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Posts posted by serialkicker.5274

  1. > @"Ben K.6238" said:

    > It takes a bit longer than 5 seconds to create a new character from scratch. Sure, you can level them up much faster using tomes, but if you keep deleting your characters those won't last forever.


    > I've made multiple characters of the same class as well. There are several advantages to doing this, including different appearance and story options, additional map completion attempts, additional daily harvests, etc. which you don't get from build templates alone. If the only thing I want to do is swap gear and traits, I just swap gear and traits.


    > For people who genuinely do find it worthwhile to buy a whole new character slot just for a different build alone, I'm sure they might refrain from buying further character slots if they can just use build templates. On the other hand, they'll end up needing more bank/bag space so the difference starts to become a little blurry.


    Oh, believe me, people do. And even if they wouldn't buy a new slot, they are dedicating one slot for this purpose, meaning that is one slot less for other needs. I know plenty of people, who for example, made another same class just to have character ready for raids. Same for bunch of other reasons.

    Obviously, yes, they are probably aware that character will have other uses other than that, if needed, but still, having another same class ready with build and gear for whatever purpose was a big, if not the main factor in decision to make that character and use that free slot or buy a new one.


    Anyhow, this point was made, because other poster suggested that reduce in $$$ for Anet is being an issue here with this idea of mine. So, I made this as counter argument.

    A lot more people would get affected by build templates, meaning less money, than would if they put exclusive rewards anniversary for account creation gift and keep birthday gifts without exclusive for characters. Even most players themselves wouldn't lose much, so I don't know why people are so opposed to idea. How they balance these rewards and how many skins or unique items would Anet give per each anniversary would be up to them and could be compensated for changing from current system.

  2. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > @"calb.3128" said:

    > > > This topic keeps appearing but without any new arguments to advance it.

    > > >

    > > > The sense of entitlement on here can at times be staggering. :(

    > >

    > > Not my fault if I have to repeat what I already said. Just look at post above, that says no changes because he likes his toons to have birthday gifts, while just above and ten times more above that, I said I never asked for birthday gifts to be removed.


    > I never said I was in favor of the system due to my toons. I was very clear on the benefits of the current system. If you want to start making things up because you are unhappy people disagree with you, I'll gladly start reporting.


    That was meant for other post, other guy. You just beat me to it with your post when I was typing. If that's all it takes for people to get offended, then no wonder discussion cannot be had.

  3. > @"Ben K.6238" said:

    > A realistic analogy might help make that argument credible. Right now, it's much easier to keep multiple armour and weapon sets on the same character than it is to create a completely new one.


    Let's see:


    1. Click on every piece of armor, trinket and weapon to replace with other stats. Reselect traits, reselect utilities. Also carry all that amour in inventory.




    2. Relog on different character


    It takes 5 seconds to swap for me, how long does it take you?


    You can choose to ignore this for the sake of your argument, but I think we all know plenty people made multiple characters for that reason. I certainly know a whole bunch. And I'm also one of them.

  4. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:




    You know, these build templates they are working on, will have a lot greater effect on people and character slots. If we can swap builds on same character, many people won't need multiple chars of the same class. By your logic, what the heck is anet doing, hurting their revenue!


    > How exactly did birthday gifts change and become a necessity exactly?

    Raids - not necessity, roles - not necessity, elite specs - not necessity. New birthday gifts are starting to get some exclusive skins. Skins are huge part of the game, we all know that. I would just like to think if next year or year after that brings something I like, I'm not missing it because of shoddy system.

  5. > @"calb.3128" said:

    > This topic keeps appearing but without any new arguments to advance it.


    > The sense of entitlement on here can at times be staggering. :(


    Not my fault if I have to repeat what I already said. Just look at post above, that says no changes because he likes his toons to have birthday gifts, while just above and ten times more above that, I said I never asked for birthday gifts to be removed.

  6. > @"Pifil.5193" said:

    > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/51114/suggestion-make-anniversary-reward-account-based/p1


    > This is suggested about this time of the year every year, last year Gaile posted the following:


    > > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > > I deleted quite a few characters in the early days of Guild Wars. But as the person who actually proposed the idea of "birthday rewards," I am not upset about how it worked out, which meant that I did not receive my birthday gifts as early as others who didn't delete their first characters.

    > >

    > > After all, people have birthdays, not accounts, and I look on my characters as a virtual "person." :)


    > Seems like solid reasoning to me. Although Gaile is no longer with the company I would be surprised if they decided to change their minds now.


    I did not ask to remove birthday gifts. I'm not sure what are you trying to say here.

  7. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:


    > I have 31 characters. I know of people who have over 60. Please tell me more about what people do and do not do with character slots.

    Good for you. Is that suppose to mean that your opinion on characters slots and why people buy them suddenly carries more weight? Did you buy any character slot for the purpose of receiving birthday gift for it? It's a nice extra, like I said. Are you really going to tell me if these gifts were the ONLY thing you would get from obtaining another character slot, that people would buy more slots? I can just imagine a person deciding if they should buy character slot or not "Hmm, idk man, I could play another class, try new build, make new background story, different fashion, another source of farming and much more but I'm still uncertain if I should. Oh wait, I get a birthday present after a year! Insta buy!"


    > That's beside the point though. Birthday gifts directly encourage the usage of more character slots, even if in a small way.

    Read above. Even if that would be true, it would be for very small percent of people, therefore as everyones logic here is, not worth to worry about.



    > None of which are as punishing as losing non replaceable progress towards a birthday gift.

    Exactly. That's why I made this topic


    > On the contrary, some of those consequences come with benefits attached which might counter balance the negative consequences (new World Exploration gifts, new story and personal story related rewards, etc.).

    Which you can earn only by playing the game, you know, the way that deserve to be rewarded. Somehow these repeated rewards you mention are negative, by your logic, while getting same reward for all your 31 characters is totally fine.


    > I just don't see the necessity to work and change a system which has been in place since as far back as GW1. It's an established approach, it requires minimal tweaking per year and is widely understood. Which reasoning is there to devote more resources to this?


    Many things have been in place for long. That means nothing at all. Things change. By this logic, Anet shouldn't bother with that build templates idea, since we have done without it for 6+ years.

  8. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > All I see is someone who, while fully aware what the consequences of deleting his old characters would be, decided to delete them anyway. Now asking for changes, which accommodate his personal play style, to a long standing system while being unhappy that other players disagree. There is a reason why many of us always recommend to new players to keep around at least their oldest character.


    I am being unhappy about how quick people come to tell you how wrong you are to ask something or give suggestion. You get impression like "Who I am to even dare come here and think and share an opinion on in game feature." Like I said before, I have no problem with people to disagree and provide an explanation why they think so. Like person above who said they wouldn't like to lose on rewards. But people who say "NO, they aren't doing that" basically because they personally don't care for this or don't need the change... That's unnecessary. Everyone enjoys their things in game and obviously wish for more of what they love to come to game. Is it really bad for someone to just share a suggestion/opinion/wish? Something that doesn't seem necessary to you, might seem very necessary to others. Let Anet decide what they will do about it and how important it is. This is not just in this case. I came across plenty of topics where OP simply shared an idea and people come to, what seems, disagree for the sake of disagreeing. Or because they don't personally feel anything towards that part of the game, so Anet shouldn't touch it.


    Besides, I never said anything along the lines "ANET, put that in now" or "you should do this and that", like some people suggest I have. I basically said, I don't like this system, here are suggestions how I feel could be better, what are your thoughts on it? That's basically what I said. Sure, I would like to have it changed, because maybe in the future, something that I'd like to have, will be locked behind, let's say, 9th birthday, but I don't demand it or think they should just put it in because I said so. However, giving my suggestion here is not going to hurt anyone.

    Why would be a bad idea to put that unique, exclusive item behind account anniversary day, so all long time players can enjoy it? While keeping dyes and minis that can be obtained elsewhere, be a gift for character? Is that really such a bad idea?


    > Arenanet are not going to change the system, even less for people who willingly and fully aware decided against rewards but then ask for changes. So that point is moot, all that is left is discussing the benefits and detriments without actually affecting any change.


    Why do people love to speak on behalf Arenanet so much? Do you all have insider info? They changed a lot of things, from small to big. Why? For no reason at all? Or maybe they were bored? Obviously a lot of these changes come from feedback, be it directly or indirectly.


    > You have the option to ask customer support to restore your oldest character. Yes, it might mean that character will have to collect dust. That too, is part of the system because it encourages more character slots per account. Which in turn generates revenue for the company. Similar to how the base amount of character slots do not allow for all the classes to be accessible.


    Fair point on revenue, but again, I don't think it would much change in this case with the system I proposed. People buy new slots for other reasons (trying new classes, have multiple characters of same class (different build, story, background etc), they love leveling up, they make RP characters etc.. Having birthday gifts is just nice extra. No one will pay 800 gems just to have a character sitting around so one day he'll get his birthday gift.


    > I also do not agree with the sentiment that character deletion should be without consequence. Positive or negative, old characters have a history (even if it is one of just collecting dust). Making them completely interchangeable removes a players bond (both positive and negative) with the character.


    There are plenty of consequences for deleting character already. How about losing all progression, story, map completions, soul bind items etc?

  9. > @"Zohane.7208" said:

    > Today's system is a bit strange in that when the oldest character on the account has a birthday, that also gives the account-level rewards, like the title and the backpack skin (and some more I can't remember atm). I would be in favor of changing that so you get the account-level reward on the anniversary of the account's creation.


    > The rest of the system I like; each character's birthday is honored with a gift, of increasing magnitude each year. I would not like to see that replaced by a small token reward, as the OP suggests.


    > (I also don't agree that you get "punished" for deleting a toon, it's more that you're removing yourself from rewards - but that's more or less beside the Point.)


    Thank you, that is exactly what I'm asking.


    As for being "punished"... I don't know, perhaps it's a too strong of a word. Perhaps I could use some other word, but I'm not native english speaker and nothing more appropriate came to my mind. Maybe it's not punishing, but it definetly makes you uneasy about deleting your character, because you know that thing is not obtainable by any other means. So, locking it behind characters seems like a not best idea to me. I have no issue about characters being rewarded for reaching their long lifespan, but could we keep those rewards something that is not exclusive? Something that is appreciated, but could be obtained elsewhere. And exclusive stuff could be put behind anniversary of account creation, as you said.

  10. > @"Seera.5916" said:


    > Would you be fine if they kept the character birthdays like they are, but added an account birthday? And of course removing account based gifts from the character gifts and adding a vendor or option to an existing vendor to give the account based gifts to players like yourself who don't have a character old enough but whose account is old enough.


    May I kindly ask you to reread my original post? You would realize that is basically idea I was going for.

  11. > @"Ashen.2907" said:

    > Not getting something you don't qualify for is not punishment.


    Oh, but I did qualify. Suddenly, by deleting my first character, I don't qualify anymore. Therefore, deleting character is punishing. It is encouraged to keep characters even when you don't want them.

    I guess I should come to expect people like to get rewarded for not doing anything. Just like afk farmers.

  12. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:


    > Doesn’t matter how many char slots you’ve bought (I suspect it’s far fewer than mine and others that keep their old chars). The current system rewards those who buy character slots and keeps old chars instead of deleting repeatedly. Every char you deleted instead of keeping and buying a new slot is money lost to ANet. There’s no reason why they should favor a serial deleter instead of a serial keeper and buyer.


    Yes, I'm sure people buy character slots for the purpose of receiving birthday gifts. /s

    And since they don't, having different system wouldn't affect the amount of character slots people buy. Especially since I'm not even asking for character birthday gifts to be removed.


  13. > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > > > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > > > > > > > The game and its birthday system is almost 7 years old. Right or wrong they aren’t going to revamp the whole birthday reward system to accommodate those who delete their chars.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > However, you could always make a ticket and ask for your oldest char to be reinstated. You’ll need an empty char slot, the name to be available and they need to still have records on it. Give that a try and don’t delete it again if they do reinstate it.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > I deleted every character fully aware I will miss out on the gifts. I don't like having characters collect dust, especially if I know I will never play them again. I just think it's a sloppy system, that's all. Things we get are account bound anyway, so it would be better to have them as account gift, rather than character tied. Ah, well..

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > They don’t need to “collect dust.” I have a lot of chars and I’ve found a use for each one. I have chars parked at chests and nodes. I use them for storage of wanted but seldom needed items (at 100 plus slots vs 30 for a bank slot they’re a good deal). I also use them for alternate elite spec builds, for example one necro is a Reaper and the other is a Scourge. All my level 80s are fully set up and I switch between them as wanted for play variety. I’ve had level 80 chars that I set aside for a few years then restarted when new elite specs came out and I wanted a char for that. In addition, each year I get 5 teleports, a valuable Dye Kit and other goodies for each of my char’s birthdays. That alone has paid off the cost of buying the char slots.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I have 8000 hours in game, mate. I know how things work. If you have 50 characters sitting on farming spots, that is your decision and I got no problem with that. I personally like to keep characters that I actively play with and don't keep those that I don't play with. It's a simple matter really. Why I decide to delete my characters is my business. I just don't think tying birthday gifts to characters was well thought out idea, because if you wan't to keep getting next new gift, you have no choice but to keep your character.

    > > > > > > Don't you think it makes more sense for player to get reward for being loyal to the game for six years, rather than having a six years old character. I doubt anyone at Arena net cares how old are our characters. They are probably more happy about knowing people stuck with the game for 6+ years.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > So what you’re saying is you deleted chars with full knowledge of the consequences and now you want ANet to revamp a 6+ year old reward system because now you want the rewards.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Good luck on your request.

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > I don't remember requesting anything. I just shared my opinion on this, in my opinion, flawed system. Perhaps at some point they will think about it and change it. I don't believe it would be THAT hard. Simply for next birthday, instead of putting unique skin that is only available through birthday gifts, could be instead put as anniversary gift when you account reaches 5th year or whatever. While character would still get birthday gifts as normally, just not special items like these unique skins. Just quick example, I haven't thought it through a lot, so might be imperfect. I just wanted to express an opinion and have a discussion.

    > > >

    > > > Your suggestion that they completely revamp the 6+ year birthday reward system is a request for it to be done.

    > > >

    > > > You might consider who ANet values more when they look at these types of suggestions. Do they value the account that never buys char slots but only deletes and remakes or do they value more the accounts that buy multiple slots instead of deleting multiple chars. They’re going to value more the accounts that puts more money in their pockets. They aren’t going to revamp the reward system to favor the accounts that aren’t high value to them, especially after years have gone by and most people are fine with the current system.

    > >

    > > You have no idea how many character slots I have or how many I have bought. You only know, or should by now, because I'm repeating myself for third time, that I don't like keeping characters I don't play around. That doesn't mean that I shouldn't be good for rewards. Imagine if they splitted achievement points between characters. Would that be good idea? Everytime you kill X boss on new character you get achievement there and everytime you hit 10k ap on character, you get gems and loot.


    > Achievements are account based.


    > Birthdays are character birthdays, not account birthdays.


    > You still haven't said anything that states that your suggestion is better than the current method. I strongly believe that you are very much likely in a small minority of players who don't keep a single character around.


    > Especially since your suggestion will reduce the number of gifts that a majority of players receive and the fact that the current method may affect how one chooses which dye or which armor or which weapon, etc and how much consideration is put into it.


    > If I know I can get 10 dyes out of a pack of 50, I wouldn't be so picky, but if it's 1 out of 50. That's a big difference.


    If you only look at rewards, then yes, hard to argue. It would be almost like discussing with Istan farmer who can't accept he makes less money after the nerf.

    Ah, matters not folks. It seems I somehow offended people, because I'm getting warning points. I apologize to all offended if it helps them and I apologize for expressing myself.

  14. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > > > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > > > > > The game and its birthday system is almost 7 years old. Right or wrong they aren’t going to revamp the whole birthday reward system to accommodate those who delete their chars.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > However, you could always make a ticket and ask for your oldest char to be reinstated. You’ll need an empty char slot, the name to be available and they need to still have records on it. Give that a try and don’t delete it again if they do reinstate it.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I deleted every character fully aware I will miss out on the gifts. I don't like having characters collect dust, especially if I know I will never play them again. I just think it's a sloppy system, that's all. Things we get are account bound anyway, so it would be better to have them as account gift, rather than character tied. Ah, well..

    > > > > >

    > > > > > They don’t need to “collect dust.” I have a lot of chars and I’ve found a use for each one. I have chars parked at chests and nodes. I use them for storage of wanted but seldom needed items (at 100 plus slots vs 30 for a bank slot they’re a good deal). I also use them for alternate elite spec builds, for example one necro is a Reaper and the other is a Scourge. All my level 80s are fully set up and I switch between them as wanted for play variety. I’ve had level 80 chars that I set aside for a few years then restarted when new elite specs came out and I wanted a char for that. In addition, each year I get 5 teleports, a valuable Dye Kit and other goodies for each of my char’s birthdays. That alone has paid off the cost of buying the char slots.

    > > > >

    > > > > I have 8000 hours in game, mate. I know how things work. If you have 50 characters sitting on farming spots, that is your decision and I got no problem with that. I personally like to keep characters that I actively play with and don't keep those that I don't play with. It's a simple matter really. Why I decide to delete my characters is my business. I just don't think tying birthday gifts to characters was well thought out idea, because if you wan't to keep getting next new gift, you have no choice but to keep your character.

    > > > > Don't you think it makes more sense for player to get reward for being loyal to the game for six years, rather than having a six years old character. I doubt anyone at Arena net cares how old are our characters. They are probably more happy about knowing people stuck with the game for 6+ years.

    > > >

    > > > So what you’re saying is you deleted chars with full knowledge of the consequences and now you want ANet to revamp a 6+ year old reward system because now you want the rewards.

    > > >

    > > > Good luck on your request.

    > > >

    > >

    > > I don't remember requesting anything. I just shared my opinion on this, in my opinion, flawed system. Perhaps at some point they will think about it and change it. I don't believe it would be THAT hard. Simply for next birthday, instead of putting unique skin that is only available through birthday gifts, could be instead put as anniversary gift when you account reaches 5th year or whatever. While character would still get birthday gifts as normally, just not special items like these unique skins. Just quick example, I haven't thought it through a lot, so might be imperfect. I just wanted to express an opinion and have a discussion.


    > Your suggestion that they completely revamp the 6+ year birthday reward system is a request for it to be done.


    > You might consider who ANet values more when they look at these types of suggestions. Do they value the account that never buys char slots but only deletes and remakes or do they value more the accounts that buy multiple slots instead of deleting multiple chars. They’re going to value more the accounts that puts more money in their pockets. They aren’t going to revamp the reward system to favor the accounts that aren’t high value to them, especially after years have gone by and most people are fine with the current system.


    You have no idea how many character slots I have or how many I have bought. You only know, or should by now, because I'm repeating myself for third time, that I don't like keeping characters I don't play around. That doesn't mean that I shouldn't be good for rewards. Imagine if they splitted achievement points between characters. Would that be good idea? Everytime you kill X boss on new character you get achievement there and everytime you hit 10k ap on character, you get gems and loot.

  15. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > What? Did I read this correctly?

    > Almost nothing you posted suggests you read what I wrote correctly, no.


    > For example, what I said was that loyalty is a bad choice of comparison. It can be interpreted in different ways. And more importantly, it distracts from the very point you are trying to make. Did you actually want to argue about the definition of "most loyal customer"? I understood that your intent was to agitate for a change in the anniversary reward system, which doesn't depend on agreeing who is "most loyal" or "more loyal."


    > For example, what I wrote was that no one would be arguing to replace an account-based definition of account anniversary with a character-based definition (the current system), had ANet started the other way around. That doesn't mean that ANet didn't think about their original choice or even that it was a bad one _at the time_.


    > For example, what I wrote was that it didn't appear to worth the time to change, 7 years into the game. You seem to have interpreted that as if I was speaking for ANet, as it's impossible for anyone else to make any reasonable guess as to how tricky such things are to actually implement.




    No, that is not what you said. That is what you are saying now, after I replied. Let's look at your quotes.


    > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > While you're free to want what you want, ANet is not free to adapt the game just because some of us think it would be a good idea.

    Anet decides to what they can and want to adapt to. Quite a few things were put or changed in game, because community expressed a wish for or gave feedback.


    > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > Actually, no. I think it makes no sense at all to consider "loyalty" with regards to character creation/deletion. Arguably, the person who buys new toons rather than deletes characters is "more loyal."

    First part I agree with you. You even quoted the part that agrees with you. I also don't think loyalty has anything to do with character creation/deletion. That's why I said, Arenanet probably doesn't care how old are our characters, but how many players they have that play the game from beginning, that would be more interesting for them and they would consider those people loyal, wouldn't they?

    Second part, you obviously said we could argue that people who buy toons are more loyal. I know you said "arguably" but still, that makes zero sense. Not even arguably, those can they be more loyal. It just means that some people have money to pay for their convenience.

  16. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > > > The game and its birthday system is almost 7 years old. Right or wrong they aren’t going to revamp the whole birthday reward system to accommodate those who delete their chars.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > However, you could always make a ticket and ask for your oldest char to be reinstated. You’ll need an empty char slot, the name to be available and they need to still have records on it. Give that a try and don’t delete it again if they do reinstate it.

    > > > >

    > > > > I deleted every character fully aware I will miss out on the gifts. I don't like having characters collect dust, especially if I know I will never play them again. I just think it's a sloppy system, that's all. Things we get are account bound anyway, so it would be better to have them as account gift, rather than character tied. Ah, well..

    > > >

    > > > They don’t need to “collect dust.” I have a lot of chars and I’ve found a use for each one. I have chars parked at chests and nodes. I use them for storage of wanted but seldom needed items (at 100 plus slots vs 30 for a bank slot they’re a good deal). I also use them for alternate elite spec builds, for example one necro is a Reaper and the other is a Scourge. All my level 80s are fully set up and I switch between them as wanted for play variety. I’ve had level 80 chars that I set aside for a few years then restarted when new elite specs came out and I wanted a char for that. In addition, each year I get 5 teleports, a valuable Dye Kit and other goodies for each of my char’s birthdays. That alone has paid off the cost of buying the char slots.

    > >

    > > I have 8000 hours in game, mate. I know how things work. If you have 50 characters sitting on farming spots, that is your decision and I got no problem with that. I personally like to keep characters that I actively play with and don't keep those that I don't play with. It's a simple matter really. Why I decide to delete my characters is my business. I just don't think tying birthday gifts to characters was well thought out idea, because if you wan't to keep getting next new gift, you have no choice but to keep your character.

    > > Don't you think it makes more sense for player to get reward for being loyal to the game for six years, rather than having a six years old character. I doubt anyone at Arena net cares how old are our characters. They are probably more happy about knowing people stuck with the game for 6+ years.


    > So what you’re saying is you deleted chars with full knowledge of the consequences and now you want ANet to revamp a 6+ year old reward system because now you want the rewards.


    > Good luck on your request.



    I don't remember requesting anything. I just shared my opinion on this, in my opinion, flawed system. Perhaps at some point they will think about it and change it. I don't believe it would be THAT hard. Simply for next birthday, instead of putting unique skin that is only available through birthday gifts, could be instead put as anniversary gift when you account reaches 5th year or whatever. While character would still get birthday gifts as normally, just not special items like these unique skins. Just quick example, I haven't thought it through a lot, so might be imperfect. I just wanted to express an opinion and have a discussion.

  17. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > It's a simple matter really.

    > It's not: you want ANet to change an entire game mechanic to accommodate your personal preference.

    Nice misinterpretation. Sentence was applying to previous one that explained how I treat my characters and has nothing to do with Anet.

    > While you're free to want what you want, ANet is not free to adapt the game just because some of us think it would be a good idea.

    Are you part of Arenanet staff? If not, then please don't suggest you know what they know is good for them. Last time I checked, this is forum and one of the reasons forum exist is for feedback, discussion and suggestions.

    > Here we are about to celebrate the game's 7th anniversary. It doesn't seem as if it would be the best use of their resources to change things.

    Again, what you think is waste of resources is your opinion. I think WvW is waste of resources and I don't around telling people who love that mod such thing. We all have our preferences and reasons to play the game. We all have our wishes and we all would wish to have more of what we love in game. You are free to make your suggestion and I'm free to make mine. I am fine with people disagreeing, if they provide reasonable answer as to why and not just "because I don't like it or I don't need it".


    > > I just don't think tying birthday gifts to characters was well thought out idea,

    > You mean: you don't like it. Near as we can tell from ANet comments, they did think about it.

    So, everything they think is automatically 100% correct or best approach or idea?


    > > you have no choice but to keep your character.

    > I don't have a problem with that requirement.

    You don't. I might not have some other problem that you have. What do we do now?


    > > Don't you think it makes more sense for player to get reward for being loyal to the game for six years, rather than having a six years old character.

    > Actually, no. I think it makes no sense at all to consider "loyalty" with regards to character creation/deletion. Arguably, the person who buys new toons rather than deletes characters is "more loyal." I think it digresses from the point.

    What? Did I read this correctly? You are saying throwing money for more character slots is being more loyal? Some rich kid could spend 1000 bucks on game and play it for one month and stop, while some poor kid might spend 50 bucks over 6 years, but play the game and support it by helping people and being part of community. But with your logic, first kid is more loyal. Ok.



  18. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > The game and its birthday system is almost 7 years old. Right or wrong they aren’t going to revamp the whole birthday reward system to accommodate those who delete their chars.

    > > >

    > > > However, you could always make a ticket and ask for your oldest char to be reinstated. You’ll need an empty char slot, the name to be available and they need to still have records on it. Give that a try and don’t delete it again if they do reinstate it.

    > >

    > > I deleted every character fully aware I will miss out on the gifts. I don't like having characters collect dust, especially if I know I will never play them again. I just think it's a sloppy system, that's all. Things we get are account bound anyway, so it would be better to have them as account gift, rather than character tied. Ah, well..


    > They don’t need to “collect dust.” I have a lot of chars and I’ve found a use for each one. I have chars parked at chests and nodes. I use them for storage of wanted but seldom needed items (at 100 plus slots vs 30 for a bank slot they’re a good deal). I also use them for alternate elite spec builds, for example one necro is a Reaper and the other is a Scourge. All my level 80s are fully set up and I switch between them as wanted for play variety. I’ve had level 80 chars that I set aside for a few years then restarted when new elite specs came out and I wanted a char for that. In addition, each year I get 5 teleports, a valuable Dye Kit and other goodies for each of my char’s birthdays. That alone has paid off the cost of buying the char slots.


    I have 8000 hours in game, mate. I know how things work. If you have 50 characters sitting on farming spots, that is your decision and I got no problem with that. I personally like to keep characters that I actively play with and don't keep those that I don't play with. It's a simple matter really. Why I decide to delete my characters is my business. I just don't think tying birthday gifts to characters was well thought out idea, because if you wan't to keep getting next new gift, you have no choice but to keep your character.

    Don't you think it makes more sense for player to get reward for being loyal to the game for six years, rather than having a six years old character. I doubt anyone at Arena net cares how old are our characters. They are probably more happy about knowing people stuck with the game for 6+ years.

  19. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > The game and its birthday system is almost 7 years old. Right or wrong they aren’t going to revamp the whole birthday reward system to accommodate those who delete their chars.


    > However, you could always make a ticket and ask for your oldest char to be reinstated. You’ll need an empty char slot, the name to be available and they need to still have records on it. Give that a try and don’t delete it again if they do reinstate it.


    I deleted every character fully aware I will miss out on the gifts. I don't like having characters collect dust, especially if I know I will never play them again. I just think it's a sloppy system, that's all. Things we get are account bound anyway, so it would be better to have them as account gift, rather than character tied. Ah, well..

  20. I have four lvl 80 characters atm waiting for their first birthday, since I deleted all old ones. My first character was human, because it seemed like safest option (I was also completely new to mmorpgs). I didn't play that character for past three years, because I was tired of humans. Basically, I waited for her 6th birthday to get the gift and deleted her.


    I don't believe deleting characters should be punishing. If I don't feel like playing that one character, I would like to delete it with clear conscience and not keep it around to collect dust for years just for that gift.


    I think it would be better if personal (character birthday gifts) were something small, something that can obtainable by other means, while unique skins, scrolls and the rest could be tied to account age. Something like anniversary of your account and you (player) get a birthday gift on that day.


    So, in short:

    - every year, your character gets their birthday gift (something non unique, but still neat and useful), obviously on their of their creation

    - every year player gets that more unique gift for anniversary day of your account




  21. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

    > > > > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > > > > Is there an Anette in Queensdale? I tried googling that name and nothing came up.

    > > > > > I suspect it's more like A.Net(~~te~~).

    > > > >

    > > > > Oh. Probably. I thought s/he was talking about one of the NFC’s with unique dresses that players keep asking for when s/he said _”I couldn't take my eyes off your dresses and the dyes you used to color them.”_ but ANet makes sense too.

    > > >

    > > > Pretty obvious he's talking about game itself to me :D

    > >

    > > Cool.

    > >

    > > The first responses showed that not everyone did.

    > >


    > Yeah I think it's basically a cute re-word of the typical complaints about the gem store. Although I'm not sure what exactly the problem is because the OP seems to be both upset that they're feeling pressured to spend too much money and saying they don't like a lot of the newer items. But stripping out the fictional scenario I think it comes down to "I paid $60 for this game, I'm not happy with how much I've spent since and not happy with the items currently available to buy and unless this changes I'm planning on quitting the game."


    > I would have thought those two cancel each other out and therefore solve the problem - if you don't like what's in the gem store surely you don't feel any desire to buy it and therefore aren't spending as much money on it. But I may have missed something in the subtext and round-about way of saying it.


    I read it as he spent thousand so far, which could very well mean he spent it all couple of years back (he does claim relationship lasting 8 years, even though game is that old yet), but now he's not happy with new stuff on gemstore and the way game is going.

    Can't say I'm completely fine with everything on gemstore myself (not a fan of wings and the amount of shiny stuff lately in game, but that's not exclusive to just gem store), but it is what it is. It's just my wish they wouldn't go that way, but ultimately it's up to devs and what people want to buy. I do know of people who are deeply bothered with this, a lot more than me, and it's a big turnoff for them, so much that they stopped playing the game.

  22. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

    > > > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > > > Is there an Anette in Queensdale? I tried googling that name and nothing came up.

    > > > > I suspect it's more like A.Net(~~te~~).

    > > >

    > > > Oh. Probably. I thought s/he was talking about one of the NFC’s with unique dresses that players keep asking for when s/he said _”I couldn't take my eyes off your dresses and the dyes you used to color them.”_ but ANet makes sense too.

    > >

    > > Pretty obvious he's talking about game itself to me :D


    > Cool.


    > The first responses showed that not everyone did.



    I thought people are playing along, so I was a bit surprised. But it matters not. OP vented a little I guess and gave me a chuckle at least.

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