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Zhaid Zhem.6508

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Posts posted by Zhaid Zhem.6508

  1. It becomes trash everywhere. Works, yet, in fractals; but all nerfs on staff : lava font, meteor shower + the clumsiness against movings bosses or with phases every 25% life (won't talk about the Zero support of the dps spec), it softly pushs out the meta. With DH I'm a better dps in fractal than 80% of elems I have encountered , even without retaliation uptime, there is a problem somewhere.

    PvP : weaver marshal/mender's sword, but be careful your team doesn't bully you because they know it's risky.

    PvE : fresh air tempest, or staff weaver in well organised run (like 5% of the gamers), otherwise : don't.

    WvW : weaver meteor shower, often best DPS in the fight ... at condition your blob already outplay the enemies, otherwise you're dead in 0.5sec.


    So we're talking about elem, in general.

  2. Why Rewards should not be infinite ? This is not communism, people who play the most, earn more. Why should we bridle people and wait for others because beginners don't have the 300% yet ? Like "no more raids or fractals, no more ascended chest/skin, because some players haven't done them"



    Let the cap at 300%, but an Eater, like princess, mawdrey etc, would be appreciated. It gives 90% trash loot, it's okai.

  3. Lightning Flash should be back a Stunbreaker, or yes 2 charges.

    But we should get an other TP. Like dagger earth 3, why they nerf it ? Why they delete the grasp, increase CD and nerf dmg ? Now it's just a long and slow leap to flee, but inefficient in fight; it's not even an evade, you can get knockback in middle of the leap as it is so obvious. Make this skill a shadowstep or a TP like the scourge one.

    Otherwise :

    Please increase/help to might stack; it's really REALLY annoying to do a 36 skills combo like a clown in firefield while under pressure or equip sigils, food, runes ...

    Please don't bridle weaver who wants to attune in the same element (arcane traits, water, earth ... all specs)

    Increase base healing, decrease scaling factor.

    Change/move aquatic benevolence, a minor trait that CAN'T affect the elementalist ...

    Focus the specs more on the utility skills and a bit less on the weapon skills in the respective element. Give more "lesser skills" in traits, and not like cantrips for example : one in earth, one in fire, etc, but the bonus effect and cd reduc in water ... Just compare to the warrior and stances (stances that are already more attractive than "barriers every second" or "heal yourself when you're lowlife, by keeping melee pressure, with 3/4sec cast and 1sec strike heal cd"... ) , engi and elixirs ....

    Change threshold of "panic/lowlife" traits, they're all at 50% life and can't even work together. Edit : and the 90sec icd...

  4. Scepter/warhorn fresh air tempest is really smooth in fractals even raids with adds or boss on drugs.

    Staff is strong too, but a bit frustrating when you're casting aoe and the target just moves out or a little ****** knockbacks it. That and the nerf of meteor shower and lava font are why elem/weaver is kindly push out the scene. Scepter and Overload Air erase some plausible errors.

  5. Give elem dodgeroll mechanic, stealth, boonstrip and a "25 might fury and quickness" button; and look at all the QQ mirages, holos and SpB.


    _driiiiiiiiiing_ :p :p :p :p Ah ah ah ah ah .... :'( :'( :'( It already exists, but it's not for elem.

  6. You focus on 8 statistics, it's a bit too much, and useless, IMO. You could easily double your DPS without loosing that much with valkyrie/cavalier/(cleric?) and sigil of concentration over Harrier/celestial.

  7. You can't fight 1v3 with sword, you just spam evades and tanking, and die, you don't fight. No good cleave, no 360/aoe, no mobility, no range; you face an enemy, the 2 others just have to stay > 180range and watch you run and failing your dual attacks while laughing or backstab you.

    It's ok for pvp, ok for dueling, ok with group to focus (take fresh air in that case). Not ok for 1v3 roaming the camps or ganking. Don't use PvP builds variants in WvW, don't expect the same result wvw as pvp, this is not the same gameplay.


    But, no, we do have condi builds too, like too much. We have the traiblazer mirages and scourges, we see the greving mirage, we still see the annoying thiefs spamming #3 d/d that can't let off even after 15 minutes of pointless conditions, etc.

    And so what ? Is this thread about the best weaver build ever made ? He even says "u either trait damage or survival."

  8. > @"VanWilder.6923" said:

    > Few days ago, I joined a group in T4, one guys had 0 AR and died instantly once in an instance, Turned out, That 0 AR guy paid for the carry, we did all T4 + Recs on that run, I did not get the pay check from that person though. :s


    > So If you want to farm 96 super fast, should do the same as that person did.




    :p :p

    Well at least he can get ~200 +1 infusion and some gold, it's worth it.

  9. Okai okai. It's doable. But IMO this is not a well designed track

    1) too short, one error, one crash, is already 5-15secondes on the 1 minute timer.

    2) the race event that pops every 15 minutes, obliging to wait 7 minutes !?!?!?!?!?????? Really, REAAAAAAAALLY, frustrating.

    3) IMO : beetle is about speed, wide corners and space and long drifts, long jumps, stamina management, like the first track we had; not about narrow path with no visibility with little dirt everywhere on the ground you can't avoid if you didn't crash on them already 15 times.


    It's like the first Shooting Gallery adventure : yes it was doable, but if you had lags, low resolution, LOD distance, a rubbish mouse ... well, you didn't see the target, not even the obstacles between, your shoots had latency ... Because you expected a RPG game, not Call Of Duty, nor Forza Horizon.

    If you like challenge it's cool, but this race, without even looking at the timer, doesn't entertain me.

  10. The track at Domain of Kourna was good, because you have place to drift, you see from afar the direction, the obstacles, there are big fat checkpoints.

    Here it is just "luck", sometimes you pass near the checkpoint you get it, sometimes you don't, sometimes you crash on a tomb you cannot see sometimes you don't, sometimes your beetle crash on wall and lose all his speed, sometimes it slides


    So you need to play thief with swiftness, bow, shadowstep; mount/dismount every 10 sec, pray the lord to drift without crashing in a tomb and lose all your speed/stamina, sure, totally doable.


    Edit : + the fact you have to wait the end of the race. I don't know how to reset the track if I failed, I have to wait 5 minutes ...

  11. Find a guild, stop pugging CMs and raids; the longer the add is, the worst it'll be.

    "20 KP 200LI, title, gearcheck, arccheck, infusions, 20 shovels, 12 gummy bears, I chose the compo like I want, even if it's shit, 10 ecto entrance to my raid."

    I already know there will be raging kids, even if we do it smooth :# :# :# :# :# :#

  12. I don't really like the "you spam the key for the effect"

    Just a idea; banners could be a bit like Facet of Nature or a kit, you take the banner on your back, you pulse the aura effect arround you, you can only equip one at a time but you can change anytime or "blast" the banner (put a CD). I don't know if it's close to your idea.

    In PvE/ group content it'd be a nerf, or the need to take 2 wars, but it could be interesting in pvp and wvw.



    Or, make the banner of tactics a Healing Skill, even with the up of Mending as a physical skill it could be interesting: it gives ~11% boon duration that is quite good (less commander set or food for chrono and boonshare classes) and more sustain for everyone.

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