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Zhaid Zhem.6508

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Posts posted by Zhaid Zhem.6508

  1. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNAscmnXMnNSumzJRZzNlst5oSY38UJ4bOskFNl6PIPylsdACgGYtJmiqA-jBhXAB6eCA8X9nQfAAAs/AA-e Dedicated Healer

    You can also take Invocation if you have issue with energy, you lose the +150 ferocity but it helps a lot if you need more CC, more heals etc.


    http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQRAnf7fnsADFBjdBDODBEEhF/BzKAUBqTZJhKUGavimRHpA-jhgEhAAq/Yu/AA-e DPS/support. There is a variant "Power" DPS with harrier + zeal retaliation ; more heals more boons, but big DPS drop.

    Perma alacrity, perma quickness, perma retaliation, perma regen, perma fury, perma protection, 25 might, aegis (or stab etc, talk to the FB), condi cleanse, projectile hate, +150 ferocity, Soulcleave's summit, CC with FB axe renegade staff and darkazor (careful about energy)...


    HoT is over guys, bye bye chrono, time to see further than the tip of your nose.


    There is solutions, may be it's not as easy to play (I really doubt about renegade +fb, but each his own) or as obvious.

    But flaming compo you obviously didn't try, and claim the game is broken when visibly you just argue about chrono, won't help.

  2. Reward are satisfying; people are not. It's hard to find a good group; 90% of time it's newbies and low levels. Obviously they havre right to play; but ... it's like fractals T4, we don't want to carry the whole groupe alone.


    I think they should establish more Dungeon in the Daily Achievement, instead of JP or "activity".

  3. Rune of evasion in the mender sword build has been on metabattle before patch, and before they suggest Rune of Leadership etc.

    Because it also gave Fury and crippled enemies.


    Edit : And I'm also a bit bothered by people who claims they "invented" thing in GW2. Mostly when it's just a rune or a trait change. At the very best they were the first to use it or to popularize, but people would discover by themself too.

    I change runes, sigil and amulet every day, I try different specs too, I don't feel like I'm creating new things. I mean there are 7 specs, 3 at once, some specs, traits and combination are more obvious, more effective; there are a lot of runes and sigils, but when you specialize or even if you're trying a niche build (like Aura, or Burning...) it restricts the choice ... there are not that many possibilities. Even if you discover builds by yourself it's pretty sure others already have, or will too. After that it's just a question of preference and skillful.

  4. - Harrier FB if you can pass over alacrity, it allows 4 DPS setup (3DPS + _PS?_ war/spb ) it's quite a good deal : perma quickness, stab, aegis that is just OP against half the encounters, better heals and regen than druid, even better DPS, and a lot of other things. It's a good package for fractals, the best R healing/boonshare. It is a safer option than chrono(*1)+4DPS setup, perfect for PUG.

    - Harrier Renegade + Viper FB DPS/support : perma alacrity, perma quickness, strong heal and condi cleanse, some powerbuff with +150ferocity, Soulcleave's summit, and aegis, stab, projectile hate, good amount of CC ...

    It is the best alternative to chrono+druid

    - Chrono+Druid ; but after nerfs it's clear Anet want do slowly push out of meta these HoT classes.

    - Minstrel/harrier chrono(*1) which imo, in 5 man group, is far better than "DPS/support" chrono who doesn't reach 6k (add a harrier druid, ......... 2 slots, zero DPS, to support 3 others ......)


    It's time people realise Chrono + druid is over. Not it's not viable, but that there can be more effective and safer compo.

    Because YES, it is a hard rotation for chrono to maintain Quickness and Alacrity. I didn't try myself but without the Mistlock Singularity pre-buff I'm pretty sure you can't give perma uptime of both boons even with mimic; by and large this was the case of groups I joined these days.


    For second heal/support in 10 man group

    - Scourge; just the best rezzing machine of the game, 25 mights, barriers, boon strip...

    - Tempest auramancer : can heal at a large range, condi cleanse, some boons.

    - Scrapper, good healing, but I'm not sure there is some boon share ?

    - Herald , better healing than renegade but ... less alacrity, less powerbuff.

  5. The major trait in fire spec works with every skills, even some sigils and traits like sigil or air or Sunspot : with the 2 stacks in pvp/wvw it can go fast.

    con : it doesn't work if fire is the "secondary" attunement if you're weaver, it doesn't work with arcanes traits like the dodge or the shield;


    But for group content it is so easy for others classes you don't need an elem to prebuff nor in middle of fight to use 10 skills for 9 mights and 10sec fury.

  6. Problem with ren + fb : you have two healers.

    FB is a good package of utilities, heals and boons, except alacrity ; equip and build Ren to provide a good amount of alacrity (boon duration/concentration + Ventari legend) make it redundant with FB on many aspects.


    But it's close to the same issue with chrono : trying to set with commander and berserker but DPS close to non-existent.

  7. Chrono + druid + war has always been a curb to support only 2 DPS. Won't say it's not effective, it's a safe compo but it can easily be better.

    PS war/Spb + chrono support/healer have always give better and faster result in 5man compo. Why ?

    Because every patchs, every nerfs, people still want to stuff chrono with berserker and commander equipement, but they never reach more than 5k DPS because they don't care about DPS and they're right, so why the F equip berserker/commander ? If you need a healer, Harrier chorno heal enough in fractals. And druid healer* now, yes gives power buffs, does it worth the lost of 1 slot to give the 2~3 others +2k dps ? PUG are so shut in old habits they can't think otherwise, it's a pity.


    Now FB (well, since some months already) is in a good spot. Easy to play, strong healing, strong regen, Aegis is just OP against half the encounters, and perma quickness, stab, fury, mights etc. It is worth the lack of alacrity in 5man combo and short phased fights if you gain more DPS slots in the party .

    Chrono is still very good, and because people always would like chrono everywhere; but i'm pretty sure they all should set in harrier or minstrel and avoid a second healer.


  8. > @"spartan.9421" said:

    > > @"Spartacus.3192" said:

    > > i'll be honest and say FC hit too hard for everything ELSE the skill does. I mean come on if traited (and most builds will use those traits) it gives....

    > >

    > > Absorbs attack

    > > Dazes enemy

    > > Gives Protection

    > > Removes 1 boon per interrupted enemy

    > > Gives adrenaline per boon removed and does additional damage per boon removed

    > > Gives you a stack of attackers insight

    > > and then if you take revenge counter will give resistance copies condis and does extra damage

    > > OR magebane, 10% extra damage, might stacking, pulsing reveal and a pull.

    > >

    > > Thats a heck of a lot of stuff for one skill on a ~10 sec cd.

    > >

    > > Did they over nerf the damage?.....Agreed. Is it the end of the world? No.

    > >


    > Wow! It's almost as if the skill was designed to punish players for triggering it, go figure!


    > It only absorbs one attack if the skill is triggered, only dazes (used to be a .5 second daze, now is 1.5 seconds) if the hit lands, only removes boons if the hit lands, only gives adrenaline per boon if it lands IF traited, only copies three conditions (not transfer, mind you) with only 2 whopping seconds of resistance, and magebane only triggers if the hit lands.



    "If if Only only" "If it land" .... Like ... ALL attacks ?? :# :# So all skills are weak because it needs to hit the enemy to do dmg ???

    Because people spam it rashly doesn't mean all these effect are useless or low.

  9. Afterthought you're right. Tempest defence was very strong, but it was strong on an after all fragile class and it was the only sustain/passive from the air spec.

    Less passive effect, less defense ; we were already few to play fresh air or rod lightning; now with these nerfs (tempest defense and discharge) it's implayable, matchless against all power/burst classes no matter the skillful.


    I hope next patch they will nerf Arcane Abatement and Evasive Arcana /cleansing wave, so people would just stop to try hard Elementalist / sword weaver.


    Edit :

    Okai it was crutch, a crutch that gives direct dmg and weakness with LR and a crutch which was not a CC imunity/breakstun, and still 60 sec icd in pvp. It was balanced.

    An issue with Aeromancer's training : Dual atttacks not affected,

    You only get the ferocity bonus in air but sword air skills have no dmg exception of quantum strike and pyrovortex; #3 air/water is too slow bad tracking, gale strike no dmg, AA are pathetics, polaric leap no dmg, no dmg in focus (earth fire whatever, no dmg).

    So actually you get a bonus of ferocity only for the LR and the Discharge, and a cd reduction for Gale; it's good; but in my playstyle the already existing +10% dmg against disabled foe (only stunned and reversed I think) was more helpful because it was general and not tied to air attunement (+Schoking aura obviously)

  10. Forum : pls we need some sustain and general buffs/change in others lanes than water/arcane.

    Anet : Nerf tempest defense


    What a mess, tempest defense was so useful in pvp / roaming, and strong with Lightning rod. Now the build is dead.

    And tell me where do you see access to Stun in Elem ? Only schocking aura.... They delete schocking aura, but they buff Schoking aura ...

    Edit: and staff air#5, but How i'm supposed to burst with staff ? In Air attunement ?

  11. It needs stronger and/or faster AA ; Earth AA chain should be Bleeding > Cripple > Bleeding or be faster, like war's sword.

    Better tracking/speed for dual attacks earth/water and air/water.

    Air #2 should be 10 or 12sec CD instead of 15sec.


    * It would help a lot to stick enemies.


    The argument of "20 skills" is inconsequent; numbers don't make quality; and I only see 5 skills and attunements. AA are too weak, weapons skills are weak or too long CD and cast-time, and because we need to swap cd off to rollface every attunements and skills we have, arcane is too mandatory,

  12. Well, except you play against foe with 2 ping and instant stun without cast-time or classes with Ak-47 burst fire; that's not dramtic, it is still better than no evasion at all + you still have disengage skills.

  13. > When you look at the whole picture , it looks like a great synergy etc. Well thought from the devs .


    3 lanes for 1 cleanse. Yeaaaaaah.

    But you can also take Fire spec. Is it effective ? No.

    You also have great synergy with auras : 1 or 2 traits in all lanes, you can't have them all, still need water for support effect. Is tempest effective ? No. Or cantrips in fire, earth : long icd, still need water lane for bonus effect.

    Holo, mirage, ranger, War, necro... are so jealous of so much complementarities IN each lanes, and BETWEEN each lanes.


    > # Conclusion (the only thing you need to read)


    > For me , the main consquence of Elementalist current state is the way of trait lines are design .



    Yes it is. All our lanes are too dedicated to ONE single element, that we have to "buff" individually.

    They should stop "fire spec : fire attunements, fire weapon skills, fire utilty skills" "Water spec: water attunement, water skills,..." etc.

    We should have : "Arcanes spec : swap, arcanes skills" "Runes spec : Glyphs, signets, focus" "Elements : cantrips skills, some auras' buffs, conjure weapons, daggers" (for example) focused on Utility skills and more general buffs, with some synergy of course.

    Because that is how all others classes are designed and, sadly, currently because of all these versatiles and powercreeps specs, it works way better now.

  14. I love the gameplay of Weaver, it helps to swap every 4sec and chain skills; and it needs too because of long CD and poor dmg skills; byt I don't want they change that.

    I don't care about unravel or #3 #4 #5, yes it needs healing power and arcane to sustain until these skills (Schoking aura, water skills #4 #5 to heal and cleanse etc) but it's not the fault of the gameplay, attunements or weapons skills; the issue here is the e-spec which doesn't give proper traits or utility skills to sustain a MELEE spec and weapon, and core elem in general.


    Yes it could be interesting if you hit with your dual attack you earn the "core" #3 skill. But already they need to fix sword's dual attacks : poor range and radius or too long cast, poor target tracking.

  15. Radiance 3-3-3, Honor ?-2-2, harrier's amulet or mender, runes of leadership runes with boons or might duration.

    In WvW you can try but due to variance WvW/PvP: skills, ascended set, infusion, food etc Harrier it too fragile in my opinion, and slow.; at least it was for me. A mix with valkyrie/cavalier/cleric, why not celestial, runes and food on Boon duration would be better.


    Edit: this is the [build](https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Firebrand_-_Power_Mantra_Roamer "https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Firebrand_-_Power_Mantra_Roamer") on metabattle.

  16. +stab + wall/bubble + fury

    + Strong regen : regen + W o P + battle presence. + Strong heals too : Merciful Intervention, Shield #5, dodges, and F2 tomes if you mess up. But Aegis is already very strong against a lot of bosses mechanics.

    You don't have alacrity, but in short fights, short phases / burst scenario, is it REALLY necessary ? You don't have frost spirit, nor GoE, but aegis, better heals, better regen AND you have a free slot for a DPS. And a good package of others tools.


    Edit: I run FB support often in fractals, and to be honest it's usually better than chrono/druid. I argue my case.

    Chrono + PS war/spb + 3 DPS is the "pro speedrunners" compo.

    But you're a PU, you want a healer druid ? You lose 30% of your dps. You take Fb instead of chrono+druid, you don't lose 30% (may be ~5% in a burst). Quick math, raw sauce.

    The blunder : mantras are a bit awkwards; radius-range ... you need to stand behind your allies, and they need to pack, to be in your symbols ... a bit complicated with free electrons or "Social awkwardness"

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