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Zhaid Zhem.6508

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Posts posted by Zhaid Zhem.6508

  1. > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

    > > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

    > > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

    > > > > @"breno.5423" said:

    > > > > Should remove break stun fact actually

    > > >

    > > > So that your broken multi stun Spell breaker can pummel the poopy outta of the mesmer into bits more easier then it is? No thx.

    > >

    > > Chaos storm, Sword Ambush, Cry of Frustration. Mesmer has plenty of lockdown.


    > Oh yeah, true. & unless you havent notice, you can put as many lock down you want on a spellbreaker or even a guardian & wont matter from all the procs or stunbreaks they have. Mez gets pummeled if he goes toe to toe.



    Right point.

    We only get blur, distorsion, stealth, mirage cloak, vigor, mirrors, swaps, evades, teleport, shadowstep, spamming illusions, Desperate Decoy, we should get more BS than Blink, Mirror's image, Decoy, Sand through Glass, Signet of Midnight... Pls give back us a spammable BS.

    Totally comparable.

  2. This trait should have never existed (like the mirage cloak mechanics but ... ah no, too many insults incoming). Way too strong + obviously WvW abuses with sigil of energy and food, it allowed "bad players" or afk ones to correct their mistakes or escape people who outplayed them while not equiping BS/defense skills.

    And now, instead of admit that was a mistake and change the trait, they nerf it, but you STILL gave a BS, like "No it's cool, but you're right, but it's cool" . Make a +25%dmg ambush attack -50% cloak duration, or 2 condi on dodge, not a breakstun.


    And stop the "mirage is dead" "QQ I lose 1v1" When you have stealth, blur, distorsion, teleport, shadowstep, evade, mirage cloak, many daze and stun, and ambush attacks near 8K at 1200 range, ...no, don't.

  3. > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

    > Also don't forget that the majority may not have the same playstyle as the minority. There are a lot of people that like to solo play not group play. There are a lot of people that want to build a character to the way that they want to play, not Meta. There are a lot of people that do not like to get on TS or Discord, for various reasons. There are a lot of people that like to capture things instead of fighting other players. There are a lot of things most people like that the few that do speak on the forums don't and can't seem to understand.


    > To quote the opening theme song of an old T.V. show called Diff'rent Strokes - "Now the world don't move, to the beat of just one drum, what might be right for you, may not be right for some."



    I'm okai, but not that much.

    When you're playing MMO, so with others players, the logic would like you should not play what you want but what others need, or at least something that don't bother them. You have to cooperate a bit, and take advices (or most of the time insults) to improve yourself.

    This is large PvP, so the wantonness of one individual is not tragic, but one + one + one +one ...

    Like in pvp and fractals/raids you were like "I wanna play bunker thief and walk on the map for the beauty" Ok, but don't they like to win too ? Why they play PvP if they can't be a bit serious and cooperating ?

  4. It's just that ... 15 and 30% ... ? A bit too much.

    And it should be a timed buff, like you take the ruins you have bloodlust for 10 minutes with a little CD and "reset" of ruins after that or allow captur only in timed moment; It should allow more "lightning captur" rather than just ganking people on them when you have the numbers, and already the bloodlust.

  5. The point is stealth grants a large pack of bonus that is not rationnal for the term "stealth", like Movement speed ? Really ? Cleansing, life regen ?

    On mostly games, stealth is not "spammable", sometimes it's not even an open skill ,once you're in fight; and you are "revealed" when you use a skill, care or not you failed or it's not a damaging attack; because stealth is about placing yourself before release the hell, or save your pity life when you're near death (like passif trait). So I don't know why you underline every words if you reveal you don't know anything Jon.


    And please, please, wow, what a nerf ... "Malicious intent" + "Hidden thief" + "Be quick or be killed" + Assassin's Signet +1500 range ; if you don't get 15k it should come from your Minstrel set. And dodge Death's Judgement with quickness, sure Jon, please post a video, I could learn some things I don't know about the human reflex.

    I'm not sure you know the thief very well.



    Edit : "against experienced players"

    Easy. F1, stealth attack. Don't work ? No problem, hit them twice with 2 (you don't need "half a dozen", are yous ure you play DE ?) , you get 5 malice, they can't close gap 1200 range before you perma stealth starting with a dodge (you can also take shadowstep) ; wait the CD while in perma stealth, F1 with 5 malice, stealth attack, finish. (You can also take the dagger that is way more dmg)

  6. The problem is not the stealth attack, it is that you can literraly spam the stealth and stealth attack. Equiping a glass-cannon set, in particulary on thief, should award you with great dmg, but spamming stealth and leaps and teleport and dodges is completly absurd.

    Stop putting stealth on every skills and traits, stop let buffing, tp skills etc when stealth.

    On which games/mmo do you see stealth on 36 skills and traits, that cleanse conditions, regen life, give movement speed, reduce dmg, REMOVE "revealed" by stealth, allow more attacks/initiative, allow to FAIL attacks... ???????? Response : none.

    Edit : on which game do you see thief put 15k dmg in one hit at 1500 range ????? You can't even close-gap before he flees away.


    Edit²: I've seen people arguing "it is roaming, it is useless in zerg" Gosh you're so wrong, I just stealth and litteraly chain the elems and rangers etc at 1500range, even spam death's judgement and 3 to finish downed people, and stealth/flee again + half the time people are so focus on tagging the blob for bags they don't even care you're here.

  7. I don't know if it's a test or just for the week, but 15% and obviously 30% is way too much + the +60 bonus stat.

    Put a bonus on Finishers or xpm etc, ok it's fair you earn it, but when you're already outnumbered on the maps, you can't keep the bloodlust and you have a +30% stat blob at your doors ... well ... Even in roaming (or ganking) there is no match when you make +15k with one skill in marauder set.


    It could be fair if you actually have to keep the ruins, like at the end of the timer ruin returns "neutral" and you have to cap it again if you want uptime.

  8. This is a balance, the more you have support classes, may be the better the DPS classes individually do dmg, but you also lose DPS classes.

    People don't understand they sometimes shoot themself in the foot asking for chronoboon + Healer (druid) + BS and don't make it easier, on the contrary ... 2.5~3 slots dedicated to help only 2 DPS. Obviously you rely on support classes, because you can't burst the boss before it lands an attack, and gradually, time passing, you do mistakes, lose your healing skill, lose your rotation ...

    Also this is not "instructional" to play on "easy mod"; how many players in T4 don't dodge, don't place themself, don't use the special skill, just run arround breaking all the platforms or pulling all mobs... because "there is a healer" ? It's worst when you expect a healer druid, and you have a powerbuff, and you die, and you ragequit, because it's the druid's fault. Or worse, when there is no real DPS, but berserker set with random selfish survival build, or the SB doesn't remove boon when "no pain no gain" etc etc.


    In my guildmember experience, and PUG, don't take druid that is not necessary for a 5 man group. Start with chrono "healer", that is really easy to play since the recast and the f5 uptime, and 3-4 DPS. Tempest fresh-air is a good DPS to start with, it can add some dps to the group, suit well with pack of mobs and movable bosses, 40% protection and complete easily the 25 mights. War/BS obvioulsy for banners but also to remove boons frequently. DH are still great to Burst enemies, WoR, more stab, and f2-f3 can help without investing in a support spec or stat. And after that you'll move naturally with berserker chrono.

  9. I really liked Eotm, for reasons that have been said above ; short map, karma train, short round, zerg vs zerg very frequently; but yes, newbies, no reward, and no people nowadays. But the map is good.

    It should be smaller and a GvGvG. But not like the boring GvG we see; just 2 packs that turn arround themself until they colide; a real GvG with tickets, objectives to cap, etc.

  10. > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > Would be nice if this was to happen, but i highly doubt it will, to much work to do.


    It's too bad.

    Because, except when there is a new collection from living world or legendary weapons, PoF maps and especially The Desolation and Domain of Vabbi, were deserted 6 month after release.

    The meta event are too discreet, unadvertised, you can walk the map for the first time you won't even know if it's a "meta-event" or a random event of random npc, and they offer nothing unique like tokens or accessorries you can't get elsewhere on the Oasis/first maps.... Like Hot maps and Living world maps.


    It looks like we pay an expansion only for mounts and living world.

  11. Every Tequatl event : 4 maps, 200 people. Every Tarir event : 2-4 maps: 150-200 people. Etc, etc.

    Even in Living world's map there is still people.


    But you wp on The Desolation or Domain of Vabbi, surprise it's empty.

    Every Serpent's ire : 1 map, 10 people (max), failure. Maws of Torment, same. However you can loot Intact Mosaic (4gold) no there is no people for these events, no matter you put an ad on LFG 1 hour before. (I try it several times, everyday ,since one week, only one success)


    Maws of Torment : Make it a World boss with fixed timer.

    Every Serpent's ire : Delete this useless pre-event that last too long and bother everybody ; don't put Serpent's Ire on same timer than Tequatl/Shatterer. May be improve loot, like a chance to get an ascended chest or something.



  12. Ranger:

    Already have +25% endurance regen in Wilderness Survival + Companion's Defense + Companion's Defense + Rugged Growth, no vigor in the spec.

    With food it means +65% endurance in base class, each dodge gives 2s protection and 520 heals.


    Holosmith :

    You have Adrenal implant in tool spec, +50% endurance regen, or you can take quickness+ superspeed and the food (how do you replace this with food ?)

    Thermal release Wave is 2k dmg easily + burning + -15% heat.


    Warrior :

    Reckless Dodge + MMR, each dodge do dmg + gives power that heals to 133 and give 2%endurance.

    With food it means you earn 2 mights and heal to 266, 4% endurance.


    Deadeye/daredevil :

    Really need to explain ? More stealth, more stealth attacks, more swiftness, more condi cleanse, etc etc.


    Mirage :

    Same as thief, with vigor 20%invulnerability uptime, more ambushs, more daze, more stunbreak/condi cleanse, etc etc


    And a dodge is 0 - ∞ dmg reduction.

    So, which food can hold well against that ?


    Ok there is alreay Vigor, but vigor is a boon, you have to manage to get it, you can remove/corrupt it. There is also Sigil of Energy, and yes there is aslo +5% dmg ( way more than 100power) or +7% precision ,+20% burning etc ... it's still a strong sigil to chose, there is a reason it is 25% in pvp.



    So, you adjust a bit the food that is too close to vigor but without disadvantages. Or we nerf the mirage and thief Class mechanical, or the endurance mechanical ...

  13. IMO people translate the raid metateam in fractals, but the needs (and the difficulties) are not the same.

    Sometimes in PUG it's seems inconceivable for players to rush the fractal without chrono; like "Oh my god we're gonna drop 80% of our DPS and die against trashmobs" "Oh my god we won't burst Subject 5, I don"t know what to do in that case I ragequit". No, man it's ok, we have 4 DPS, mights fury, just adapt.

    I have also seen "OMG Druid why don't you heal ? I'm dead half the time", dude we want druid to be powerbuff, not your personnal babysitter, learn to play/place.


    I also feel more secure with support classes, because you can't give too much confidence to others players. But you still have to learn to play,use mechanicals... Sometimes we do fractals with guild with 5"DPS" (edit: means no healing power/boonshare class) it works well, sometimes we have "metateam pug" but thick headed people who just spam their rotation without grasp the situation, expecting other player will heal them to heaven, put reflect, etc. (Example the "no pain no gain" pls Spellbreakers/chrono ... remove boons ...)

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