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Posts posted by serialkicker.5274

  1. How many dragonhunters use their iconic weapon in PvE? I barely see anyone and even if I do, they are probably using it purely out of fun and love for playstyle. Rangers who should excel with longbow are gimping themselves by using it. Only people who have problem surviving use it so they can safely afk while their pet is tanking.

    How many necros use staff aside for tagging? How many thieves use pistols? How many use shortbow? I hope no one is daft enough to suggest shortbow is fine because people use it to teleport around. How many warriors use rifle? These weapons are so bad, that even making entire build around them won't make them any better

    Ranged weapons are nearly useless and they never cared to do anything about it. That's balance for you?


    I am not a player concerned about meta and counting every single digit on dps meter, but still I end up using mostly same weapons as meta players, because other stuff is just either useless or doesn't provide me with more overall usefulness than what I already have.


    Huge problem in gw2 is that everything is about damage. Most fights are easier if you just destroy them, before they destroy you. And therefore, large amount of weapons and utilities are completely useless, because they don't provide anything that would make you do a better job. Take a boring ass bane signet on guardian for example. Most people take that thing and forget about one utility slot, because they have nothing better to take, nothing is worth enough or needed to replace it. Most of utilities that have regen are just useless, because healing power is scaling so badly, so you either don't bother or go full support/heal, which makes no sense in 95% of the game. "Hold the line" for example... Oh yes, heal me for less than one tenth of my total HP over 6 seconds! Holy shit dude. In 6 seconds mobs can do enough damage to kill you multiple times. Spirit weapons are bad and no one uses them except sword. Concentration utilities are mostly meh, except maybe smite conditions for some situations. So what's left? Pretty much all signets are bad and boring, we take bane because like I said, power=win, spirits weapons are bad, concentration utils mostly bad, half of the shouts are meh... You are left with few choices.


    Same goes for all classes. Any class I play, I use 3-5 utlities regularly, 2-3 situational, the rest is underperforming. Some of it because it's complete crap, others because simply there is no use for it or doesn't benefit me from swapping one of my existing utilities. Not to mentioned core elites....

    I'm not huge on swapping weapons design, but whatever, I don't hate it either. But I do wish they wouldn't have CD. Because without CD, weapons that I find not worth the hassle and underperforming would actually get some use then, since you wouldn't have to care about CD. CD makes you think if it even worth swapping for that one skill? With no CD, I could swap, slap mob with cc and swap back to GS. Like engineer or ele. There are cooldowns on skills anyway, so I don't see a problem. And don't start with "hurr durr, CD makes me pro because I practiced my rotations for weeks". I don't care. Only minority of people care about rotations in small part of game. And Anet balances the game around that. So rest of the game is a mess. But hey, anything works in open world, so I'm not allowed to complain, right?


    In short, only thing that matters in PvE is damage and shit tons of stability.


  2. Must be hard to play the game to impress others who you never met and probably never will. I don't feel like I have to carry any skin that doesn't fit my character. For example, I crafted Shining blade just for my mesmer and carry it only on mesmer. I don't have a slight urge to have it on my ele for example.

  3. > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

    > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > Recently I have gone through heavy three day WvW grind for some skins (I hate PvP in this game), so I feel your pain, even though I didn't react so strongly as you. I did however almost quit the game. These 3 days made me hate the game so much, it's hard to describe. Between balancing issues, toxic people, insults, getting killed, getting downed in less than a second, before even realizing you are in combat, respawning and running all the way back again and again and doing nothing but capturing points and killing npc guards to keep participation up... It's simply not healthy. And now they announced this WvW exclusive mount. I'm not getting back there, simple as that. But it makes me very disappointed and if they keep adding exclusive stuff that they know PvE people will want to get, I'll just quit the game. There is no point if putting yourself through such pain for any game.

    > I do feel it's also about setting realistic goals like the Gift of Battle or whichever track. When you do the dailies you get boosts that raise your total. All you need to do is get your participation to rank 6 which means tagging along for a little while with some group. Then just complete 2-3 WvW dailies every day. Killing the veteran monster, the big spender one, capping two camps, gaining land, disrupting dolyak supplies...those are the staple ones that are easy. Because of the potions that boost your track you can easily gain enough for 2-3 levels in the track. There are 40 levels in a track. So give it a couple of weeks of just doing some of these dailies and you're done. Also by leaving WvW instantly after, your participation level stays. So really you only have to spend 30 minutes a day give or take to complete those dailies. I think doing that for 2-3 weeks is relatively painless.


    > Part of the problem with things like this is unrealistic expectations. Who cares if other people can get the GoB in one or two days? You need to do it the way it works for you. And if you really don't like WvW my explanation here is how to best deal with that. It's important to understand your limitations, accept them and then see how you can manage your goals with those limitations. Comparing yourself to other people really doesn't help much in that. Now that can be hard to do because we do have a tendency to compare ourselves to others and you can really feel that push to keep going, but that's the real battle.


    > If it's too much for you to do WvW at all, then you're right, you shouldn't go there. And I will say this. I've been doing WvW for a couple of months now. I do it solo (they don't want my guardian in their groups anyway) and I really haven't gotten any insults thrown at me. If I had really hated it then I would've stopped also. So far though, I'm just starting to get bored because it's a lot the same things. So I play less of it at a time. It'll be nice to have a mount there though cause all that walking is part of why it's so boring.


    Thanks for the tips, but I don't think you quite understand how that feels unless you experience this yourself, which I guess you never will, since you don't hate pvp as much as I do. Just those 30 minutes it's like 2 hours for me. Two hours of something I really, really don't enjoy. Locking GoB behing WvW is truly pathetic attempt to bring more players to WvW, just like this new mount is (in case that mount is the major surprise thing they had to announce about WvW and they don't plan to actually fix the mode, but we'll see soon enough).

    Anyhow, I wasn't actually farming gift of battle, I was farming skirmish tickets. 700 of these bastards. And I concluded that there is no way I could do bit by bit every day for weeks. I knew if I want to do it, it has to be by forcing myself to do it all at once. I was delaying it for two weeks and then one day just went for it and didn't stop until I got what I wanted and promised myself I'm returning there ever again.


    I don't hate pvp for no reason. I have played many pvp games (pure pvp games, not mmorpgs). In that time I realized how pvp can drain your energy and can make you toxic. I was never a guy to insult others in chat for killing me or turning on cheats to have my revenge ans silly stuff like that, but I did get upset at certain situations (p2w, unbalanced matchmaking, lag, poor server performances, griefers, cheaters and so on. If I got mad, I simply let it out by throwing some F bombs out loud in my apartment, rather than insulting others in chat. But you're still in that environment and see how people treat each other. Even here in gw2, where they say we got nice community, I always had to giggle. Sure, they are nice in open world, because game is designed in such way, that we don't have to compete, still kills and loot... But as soon as you step into instanced content or pvp, that's another story. If you give people a reason to be assholes, they will be assholes, simple as that. This game is no exception.


    Anyway, I decided to avoid pvp in games altogether and I'm far from happy what they are doing with this WvW and locking content behind it.

  4. Recently I have gone through heavy three day WvW grind for some skins (I hate PvP in this game), so I feel your pain, even though I didn't react so strongly as you. I did however almost quit the game. These 3 days made me hate the game so much, it's hard to describe. Between balancing issues, toxic people, insults, getting killed, getting downed in less than a second, before even realizing you are in combat, respawning and running all the way back again and again and doing nothing but capturing points and killing npc guards to keep participation up... It's simply not healthy. And now they announced this WvW exclusive mount. I'm not getting back there, simple as that. But it makes me very disappointed and if they keep adding exclusive stuff that they know PvE people will want to get, I'll just quit the game. There is no point if putting yourself through such pain for any game.


  5. I guess, you need to like the playstlye enough first. I love hammer on scrapper and I find core engi with bombs or grenades utterly boring. Hammer, like you said has decent damage, has reflection on low CD which can significantly increase your dps in certain encounters, has evade, has block with barrier and has aoe CC. It's a great utility weapons with decent damage. The most useful one among gyros is obviously bulwark gyro, which reduces inc damage for party by 33% and for utility you get protective shield against projectiles, which is awesome. Elite gyro finds it's uses as well when you need to stealth for longer period. And medic gyro is also not bad, I quite like it. It also gives you pretty decent utility (pulsing protection+water field. Scrapper also has some cool traits. All grandmaster traits are pretty nice. Adaptive armor will make you tanky as hell, very good if you're soloing some hard bosses. When you don't need that extra protection, then you can swap to applied force and have nearly perma quickness if you run elixir build and use Elixir U for utility. Haven't tried "kinetic stabilizers" trait though, but also looks pretty decent.

  6. > @"Zeeck.9025" said:

    > Claiming to be casual, yet requiring mandatory Discord presence seems a bit... odd, not something that is usually associated with a casual guild.


    Casual doesn't mean there can't be any rules or requirements and that guild is prepared to just toss invites around like candies. Casual means chill and relaxed environment where people are not concerned about maximizing their efficiency and treat the game like a job.

    Pretty much everything you can join in real life has at least some rules or even requirements, no matter how simple and not important it is.

    Now, if you want a guild with numbers who are just that, numbers and don't interact with each other, no one stops you from making e that. Have fun. But telling others how to run their guilds, especially since it's completely free and optional, it's a bit ridiculous.

    There isn't just black or white, casual or hardcore, every player has their own ideas and preferences. If someone wishes to build a guild around events and for that needs Discord, then why not? It says no where that you have to join or pay for that, so why do you care?

    Perhaps listen to your own advice and read on that definition. *spoilers* You will find out it says nowhere that casual events/ideas/groups etc can't use any rules/requirements/expectations.

    I play casual football with my friends every now and then. Does that mean there is no need to set up time and respect that and show up on clock? Or that we can just invite everyone, including that pro player who takes it way too seriously, to our game? Or does it mean that we can't have some of our own rules?


  7. Check us out! https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/63583/eu-last-heirs-of-the-sun#latest

    We are chill guild where everyone plays how they want. Of course, that means, there are few of those who like to maximize their dps by slapping the golem until satisified :D But they won't tell you how to play your game. There are plenty of members who join activities for fun. Please read our recruitment topic and you'll get the idea :)

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