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Zhaid Zhem.6508

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Posts posted by Zhaid Zhem.6508

  1. > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

    > > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:


    > > I don't know, may be DPS can change skills too and take reflect, can dodge... look crazy, "adapt to situation" wow, sounds bad.

    > > And no, this is a lie. You don't have higher DPS with Ren/Fb + 2 DPS than Chrono+3DPS. Or you're talking about 1 healer comp, and so ? You want to force people to delete their druid and chrono ?


    > But how will that be better than fb + ren then if everyone replaces damage utilities with defense options. ? Diviner rene provides a lot of heal + protection. You don't get prot with a chrono anymore.

    > Kills are faster with ren + fb. Records were done with that. Only exception are super short fights like siax (34sec) where you just stack dhs but still no chrono.

    > Are you playing triple dps? Your posts look like you don't even use speedrun strats. You can't dodge everything with some of the new instabs. Fb + rene offers a ton of sustain while also having higher boss dps.

    > Warrior can also have much higher dps with FB + rene because he doesn't have to stack much might and ren does the mechanics a warr would normally do.



    My post was an interrogation about 3 DH+ren, not 3 DPS+chrono. Of course this wasn't about speedclear ...................

    DH doesn't lose that much to take wall, because spirit is 7-8% of dps, has cast time in your rotation and only viable (and very often not) if timed right with spear and a symbol. So you don't take sword of justice you don't really lose burst, just dps after minutes. But the point is to not take minutes to kill a boss, just seconds. Don't forget projectiles can increase significantly dps too, just look at soulbeast on Artsariv, it's like +15k in 0.001sec.

    Chrono has many builds viable to give 100% uptime (with mistlock), not only the "meta build" with ~60% BD for raids, chrono can take Feedback, chrono have phantasmal warden, chrono can give stab. Chrono can even heal your group and give aegis with Inspiration.

    Thief can take smoke screen, daredevil has a reflect in is AA chain. HoloPhoton Wall reflects projectiles. Soulbeast, tempest ...

    Domi chrono removes boons, Spb too, Holo too, Deadeye too.

    You want a list for condicleanse now ?

    Your interrogation is why Chrono+War+3DPS with ONE (if needed) utility skill per DPS would still give more DPS than 2 supports build in diviner ?? Really ?


    Of course if fight last longer, of course if you don't play with static, with coordination and you don't know how people react to aoes/attacks and placement, you would like good uptime of protection, healing, aegis, randomly reflects, etc ... But no, no; it's not world record guiness book with ren+fb.


  2. > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

    > > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

    > > Wall is way more DPS on astri than the sword spirits. It doesn't take more fingers to press on the same key, but for wall instead of the spirit.

    > > One DH can take the shout or hallowed ground; + 3 DH means perma retialation, no need for fury !!


    > Soulbeast elite is a lot of dps. Slb is also better for art reflects. Play Chrono + 3 dps with We bleed fire, afflicted and birds and then tell me you really want to play that daily.

    > A lot of fractals are just pure aids with the new instabs and no healer.

    > Rene + FB has higher boss dps. Why would it be slower on something thats not cliffside, harpies or underground? Thats the only fractals a weaver can't skip. We bleed fire + frailty and a weaver gets almost oneshot by the orbs. It's just not enjoyable without any source of healing like the kalla elite.



    I don't know, may be DPS can change skills too and take reflect, can dodge... look crazy, "adapt to situation" wow, sounds bad.

    And no, this is a lie. You don't have higher DPS with Ren/Fb + 2 DPS than Chrono+3DPS. Or you're talking about 1 healer comp, and so ? You want to force people to delete their druid and chrono ?

  3. So the top tier meta should still play chrono+dps. No run prove that power Fb-Ren is uber, it's a lie, FB-Ren is only better in 1healer comp because druid is useless in 5-man except for healing.


    > @"Cyninja.2954" said:


    > In a healer comp FB (as power quickness) provides additional safety for bad play in form of stability on demand, resistance on demand, reflects (which are not energy based), aegis and fury. As healer superior healing and permanent protection.




    Cleanse /ventari

    "feel my wrath"

    DH F3



    The comp works, you might win/lose some 5-6k in the all somewhere but it works as intended.

  4. You take more AR, as people already do.

    If you play without PS war or FB you want to take LL instead of RR, so you'll need ventari to keep perma alacrity + you'll need the elite CC, the cleanse.

    AP is 150 ferocity which is 3 to 4% DPS; does you want 25 mights or 3~4% ? And so we talk about meta power comp or meta one healer comp ? See, it's not clear for everyone.

    What utlities does FB bring that are so important ?

  5. We have also learnt players to ignore some mechanics and just focus boss, because of healer druid, because a time ago of distortion, etc; but with Deepstone, Siren's reef, new instabiltities like bleeding fire, 300% in the back,-30% HP etc you just can't ignore them anymore. I saw "250KP" wipe because of a single elite at Astri. Same at deepstone it takes 2sec to kill clones and you don't have to deal with the lot of aoes, but no ... people don't care ... and wipe ... or siren's reef or even the catgolem at arkk. How frustrating it is when you have a clueless "elite/uber" player "We don't have heal, healer sucks" because he just can't ************* move and dodge.

  6. Just run 3 DH with the quickness shout, problem solved you don't need FB anymore.


    Edit; Hey ! That an idea; in CM's dragon's maw is nearly useless, 3 DH +ren means quickness shouts 3*9.5sec quickness at 34sec CD.

    One can take PI if cc not enough. You take a BS or a 4th DPS like soulbeast for burst, GG you have better DPS than FB-Ren

  7. I just don't get why some people want absolutely to erase from the world one of the compositions. This is just FANTASTIC that we have CHOICE !!!! Why would you like to impose a dictatorship ??

    I have FB (harrier, vipere, diviner), I have Chrono (Zerk dps, Diviner) I find an utility to both.


    I have encountered a group "Harrier gear on FB is not meta" + kick, not even got time to say i can change gear (and who the hell insta kick people, like people in raid or CM don't have more than one gear or class?) dude WHAT IS THE META NOW ?? Next group will want a harrier FB because diviner ren or no support at all, other wants chrono/druid, an other is looking for vipere FB for condi compo ... SO WHAT IS THE META ???

    If you pug, if you play Boonsupport+healer, who cares you do 6k DPS instead of other support with 9k if you carry properly your group as intended ? You should take a look first at the war that hide itself behind "bannerslave" to do 10k at best, or other players with bad rotation, not the DPS of a support class.

    Not everything is about your static run, nor only CMs, nor a golem benchmark, because people have habits too, because some fractals and instabilities combination can ask particular roles/skills, because if you're looking for speedrun, don't play with 3 supports classes, play chrono+DPS and L2P.



    Chrono/Druid or FB/Ren; heal FB or Heal Ren ... who cares really ? Make your own LFG, or your own static.



  8. It's not that bad. (In WvW roaming)

    Firearms/Alchemy/scrapper I run the flamtrower and elexirgun; with a good read you can place 7-8 brunings, and poison weakness cripple etc behind to cover. Scrapper sustain so much you should run grieving or sinister to deal some physical dmg too; conditions will never be sufficient.

  9. Scourge play grieving or berserker/marauder; and scourge has insane dps in zerg. Of course rev and ele should be on top, but shade + shroud skills are instant dps and corrupt, and often the first aoe you take; that why it's really important scourge can do some damage. Ele ? Cast time cast time cast time. Rev, some delay too.

    And please, stop "hybrid" scourge with blood magic "I will tag ennemies for lootbags, but I will also teleport all my downed friends in middle of the enemies cause I'm not smart". Chose your role.

  10. That's crazy how scrapper can get the full 10k barrier so regulary and without any healing power, and my weaver just has "300 barrier on dual attacks" or "1k barrier pulses that you need to anticipate big hits 5sec before to actually be effective" ... But ok.

  11. Of course it is a niche weapon for support/healer build, heal, regen with pretty low CD if traited (perma symbol with alacrity too), and a block for allies that grant aegis (this skill is really strong, 2 blocks in one skill)... why would you buff dmg ?

    Remember when Mace was stronger than sword at the release of 3 Specs templates ? Absurd.

    I'm okai with the symbol that could be more like the axe, it would help when auto-run or on bosses, but it is not bad like that.

  12. Big issue you still don't have cleric or minstrel, nor antitoxin etc runes in PvP. So with my tempest if I equip shouts i'm still lacking of toughness/ vitality and "panic skills" to support my mates.

    I tried support tempest last night, litteraly useless. I'm better with a power build like air-arcane or air-water or with weaver ... or with a FB.

  13. Thief/daredevil has been a thing to tank : full berserker (with a captain backpack for aggro for example) + the trait that heals you to a percentage of your critical hits; with mights fury etc you're full life with a single AA chain.


    But why we chose others classes to tank ? Because they can tank and bring a large support to their allies: chronotank is just a chronosupport but with toughness, same as FB or others. What does thief bring to the group if it's not DPS ? Thief doesn't have heals for the group, nor a lot of boons.


    I know there is a sniper build with Deadly art and trickery that can share 25 mights and fury. It's fun in wvw or pve if your group s**k to cap the 25 mights. It could be interesting to share the stolen item with allies ... but no ... pity.

  14. I have stolen your build for fun. A bit long against some war, holos or weaver with 36 stab or condicleanse every 0.5sec and work mostly on greedy* people; UC is definitely better than lotus training.

    This is so impressive how OP Chocking Gas (+weakness /trait or #4+#2) is against Mirage, i've never killed mirages so easily.

  15. You should start by PvP to learn how to play weaver.

    There is a HUGE gap between pvp and WvW for the gear/stats, and specifically elem, armor particulary, but also power precision etc; some builds/classes will OS you while you have impression they take no dmg.

    Otherwise, my build : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJAsYncMAdOg94CGOAM5ilTA7uMnmfzFTxB4HgYCEAWAA-jFSGQBtVZAZ0Dcu9HAk6P5RJIAeAAG4EAEFleAA-w No particular "theory craft" just the feeling.

  16. For a sword it lacks blocks or counter attacks. I mean you have riptide and earth #2 as evades, but it locks you on a position for 1-2sec and it's so OBVIOUS people who have the experience will just blow you up right after. Weaver should have also an offhand sword. Same with #2 air, too long CD or/and too short range, and you can't chase or flee someone as you need to interrupt to get the superspeed.

    I know people will say "elem has 20 weapon skills" as an excuse to weak aa, and long cast long cd, but come on, quantity doesn"t make quality; it's the reason we have to play with Arcane. I really like weaver, more than tempest and core; because of the dynamism, but it's true you have to do more efforts for barely the same result than others classes.

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