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Zhaid Zhem.6508

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Posts posted by Zhaid Zhem.6508

  1. [gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgAgilZwkYRMImJm6WbvOA-zRRYVhxGNQZkZCUaBo2ss1LA-e](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgAgilZwkYRMImJm6WbvOA-zRRYVhxGNQZkZCUaBo2ss1LA-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgAgilZwkYRMImJm6WbvOA-zRRYVhxGNQZkZCUaBo2ss1LA-e")

    Here's my favorite build. I didnt put my accessoeries because honestly I don't remember, there's a bit of celestial marshal diviner ...

    D/D, Unravel, why ? Because Leaps/evade, because schoking aura, because more cc, because stronger hit with range and 360 radius. Unravel is very underated, it allows to proc Elements of Rage, chain combos, and have fast access to water to cleanse and heal, etc. It's a bit clunky to use at start, not useful with many builds, but mandatory with d/d.

    There are some pro and con compared to sword but basically I win more fights. The rare encounters I can't fight are good BoonBeasts LB/GS with so much stab, cleanse, range, stealth, block (it's insane that sustain)... and some good deadeyes with so many TP and stealth that I just can't block/evade nor closegap, whether they don't have BS anymore or armor and I kill them in the second or they teleport everywhere, stealth, spam #2 riflle... In short, strong range builds with strong mobility.

    Mirage, it depends if they are full traiblazer or not.

  2. How can people say "it's alright".

    It's 120 concentration (+120 concentration when >90% life, which is never) and that's all, nothing else but Boon Duration.

    Arcane lane has -15% CD reduction on attunements.

    Thief has 240 concentration +50% vigor effectiveness . Engie gets heal per boon. Scourge gets expertise too. Etc. ( Ranger NM is a bit low, 180 or 240 for you and pet ...)

    Only concentration is KITTEN. And it's not like we spread Resistance or Alacrity, no.


    Let the -120, or even 180, 240.... but give us back swiftness or something.

  3. The new F2 with 5sec CD can be really strong, even better than mirage if you don't fail your clone spam; but it is still really situational for some raids. Otherwise mirage is better everywhere else, no need to mention PvP or worst, cancer conditank mirage in WvW.

    In support it still has some goods. It's just people are used now to fb/ren in fractals, whiwh carry heavy, but if you don't need Healer you can easily replace the both and take an other DPS/might bot. In raid it is relevant.

    I'm pretty sure with the new quickness trait we can equip less BD, and do a pretty hybrid boon/dps.

  4. I'd rather have a -33% or even -20% on overloads CD rahter than singularity which is useless for all tempest builds except fresh-air.

    But hey "Now it's 4.5 rather than 6sec (yep it's not -33%) still 4.5sec cast, no range, nor stab, quickness in minor trait, what a great GM trait"

  5. It's mainly to sneak bomb/open the fight to ...bomb, and force fb and scrapper to burn their skills. Anyway you'll give back your burn to one of my work colleague but half you squad will be dealing with 2-14 stack of burning in the second, and downed members. :)

  6. > @"steki.1478" said:

    > > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

    > > First I was like "wow, -33% on singularity ", then in game -33% is not for the affinity/overload CD. Still stuck in 20sec CD after cast...

    > > It's a small buff to fresh air tempest, otherwise condi/support it's ... meh?!


    > Condi is also better because the new GM trait also affects condi damage. 20 sec cd is only affected by arcane spec.


    > Support builds used heal on aura anyway, they just received extra concentration.




    Of course, but in fact condi only won +7% dmg, otherwise the -33% is useless anyway.

    For support, I expected we could spam the water overload, but no.

  7. Most of people have no clue of their class potential, they copy/paste the build and composition, do big numbers and they expect the same build to be effective everywhere, it doesn't (always) work like that. *edit : and burn boss, ignoring mobs.


    What's the issue ? > Too much adds, too much projectiles, condition/daze.

    What is the solution ? > Adapt. Overcome.

    FB, tempest, scourge, ren/ventari ... Aoe, reflect, stab, some condicleanse or resistance ... A fb with Virtues lane, F2 F3, Wall and renewed focus can just cancel 80% of the nuisance.

  8. At least, dungeons should occur more often in **Daily Achievement** instead of daily bounty ou daily world boss; 2~3 times per week.

    Otherwise rewards are not so bad, Reward from the 8 paths + paths themself and lootbags + tokens ... issue is the people willing to do them doesn't know the tricks to rush, contrary to people who doesn't do dungeons anymore.

  9. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Tasida.4085" said:

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > @"Tasida.4085" said:

    > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > > > @"Tasida.4085" said:

    > > > > > > I've a second mule started that's only holding stacks of luck.......maybe 1 day ANET will come up with something useful for all of it. If so I'll be ready. The guildhall is completed, so I store the luck instead now. **Hopefully I wont be 5 luck mules in or so before they come up with something**.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > You won’t as I highly doubt you’d obtain that much within a year.

    > > > >

    > > > > I was being facetious about the 5 mules LOL but right on...... I am on a 2nd luck mule ;). Lets hope they actually come up with something eventually.

    > > >

    > > > So you’re telling me that you have obtained over 100 stacks of exotic essences, which is more than enough to hit 300 again from scratch, since January?

    > >

    > > Since Jan? I've been in this game since pre beta on and off.......That's alot of years to accumulate Luck :) I'm working on a 2nd luck mule now. Haven't done anything with it.


    > Then you had the option at the beginning of the year to exchange them for gold and opted not to.


    Yeah, one essence by one essence. When you have 200*250 essence it was quite long and frustrating.

  10. it's not like Tempest was a dps spec, but seems a bit like a nerf anyway.

    Will we lose the magnetic aura in the Gathered Focus ?

    Speedy conduit was not useless, but weak, but between +10% dmg and swiftness in the new harmonious conduit ...meh And come on seriously, why elem is stuck with regen/swiftness/protection boons instead of quickness alacrity resistance ... ?

  11. Fire weaver will certainly get a "fix" looking at people's complaints. As a player who play elem sometimes I know how well it works and it's certainly not as OP as SB or Holo, mesmer etc; it's an (effective) bursty build but with so many counters, like ... range, like ... passive condicleanse ...

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