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Posts posted by Moonlit.6421

  1. > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

    > Anet needs to crack down on people selling kills like this.


    > Especially in raids.


    I don't think selling kills is the issue here. If they went and did it themselves with an open slot and then sold it, meh I couldn't care less. But to bring someone else along and kick them then screw them out of the reward in order to sell their portion to someone else, thats pretty bad. As for selling things like raids in general if they do the work and leave slots open to bring people in, I see no problem with it. Essentially to me its like a business, they have the skills to provide a service and people who don't spend money to pay them for that service. Not like that way of doing things actually hurts anyone...well except for the raid bosses but their not the nicest people anyways.

  2. I currently have I think 38 of my 40 characters level 80 if I'm not mistaken. My main reason is just fashion wars, I enjoy crafting new looks and designs for my characters so I keep creating new characters to fit this. It helps in other ways to though, like with constant bday gifts, parking some at jp chests, using my army of mesmers to port others through jp's by parking them at places (have 6 at the Chalice of Tears for instance), having a character for any build or situation I want, etc. Expensive hobby but it's what I enjoy in this game.

  3. > @"Wolfheart.7483" said:

    > > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

    > > First one I think is Polyluminescent Undulating refractor in teal and possibly Winters Heart together, second one is Snow Diamond on top of the Poly and/or WH.

    > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Poly-luminescent_Undulating_Refractor_(Teal)

    > >

    > > He’s using the Ooze you get from the Juggernaut collections (or the juggernaut itself) to make his armour pop out, as it coats your armour in Quicksilver.


    > He doesn't have a weapon drawn which is the only time Juggernaut gives the effect. In addition, the Juggernaut liquid metal effect does not negate the poly refractor hue. The poly refractors still color the Juggernaut effect when weapon is drawn so his armor would appear teal, regardless.


    > I still believe the first to be Winter's Heart and the second to be Winter's Heart+Snow Diamond.



    No but if you craft the juggernaut precursor it gives you a toy now that lets you have the juggernaut effects without wielding it, similar to a tonic effect. I do still agree with your explanation of what it is though.

  4. > @"Wolfheart.7483" said:


    > The first picture isn't pale white because, if I am not mistaken, the hue can be affected by skin/fur/bark(?) color. it isn't the poly teal because the poly refractor's affect your entire appearance including armor. The only things the poly refractor's don't affect are weapons and back piece.


    Ah your right, I forgot poly affects the armor and fur/hair color affects winters heart. Interesting

  5. Little Christmas wish of mine/ question I wanted to ask. Are the dev team ever planning to add a way to preview cosmetic auras? There's two primary changes I'd love added to this sector of the game, the first would be being able to preview auras on your character as many of them are worth quite a bit of gold and before shelling out all that money it would be great to see if the look you designed fits in with it, or if its totally off base from what you thought it would be. An example that recently brought this idea back would be the new Snow Diamond Infusion. I like the infusion, and I think it looks rather cool (hehe pun), but the only way for me to see how it looks is by hoping players who do have it post screens. I finally found a video today of how it looked on a pale asura, but i'd love to be able to preview it on different characters and skin tones to see how the effects changed, or be able to see how it would look with a poly-luminescent infusion combined with it, etc. I absolutely love fashion in this game and these are some of the best looking (and most expensive) items cosmetic wise but as much as I'd love to play around with them I often can't justify spending all the time and gold going after one when I can't guarantee I'll like the end result.


    The second addition I think could be helpful would be to allow the makeover kit previews, both from the kit itself or the NPC, to register auras as it can have an effect. Bringing it back to the snow diamond infusion i'd love to be able to see how it looks on different skin tones in the makeover kit without actually having to use a kit to change my skin color every time, and would make finding a good combination a lot simpler. Plus if someone didn't want the infusion on there while previewing their character changes they could easily just unequip the item before opening the panel and it would be just as it is now.


    I know these changes aren't really important in the grand scheme of things but considering how big of a role fashion plays in this game and all the new auras and effects you've been so kind as to gift us with I know for me personally this is one of my most wanted qol changes in the game which is why I wanted to ask if there were any plans to add this into the game at some point, or if I should just keep on dreaming. TwT


    (Also Gaile sorry for tagging you personally I was trying to use the Anet tag for the question but I think I was doing something wrong as it wouldn't come up for me. ;w;")

    @"Gaile Gray.6029"

  6. > @"kurfu.5623" said:

    > What do you guys do with all of those characters?


    > I have seven, but only play one on a regular basis, the rest are either crafters, or parked at rich nodes.


    I mainly create new characters for the sake of fashion wars, but as for what I do with them I don't PvE much so I leave my guys parked at useful spots like the flax farm, jp chests, etc. Since 11 of my 40 characters are mesmers I leave those guys scattered at harder JP's to help out ppl who need ports, like the Chalice of Tears in Ember Bay or Not So Secret in Gendarran Fields. :3

  7. > @Haleydawn.3764 said:

    > > @Moonlit.6421 said:

    > > why doesn't the [Endless Choya Pinata Tonic](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Endless_Choya_Pinata_Tonic "Endless Choya Pinata Tonic") work in WvW?



    > Most likely because of it’s costume brawl roll ability, moving the Player Character more units than they would under swiftness/super speeds. All movement skills related to weapons and utilities are balanced for.


    Man that really sucks, seems like a lot of the more fun toys are disabled in WvW

  8. Hello everyone~

    I know that this probably isn't a very important issue to the majority of the playerbase, but I wanted to ask, why doesn't the [Endless Choya Pinata Tonic](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Endless_Choya_Pinata_Tonic "Endless Choya Pinata Tonic") work in WvW? Its one of my favorite tonics in the game and I mainly play WvW but I came and did the Casino Coin blitz until I had enough to get it only to find out that I'm not even able to use it in the mode I primarily play. Is this a bug or something thats planning to be changed? I looked on the wiki but theres no mention of it not working in WvW there either. Like I said I know its a small thing but it'd be nice if this could be changed. =<


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/zgpEQpg.gif "")


  9. While it's not exactly the dye your looking for I'm sure have you tried the poly luminescent infusions? I know the teal one used on flames/destroyer armor turns the fire green like the corrupted destroyers after Mordys death. Haven't tested it with the radiant sets but maybe you could find something you like

  10. For those who may be more curious about what else is required or who are saying its fine if you only have to defeat one raid boss I did see this earlier talking about further parts of the collection and based on the post it seems to be tied at least partially to the new raid wing as well so if this is a problem for you you probably shouldn't start investing towards it.


  11. > @thrag.9740 said:

    > Will I ever get the wvw legendary backpack ? Or armor? or the pvp ones? No, because I don't play those game modes, and that is just fine, and so is this.


    Not to be whatever about this or anything but one hole in your point is that while you may not get the legendary stuff from those game modes, you can indeed get legendary armor/backs from the other modes as well. WvW, PvP, and PvE all have a legendary backpack for example, but they do _not_ all have legendary trinkets so you can't exactly compare the two since one has an alternative and the other currently does not.

  12. Hmmm. Guess mine would both be a good while back when I played portal Mesmer a lot more and hid everywhere. One of the best ones I ever had was hiding in SM and I was using the black quagga now tonic to make myself a little smaller and try to blend in on one of the little ledges but eventually this guy found me and jumped down but instead of killing me he also turned into a quaggan and ended up having about 7-8 ppl over there and started whispering the first guy until my commander made his way to the wall and I just bolted to go port them into inner SM and when I dropped tonic and a port 2-3 of the guys realized what I was doing and came after me but with a blink and a stealth I was gone and our Zerg was now in inner SM. We flipped it and the original guy thought it was hilarious and whispered a well played to me. X3


    Second one is just using Mesmer focus 4 and GS 5 near cliffs. Love steaktging at the hills cats spot then jumping off the wall and pulling ppl over to the cliff before shoving them off then porting back inside.

  13. > @Vulf.3098 said:

    > > @flog.3485 said:

    > > You mean like how they gave a legendary backpack for PvP just sso that players would go into PvP ? Just like they gave a fractal legendary just so that players would go fractals ? Just like they conceived Aurora so players would go into LS3 maps while having new people pay for these maps to also get aurora ? How dare they force players to to actually play the content that they have created ? /s


    > Kinda like how most Legendaries require a gift of battle that you can only get from WvW? I hate WvW and really any form of PvP in MMO's so I either do not make the legendary or suck it up and do the content that is required. Legendaries are not supposed to be a cake walk to make.




    I personally don't care that much either way, as if I really wanted it and couldn't do a raid boss I could always buy a boss off someone who can. For the gift of battle though really lol? You don't even have to pvp to get it and can just about pop in and do dailies every so often and you'll likely be done long before you get the rest of what you need. Heck half the time onenof the dailies literally involve going into WvW, spending a few badges, and then you could leave or flip a camp or two. It's not like being half afk is the same as what's meant to be higher le el content lol, and I'll never stop being amazed at all the threads I've seen calling this one thing so hard and unfair. X3

  14. > @Cyrin.1035 said:


    > Taimi's crying, pleading, and depressive tone. Her character has usually been upbeat except when she's in danger, but I think her polarizing personality is exaggerated too much sometimes. She's either over-the-top comedic and sassy or extremely weepy and blubbery. In this episode in particular, it feels like her character was made even weepier and desperate to invoke sympathy from those who think she is too vivacious. Whatever the intention, it came off too strong for me and too stretched from her usual personality that is likable to me.


    > **Overall score 9/10** Another satisfying episode :) Thank you Arena Net!


    I happened to be passing by and saw this so just wanted to add a small comment. Do I agree Taimi was more terrified and upset this time around? Yes. But there's pieces to that I feel should be noted. Keep in mind that genius though she is, she's also basically a child still. And this child got captured by Joko, an immortal lich who has her close friend the commander listed essentially as public enemy number one. As stated before Taimi is a genius, and she's seen what goes on in Elona. Can you imagine how terrifying it must've been? Knowing that the most likely scenario, as Rytlock says, was that she would be tortured, killed, and then risen and then all her knowledge about technology, about dragons, about Tyria and her friends would be used on the very people she'd worked so hard to protect? Considering what happened in the scene with Scruffy and her trying to calm down and think of a solution I honestly think she did incredibly well with all the pressure she was and had been under and I feel the presence of Abraham and the Commander finally gave her some comfort.

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