    I don't even know what the video was about because I was focusing on quotes, which, despite being positive, didn't provide me with any hype or interest.

    I'd say GW2 is a beautiful game, so there is nothing to hide. You can freely show beautiful landscape, awesome mounts, cool combat animations, good voice acting and much more. I think that would be better to convince potential players, that this is what they are missing by not playing. That's the way they will get hyped. Seeing heroes in action and think "Woah, I can do that? Take my money!".

  6. > @Cyninja.2954 said:

    > > @serialkicker.5274 said:

    > > > @maddoctor.2738 said:

    > > > > @serialkicker.5274 said:

    > > > > There is nothing creative about skipping. Stack swiftness and stealth and press R while watching TV. Why are you guys trying to make skipping sound like you need any more than two brain cells to make it work? I can literally take a guy who never did dungeon, take him through dungeon and show him how to skip and he'll be able to do it in first try by himself.

    > > >

    > > > If it's so easy then why is it a problem with elitism (the thread's topic)?

    > >

    > > Is this a serious question? Elitism doesn't have much to do with skipping. Elitism has to do with people telling other how they should play, if not, they can't play alongside the big boys club.

    > > And yes, it's easy for whoever did a dungeons/fractals at least couple of times and knows the basics of combo fields. Are you taking people with 500 AP who never did dungeons and just hit lvl 80 to prove your point? I have done thousands of dungeons, speedrun and casuals and I don't remember having a serious problem with skipping even with newbies. They usually stick to experienced players anyway and quickly pick up on whats happening. It takes way more time to teach them certain encounters/mechanics then how to skip.


    > Actually elitism has to do with players of different skill coming together over a similar activity where one side (the more experienced usually) will belittle the other side.


    > This has less to do with telling people how to play, even if people like bringing this up. It has more to do with incompatible players getting thrown together.


    > The most often cause for this is miss use of the LFG tool.


    > Since every player has the ability to use the LFG tool equally thus enabling them to form parties how ever they want and with what ever specifications they desire, it essentially boils down to:


    > - laziness of players (an inherent human characteristic)

    > - inability to understand abbreviations (which actually can be quite a hurdle for new players)

    > - inability to read

    > - lack of customization options for the LFG tool

    > - greed for gear, rewards, loot and gaining them asap trying to skip ahead as much as possible


    > Especially the laziness aspect is a huge issue here. A vast majority of the players are incapable of using a simple tool to get grouped with others to overcome challenges in this game. Other MMOs have taken the easy way out and implemented auto grouping features for easier content to let players experience story or gain basic rewards.


    Yes, I know what elitism is, I was just pointing out one of the ways it is shown in this game. And that's people telling others what build they must run in order to play along.

    But doesn't matter. Thing about LFGs is that even elitists themselves often don't use them properly. I had plenty of people join non speedrun, no skipping lfg and they still rushed ahead and then started asking in chat "Why kill?" and stupid things like that.


    Another point is, we are so far with this meta thing, that even if you open up an LFG that says casual run, there is a very very high chance people will play exactly the same as you play in speedruns, just not as efficiently, meaning no proper might stacking for example. But they will skip, stack and all the rest just the same. No one cares if a guy with 500 AP is in group and is in dungeon for the first time. Who cares, he'll either follow or die. And his first dungeon experience will be ruined. Remember, this is LFG for casual run, I'm not talking "lvl 80 exp meta only" LFGs. I've seen this many times. New players don't know how to find proper LFG for them. You would think "casual run" or simply "p2" is the right one. But no, sadly, it's not. You need to say explicitly "no skipping" and even then you don't have a 100% chance to get what you want, because like you pointed, people don't read.


    Third point. Guilds. That's easy to say and dismiss people with "just find a right guild". Guess what? Even the most casual guild you can find will run dungeons exactly the same as speedruns. I've changed many many guild in gw2 and I've done countless dungeons. I know very well what I'm talking about. Or in most guild you won't even get a group for dungeon at all. I don't blame anyone for rushing, I'm just pointing out how poorly designed dungeons and some other content are as well as mechanics. And how people are manipulated easily.


    Some time ago I had a guy completely lose his mind when we were in casual HotW p2 run. I was on engineer and i used grenade kit underwater. He started insulting me and couldn't stop trashtalking wtf i'm doing with grenade kit underwater.


    There was a pretty new guy that never done dungeons before, so i showed him around the AC. Even made him a build for his guard. After I showed him how to run AC, next day he invited me to come along with him and do AC run with random group. All of sudden this guy start yelling at other newbies because they didn't know what to do. Like seriously. Just a day before this same guy didn't have any idea what to do and needed me to help him. But he couldn't do the same for other newbies.

    I could literally make 20 posts just of what BS I've seen in dungeons, but you get my point.

  7. > @maddoctor.2738 said:

    > > @serialkicker.5274 said:

    > > There is nothing creative about skipping. Stack swiftness and stealth and press R while watching TV. Why are you guys trying to make skipping sound like you need any more than two brain cells to make it work? I can literally take a guy who never did dungeon, take him through dungeon and show him how to skip and he'll be able to do it in first try by himself.


    > If it's so easy then why is it a problem with elitism (the thread's topic)?


    Is this a serious question? Elitism doesn't have much to do with skipping. Elitism has to do with people telling other how they should play, if not, they can't play alongside the big boys club.

    And yes, it's easy for whoever did a dungeons/fractals at least couple of times and knows the basics of combo fields. Are you taking people with 500 AP who never did dungeons and just hit lvl 80 to prove your point? I have done thousands of dungeons, speedrun and casuals and I don't remember having a serious problem with skipping even with newbies. They usually stick to experienced players anyway and quickly pick up on whats happening. It takes way more time to teach them certain encounters/mechanics then how to skip.

  8. > @maddoctor.2738 said:

    > > @BrokenGlass.9356 said:

    > > *what systems can be changed, to allow for least toxic environment, while minimizing the backlash from players?*


    > Aren't your second and third arguments pointless if they add the first one?


    > Skipping is done by experienced groups, someone who can't skip won't be in a party that skips.

    > If the group is already decided if it's casual or experienced beforehand, what's the point of making titles a toggle?


    > Also, skipping is only a thing in dungeons, and usually by using specific skills to do it, why punish players who find creative ways to make a dungeon take less time?


    There is nothing creative about skipping. Stack swiftness and stealth and press R while watching TV. Why are you guys trying to make skipping sound like you need any more than two brain cells to make it work? I can literally take a guy who never did dungeon, take him through dungeon and show him how to skip and he'll be able to do it in first try by himself.

    Besides, if you want to skip dungeons, what's the point then? If you need gold, there are plenty better ways to get it. I don't understand what's so fun about running through mobs who stand still and don't fight.

  9. > @TheOrlyFactor.8341 said:

    > > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

    > > Gosh you people are bloodthirsty....

    > >

    > > _~smh~_


    > This.


    > I'm really getting sick of seeing these kinds of posts/threads. As much as I hate/loathe/despise Rytlock, I don't go calling for his head on a pike (and if I did it was during an emotional period where I shouldn't have been posting, so I do apologize for that). As much as I don't care for Caithe, I don't want to see her dead. As much as I don't care for Braham's manpain, I don't want to see him dead. I know other people may like these characters. Oh no, I'm showing empathy! I'm putting myself in other people's shoes! It's so rare on these forums it's a superpower! :O


    > What I DO want to see is the writing improve and for Anet to stop aimlessly throwing characters under the bus or into the fridge or into edgelord grimdark cooldude territory just for "muh dramas". You can make something dramatic/tense without having to kill/bus/endanger/personality screw a character. You can tell a good story without having to dependently lean on tropes (tropes themselves aren't bad but like with anything else it's in how and how much they're used and I feel like Anet leans too heavily on some story tropes).


    > What I REALLY want is for Zojja to come back. However, given the way things are going, I don't see that happening and I don't see the story improving. Not for me, at least. :\


    Well, it's a difference between "I don't like this character because -insert random reason- and I don't like this guy because he literally hates me, is working against me, throws accusations, insults commander, tries to kill us all etc...

    Now put yourself in the spot of commander. Let's say this is real world. Would you kill Taimi or Canach or Rytlock just because they can be annoying? Becuase you don't like their voice? Becuase you don't like their lines? Or would you like to get rid of Braham, who insults you, works against you, tries to wake a dragon without any plans whatsoever, blames you for death of his mother and disrespects you by assuming like you don't give a fuck about her etc...?

    Sure, maybe you wouldn't want to kill him in real life, but you would wan't to stop him and then probably avoid seeing him, unless he would go into suicidal mode again.

    So, you people who post like "eh, he's just going through his stage of grieving and blah blah...." I'd like to see you handle him in real life. "Yeah, no worries.... wait he want's to wake up a dragon? He insults us and hates us all? He works against us? Meh, it's all good, let him do whatever he wants. He is still my best friend! I'll wait for the world to end and then we'll have a beer together."

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