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Zhaid Zhem.6508

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Posts posted by Zhaid Zhem.6508

  1. > @"apharma.3741" said:

    > Also **this food, rune and sigil is available to every single class, so why isn't everyone using it if it's so OP?**


    For the sames reasons people don't use food in fractals/raid, or don't use 100power70ferocity.

    For the sames reasons they don't use the -10%dmg food in wvw.

    Mirage was so OP at the beginning of the release, why didn't we see 100% mirage in pvp and pve ?

    They don't care, they don't know, they don't search, they don't want to spend money, they want to try hard others things ...

    Because the global majority don't abuse mechanics doesn't mean it may not need an adjustment.



  2. It works great with spellbreaker : Reckless Dodge + MMR. It works great with Soulbeast : Companion's Defense, rugged Growth

    It works great with Weaver : Arcane thing trait. It works with FB : the heals on dodge ( +2000 heals). With Holo (you save a trait in tools spec)

    Still, it is a free dodge.

    It works way too strong with mirage, and deadeye/daredevil, it's just the base mechanic of the spec. Mirage can get 1sec cloak/breakstun every ~6sec, even more with sigil of energy, ~20% of time invulnerable ( +stealth + distortion). The food is no more a simple bonus, it makes it a central point of the build.


    I don't whine, on the contrary I buy this Food by stack of 250, it's just completly insane.


    Vigor is fair, because you have to manage to get to it in traits and skills, and it still can get removed or corrupted.

    Sigil of Energy is ... it takes a slot on a weapon. Still don't understand why they don't use the pvp version.

    Bowl of Orrian Truffle and Meat Stew, is not fair.

  3. _Nourishment (30 m): 100% Chance to Gain Might on Dodge

    +40% to Endurance Regeneration

    +10% Experience from Kills_


    Do not blame me, but it's juste insane; I use it on every character. Obvioulsy, Mirage, Daredevil, but also Holo, Weaver, War, with sigil of energy that is still 50% endurance not like in pvp, even on necro because it's OP.

    It should get nerfed to +25%, no more.

  4. Go full support or full DPS, not Hybrid, absolutely not with vitality/tougness or celestial trinkets.

    Seraph and harrier are great, but you are support, with quickness, heals, aegis... support skills and traits, not DPS.

    Sure, you can adapt; you can take DPS skills and traits if support is not needed. Inverted if you are DPS.


    And if you want to go support, please, PLEASE, ask to your group and don't make it akward in with random PUG : seraph FB, minstrel chrono, harrier druid, seraph scourge, AFK /selfish war... and no dps.

    But please, people who wants to do pve group content and read theses mixed builds, stop mixing Celestial, vitality etc everywhere ... You're underperforming in all roles.

  5. Don't spam Twist of Fame to dodge dull attacks, keep them for huge CC like Holo, Mirage ...

    Use primordial stance to put stack of vulnerability for your strong dmg skills, like dual attack fire/air or #3 air/air, earth#5, or use it to provide a knockback/blowout when range (like pew pew ranger)

    Single element attunenement is lame; you can engage fight with air/air or fire/fire #3, but usual ; don't attune to single element.

    You can switch elements when you're casting a skill, like earth #5. Exemple: you're fire/earth, casting #5 > Switch to air +primordial stance to put 8 vulnerability before earth#5 hits your enemies.

    Cleansing : f2 f3, water #2 #4 #5, air AA #2 #5, twit of fate.

    Signet of restoration trigger even if you don't hit anything, so NEVER stop to dodge/combo or AA in the void to regen life.


    GG, you're immortal.

  6. I understand the will to play, to fight/train, with our guild, our friends, but close the squad, be unable to do anything ... and call all the map and leads to arms when it's the critical moment to defend because there is a full map blob in front...well ... may be not the best solution.

    In my server, most of the time they run with 15 people, one or two hours ; they just defend, can't even recap tower or keep because no communication, no people... leave. When there is no "PU" lead may be it's an oppopportunity to fill your guild squad. May be it'd be better for the guild to accept adds and show them a good lead rather than exclude everyone and every tactics.

  7. Hi guys, I was a bit annoyed with Marauder Holo/Alchemy/tools. Very strong (too strong .... too ...) but I see Holo everywhere, and there are all the same .... clones everywhere.

    So I try something new, something surprising : [The new OP holo](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vdAQJAqanUUBlXh1aB2XBcJjF2CrfNGHrjibkpwTA8DtBCAA-j1xHQBKS9Ha9AACpeAAcCAC3+DmUJYJV+JGgqA-w "gw2skills.net/editor/?vdAQJAqanUUBlXh1aB2XBcJjF2CrfNGHrjibkpwTA8DtBCAA-j1xHQBKS9Ha9AACpeAAcCAC3+DmUJYJV+JGgqA-w")

    And it's pretty good actually, sometimes even better than Power because we have a steady burst of 10-12 Burning = instant-death ; + confusion + bleeding etc, so there is no reason to worry a lot about classes with many condi-cleansing.

    Perma dodge, perma 25 mights. We can stay a very long time in Photon Forge (for the leap for exemple when we need to flee like a coward)

    Pistol #5 is really strong used with Elite skill and Flamethrower, or anything..

    Flametrower is really good, I also equip elixir kit for more sustain or roscket shoes.

    In small groups or Outnumbered, paradoxically it works great, because people are eager and do not worry avout 3-4 stacks of Dot condition ( What a mistake)


    I wanted to make footage but FRAPS drops too low my ips and setting.

    Wanna abandon your too OP power Holo and join me ?

  8. Tempest : I think they should bring the +33% aura duration from the runes of auramancer to the minor traits + instead of "boons when you apply aura" in air/fire/earth specs they should apply unique effects like [Fresh_Air_(effect)](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fresh_Air_(effect) "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fresh_Air_(effect)") or "[Harmonious_Conduit_(effect)](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Harmonious_Conduit "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Harmonious_Conduit") "....

    It'll be a pretty good healer + a powerbuff.

  9. I'd like to see a rework of combos or more buffs; it's a shame we have to perform a full rotation of 36 keys, sometimes wiht no consideration of enemy position or buff, to earn ~12 mights in fights but the guy in face just have to press 3 skills to get perma quickness, stab, fury, mights, protection, regen (who said Holo ?) ...

  10. I run grieving armor and weapons, marshal, grieving and celestial trinkets, actually I have a strong burst with primordial stance. But against holo and SB I'm dead half the time; one hit and i'm half life, one cc and i'm dead if they're zerker, or long and painful fight if they are more tanky.

    More tankiness or more celestial and I barely kill AFK some times, okai you don't die but ... okai ...

    The +40% endurance regen is OP, on every class.

  11. Druids >>

    Spotter (unique) (the only buff that force to change food or stuff),

    frost spirit (unique),

    sun spirit (well ... okai),

    GoEmpowerment (unique),

    GoTL ...

    Healing ...

    + some CC, perma fury etc.


    So no, 25 mights is not enough to compete with Druid, even to 35 targets if you want to buff your minipet. This class is just too OP to be put aside in raid meta compo.


    Chrono + druid are too powerful. You can replace the both by FB or Renegade + 1DPS if you don't really need some aspect, like overheal or the 25mights class, like in fractals or guild hardraiders but FB+Renegade have nothing today to draw near Chrono+Druid.


    Edit : If we need to rework Empowering Might we should spread of PS, and get something "new" and complementary, like _"Shouts give mights"_, or ... idk ...


  12. > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > @"Dace.8173" said:

    > > Keeping the way it is now is easier than changing it. There are traits and abilities that key off of how it works now, as others have pointed out. So the question is, why should others have to change the way they play because you find something annoying? A change like this would have to be worthwhile in more than PvE to justify changing how the Arcane traitline works.


    > We're not changing anything with how the Arcane traitline works. It's just that you'll have to be in combat.



    So you're saying no more elem roaming in pvp wvw, that's it ? I don't get why it bother you there is 4s or less CD on all attunements in weaver, or 10s on the last attunement in core.

    Okai you have to wait 8sec for a #4 or # 5 with weaver if we put you in fight while you are in a /wrong attunement.

    So your deal is to nerf all arcane's lane to reach 4sec CD instead of 8sec ? But what the interest to swap Attunement out of combat if traits don't trigger? Just run the attunement you want to engage with ? Akward.


    edit : my bad it doesn't change anything for weaver ; 4s to double attunenement with your nerf or not. It's always 4sec or less.

    So I don't know where you've seen 10 or 12sec with weaver.

  13. > @"Sigfodr.9576" said:

    > > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

    > > You are going off topic, I didn't opened this thread to discuss if guardian is or is not capable of tanking (it is in many cases), I opened this thread with the hope of moving opinions toward giving or not giving the same amount of group support while tanking which chrono has.


    > The only thing Guard (FB) really need to be a competible tank is for the mantra bug to be fixed. This is the main reason why FB is not a more prevalently used as healer nr. 2 or as tank. If (or hopefully when) this is fixed we will see them used alot more. If we are lucky they fix barrier from necro at the same time, since they are bugged in the same way.


    What bugs ?

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