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Posts posted by serialkicker.5274

  1. - race change should be a thing

    - desert is boring

    - Piss upon Joko

    - raids should never happen

    - wings (backpiece) are lame (capes would be better)

    - each episode doesn't need new map

    - expansion > living story

    - gw2 community is not nicer than any other community, if the game gives people a reason to be kittens, they will be kittens

    - Jahai Bluffs is one of the worst map

  2. No idea why everyone is praising the map so much. It's the worst map in the game. Mobs are seriously overtuned. Map is mostly empty. I'm trying to farm currency and I'm doing events alone all the time. There are so many mobs you can't do anything. You can kill 100 of them and in a minute 200 more spawn. They keep spawning and they overwhelm you. It feels pointless killing them, because they just respawn so quickly in front of you. If map was so good, people would come back after finishing story. Map that requires zerg to rush through to do anything is a bad map.

  3. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > Could we have a guild hall that is something like Sun's Refuge, instead of huge and empty place with pile of ruins?


    > Empty?? You should come and take a look at our Lost Precipice. <3 I was looking for a place to put up a race track, but, alas, there is none! Our hall is so beautifully decorated, lots of places, even remote ones, done with great taste (with a few exceptions). (sighs) Wouldn't trade it for any other place. :)


    I believe you, but not every guild is big enough or has interest in putting thousands of gold just for decorations. Not to mention, from what I've seen - a lot of guilds with "full guild halls" have all kind of decorations that don't even fit. So, having "full and (personal opinion) eye candy" guild hall or having nice, lively and believable guild hall are two things. But in any case, the thing is still too large for some, decorated or not.

    Have you ever played modded Skyrim? Some people get huge castle or mansion mods for their home base and some get simple, nice looking house with only things that they actually need. Same idea applies here.

  4. Could we have a guild hall that is something like Sun's Refuge, instead of huge and empty place with pile of ruins? I never really liked any of the choices we have for guild halls and they are way too big for my taste and probably for a lot of small guilds. At least starting with small place and then have an option to expand, for those that want huge place would be nice.

    Right now, we have three choices that are all huge spaces. We need something for those that want their guild halls to be just simple HQ with necessary stuff like merchants, bank, npcs and all that. It would also be neat to have something like personal home instance has - groups of npcs that you helped at some point and now they could take refuge or being recruited and stationed at guild hall. Sun's refuge is very nice, because it's crowded with npcs, makes it lively. And then you go to guild hall and.. well...

  5. # Sunlight Legion




    Sunlight Legion is looking for all able and brave souls, who are looking for company in their adventures. Your experience, gear and fighting style is not important to us. We ask only three things from every member:

    - Join our Discord channel where you can socialize and keep yourself up to date about what's happening within the guild. Voice chat is optional.

    - Interact with the guild. Obviously, no one will expect you to join every activity or to be online every day, but joining a guild just to be a number in the roster and not interacting with guild is not going to last long. As a small guild, that tries to keep friendly and cozy atmosphere, we have to filter those out who show no interest or care for guild at all, so we can make space for new members who potentially might enjoy our company. I believe that is understandable.

    - Don't be an elitist asshat.


    18+ only!


    Interested in joining or have questions? Find us on Discord - https://discord.gg/Mmj7PXx

  6. > @"Jaunty.6018" said:

    > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > Not sure why you play an mmo game at all, OP. One of the biggest part of any mmo is to progress your character, be it in story, equipment, achievements, fashion etc... And not over night of course. To progress, you usually have to do content you have already done, multiple times. Unless you really expect new story, skins, achievements every day for years?


    > There's so much in Guild Wars 2 that you can accomplish without grinding. Most of the content, in fact. But what I've found in this thread is that one person's "grind" might be another person's pleasure. For instance, I don't find it too grindy to do the collections for the roller beetle or the griffon mount. Each achievement is a task, and they're all different. It takes a while, sure, but it's not just the same task _over and over again_.


    > But if you do legitimately enjoy Istan farming, power to you. I'm simply saying that, for me, it is a very dull way to acquire gold, and when given the opportunity to pay a few dollars for an item I want vs. grind Istan for up to 60 hours (or even well beyond, depending on what item we're talking about here), I will be far more tempted to choose the former.


    I'm not the type to farm Istan or things like that. I also consider it boring, but I wouldn't go and make topic about it. It just seems kinda pointless to make a topic and notify people "hey, you can buy gold instead, you know?". I'm pretty sure they know, so this thread comes out as not having a point other than maybe poking fun at people who take in your opinion longer and unnecessary route for earning gold.


    Actually, I have a good example. I personally earn majority of my gold with gathering for last 2 months. By your logic, that would be boring, repetitive and not worth the time. But, for me, I very much enjoy it, because I can put on music, run around and mine ore and chop the trees at my own pace. I can take a break in between anytime and continue when I feel like and it will be there waiting for me, where I left of. I also bump into events along the way and chat with guild a bit, so it's very relaxing "farming".

    Also, some people might prefer farming 3 hours in a video game that they enjoy playing than doing one extra hour at their work. Or some don't even have an option to get payed extra, but instead for extra hours they do, they can take a day off.

  7. Not sure why you play an mmo game at all, OP. One of the biggest part of any mmo is to progress your character, be it in story, equipment, achievements, fashion etc... And not over night of course. To progress, you usually have to do content you have already done, multiple times. Unless you really expect new story, skins, achievements every day for years?

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