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Everything posted by Sobx.1758

  1. 10 at the time are only available in expansion zones and it's a better choice than the core ones. Try looking for "HP trains" in HoT/PoF lfg. There's also a possibility to unlock hero points by earning https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Proof_of_Heroics and https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Testimony_of_Heroics and spending them for HP through https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Heroics_Notary. That's only if you play WvW, but seeing as you're a new player, it's probably not exactly useful for you at this point.
  2. > @"Carnius Magius.8091" said: > When equipping an item, please put the unequipped item into the same bag slot as the equipped item came from instead treating the unequipped item as a drop. ...but it already works like that? _____________________ E: this thread has now been changed to say something different than when I was answering to it, but the quote in my post is accurate, so... yeah, it already worked like that. :D
  3. > @"Oronreo.8796" said: > Wow thanks for so much replies. Well, I must admit that gem to gold conversion is the best option for me. But unlike most of you, I would prefer giving the same amount of money for an ingame bot and have the satisfaction of grinding. It's weird I know. It's not that it's "weird", you just don't make sense. You're literally vouching for some "legal ingame bot" to farm for you and then you pretend you "prefer the satisfaction of grinding". You also try to argue that gold would solve your problems, but then say you have ascended gear (which you don't even need, other than the fractals) and maybe you just lack the ability to play. I fail to see how any "legal bot" is supposed to change anything about that situation.
  4. > @"DaFishBob.6518" said: > I picked up the first tier reward and opened it: 1 thimble of karma, 1 celebration booster, 1 gold banner. Yeah I'm not going to feel terrible if we miss the mark for this. You can see the rewards in achievement "bonus event" category. 5th tier is some karma, celebr booster, heroes banner and the crystal bloom supply box, which is some crappy mats. I don't see why anyone would care about not getting that, but maybe it's just me :D Also pretty sure it will magically speed up near the end. w/e
  5. > @"Burnfall.9573" said: > > @"Bazsi.2734" said: > > This thread is funny. How come warriors heal now, **nerf kill erase**! > > > > **Because That Is The Role Of Guardian Profession** No, it's not. Nobody said healing is a role of a single chosen profession in the game. Not even the video you've posted. Mind, that IF that video was claiming that, it would still not mean anything, because it's not anet's stance, but "just some youtuber" covering vaguely the playstyles/themes of a class. But even here, that video has nothing supporting the claim you're making here.
  6. > @"KrHome.1920" said: > > @"Sobx.1758" said: > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said: > > > > @"Sodeni.6041" said: > > > > I stopped playing GW2 for 2 years and have returned to it about 3 weeks ago and yesterday I gave PvP a try again. > > > > > > > > I checked out some popular builds, current meta, did some unranked matches and then went into ranked. > > > > > > > > And holy cow, this PvP community is really toxic! I play Dead by Daylight a lot so I am familiar with toxic people and a toxic ommunity but I never thought it would be like that in GW2 as well. > > > > > > > > The first match I get called out a noob and moron for playing a scourge. I told them it's literally my first match but they didn't care and my team insulted me. Some matches later 2 guys of my team just go afk because they don't like each other and say they are wintrading. Then one of them whispers me and tell me I am a kitten for telling them to just play and argue outside of the match. Various times my team went crazy after losing and insulted each other for the dumbest reasons. I also encountered a few bots that were on my team. > > > > > > > > I thought GW2's community is nice and wholesome... well that might be true unless you go into PvP. I hope the devs adress these issues and check player reports to make PvP less toxic because it really kills the fun of this gamemode. > > > > > > I am sorry that has happened and i would like to say, not everyone in the community are Toxic, The Truth is, if you ask these Profession players why they are behaving Toxic, they will tell you. because the game design, the balance, it allows them to freely, willingly be as Toxic as they want. With endless Bad Designs, Broken Builds, Broken Mechanics, Broken Skills and as long Skills and Mechanics can be abused and spammed needlessly which allows them to behave this way and to go Un-Punished forever > > > > > > That's just a lie and your theories have nothing to do with it. Any online pvp/competitive/semi-competitive game is prone to toxicity. ESPECIALLY the team-based ones, where people have hard time dealing with their own mistakes and need to actively seek a scapegoat among their teammates. This behavior is in no way limited to gw2 and its mechanics, so... No. > You are talking about different things here. He spoke about people abusing not fun to play against mechanics (the classic try hard nerd). You speak about insulting people as a form of toxicity. Both are different things that happen for different reasons. > > The only relationship between these two is that the mechanic abusing toxicity can lead to the insulting toxicity. > > The game is full of people that don't care about or even aim for destroying the fun of others (BUT: this is more of an issue in wvw than pvp: gank squads, spawn point farming when outnumbering etc.). And the game is also full of people with anger management issues. Both at once is a bad mixture. Yes, I understood what he's talking about, but he's responding to OP and if you actually read what OP writes about, then you'll understand that response is irrelevant here, because OP just describes "regular" (not excused nonetheless) online/competitive/team-based toxicity we can see in pretty much any game including those elements. Individual "toxic game mechonics!" have nothing to do with that. Again, "that" being the situation OP describes. What he answered to the post he quoted is irrelevant and that situation isn't somehow exclusive to "THIS game", "THIS community" or "THESE mechanics I don't like".
  7. > @"Burnfall.9573" said: > > @"Sodeni.6041" said: > > I stopped playing GW2 for 2 years and have returned to it about 3 weeks ago and yesterday I gave PvP a try again. > > > > I checked out some popular builds, current meta, did some unranked matches and then went into ranked. > > > > And holy cow, this PvP community is really toxic! I play Dead by Daylight a lot so I am familiar with toxic people and a toxic ommunity but I never thought it would be like that in GW2 as well. > > > > The first match I get called out a noob and moron for playing a scourge. I told them it's literally my first match but they didn't care and my team insulted me. Some matches later 2 guys of my team just go afk because they don't like each other and say they are wintrading. Then one of them whispers me and tell me I am a kitten for telling them to just play and argue outside of the match. Various times my team went crazy after losing and insulted each other for the dumbest reasons. I also encountered a few bots that were on my team. > > > > I thought GW2's community is nice and wholesome... well that might be true unless you go into PvP. I hope the devs adress these issues and check player reports to make PvP less toxic because it really kills the fun of this gamemode. > > I am sorry that has happened and i would like to say, not everyone in the community are Toxic, The Truth is, if you ask these Profession players why they are behaving Toxic, they will tell you. because the game design, the balance, it allows them to freely, willingly be as Toxic as they want. With endless Bad Designs, Broken Builds, Broken Mechanics, Broken Skills and as long Skills and Mechanics can be abused and spammed needlessly which allows them to behave this way and to go Un-Punished forever That's just a lie and your theories have nothing to do with it. Any online pvp/competitive/semi-competitive game is prone to toxicity. ESPECIALLY the team-based ones, where people have hard time dealing with their own mistakes and need to actively seek a scapegoat among their teammates. This behavior is in no way limited to gw2 and its mechanics, so... No.
  8. > @"maddoctor.2738" said: > > @"Sobx.1758" said: > > No, it's not and it's literally proven by the current situation, your denial doesn't change anything about it. > > You are now arguing that there is no 10k gold limit to sell on the TP? At which point did I do this? Try rereading what I actually wrote in my posts. And you dodged the first part of the post. > > I didn't say "market manipulation is a great thing" > > Good that we agree on that, and since all prices above 10k gold are a product of market manipulation... that's a thread end right there? No, it's not the end of the thread. It's funny that you've tried to take such a blatantly backwards cut throught what I've said while actively ignoring what I write, but you're just incorrect here -again. Market manipulation is present regardless of the market cap and the current market cap makes that manipulation easier with more prominent profits to strictly limited number of players. I already wrote about it and pretty sure not just me. You avoiding the facts -again- won't change them. > > They're literally getting scammed out of gold because of their lack of knowledge. > You seem confused about who is getting scammed. A scam involves tricking someone, nobody is tricking the player that sells for 10k gold an item that he could've sold elsewhere for a higher price. Meanwhile, those buying the item at a higher price are indeed being scammed by the market manipulators that inflate the prices. Nope, it's clearly you that seem confused about that and you intentionally leave out most of what I write unanswered. Convenient, sure. But also pretty pointless if that's your plan for the discussion here. Am I supposed to quote what I wrote in the post you've """answered to""" because you've purposefully decided to completely avoid that part in your response? Just reread the previous post/s and finally stop dodging. > > Literally anyone who buys and sells them. If "tp barons" are reselling them for profit, it means there are people who buy them. So these guys. If nobody is buying them, then nobody is reselling them for profit either. Pick a lane finally. > > Yeah, they're not reselling, but they're having profits. Good talk, keep contradicting yourself. > > Where did I contradict myself? I was very clear, market manipulators exploit the rarity of items to inflate their price. It's as simple as that, and when we have 10 players hoarding 100+ of certain expensive infusions you can see that's exactly what is happening. On the other hand, if the drop rates are adapted, the only players that will lose, maybe a lot of gold, are those hoarders/manipulators, I'm not sure why you defend them so much, and not accept the solution of increasing the drop rates, but that's your choice I guess. I already explained where you contradict yourself, again: reread what you were answering to and stop cutting out most of my posts to pretend I didn't write something that I clearly did. How am I defending them? :D [i already wrote above](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1373076/#Comment_1373076) why that take/suggestion you've previously made is flawed, but -WHAT A SURPRISE- you've intentionally cut out that part while answering.
  9. > @"maddoctor.2738" said: > > @"Sobx.1758" said: > > Nobody is "pretending" an item is valued more than 10k, it IS valued more than 10k and that's a fact. > > According to who exactly? No item can be valued more than 10k because you cannot sell an item above 10k gold and that's the actual fact. According to people that keep buying and selling those items for WAY more than 10k? :o You have interesting take on what amounts to being a "fact". Apparently if something happens in a different way than you consider being "acceptable", it somehow makes that thing... not a fact? I'm seriously confused what you're trying to say here. We literally know that these items are being sold/traded for other **ingame** items with value totalling to way more than 10k gold, which is why we know that -**in fact**- those infusions are being valued by players to be worth more than 10k gold. That's the price they're being bought/sold for. Stop denying facts just because you don't like them. > Good thing is we have a real life situation developing that is very similar to the one we see in game. NVIDIA launched their 3000 series graphics with a certain MSRP, yet due to the lack of supply they are rare enough that certain individuals can manipulate the market, buy the supply, and then resell the graphics card at an insane premium. According to you, those over priced graphic cards, sold outside regular shops, are determining the "value" of these cards? Just because some people are willing to pay an insane premium, because they enjoy being exploited, doesn't mean this is the value of an item. Yeah, that's a great thing. Now here's what happens: people buy out the stock and try reselling these cards. If someone thinks these cards are still worth it for them even at the increased price "because they absolutely need/want them now", then they buy them and that card sold for that amount of money has that particular value for the person that paid for it. That's a fact. Other people that don't value these cards at these prices.... don't buy them :O It's subjective and the item rarity is obviously part of it, if someone's getting aroused due to the item's rarity -be it ingame or not- then it's that particular person's "problem" to deal with. It doesn't change that these items are still sold/bought for that price. >But I understand, market manipulation is a very profitable business and it's why people want to keep it up, and even "legalize" it in game, by removing the cap, that's like asking NVIDIA to allow stores to sell their graphics cards at any price they want, because "someone buys them at x3 the price outside the market, so let's make it legal for stores themselves to use such prices". Wonderful. Woah, so you understand people resell these items outside of tp for profit (all while negating their value that players are buying/selling them for btw), but fail to understand that new-er or uninformed players effectively keep getting scammed ingame because they sell their infusions for 10k instead of twice as much, simply boosting the gain of people that already resell them for profit anyways? Remove/raise the cap significantly and players selling those infusions through TP aren't getting scammed by the redundant cap **set at the time when gold had much bigger value than it has now**. And now you seem to be suggesting I'm vouching for that change to somehow make profit out of it? xD If I wanted profit, I'd beg for the current limits to stay where "first-come-first-serve" 10k buy bids easly double/triple their gold with each resell lmao. > And if you take your time to check those "out of game" sale websites, you will find that it's the same people trading among themselves, creating an illusion that there is a demand for items and allowing players like yourself to come on forums and post non-sense about the value of those items. There is a guy who bought a Chak Egg Infusion for 25k gold and then resold it for 28k gold just a few days later. Such demand! Such "value" of those items! And not to mention the people that post and buy expensive infusions using accounts with less than 100 AP and posting "thank you for that Chak Egg Infusion" -mistersomeonewith.100AP. Ah, so now they're not reselling for profit, but instead just keep making circles with the same infusions between themselves, ok.
  10. I don't see a compelling reason tbh and it sure doesn't make any sense theme-wise. I suspect it's a ""balance change"" aimed at literally a single combination you want to use. Which one is it? Smokescale with stunbreak, because hard cc and channeled damaging evade isn't versatile enough? :D
  11. Nah, I don't think they need even bigger ones. If you want to roleplay as an animal lover then just run around on foot :mrgreen:
  12. Depends on your build and ability to play the game, but for the most part berserker is a basic power dps gear. If you're dying and need some more hp then marauder. And like said in the previous post, aim for exotics.
  13. > @"Astralporing.1957" said: > Not everyone that has over 10k gold is a trade baron or a hardcore farmer. Some just got a few lucky drops, and others might be casual credit card warriors - there's quite a number of whales that are like that. And not everyone that has over 10k gold _and_ is an adept of game-related google-fu would consider going off-market for a transation. How big percentagewise are that groups i have no idea, but, considering how small the group of players aiming for infusions in off-market sites is, even a small absolute number of players might make a big difference. To buy infusions from TP, they need to look for that infusion specifically anyways. And as I said above, just a regular infusion search in google "reveals" threads explaining how/where people buy infusions off tp (FOR INGAME CURRENCY/ITEMS). You don't need to specifically look for hidden markets or even search for anything more than you'd do while using TP. Being a trade baron, hardcore farmer or even an outstanding google-master is far from needed as long as they actually wanted to buy the infusion in the first place. And if they didn't, then those infusions being on TP don't change anything about it. I wonder why Anet can't step in and explain why that 10k gold limit is necessary for the game/tp/economy/coding/whatever in the first place, at which point they'd basically solve this thread if there really is an actual valid reason for keeping that ingame.
  14. > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said: > > @"archmagus.7249" said: > > > @"Tiagoht.7549" said: > > > Next change based on the cry of the players: removing the only feature released for wvw in the last 10 years. The warclaw > > > > Sure. PvE gets mounts and WvWers complain about not having a mount, and now that you have a mount you want it removed? Next you're going to say that we shouldn't have gliding. > > Mounts were one of the worst changes to the game mode. It killed roaming. Roaming isn't really dead, so mounts couldn't and didn't kill it.
  15. > @"Mil.3562" said: > This topic [here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/118443/which-mount-do-you-like-the-best#latest) further proved that the Warclaw needs more love in PVE. ANet can you not see how much sales on the kitty mount skins you are losing? Boost her speed or double her HP or make her auto hop over uneven grounds and low hedges, just give her something. Please? Warclaw already has its niche where its the best and it's simply whole wvw gamemode. So nah.
  16. > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said: > > @"TheGrimm.5624" said: > > There needs to be some form of fast travel. Players should not have to spend have their playtime just getting to where they are looking to game for that night. > > You, and many others may want fast travel but I don't. Been in this franchise for 15 years, and some of us can see how waypoints dilute the experience of actually meeting other people and having meaningful expierences. > > You know what they call games with waypoints like this? A Theme park MMO. Going from one carnival ride to the next. No, this is not what theme park mmo is and having waypoints/teleports between the zones available has nothing to do with it.
  17. > @"maddoctor.2738" said: > > @"Psientist.6437" said: > > If the trade service limit can not be raised or adapted to, then drop rates should be raised. > > Indeed. > > > It is absurd that posts explaining the gray market in barely too much detail can be removed from the forums yet the supply and demand of the most expensive item must go to the gray market to get close to market value. > > Well to be fair, the maximum supported "market value" an item can have is 10k gold. Anyone pretending an item is "valued" more than that is already trying to circumvent a set limit by the developers. Nobody is "pretending" an item is valued more than 10k, it IS valued more than 10k and that's a fact.
  18. > @"NeroBoron.7285" said: > There is a bugged timer in the top left corner. Can be expanded via the yellow star (if it is not bugged). Time currently states 6 days, and we can spend tokens for bar progress. ...left?
  19. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Combo
  20. > @"JohnWater.5760" said: > I agree with you. > Swap Attunements isn't a real mechanic, you gain nothing with that. huh. How is this not a "real mechanic"? How do you "gain nothing with that"? Which class mechanics do you consider being "real" and by what standards?
  21. > @"Burnfall.9573" said: > > @"Sobx.1758" said: > > > @"Gogdarth.6741" said: > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said: > > > > so few minutes ago, a couple of our guild players including 3 Commanders on our guild were arguing with a bot programmer on our guild. Of how she openly boasted and prided herself for not giving a kitten about what people say about her botting. > > > > > > > > I want to share few things that she stated about the reasoning about PvP and Wvw botters. she said that 'oh well...Anet doesn't even care about their players so i don't know why people are 'sticking a broom up their 'kitten' as if Anet owes them something', 'they don't even give a 'kitten' about their game modes except cash shop PvE, laugh..., people are leaving anyways and PvP and WvW are dead game mode because Anet want it this way, so why should people keep crying about their dead game modes', the Guild Leader asked this player, 'can't you go somewhere else to bot instead of here', she replied, 'we keep getting reported by players and the 'game company' won't let us, they are very strict with us > > > > > > > > > > > > couple of us asked her, who is 'we', she said that she is not the only bot/hack programmer, there are many of them. > > > > > > > > so there, > > > > > > > > **“We all make choices, but in the end our choices make us.”** > > > > > > And of course you will not disclose account name of the person in question, no convo screenshots exist in nature and my uncle also works at ANet. > > > > Yup, sadly it's pretty hard to have an evidence for something that never happened :( > > it is quite sad indeed that you are provoking me to violate forum rules It's interesting to me how you think I'm "provoking you", but the person I've quoted somehow isn't. I don't see how that's logical -or real- at all. With that said, I'm still patiently waiting for the evidence of your claims, so stop dodging and just post some to easly prove me wrong.
  22. > @"Gogdarth.6741" said: > > @"Burnfall.9573" said: > > so few minutes ago, a couple of our guild players including 3 Commanders on our guild were arguing with a bot programmer on our guild. Of how she openly boasted and prided herself for not giving a kitten about what people say about her botting. > > > > I want to share few things that she stated about the reasoning about PvP and Wvw botters. she said that 'oh well...Anet doesn't even care about their players so i don't know why people are 'sticking a broom up their 'kitten' as if Anet owes them something', 'they don't even give a 'kitten' about their game modes except cash shop PvE, laugh..., people are leaving anyways and PvP and WvW are dead game mode because Anet want it this way, so why should people keep crying about their dead game modes', the Guild Leader asked this player, 'can't you go somewhere else to bot instead of here', she replied, 'we keep getting reported by players and the 'game company' won't let us, they are very strict with us > > > > > > couple of us asked her, who is 'we', she said that she is not the only bot/hack programmer, there are many of them. > > > > so there, > > > > **“We all make choices, but in the end our choices make us.”** > > And of course you will not disclose account name of the person in question, no convo screenshots exist in nature and my uncle also works at ANet. Yup, sadly it's pretty hard to have an evidence for something that never happened :(
  23. > @"Astralporing.1957" said: > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said: > > Have there been an increase it buy listings for 10K? The amount of players creating buy listings to push up to the existing trading price would have to be significantly larger than it is now. You also have to realize that the number of players who have an excess of 10K gold is fairly small. What you're suggesting that would happen realistically wouldn't. > Sure, the amount of buyers would not increase by a lot in absolute numbers, but then there's not a lot of buyers currently. Even a small number of players would still be a huge increase percenatewise. And no, not everyone puts a buy order at 10k - with the amount of buy orders that are already in place, and the extremely limited supply, any order put now would need to wait for years to be fulfilled, so there's really no point in doing it. Yup, there's no reason to do it. On the other hand I'm not sure how the number of buyers would drastically (even %wise) increase seeing how people don't have 10k++ gold to throw around IF they already can't look for an information outside of the game. The moment someone has that amount of gold ingame and is interested in buying the infusion/s, it's pretty easy to understand why there aren't any going through tp and see how out-of-tp trading works with a simple google search just including the name of the infusion. It's not some kind of guarded information only chosen ones come by.
  24. > @"Carnius Magius.8091" said: >The TP is cluttered with items like this. Many are probably by extinct or deceased players. ANET needs to clean house of this stuff. ...how does it matter for literally anything?
  25. > @"Fuchslein.8639" said: > > @"Sobx.1758" said: > > Who cares about fall dmg reduction when you can get prototype position rewinder and make yourself a private save point on any jp > > Not everyone has that. New players in particular. Luckily 200 gems for an episode isn't that much. But it's their choice.
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