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Posts posted by Bast.7253

  1. > @"Ogwom.7940" said:

    > Hi all.


    > I was recently pondering on what Samarog was again.

    > Perhaps it is a demon, since the morphology of demons in Guild Wars 1 could match similar to that of Samarog (I know not everything from GW1 will be recreated the same way in GW2).

    > Though I was thinking that perhaps Samarog could be actually a Tanneck from Xotecha or another denizen from that place, since this place seems to have been canonized.

    > Maybe the Eye of Janthir has something to do with Xotecha, since they both have pyramid themes (Though one is North African and the other is North/CentralSouth America I would assume).

    > I am not saying that the Isles of Janthir are Xotecha since it is in the mists, but rather they have some sort of relation.

    > Maybe the Mursaat visited Xotecha.?

    > Could Xotecha be the destroyed planet in the skybox on the skin of the Harbringer in fractal 99 CM?


    > Sorry I dug myself into a hole with this, but just some thoughts.

    > Let me know what you think.


    Well at this rate we might end up seeing an elder dragon accidentally drop it into the ocean at some point. It would be nice to dive into it a bit more though. Especially given how close we already are to Bastion. It’s also odd that Jormag ended up settling in so close to that area though I guess that was because of the proximity to the spirits?


    Knowing their track record with introducing interesting things like this and never returning I’d say it’s unlikely we will ever get any more understanding.

  2. > @"Perihen the Thawk.9527" said:

    > I would love this. Especially now that we have those trees as decorations, they just don't really fit with any of the current guild halls. I'm worried they'll move on to Cantha and we'll never get any Northern themed hall.


    Pretty safe bet we won't. We were lucky to get those trees. I'd love more decorations like that added but if they rarely add those I'm pretty sure they won't take the time to add a whole other guild hall.



  3. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

    > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > I do think it'll be a more-or-less direct tie in to the current plot because it's taking the place of an LW release like Visions of the Past was.

    > > No it isn't. Anet has said previously that, after episode 4, the next release is going to be similar to LWS1 content, and will involve content that allows players to have some sort of impact on the game world. A fractal is not that.

    > >

    > > It may be coming out at the same time as the next Vision type update, but it isn't the update itself.


    > That doesn't counter the potential of the Fractal being tied to the LW or being the placeholder release - which given the timing, it very clearly is. They do LW-related releases every two months, and two months after Episode 4's release. Especially since they wouldn't have an update just for one fractal, CM or not. There's going to be more to the release.


    > Also, the dev didn't say _immediately_ after Episode 4 either. They just said that it would happen "after episode 4".


    I don't know if you can assume that it's going to be related just because it's coming at the time we would normally expect an episode. They said they wanted a different format for this season and while it's not really been overly different from any other, it's not to say they couldn't release a separate fractal or another multi-arching story like they did last time that's meant to be separate. Of course that would be making the assumption we'll see more than this one fractal in the next 12 months which isn't likely, but it's possible. It feels like they rarely incorporate present story into fractals, or even dive into the history behind the ones we have. The one with Joko was the only outlier I can recall that actually used the game mode to expand on living world.


    I'd say it's just as likely to be a teaser and set in Cantha or a non-related to anything fractal that's just released for the sake of releasing a fractal. The fact that they specifically stated "mountain" makes me think that it's going to tie into current living story or the future expansion though. Otherwise I wouldn't think they would be that specific.


    That being said we may get a fractal in September and an episode in early October before the Halloween event cycle.


    It's unlikely but I'm hoping the fractal release comes with the legendary armory and maybe even an introduction of a legendary ring or other item from fractals, as it seems like the perfect time. But that feature may have been shelved for an expansion selling point. I'd have to imagine it has to be more than just a fractal though if they don't plan on releasing another map/episode/vision soon after.

  4. Outside of changing the color I'm not sure how much likely they would be to dive into this. I already have a hard enough time figuring out when my dodge window is finished on my staff thief due to the animation being misleading, and this happens on several different specs. So I'd think the overall animation would be pretty unlikely to change.


    Simply subbing in graphics or subbing in different colors seems plausible though. In general I feel like it's not overly likely. I'm sure they could monetize it but there are countless things they could monetize that they just haven't for some reason. I.e.:


    Combat tonics in the gem store.

    Decorations in the gem store.

    Infusions in the gem store.

    Emotes in the gemstore.


    It's good they've saved these to be obtained in game, but they're usually highlight features of a patch. Even still they're pretty rare and I'd imagine there would be a lot more if they would implement them in the gemstore. I mean as it stands now, decorations are fueled by gold and infusions are most likely going to be obtained from the trading post as the luck required to get them is Powerball level. So you're essentially just buying gems to convert to gold for them most of the time anyway?


    As to emotes, they'd probably have the same audience as the chairs.

    As to combat tonics, they're so rarely added there isn't really much to say on this front. The latest is an extremely rare drop that I've yet to actually see anybody use in game anyway.


    I WOULD like to see an option to change certain skill appearances like necro minions/elementalist elementals/guardian spirit weapons/conjured weapons. But the issue here is that the abilities of these things are so tied to the animation frames that it would probably be more than just a model sub-in.


    For that matter I'd love to see an item added that let you switch/copy the appearance of your mini. Maybe some high level jewelcrafting item if it ever gets updated. Obviously they'd have to be model swaps and likely wouldn't be usable in combat, but it's just something I was thinking of the other day when I was looking at my mini-Samarog. :(

  5. As much as I'd love more I think it's highly unlikely outside of an expansion. They have a pretty narrow focus and seemingly very little resources outside of Living Story episodes and even those seem significantly more restrained than they used to be. Optimistically you can say that they're funneling as much into the expansion development as possible, but it feels more likely with the past two years that they've just directed the majority of the resources to other titles. ANYway.


    In fantasy land where this stuff actually gets attention and development time, I'd definitely love some more guild halls. Within IBS I think the guild hall could be a good candidate for a multi-biome map. Underground Dwarven ruins/Above ground forest and snowy region and maybe some caves.


    For Cantha I'd hope for 2 just because of how diverse the area is in general. It could have everything from an Island guild hall, to a country-side/farmland/village style, to a gothic dark forest, to a more urban style. I'm personally hoping for Echovald at least.



  6. Excited for it but seems like they would have included it in the coming festival and could have created some kind of race or updated the cliffs to make use of it. There really isn’t too much need for it but the trailer made it look fun! And it will certainly be nice for world exploration if nothing else.

  7. > @"Pifil.5193" said:

    > I fail to see why the Visage of the Khan-ur is OK because it's a drop but this is not OK because it's crafted. Just the OP's dislike of crafting showing?


    > Regardless, it seems to be moot as the Frost Legion Infusion also drops from the final chest after the Frost Citadel meta according to the wiki. So this seems to be another example of ArenaNet providing multiple paths to an item which is great to see!


    > @"Pifil.5193" said:

    > I fail to see why the Visage of the Khan-ur is OK because it's a drop but this is not OK because it's crafted. Just the OP's dislike of crafting showing?


    > Regardless, it seems to be moot as the Frost Legion Infusion also drops from the final chest after the Frost Citadel meta according to the wiki. So this seems to be another example of ArenaNet providing multiple paths to an item which is great to see!


    Does it? That’s much better then!

  8. > @"Shikaru.7618" said:

    > Without seeing exactly what you're doing its hard to say where you're losing damage. I sent you a dm in game if you want 1 on 1 help to figure out where things are going wrong.


    I got your message. Sorry for not responding. It's not really a priority right now I was wondering why the benchmarks were SO much higher.


    I did forget that I wasn't using food or any utility buffs and I don't have the extra stat infusions so that would add a little. I also wasn't following the rotation to the tee.


    There was a comment above that mentioned understanding WHY to use a certain skill when you do, because of damage modifiers and what not. That's certainly an easy place to start, as well as understanding skill priority like which skills to use during tether or each weapon set and knowing which skills cause those damage modifiers.


    Truthfully outside of challenge modes I'm not sure raids really require THAT much dps. I've done a few in Bastion and the first raid and it seemed like my damage wasn't that much of an issue as it was knowing mechanics in general, but it is crazy to think that someone else is able to put out that much dps compared to me with gw2's limited number of skills.



  9. I don't understand why they ONLY made it craftable. I appreciate that they've seemingly listened to feedback and made it something guaranteed and not just another rng ultra rare infusion, but they've made it so ridiculously expensive that it's still going to be ultra rare.


    Why not have multiple sources for it?

    1. Craftable.

    2. Grindable with strike resources as another long term goal, since strike missions currently only really have the runic armor set as a reward to work towards and it hasn't gotten any updates. - Same could be applied to other rare drops like the combat tonic or khan-ur visage or the ceremonial sets and bone skinner items and the list goes on...

    3. Rng drop.


    Why give it just ONE source? I'd still probably never get it, as I never will with the crystal/mystic/chak/auric or any other infusion I've wanted, but it seems pointless to be like, "nah, instead of only rng we'll make it only obtainable by crafting and have it be just as expensive as an rng drop..."


    You'd argue that having it on strike missions means it wouldn't be able to be monetized with gem to gold conversion, but the easy solution is to make it tradeable on the auction house. That way people that don't want it can work towards obtaining it to sell it.


    I don't know. They always do really well at listening to feedback but then do SOMETHING that seems to work against them. At this point I can't tell if it's oversight or if they're just being smart asses. Like, here, you wanted it this way? Fine, we'll give it to you, but we'll make you regret ever suggesting it. lol


    Obviously I'm just being a keyboard game director with opinions that are strictly my own, but I've been playing this game for 8 years now?.. and I feel like I've seen some pretty consistently bad design decisions that they SEEM to learn from later but then repeat yet again later on. That's not even commenting on how many systems it seems like they've designed or implemented to improve further development, but never seem to actually improve future development. (Or systems that seems like they might have been pretty taxing to develop and then get abandoned without any attempt to improve or iterate over later.)



    Anyway, TLDR: They for some reason have always spent development time on unique skins, tonics, infusions on things that seemingly only a fraction of the playerbase will see. It doesn't seem like a great allocation of resources to me, unless the tiny fraction of players that really want it and are willing to spend their entire paycheck on it makes up for the thousands of people that would spend substantially less. Yet again leaves me wondering how the gauge things like this, or if they do. Are there metrics that reinforce this consistent decision?


    The one thing I will say is that it does add long term value to the map, but the issue is that it's so time-consuming that for the vast majority working towards it the content will be so outdated the meta will be difficult to complete by the time people are even getting close to getting this at a strictly casual pace.

  10. > @"Jojo.6590" said:

    > I've been getting into raids these past few weeks. I've noticed a lot of the bosses are really epic looking! It would definitely be cool to see some of them turned into mount skins such as Gorseval The Multifarious. I'd rather see them as guaranteed rewards for killing the bosses the first time rather than a low drop chance. But a cash shop skin can be okay...I guess.


    I think it's pretty safe to say this far along in development that you'll never see a raid boss level detail mount skin being added as an in-game obtainable skin. The only in-game obtainable skin they've done so far was the warclaw and it was just a recolor of a gemstore skin they had already released.


    I'm not opposed to more gemstore skins, I just wish they wouldn't feel obligated to cycle through different mounts and would release more popular ones. Or packs of skins that aren't 60% fluff to force people to gamble to get the specific skin they want or have to wait until another mount pack to get something that completes the set.


    Personally I tend to favor the ones that show outside the box thinking, like turning a springer into a Gecko, a skimmer into a humming bird, or a jackal into a deer. We won't talk about Charlie. I really don't understand why they didn't make that a skyscale skin as it seems like it would have been a better fit but anyway.





  11. I won't go into elite spec details but I would like bow for mesmer and MAYBE ele, as greatsword on ele could just wind up turning into a bruiser-y spec like weaver unless it was completely glass. I'd like to see some other profession gain stealth access though. I think more weapon choices for all specs and professions across the board would be a huge benefit.


    In terms of the other content, I'd like to see player housing but I think it would be quickly abandoned. Guild Halls were and decorations are rarely added despite the gigantic pool of already existing assets they could release or even monetize in the gemstore. Ships could be a possibility I guess.


    I'd love to see Echovald keep the same creepy gothic vampire theme that it had in Guild Wars 1. They did a wonderful job with Maguma so I have no doubt they could make this zone look incredible in Guild Wars 2.


    I'd like really rich lore, things that actually touch on the history or inner-workings of Tyria. Things that actually get expanded upon instead of quickly brisked through with minimal detail added in collection achievements if they're generous. I'd like a 1001 plots to not be introduced and seemingly never touched again. A story that feels like it wasn't written in detail the day development started.


    They did really well implementing mounts so if they took a feature from another game I'm sure they would give it a unique spin. I think housing is really the only thing they could do this with but with the way the game has been the past few years in combination with how poorly developed the guild system has been and how quickly guild halls were abandoned after their release I don't think they have the resources to invest in a feature like this, or frankly the desire to invest those resources.


    I'd like to see and I have hope that Kaening is actually a modern, expansive, high tech city now. We keep getting these random high tech outfits that don't really fit into any theme we have currently, like the exo-dynamic and the most recent runic or whatever it is that just seem a bit off the wall. We had an introduction of electricity, right? With the most recent map. I think it would be neat to see an entire zone of nothing but Kaening as a Tokyo-esque skyscrapper metropolis. They could have even found new ways to harness elder dragon magic.


    Now, REALISTICALLY, what will we get?

    As the expansion seems like an after thought due to poor reception from Icebrood without a ton of hype building up to its initial announcement in a blog post.. I'd say the more likely scenario is:


    1. Dual specs if they're feeling extremely ambitious, especially with the recent wvw events in which they've already had to do some balance adjustments from the skill sharing. Traits would be the larger issue here.

    2. New elite specs in general - I don't see them adding a profession as we have three of each armor weight - unless they make the new spec change armor weight depending on what elite spec/trait lines they choose. Unlikely.

    3. The ability to combine elite specs and traits - could lead to some pretty interesting but broken builds.

    4. New weapon skills - I think this is a very viable possibility across the board, regardless of elite specs.

    5. Story.

    6. Maps.


    With the game seems to be heading during IBS - it looks like Skimmer may get an underwater ability which rules out the need for an underwater mount. WvW Alliances seem to have vanished off the face of the earth so they could be a potential feature with the next expansion. Legendary Armory was mentioned a few months ago with no news about it currently, so it could have been saved for the expansion. I believe some profession upgrades were mentioned as well, like jewelcrafting maybe? So that's a possibility.


    It seems likely at this point that outside of the bullet points above it may wind up being a bunch of maps and story content interjected with features that were mentioned during IBS and if we're lucky some more weapon combinations and elite specs.


    I highly doubt they have the resources for adding a new playable race, or for adjusting previous armor sets for them if we're just going to bypass the personal story.


  12. Ever since the raid training area was introduced I've gone in with random meta raid builds on the golemn, added full conditions to the golemn and full boons to myself, and I've only ever managed to top out at 19k dps on a dragon hunter. Yet the meta build shows benchmarks at 37k. I'm just wondering why my damage is so much lower.


    Are the "rotations" really THAT optimal that you have to follow them exactly to get to 37k? And how realistic is this in a raid setting?


    It's one of the multiple reasons I've never seriously pursued raiding despite wanting the legendary heavy armor since it was introduced.


    Is there some other setting I should be adjusting to increase the damage? I tried adding a breakbar and having it diminish but it didn't seem like it made any difference. I thought maybe the 37-40k came from replicating when a boss's defiance bar is broken and it takes increased damage but it doesn't seem to be the case with the golemn.

  13. Anyone have any ideas on what the mountain fractal that was teased in September could be about? I know fractals are kind of difficult because they've so far only done the Joko one as a direct tie in to the current story, but what do you think it could be?


    A teaser for the upcoming expansion and something involving that part of the world?


    Something involving a previous dragon-rise or major world event that ties into the story?


    Something involving Kodan/migration of the Norn/Jormag's first awakening?


    Something else entirely and non-related to the story?

  14. As far as the threat on the horizon, I honestly think Jormag is going to create the threat or lure it to Tyria from the mists just in an effort to force us to ask for an alliance without realizing that Jormag is the reason the threat exists.


    Perhaps not. I don't really get the whole Primordus thing though. Sure, Primordus is a weakness, but we've already had Aesgir and Braham's bow with the enchanted scroll essentially show that Jormag can have OTHER weaknesses. Focusing solely on eliminating Primordus seems a little narrow minded. Especially if we ever decide to turn on them. Who is to say Jormag doesn't instigate Primordus to begin with? I'm also just wondering why now? I guess because Aurene didn't exist in the countless millennia prior to now so they didn't really see any other option.


    I don't think Jormag will be a straight up "good" guy as it's done some pretty devious and malicious things already, but it may be the lesser of two evils for the saga, whether that evil was Jormag's doing, Primordus, or something else entirely.


    I'm also wondering how Jormag would be privy to the knowledge of this "threat on the horizon" when Aurene, a prophetic dragon by nature that is just existing between multiple planes right now hasn't been like, "Yo, there's some bad shit coming." Why would Jormag know and not Aurene? There's just something off about it all.


    I guess the only thing that makes sense would be Jormag realizing it's time for another elder dragon to become active because it's lived through so many cycles it knows when it's time for another one to start. But you'd think Aurene would be able to sense this somehow now that she's ascended as well.

  15. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @"Bast.7253" said:

    > > I would like to revisit the Forgotten cleansing ritual at some point and Bangar feels like a pretty good candidate as he’s weaker than a dragon and just a smidge above a chicken.

    > Given the first three lines, Bangar still has his free will - just as it's been confirmed that Ryland does - which would make the cleansing ritual pointless on those two, since all it technically does is restore free will.


    > Drakkar would have been an interesting candidate to use it on, though.


    I guess I'm just trying to figure out how that works. I mean, can Bangar CHOOSE not to be the voice of Jormag? Or if Jormag wants to say something it's just going to take control of Bangar and say what it wants?


    I guess MOSTLY free will is still free will though.


    As to Ryland, yeah, he's definitely an inevitable casualty unless they decide to do some redemption ark of Aurene cleansing/rebranding him or something. Idk. Doesn't really seem like a character that needs to stick around anyway.

  16. 1 2 and 3 sound boring imo. Not much to talk about there.


    In terms of the rest, Aurene versus Jormag no idea. Their views on humanity? Being an elder dragon? Their plan for breaking the cycle?


    Jormag’s secret. Plot twist, Jormag is actually dying from bleeding out. Jk. Maybe something related to a previous dragon rise or more on the supposed threat? Maybe even something involving the creation of the spirits or even Koda? Maybe the pre-torment version of Jormag in the early days WAS Koda?


    Crecia weighs in makes me think this is bugged and is meant to be weekly but if it’s this much further along in the story then perhaps she’s weighing in about the imperator/khan-ur or whatever. If this is perhaps when Bangar starts to be more Bangar.


    Speculating on that further, perhaps over time Bangar returns somewhat to normal and the final reveal is that Bangar knows who Jormags enemy is and it’s ultimate plan from being connected.


    I would like to revisit the Forgotten cleansing ritual at some point and Bangar feels like a pretty good candidate as he’s weaker than a dragon and just a smidge above a chicken.

  17. > @"DaFishBob.6518" said:

    > > @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:

    > > Request for ls episode 5:

    > > T5 raven mastery, Essences Magnet: essence automatically get absorbed.

    > > This will work like the master treasure magnet ability in the kingdom heart series.

    > > I would rather it be an ability to earn than it be automatically given to you.

    > > Currently there are an extra 9 mastery points, so this costing 5 or 6 points seems fair.


    > Such a naive idea to think that they'll do this right. By how they handled targeting annoyances, they're going to make another tier for each essence type that will cost 4 mastery points each in order to add "content" to the next episode.


    I’d rather they have just made them nun clunky special action collection abilities and just made them a permanent augment to our abilities in open world. I’m sure the latter would be significantly harder to implement but would have been more beneficial in the open world. Maybe as a final tier we could get this.


    But you’re right. They’ll probably separate them and make them cost 4 masteries if they do.

  18. > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

    > > @"Bast.7253" said:

    > > Hopefully we can start getting into more interesting plot points now that the Charr conflict seems to have hit its climax. It just makes me wonder what the entire point of the Charr conflict or the frost legion was.

    > If you need to ask what the point of the Charr conflict was, then you haven't been paying attention to Guild Wars 2's plot or background.... seemingly ever.


    > The point of the Charr conflict was, as mentioned all the way back in Bound by Blood, to ask the question "the Charr have always had enemies, but what happens when they don't". It exists to showcase the fundamental problem in a society consumed by the idea that war is the end all be all. Specifically, when said culture runs out of things to fight, they will invariably turn on themselves, and begin consuming themselves in that war. And to show us how some Charr that have seen how broken Charr society can be beforehand, such as Crecia, Rytlock, Efram, using this opportunity to try to make things better for their species.


    > This ties into Charr lore all the way back to the rise of the first Khan-Ur, their actions in GW1, the actions of Pyre Fierceshot in EoTN, the overthrowing of the Flame Legion, the Olmakhan's split, Rytlock always having been stated to be a bit different then other charr due to how much time he spent with non-Charr. This entire thing is the logical culmination of Guild War's narrative going back to GW1's release back in 2005. If you have to ask what the point was, then I really don't know what to say except you seemingly can't follow any sort of complex narrative.


    Is this narrative served properly with the saga or would it have been better as a stand-alone without Jormag and the rest?



    My issue is that they’ve tossed all of this into the saga and in doing so haven’t really been able to create a compelling story for me personally. It’s felt like a way to show Jormag into the story and I’m not really sure why other than general proximity. And unless Jormag initiates Bangar’s thoughts to pursue having an elder dragon at their disposal it feels out of left field.


  19. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > @"Bast.7253" said:

    > > With the confirmation that the other dragons are now free to move in and out of the mists it could really be any one of them if that's what takes us to Cantha.

    > Which confirmation?

    > Jormag gained its Mists magic via absorbing Spirits of the Wild.

    > Kralkatorrik gained it by absorbing Balthazar's magic, all of which was absorbed by Aurene after Kralkatorrik died.


    > How would Primordus or Selbbub gain access to the Mists?

    > It's more likely that Selbbub just crosses the sea, or already is in Cantha.

    > Primordus also could just burrow through the ground (like it did before).




    Aurene didn't absorb all of Kralk's magic. Drakkar gained some of the magic released when Kralk was killed, which means Jormag ultimately did. If Jormag did all the way up there, it's reasonable to assume that the others did as well.

  20. Probably a bit of an aside for the current conversation, but I feel the story has been really light and underwhelming. I can't say that it's all that different from any other living season but I was really hoping with the new format that it would give them the opportunity to deliver more lore tidbits and story. Instead it's just been formulaic content sprinkled with story as a delivery device. We're in some uncharted territory dealing with an elder dragon that behaves differently from all the rest, after all of this previous development like Kralk and his inner torment driving his actions. Yet we've spent the majority of the story pressing f on npc's, filling bars, and having norn spirits introduced as two liners via adventures/events for the sole purpose of using them to explain a convoluted mastery system or power Braham's spotlight.


    Hopefully we can start getting into more interesting plot points now that the Charr conflict seems to have hit its climax. It just makes me wonder what the entire point of the Charr conflict or the frost legion was. I suppose to introduce us to Jormag but Charr seems like an odd choice. Also seems odd that Bangar would be the one harnessing the spirit magic, or the first to do so to awaken Jormag when we've had presumably generations of Svanir that could have achieved the same result. Why Bangar? Now he's just a "voice" and Ryland is a champion with the frost legion troop and dominion forces being diminished/eradicated. So Ryland is pretty much going to just be a standard dragon champion now? Why him?


    It just feels like by the end, looking back, it won't really have any payoff or explanation. It just feels like filler. It all just feels really shallow at the moment. We have these 1 hour story segments and so little gets delivered during them. It's just been banter and fffffff in between bar fill-ups and escorts.


    Even the vision, which if you want to count as an episode, was essentially just character introduction, banter, and an extended escort event. It's less the fact that the story has been nothing but banter and moving from point a to point b, and more about the fact that little has really moved the story forward outside of the last episode. It's all Jormag being cryptic in whispers and Charr arguing with each other.


    I guess this is fine if the saga is meant to be extremely drawn out and all of this foreshadowing from Jormag amounts to anything, but it feels slow and like at some point they'll just be forced to cram everything into one story instance without giving any real detailed development to the story.

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