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Zhaid Zhem.6508

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Posts posted by Zhaid Zhem.6508

  1. Put something almost new, like "gain quickness when you gain fury (icd: #sec). Quickness grant you +300 ferocity". Quickness would be really strong with Reaper's Onslaught (more DPS, and more LF regen). It'll be stronger in pve, it'll open more templates in pvp/wvw with boon duration, sigil of Agilty, runes of chrono, etc.


    But the "dmg above/under 90 -50 % life etc" it won't give reaper more diversity, juste 1k dps somewhere.

  2. One trouble with (power) reaper in fractals: you can't get heal while in shroud, shroud falls far too fast now if you're taking dmg. Okai it's an easy to stand up build, but if you're doing same or better than your friends in an instance idk if it was the relevant class to take.


  3. Buff damage.

    Put a energy regen on a trait, like "+1regen (4s) on crit" or something like to not be ironically curb by Alacrity and quickness.

    Restore the +50% boon duration to allow more chrono and druid and other support DPS instead of harrier/commander/minstrel stuff


    Just that, still trash tier but could be a greater support, Facet of Nature (and ~dragon stance) and Assassin's Presence are still strong.

  4. > @"FrostDraco.8306" said:

    > > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

    > > Any way, as long as people (in PUG or not) won't think and test things by themselves, chrono/harrier druid/war generic meta will be the only meta.


    > You kidding right? It's not about testing things at that point. All 3 of those builds/classes are simply too slot efficient, and hence they are meta.


    > There is nothing to think about. They ARE the most slot efficient builds.


    > As for firebrand. It has a lot of issues when it comes to slotting it in the meta outside of dps or highly focused 1 type of support. Beit quickness+ might/Quickness+tanking/Quickness+healing/etc. Chrono, druid, and warrior do not have these issues. It's easy to slot in another druid. It's easy to slot in another build that does what warrior does. But if you have a FB healer/tank/might bot. You are then missing alacrity. So you need either a chrono or a rev. Well alacrity rev might as well be the healer, as in order to keep it up thats all it can do. You might as well have the chrono do quickness AND alacrity as the rotations are highly linked.


    > It's all about fitting the peices together. Which is hard to do when some of those peices have jagged edges.



    It's about DPS and standing, even if individual DPS decrease due to lack of banners, spirits etc, group DPS can increase if we have an other DPS slot rather than a support. It's a balance to find.

    2~3 DPS +30%, or 3~4 DPS +10%

  5. > @"Hex.2579" said:

    > > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

    > > It's a mid-range spec, and a selfish 25might stacking class. In fractals when people dodge, kite, alternate melee/range, when there is no (or sh**** one) druid and no group mights fury, buffs, sustain etc ... yes Scourge can be the top DPS, but IMO it's not relevant and might not be the better choice in theses cases.

    > >

    > > edit: still strong for theses reasons, I like Scourge eh.

    > >

    > > Reaper on golem might be a better DPS, but in conditions shroud is the only way to DPS, problem is you can't get heal while in shroud, shroud falls too fast if you're taking dmg, life force rises too slow, shroud is the only defensive utility ... reaper viability is limited.

    > >


    > here we go again, selfish 25 might stack. every class has the ability to stack might, so effortless on the necro with the right spec. let's not talk about might stack since it's not their job. i still do top dps with pugs whereas i have no might and only 5s fury every time i enter shroud. with the pugs who deal about 13.5k dps on an average, not the normal type 2k dps pugs. i'm answering to OP that reaper is still good since i main a necro, but they're hard to play cuz of short shroud. irrelevant or not, it's for OP to decide.

    > if you say you like scourge, gotta elaborate why too since it's a "selfish 25 might stacking class".


    > you could re-read again what i said above." reaper is still viable, hard to play, but still viable in all game modes." by all game modes, i mean spvp and wvw as well. i rarely test dps on a golemn so i don't know what's with you people that do. standing in one spot and deal amazing dps, but when apply in real situation and dps drop like flies.

    > you can heal while in shroud, with the right spec, and that's too much sustain needed for pve. so all pve builds won't have that fancy sustain. there are tons of ways to get LF. shroud is not defensive utility, it's an offensive one. i roll in reaper in wvw and sometimes switch to scourge, back and forth. can do just fine but again, reaper is hard to play now, still viable.


    > edit: the reason i find scourge better than reaper is because of an easier rotation, barrier and aoe condi cleanse every 5s. if trait right, the same skill that cleanse everyone's condis is also corrupt boons. it's so deadly in spvp and wvw. reaper is no good with people who doesn't know how to play it since its shroud is now on a super short cd. and if you just enter shroud and hope to spam to win, it's not going to happen.



    So you just join bad PUG and you know it by playing handy build. Still not relevant.


    >shroud is not defensive utility, it's an offensive one.

    It's both.

  6. > @"Hex.2579" said:

    > you could roll scourges and epi the crap out of skeletons and other stuff in the new raid wing. but for people who don't find scourge useful then they just aren't that useful.

    > reaper is still viable, hard to play, but still viable in all game modes.


    > as for my scourge, still top dps in fractals and sometimes in raids thanks to epi. plus, the ability to clear condis for the team on a low cd is super helpful, not to mention give them barrier in situations that would result in a downed state. i'd say hell yea. and i was running him with my wvw gears. lol.



    It's a mid-range spec, and a selfish 25might stacking class. In fractals when people dodge, kite, alternate melee/range, when there is no (or sh**** one) druid and no group mights fury, buffs, sustain etc ... yes Scourge can be the top DPS, but IMO it's not relevant and might not be the better choice in theses cases.


    edit: still strong for theses reasons, I like Scourge eh.


    Reaper on golem might be a better DPS, but in conditions shroud is the only way to DPS, problem is you can't get heal while in shroud, shroud falls too fast if you're taking dmg, life force rises too slow, shroud is the only defensive utility ... reaper viability is limited.


  7. The gap between new players or late players and the regularraid players is huge and is widening more and more.

    People say "start with golem, watch videos" Okai that's right, it's an important step, but when you're ready obviously golem is a thing, manage the real boss, manage the others players, understanding what the F is going, the difference with the video guide ... its an other thing.

    And you know how people are talkative and advisor on MMOs (the t4 fractals without any "Hi" and "Ty")

    I did some wings, I didn't even knwo why I had to stay in green zone or ohers, what was the wipe mechanics, why condi was recommanded etc, like "don't tell them you don't remember why, don't tell you're a noob"

    A training or easy mode would help players catch up the level, without kick or ragequit, monday raid guild when it's wednesday, understanding strat and mechanics by themselves ...

  8. Harrier/minstrel FB is a really strong pillar; perma quickness, strong regen (writ of persistence + regeneration + battle presence), overheal, protection, stab, fury, a good amount of mights, many aegis on demand, many reflect etc. It's an underrated build as people base group with chrono for alacrity and heal/harrier druid; they spent 2/5 slots for DPS support.

    Ventari herald is strong too. Too bad Ventari's skills are High energy, Qt said it's an easy build, well ... don't panic, don't be greedy or you won't burst heal if needed.

    Power Holo should be accepted too, really strong DPS and CC


    I'd like to see a strong support scourge; like barrier would heal at the end of effect, a stronger vampiric presence...

    A less brain dead skill rotation condi rev or a rework of spirits (like they stop dying or been dizzy everytime). why not a sharing of the fervor ?

    The comeback of power herald.

    A power soulbeast.

    A power reaper



    Any way, as long as people (in PUG or not) won't think and test things by themselves, chrono/harrier druid/war generic meta will be the only meta.

  9. You're talking people don't pay attention, run in straight line etc, don't dodge, etc, like you you do.


    It's WvW, people play with one hand one eye, everybody get rekt by glass cannon full buff, food etc, cause they're semi-afk.

    Yeah it's a montage, so what ? Like Cake etc they don't do montage of noobs panicking ? Please.

  10. All you need is Sigil of Smoledring (+20%) rune of balthazar (+45%) your trait Radiant fire (+20%) , and Bowl of Fire Meat Chili (+15%)

    100% without any expertise/viper


    Food is easy/cheap to craft if you run the world since a while

  11. I'm okai with this fractal, good challenge as it's really hard to stay melee and grouped (you'll need to carry yourself, no more "it's the healer/chrono/**** fault") . The first part with 15 minutes of trash is a bit too much.

    Final boss, just it's too loaded on screen ; closed room, aoe's marks + visual effect + boss/trash that's teleporting every 10 seconds ... hope you're not epileptic ; and the Vindicators are too punitive in this fractal as you can't really be reactive (cause of epilepsy and aoe/stun/os everywhere), you'll want to kill them before they kill you and before rez your downed friend if that's not too late.

  12. I really liked this part of the PoF story

    Everybody : Hey do you know Vlast ?

    Hero : no...

    Everybody : The guardian of Tyria, of Elon for centuries, the son of Glint, he is incredible , you need to meet him

    Hero : Oh yes he's h . . . well . . . he's dead.

    "THE END"

  13. It's viable. Everything is viable. Doesn't mean it's "meta" or others professions can't do better. But...

    FB Support/heal is a really good package, really good heal and sustain (like overheal a necro vitality, like a druid, like [this](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/183846#Comment_183846 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/183846#Comment_183846")), lot of aegis/blocks that prevent heal, lot of anti-proj, easy condi-cleanse, perma quickness.

    On the other hand it's true you stand between the chrono and the druid, doing parts of both but an optimised group still would like the others parts (spirits, 10% dps, alacrity, distorsion, CC...) So it's a Balance, will you take a FB and free slot for a DPS or Chrono+druid ?

  14. Concentration/boon duration is really important if you want to make up for the chrono for quickness and for fury, mights etc. You already overheal people with f2 #5 #4#1, passif resolution, regen, symbol, with few amount of healing power (if people stand near).

    Without concentration you really lose the utility and even ventari rev will be better support.

  15. In fractals, if you play in pugs (or even guild) people kite, dodge, go range etc, so it's a big DPS loss. Like Chaos, even if you have heal druid and chrono, distortion, protection aegis... some people are still afraid playing melee on final boss.

    Necro/scourge/reaper is a pretty easy class to stand up, and F1-f4 are DPS even if you stop attacking. I'm not surprised the Scourge can be the top DPS in a group. Raid it's a bit different, I hope people trust the heal and chrono to respect their rotation.

  16. It works great, ... be sure people are aware of your build. Like they need a support/heal instead of a DPS.

    And mantras are still akward to play, better range but visual effect not so visible for other players.

    I play [This](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQJApOnsADFBjNCDEEhlHCL7EMfyA7zz8ZAFLA0A+AA-jhBhABUeCAAY/hFV/ZvHAoHQVlgbq8jUA+NyC-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQJApOnsADFBjNCDEEhlHCL7EMfyA7zz8ZAFLA0A+AA-jhBhABUeCAAY/hFV/ZvHAoHQVlgbq8jUA+NyC-e") Minstrel/harrier are equivalent, just vitality and toughness allow me to stay focus on the very hard rotation.

    The little drawback : Even if you're a great package with lot of boons and overheal you still would like a druid for DPS buff or a chrono for alacrity; so ... meh.

  17. I waited for event 2hours, dusk, night, dawn etc, the NPC doesnt want to speak to me.

    On wiki > NOTICE: This event is Bugged and will not begin 5 minutes before dawn or dusk, or will not allow a player to trigger to begin event within the dawn or dusk time frame.

    Does it mean it's bugged bugged or we can do it ?

  18. Good improvement for ... fractals t1 t2 ??

    But why nerf the life force ? Why nerf combo finisher and condition duration ? Why our spectral forms only give one boon instead of an unique buff or boons on intervals like every others professions ? Why so poor access to these boons ? Power reaper is still to weak.

    A SB or a scourge, or one sigil of revocation and the few boons I got are gone for 40sec. The shroud was all we have left.

  19. It's quite more than a healer and condi cleanse. You have a lot of Aegis that prevent the healing + Wall oR, f3#3, shield#5 for missiles, the perma quickness, and others boons in great duration, stab, protection, fury, might ...

    In fractals it will allow 3 or 4 DPS + a firebrand heal/support ; instead of the casual pug team druid + chrono + cps...

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