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Posts posted by Bast.7253

  1. > @"gert.7698" said:

    > Start with giant slayer.

    > Then do focus and shield master.

    > After that do twice told legend. Then go for the 250 000 kills in wvw.

    > And last but not least, do Legendary Tarrktun Supporter.


    > That will do ??


    lol I've got the portable ecto gamble.


    The kills might take awhile longer though!


    I guess the weapon achievements have to be killing blows? Isn't Guard the only thing that does damage with shield? lmao

  2. For the new tree decos. I’ve probably spent over 30k war supplies between three guilds and will probably spend more, all just on trees.


    It’s nice to finally be heard and I hope we get continue to get some more useful decos like this in the future. A small bonus with the release that many people may not care about but it means a lot to me and I’m sure many other decorating enthusiasts!


    To be honest I might have a problem. I’m still missing mastery points but I just can’t stop buying trees!

  3. I'm somewhere around 22k ap and really want to finish out the Hellfire set but I've never really focused that much on achievements.


    For those of you that have, what's the best course of action for getting to my goal fastest? Is there a cap on achievement points I can get per day? If I focused on them or found the best method of getting a fair amount each day, how long do you think it would take? What IS a reasonable amount to get per day?


    There are quite a bit of story achievements I have left to do for this saga but beyond that, all I can think of is some slayer achievements to grind out?

  4. > @"Rauderi.8706" said:

    > I've been meaning to bring this up since the Saga started, but with the new episode, it feels more relevant.


    > Trying to maintain Essence stacks as they are now just isn't fun. They take too long to build up and don't last long enough. That they even go away at all is part of the problem. I could hope, at least, to get a full 15-minute (should be 30, honestly) recharge for grabbing one, instead of a measly 30-second bump.


    > With how things flow in Drizzlewood, this makes Essence even more obnoxious, since there is little control one has over which essences can be grabbed in the middle of chaotic battle.

    > •So I gotta ask, can we make the timer a little (or a lot) more generous?


    Agreed. I feel like a 24 hour buff is really warranted for this. I still don't even know entirely how they work or how the buff transfers. If I switch maps or get my essences maxed from strike mission instances and switch maps will I still have the buff? I've never bothered to try.


    I'm still struggling to find enough mastery points for this last episode. These masteries in general, no matter how much damage they put out or how integral they are to strike missions have always just felt really underwhelming, clunky, and unnecessarily grindy. It's satisfying landing a large blow every now and then to decimate a mob but it's barely noticeable and the cast time makes it pretty irritating to use, especially when you occasionally have a very brief window of time to use it.


    I don't really know how they're going to keep building onto this skill. I guess next tier we spend 5 mastery points, the damage gets a minor boost, and it bounces to more targets? At max development is it just going to be a giant aoe nuclear bomb we can press and wipe out everything around us? lol

  5. Who referred to it as Frost Legion first? If it was Ryland and Co I can understand why they would want to. It shows that they're not just generic Icebrood at the behest of Jormag but an individual "Legion" merely empowered by Jormag. It allows them to convince others and themselves that they're still in control with their own motives and free will, not just manipulated subjects of a superior officer or an elder dragon. They can keep some semblance of their identity and cultural values.


    I mean, Svanir are minions of Jormag and are referred to as Svanir, not just Icebrood Norn. Replace Norn with Charr and call it a Legion because they're following Bangar instead of generic "Svanir" for following Svanir. It really doesn't feel like "pandering" or forced to me.


    A lot of good points in this thread though. I really don't see what the issue is or why it would be a stretch.

  6. > @"HotDelirium.7984" said:

    > I was a bit confused about the timeline because we go from them trudging in the snow and trying to assemble a Charr army to go handle Jormag, we deal with Drakkar and then now we have Frost Legion, corrupted Minister of morale, Charr are infused with essence and steel warband is now dead. I almost feel we missed an episode.


    The location is strange but I think they really wanted to a reason to visit this part of the map. It's been pretty highly requested. From that respect it did seem a bit shoehorned in. As far as the Frost Legion, I don't think that's really a surprise given Bangar's motives. With him being absent this patch I fully expect him to be front and center when the second half of the map is released next episode. I think we may even finish him off, but the story is moving pretty slow so there's no certainty. I imagine he will be fully "corrupted" and perhaps he's been empowered in some way that allows him to behave similar to Drakkar? One would assume that the essence bit was really just Drakkar being a dragonkin of somekind, but perhaps it's just a special ability Jormag can bestow upon its champions? I would assume Bangar is full fledged dragon champion at this point.


    It does feel pretty strange though so far. Jumping from Epilogue and Charr Legion focus, to Jormag and spirits, back to Charr. I assume the next episode will be a good mixture of both with a possible conclusion to Bangar's role and continuation of Jormag leading into the remainder of the season's plot that shifts towards Primordus/DSD or whatever leads us to Cantha.


    I also find it odd wondering where Jormag's location is. In Bitterfrost it was assumed he was closer to Eye of The North. It's possible he's at the center of the frozen Lake but we've had a few areas that seemed like they had significantly more influence. I.e. (Bitterfrost, Aesgir's in Bjora, and now the northern part of the new map.) If Jormag is asleep somewhere it seems odd that some of these areas are seemingly much more dense/jagged and frostier.


    If we kill Bangar next episode, perhaps the season will shift towards Ryland as the leader. I don't know. I'm looking forward to the next part of the map though. It looks like it could have quite a bit of potential for being a really creepy frigid place. At the end of the bridge it also looks like it's leading into a large cave. So perhaps we're actually going underground to get our first glimpse of Jormag, or some more tie in with what's going on with the Dwarves?


    Story wise it definitely wasn't my cup of tea, but mechanics/gameplay/map design wise it's really nice.

  7. > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

    > Now that we know Jormag is turning charr into the Frost Legion, can we get Aurene to utterly demolish him the way she did Kralkatorrik? The only reason she hadn't already was because she wanted to know his motives. Well, they're clearly not good.


    Well Jormag isn't really to blame for this though. They're offering themselves up willingly to Jormag. The problem is that in their culture, they're just soldiers following orders. Bangar says jump, they jump. Jormag is just taking advantage of it.


    It's not really justification for Aurene to act.

  8. > @"JMan.6189" said:

    > > @"hugo.4705" said:

    > > So where to start? Welp anyway here your rate: 17/20!

    > >

    > > So, first well, the map. I like the map. The ambient dialogue, the landscapes.... Very diversified map and it's lovely, there is a mill, a charr submarine port, a mine, some human villages, some norns structures et charr encampment. The map is between to me, Caledon forest and Kessex hills: A very nice rocky-forest. You heave the east part really coastal, middle more mountainous and the left really forest. I liked the charr helicopter with a charr near it that you can ask to be dropped somewhere on the map with a parachute.

    > >

    > > The story, well as planned, Steel warband are dead and well whereas I think they could have allied with us, it is surely better if no use was planned for them later. I liked the different Imperators personalities, but what was a big plus for me is the several points of the instances where you could CHOOSE an option: As example, during the debate, then later about dropping bomb or not, it's a good thing because depending on what is chosen some steps and dialogue change and that is amazing. I liked the stealth instance within dominion hideout.

    > > And I had a big laugh at the end seeing minister of morale sending on me propaganda balloons and crazy charr tanks, a big oof laugh. And a kind of funny joke too, fight more appreciated than the one I had with Almorra before. About cynder, bad smodur killed her but welp. The fight was okay but expected more for a steel warband member.

    > >

    > > The mechanics. Definitely fan of the blueprints: You picked the good thing, and removed the bad part: It acts like WvW sieges but you don't lose time building them and that's pretty cool!

    > > You also reused some mechanics experienced in grothmar like having balloons to shoot with rifle, but shooting charrcopter with charrzooka was fun too (just little buggy, sometimes missiles don't reach target or it's obstructed). The events in general are okay: Defend x, escort Y, Capture Z but I think it fit a context of war. The masteries are pretty cool too.

    > >

    > > The ambiance: Well as said before, good ambient dialogues. During the last instance, I also liked the fact that on the bridge there were several boneskinners along ice giants and those F A B U L O U S icebrood charrs! They are very well, I enjoy their look.

    > >

    > > Others: I'm very happy to finally have canopee/pine trees as gh decos and definitely want to buy several of them. Through I feel a lack in rewards, sure you earn several supplies, but haven't spotted yet an infinite tonic or any karma wasting/volatile magic wasting item. About the armors I guess they are behind achievements.

    > >

    > > To sum up imho it's a good map, they picked good things from grothmar and added a caledonish setting with a cup of WvW on that. I enjoy the map, may be the Third map where I will return a lot after Sandswept Isles and Grothmar Valley.

    > >

    > > My only complain is the tuning of the strike mission, we are 5 in a public instance, and the boss seems to have just too much hp, it goes does of 1 each 45 secs....


    > I Can agree with all of this, especially having more times you get to choose the story, yet when you have to choose dropping the bomb or not into the vent, it does not let you have an opinion. When you click to not drop the bomb, it does nothing to continue the story, it does absolutely nothing, forcing you to drop the bomb. Anet may change this because (for me while putting this) it's only the day after the release of the story.


    If you choose not to drop the grenade, Rhytlock will do it for you. There's a bit of dialogue about it being the only option from him first. Maybe it just bugged for you or something?

  9. > @"Pyreo.8517" said:

    > Is this generally where people are giving feedback? I hope so.


    > Mine's not about the map mechanics, which I think are fine as much as I've seen. It's good to do something a bit different.


    > I'm definitely not saying I'm disappointed, and I really liked the intrigue factor as things got worse and worse. I understand the necessary story beats of expecting betrayal from smodur and malice, and hoping that ryland would listen to reason and losing that chance, and the reveal of the frost legion matching up with that promo visual from way back at the start of the icebrood saga. Butttt, I just kept feeling like things moved slowly, and that it had to be building up to something a bit bigger. I don't think it's down to the as-yet-unvoiced dialogue, it just had kind of an 'oh. that's it?' quality to it.


    > I can't help comparing it to Season 4, which to me was the most perfectly balanced in pacing and content. The 'we're not holding back content for expansions any more' season. The 'we wanted to keep Joko around for longer but made the correct decision to off him at his most enjoyable for the sake of the story', it all worked. The Joko parts managed to be full of tension and peril despite also being the funniest content in the game. The episodes after that were dynamic with the pull of Aurene's fate and our emotional tether to her. I might feel that way because in season 4 we had a huge personal stake in aurene. It was the Commander's story. But in Icebrood Saga we've been following the stories of our other characters - which is great and fine! - but without Aurene directly in the mix, what *is* the Commander's part in this story? Rytlock could have been the one doing all the things we did in this episode. I'm missing others in the cast too! I miss Taimi and Rox and Canach. I always assume you know when to swap the current cast around for the best results. But it's been a solid chain of eps with Rytlock and Crecia... I just hope we'll switch up again shortly. Kasmeer and Logan in this one didnt seem to do a great deal.


    > I remember what it was like exploring say, Jahai, with the layers and layers of lore and history (villages from gw1! side stories about djinn!) and compared to that, No Quarter looks sort of like a mini-episode that only toed the plot slightly forward. I don't want this to sound too critical. I think the map is gorgeous and i cannot WAIT to explore more to sightsee. I enjoyed the events I found with the cool feeling of mowing down tons of enemies with the other players. I know Anet isn't the same company it was back then and there are pressures and difficulties right now too, I hope bringing up S4 isn't unfair. I just felt like the stakes kept raising, and I was sitting back, waiting to really *enjoy* it. It's all extremely serious, necessarily so. But we've also usually had Joko or Gorrik or Canach around to add some levity... without disrupting the tension. Right now, I know that would be hard to do. I did get really invested in the drama when it asked me if I wanted to drop a bomb down the shaft and picked no ("we", rytlock? "we"??) and started wildly guessing at how wrong things would go. That was well implemented.


    > There's one aspect to this ep that IS pure genius, and that's slotting in the Steel warband strike mission beforehand. We learned SO much about the opposition through that. I know for sure if they'd said 'by the way Ryland, your warband is dead' without that strike mission, I would hardly care, but putting us in their shoes for a while , with as much characterisation as they had, worked a miracle in drawing me in. That was brilliant and perfectly implemented, although I do still hope perhaps Smodur was lying and one of them will pop back up later?


    > Anyway it's not that I think the angle was off here. We had an opportunity to try to bring Ryland around and lost it because we made him want to be our enemy. Can't fight extremism by pretending the other side are walking targets and not people with feelings that made them that way, SMODUR. I do wonder if having the episode open with Ryland in a parlay didn't just water down the effort to get him for a second one, though? That felt a bit circuitous.


    > I really was expecting a little more plot-meat? Like, hey, how's Primordus? How's the other dragon magically tied to the one we know is waking and corrupting people? How about all those dwarves that got themselves turned over to Primordus that we met in that strike? What's up with that? On this map that's REALLY close to Slaver's Exile?? What's up with thissssss


    > Anyway sorry for all that, I'll be looking forward to Guild Chat later on and as always, eager for the next part in a few months! Well done for getting your release up during quarantine and all!


    Yeah, it really feels like the story part has been pretty slow so far. I think the gravity of the circumstances and constant cliffhanger last season got to be a little tiresome at times, but this season just feels extremely slow so far. We've had deaths this season but for some reason they don't feel as significant as last season. I just don't really feel emotionally invested in any of the main players this season. I mean, I like Rhytlock, but beyond that none of this feels like something I'm personally interested in or something that I feel like the "Commander" should even be involved in. Maybe it's the militaristic mindset that just doesn't appeal to me. The whole honor, glory, and tactics shtick. I guess to some degree that's how it's always been but it didn't feel as front and center as it does with this plot.


    Not to mention we essentially traded bratty emo Bram for bratty brainwashed Ryland.


    It also feels like yet again, we're just in a random area with a bunch of stuff that seems like it should have more story integration but just doesn't. Like, why are all these random bunkers here? Who built all these structures like the houses? Are we assuming these are Charr houses? We're in an area known for Tengu, yet all we see are a few tints and from what I can gather some hidden npc somewhere from reading map chat?


    It just feels like a very short, very focused, and very ... just for the sake of having one... story so far.


    I just completed the story so I haven't really played it that much, but it doesn't really feel like something I'd want to do over again. A few lines of dialogue, going from point a to point b, and then a story instance or two that feel pretty insignificant. Maybe it's just difficult to adjust to a slower pace centered around a much more narrow story that's significantly more trivial in comparison to what we've been dealing with the past 5 years or so.


    I think some people will probably really enjoy the story so far, the characters, the pace, and the plot. Last season I feel like I was eagerly waiting for new episodes because of the sometimes exhausting cliffhangers, but this season I'm just eagerly waiting for something to happen in general.

  10. I honestly found it pretty boring on my first play through. The map is pretty but it feels crazy dead...


    The end was kind of cool with some Game of Thrones vibes and the frost legion coming in from the bridge. Ultimately the whole story part just kind of feels like some major filler or they're just pacing the story muchhhh slower than they have previously.


    I mean, to summarize, what really happened? We spent the majority of the story just attempting to negotiate with Ryland, Smodur being a dick, we get introduced to the Frost Legion which seemed like it was meant to be a shocker or something and then we're done? I don't know. I'm just not a big fan of this whole civil war plot in general so that might be why.



  11. I was just in a match with like 4 people from the top 50, if not all 5. It wound up being 0 to 501.


    I think the mini season just needs to start sooner so there isn't so much downtime for these high rated folks to get bored and start ruining unranked for people just wanting some casual pvp.

  12. I'm hoping for something that feels significant, but more so in terms of the Jormag plot development. That seems unlikely given it's focused the war effort and Charr though. Somekind of new lore bomb. Ultimately I think this will just be the brunt of the Bangar plot line with MAYBE a continuation and finale next episode before we move the plot along to something else.


    I really don't see Bangar/Charr continuation throughout the whole season.

  13. Video link for reference:


    While I think the Deep Sea Dragon is most likely, I'm not sure what angle they will take with it. I would have to assume we would be going there to aid them, perhaps DSD has destroyed half of Kaening or something (which might make it easier for them to build the city in a gw2 setting). If we go there to save the DSD it would feel like kind of a repeat of POF and to some degree the current story.


    It is possible however that our reasons for going there could be completely unrelated to DSD. Aurene, now dabbling freely in the mists at the scrying pool, could commune with the Oracle of The Mists or see something happening there. Could even be something involving another being from the mists, and potentially the being that Jormag eludes to when she speaks of more horrible things on the horizon.


    WoodenPotatoes did a video the other day on Utopia and how the latest art book they released kind of went back and took a lot of the current aspects of GW2 into account. Like explaining that Mesmer Chronomancers are different than Utopia Chronomancers, and explaining that Rata Sum architecture is still different than the architecture of the Xoe-whatever people in Utopia. It also went into a little bit about how Utopia was originally home to old gods and new, implying that perhaps the new gods and presumably the human gods that we are familiar with, helped free an evil force that destroyed the old gods in Utopia. It even made it sound like it could explain the rise of the human gods, i.e. Abaddon may not have killed Arachnia but could have taken in its power after the fact. It was pretty interesting and the fact that they went through the effort to make a lot of that lore fit in modern day GW2 makes me think that it could be an angle they're planning to take moving forward.


    Perhaps the evil that defeated the old gods in Utopia is finding its way to Tyria. It feels like there's a lot of subtlety in the current story eluding to the importance of the mists and the stars that may become significantly more important later on plot entry points for our travel to Cantha.


    Or, we could start off with the main expansion story involving DSD, and then have a living season geared towards bridging a connection to Cantha or diving more into the very beginnings of Humanity on Tyria, including other potentially unknown civilizations.


    Lastly, we fight a lot of dwarves in Forging Steel that seem to be using destroyers. What if the dwarves, via whatever malevolent force is in the dwarven fractal, have found a way to subjugate the will of elder dragons/minions and it's not as simple as them being corrupted by Primordus but something else? While the elder dragons are probably largely different from the old gods of Utopia, knowing that there's a force that could have destroyed a whole pantheon of gods makes me wonder if they're setting precedent for something similar with the Elder Dragons.


    Also want to point out, again, the various assets we've had added lately. I.e. The new island fractal with ruins that look unfamiliar to what we've seen, the gecko springer skin, the legendary scepter, and numerous other things. While it may not necessarily mean much, it's interesting timing that they've chosen to update the Utopia lore.

  14. I'm still unclear about certain aspects of this. If you have incinerator or hope, would you be able to just copy two of them to your character?


    I understand some people would probably find this equivalent to getting a free legendary, but if you have an ascended weapon all you need is a few items to switch stats anyway, and when you buy a legendary weapon all you're really doing is paying for the skin and saving a minor amount on the stat swapping mats.


    Would be pretty neat not, imo.

  15. Just learn when they're using their shatters or run something with heavy cleave. Guardians, holos, and thieves can easily wreck mesmers. Core shatter can put out heavy damage but the majority of it is still tied to shatters. And condi mirage is a joke now that's entire burst comes from shatters. They have one dodge, and sword 2 and axe 3 have very telegraphed visuals and are pretty much the only defenses they have. You avoid the burst, they either run away, use the few defensives they have, or have a very long cast time sigil to reset their shatters.



  16. At the very least a lot of rez abilities could use a bit more of a nerf, and certain classes like necro/ranger that are almost just as hard to kill in down state because how much they heal for. I tried downing a ranger the other day and I swear I was dazed/knocked down/cc'd somehow three or 4 times, and by the time I got back on my feet the pet had already rezzed them. The pet rez is wayyyy too strong, especially combined with cc. Necros can be pretty intense too, but they are really only OP if you're close to death or in down state as well.


    There's a drastic difference in balance between Rangers and Necros and the rest of the downstate abilities. The only thing that comes even close is Mesmer if you're running power and just happen to get lucky with skill 3. Warrior can be frustrating but at least you know that 9 times out of 10 they're keel over with you.


    I think the biggest problem right now is just that the cleave isn't strong enough or damage isn't fast enough, generally, to go up against a guardian running shelter on rez, a necro well, or some other trait that prevents you from damaging them for a certain window. And honestly the guardian shelter trait doesn't seem to be taken that frequently.

  17. > @"coso.9173" said:

    > they could alwys handle underwater maps like ffxiv, some parts of it with reggular underwater, and other parts with large bubbled places where you move as normal.

    > not a fan of underwater as a concept though, but who knows.


    Given how easily Jennah put a forcefield around Divinity's Reach as just an allegedly "strong mesmer" I don't see any reason why the same logic couldn't be applied to an underwater zone if we had some reason to explore one. Or a bunch of guardians and elementalists for that matter. I feel like it could be pretty easily rationalized. As much as I'd love to see some huge Atlantis-style sprawling Largos city I'm not sure that we would in a living story. I feel like I've been seeing some new assets pop up here and there that give me hope, but designing a huge city with presumably unseen and new architecture makes me think that probably wouldn't happen outside of an expansion, (unless they're developing them because they plan to use them in the expansion which they have done before.)


    With the release of Grothmar Valley and Aurene's branded section I was kind of hoping to see some more of those assets mixed in on upcoming maps.

  18. I love guild halls and sandbox environments in mmo's, but I feel like this would be pretty difficult to accomplish with player mechanics in the physics intensive system that GW2 currently has. In this game we already have certain player skills that behave differently due to elevation and we have events that completely stall out because mobs get stuck underground.


    I think the best implementation of a sandbox environment in this game would be somekind of player housing system. Like sculpting terrain, using pre-built assets, creating house layouts similar to the sims etc. Even then you would have to place somekind of cap on the assets to make sure it can still load correctly.


    I guess you could "build a boss" using a list of dropdown abilities that already exist, and it might not be TOO game breaking, but you'd probably run into some terrain issues at some point if the abilities they chose involve a lot of movement.

  19. I always wanted an easy/dungeon difficulty style of raids but I wasn't expecting them to come with equal rewards. There's a lot of brilliant map art in the raids that many players don't even get a chance to see. A lot of story as well.


    Ideally I'd love for a lower difficulty that rewards a small chance at receiving ascended gear, or a very low number of magnetite shards/etc and a weekly lock that still lets you work on the legendary armor collection. I get that won't sit well with people that have obtained them from the current difficulty, but if you look in lfg any given time there are people selling the collection achievements constantly. So if this idea bothers you, remember that there are people out there shelling out 200+ real money and getting it with minimal effort. I guess, on that note, the people selling these runs would probably be widely opposed to this idea.


    If the "raids" were like strike missions in bland one room settings that only rewarded loot, I'd agree with the sentimentality that making them easier degrades the quality of the gamemode. Unfortunately, a lot of art, time, voice acting, and writing goes into them and they have received such little pay off in resource allocation that they've now been seemingly abandoned all together.


    Dungeons were abandoned long ago, and now fractals and raids. All in favor of one room boss encounters that take a 10th of the resources, and I don't thin it's to "train" people who want to step into raids or give them a taste of them. I think it's just because that's all they have the time and the resources to make, especially given we don't know how long they've been working on the expansion. I don't expect dungeons to be reworked and fractals are still pretty niche, but reworking an alternate difficulty of raids to be more like dungeons feels like it would take less time and provide fresh and exciting new content for a vast majority of the playerbase.

  20. > @"Distillia.9834" said:

    > Update the Decoration bundle to allow for "Consume All" deposits, auto-deposits upon pick-up, or better yet: let us opt-out of receiving them all together. The decorations are meaningless with enough play time, and only serve as 'killproof' within the community, instead of their intended use, fun items for the Guild Hall. Evenstill, a guild that raids together can amass more than enough decorations for their hall to decorate their guild. There comes a point in time where enough is enough, and we don't need this trash any longer.


    > P.S. The Decoration Trader in the Guild Halls only accepting 1 token at a time is utter bologna and should be considered a bug. Repetitive Strain Injuries are real, and unnecessary reptitive clicking will only worsen the damage.


    I'm just posting this here, but if people don't want their tokens I'll gladly take them for my personal guild! I've been wanting to amass a bunch of the mursaat platforms.


    Personally, I don't know why they make them account/soulbound or whatever. They didn't with the djinn tokens. They need to just go back and make the other ones trade able. If for no other reason than creating more incentive to get people to raid more. It is sad that people are requiring them as kill proof. I really hate the idea, but if it's really that necessary maybe Arenanet can add some other system to allow people to show their kill counts of certain bosses.


    I haven't really bothered with raids though aside from a few bosses in Bastion and Stronghold. Would love to get the legendary armor someday but I think the servers might shut down before I ever work myself up to it. lol

  21. > @"anninke.7469" said:

    > > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

    > > > @"anninke.7469" said:

    > > > Hell no. All the wrinkles in the world are nowhere near as bad as what my toons go through (often caused by me). :D

    > > >

    > > > Edit: What if you had to switch with one of them? Would you still want to?

    > >

    > > Yes, I'd love to be in a world of magic and fantasy. Plus, I can never die -- people could just "revive" me. xD


    > But it still hurts.


    Not if I cast, "Wash the Pain Away."


    And yes, I'm with the op. As long as I can bring my kitties to live with me. They'll get their own house in the salma district while I work on rebuilding Arah, exploring the globe, or conversing about the inner-workings of the universe with Aurene.


    Of course, I'd hope I'd be able to be any profession though and change at will though. I'd hate to have to choose between Ele and Mesmer. Rev could be interesting until I'm waking up in the middle of the night to Glint's angry goat roar.

  22. > @"coso.9173" said:

    > i hope we get different things in general.

    > what about a huge haunted forest? a big map that's just a ruined castle interior or a ruined city?

    > i like creepy things so ls5 has been nice so far, but too much snow is "eh"


    Have you done the newish Dwarven fractal? It's all optical illusion but the place looks huge. I could see them capable of building an entire underground dwarven city like that as a map, or at least having a multi-layred map and have some other stuff going on above ground. Could be a really dark and creepy Diablo style dungeon crawl type map/escort meta. I was hoping as we've traveled up North we would find some in-tact huge Jotun city/settlement that could give us a glimpse of what their civilization might have looked like before their fall.

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