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Zhaid Zhem.6508

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Posts posted by Zhaid Zhem.6508

  1. May be it was intended, but here it's too slow. You can litteraly look the end of the animation, and dodge in your turn to avoid cc.

    It doesn't help to "burst" because now I have to wait a full second to be sure it works.

    Slow the animation and reduce a bit the delay; but in the current state it's really awkward and confusing.


  2. > @"FrownyClown.8402" said:

    > Everyone that thought last meta was better mained an OP build that needed nerfs regardless of damage nerfs


    I don't see it like that.

    Before patch, even if you were not the counter, you could outplay because your foe made a mistake and you read its build : cd of BS, blocks, endurance etc.

    Now you can chain mistakes, and people will still not be able to kill you because they don't have the DMG . With rev I was litteraly cc locked for at least 6 sec, and the elem + a war couldn't kill me fast enough; too bad I got my legend swap up, my heal, my kite ...

    Now you can't even cleave a downed necro because he will rez faster than you put dmg, or an allie will rez him faster and won't take serious dmg. Or because you don't have stab to stomp ...


    There are still OP/cheesy builds, but on average it's too slow, too tanky, too boring. It looks like a turned based game.

  3. Celestial sword dancer. (if only it was a joke) Or condi weaver should still be fine. Even if some condi durations have decreased, their damage hasn*t been nerfed.

    Yes, most of classes are just unkillable now. Fights are endless, not enough pressure, mistakes not punitive at all.

  4. > @"FrownyClown.8402" said:

    > > @"Malcastus.6240" said:

    > > Ele needs a vitality boost at least. Build diversity suffers greatly.


    > too bad. only weavers get nice things


    I laughed the first time I saw the two traits of weaver about vitality. Like they knew this issue with elem, but they only tried to balance Weaver to stay discreet.

  5. I don't know how it will impact all classes. In my opinion heavy classes, reaper, Soulbeast would still be okai but hard to predict.

    But I agree with the thread.

    My issue with elem (weaver); healing and healing power are a main component of the sustain in all build, even fresh air, since years. The life yoyo is in DNA of all elems. Elem will suffer more than others from the healing nerfs; Base healing reduced + coef reduced + healing power amulets nerfed ... it's a triple penalty while others only got one in their current builds.

    We add the stab, the CD of BS etc. :#

  6. Herald and Reaper are pretty decent in openworld; and won't be too much impacted by patch, or see may be in a positive way.

    Easy 25 might stack, easy vulnerability stacks, easy 100% precision, good sustain, good cleave, good dmg ...


    I like too Chrono Greatsword with diviner/zerk gear rune of pack. Foes are crippled and clones can tank, so it's safe enough. But they will nerf the cripple and dmg of GS (Imagined burden), so ... I don't know.


    Otherwise, dragonhunter. It's strong in open world and group content. Spam f2 f3 + renewed focus.

  7. > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

    > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > @"Zenix.6198" said:

    > > > > @"BRNBRITO.9624" said:

    > > > > > After playing around with those numbers some more:

    > > > > > Bringing an Alacrigade would have to increase the DPS of each party member by about ~24% to break even with just bringing another DPS instead.

    > > > > > (Again, For a 5 man setting). Which imo just isnt realistic.

    > > > >

    > > > > It can be if the renegade is the one doing most of the CC so you can actually get the 50% extra dps from breakbar without interrupting rotation or having to bundle non-stop, renegade could be around 12k for Ensolyss, good one around 15k, hard to compare when there's varying personal skill involved and without seeing the actual run/skill breakdown.

    > > > >

    > > > > No class is mandatory at all, you can solo most if not all fractals, but for more casual groups HB/Ren + 3 dps or 2dps + 1bs is usually the safest bet regarding boons and actually clearing without struggling too much or wiping, it's not only alacrity but also might (which most HB's don't sustain properly), CC, protection, scholar uptime, vuln, personal dps, fury/swift if pack runes (yes i've seen HB's with 0% swiftness and 0% fury uptime), etc.

    > > >

    > > > No, you are certainly correct here.

    > > > As said, I had to make a lot of assumptions for this little number-crunch and it's 1 sample with lots of variables, so it probably doesnt mean much.

    > > > But: For this particular encounter with this particular group: Everything the rev had to bring to the table (might, vuln, scholar uptime and whatnot) would have had to increase grp dps by 24% in order to warrant the pick over a 3rd DPS. And 24% is a quite a lot....especially considering this is one of the better grps (par the ele maybe) I have pugged CMs with.

    > >

    > > The rev in your group made up just about 70%-80% of the entire groups defiance bar break. Honest question, how much cc did you contribute in that group today?

    > >

    > > Renegade on staff 5 with sigil of paralyzation and Kalla Darkrazor's Daring is the backbone of any meta composition defiance break. Unless you want all damage dealers to use consumables multiple times, which literally causes dps loss. The renegade alone can put out the around 2k defiance bar break required, so the rest of the group does not have to, but usually just puts out the main part while dps players use 1 consumable.

    > >

    > > That is without accounting for NPNG, alacrity or anything else the renegade is providing.

    > >

    > > By the way, that arc log suggests everyone but you was doing cc, or they were terrible at their rotations.

    > >

    > > EDIT:

    > > and just because everyone takes everything personal on the forums. No, this is not me berating you for potentially not doing cc. This is simply me asking, have you considered this aspect? It could have very well been the case that your team was weaker, especially the other weaver. It happens all the time that there is difference in skill. The overall performance was good enough to complete the CM and players adapted.


    > Does Sigil of paralyzation boost staff 5 as staff 5 is not a stun?


    If I remember it works with Daze too, so may be with Darkrazor's Thing (1/4sec *6 daze) (I don't know how the game will calculate it, it doesn't round for stun, but hey), but not with pull, knockback, float etc.

  8. May be in raid as second healer. But every other specs have more useful utilities. You lack "rare" boons like quickness, alacrity, resistance, ageis ... You lack dmg buff.

    You have auras : but it's passive, they need you to be hitten and still have 1 or 2sec icd, shouts have very long CD, auras on weapon or combo can only affect 6 players. We can't considerate them as buff.

    In summary : you have great healing, and that's all.

    You can try to mix fire or fresh air overload with healing/water, but it won't be effective. As least not as effective as others supports.



  9. That's all the point : good renegades.

    We had the AFK warriors long ago before the berserker rework, no one really knew the expected DPS so they just spammed banners and waited. Now we know, they can't hide anymore. :#

    Renegade seems to be the new pilar but often somewhat expected the new burden too. Bad alacrity/might uptime ; no staff ; bad management of energy and CD, mallyx/jalis + soulcleave on burst phases ; etc. The border between Mandatory and Crippling is easy to cross.

    May be they don't all know what we expect from them, may be it's the lack of cooperation or knowledge(skill) of the group too. Example, blue bar is 90% broken and Ren is like "Guys ? We break it now or I wasted my energy/legend for nothing ? "


    I think his point is, you better want a medium DPS than a medium renegade. That is a important question in PUG, where you can't have too much faith in other members.

  10. > @"Zenix.6198" said:

    > Same goes for BannerSlave warriors. Sure, Banners are nice and all....but not really that high-value in a 5man setting.

    > (Banner of Discipline is a great example, since the bonus crit% doesnt really matter a whole lot in fractals since most DPS specs critcap from potions alone anyway).

    > But since a Banner Warrior also brings nutty personal DPS, this is certainly not something I mind having in my grps.



    I don't agree. On the last monts, particulary after the nerf of precast traps (You can't cast 5 traps, go FB, then go back DH) I've seen a lot of berserker "banner slave" perform better than any other DPS.

    That why I don't understand why people don't want berserker as "DPS" besides an other BS.

    Take the short fight build (a physical skill rather than a rage skill + may be the +5sec trait over the burning) : good job you have brainless insane DPS and Burst for CMs and most encounters.

    zeal FB + ren can assure >20 Vulnerability, others will help with the last ones; so DH is not that necessary. And in my experience most of them don't know their rotation or the lack of alacrity mess it up.


  11. Because T4 are harder : foes with more hp, more fmg, some new or stronger mechanics, a third instability;

    And because for a big majority Fractals are now "Money" and not gameplay anymore, players just hope for a quick and safe run like they could have the last years; it means a composition with good dps, buffs, but also a possible package of utilities/bonus to avoid most of mechanics (stab, portals, anti-proj, resistance, unblockable skills etc). Healer, no healer, who cares. Different visions, safety or race.

    Some classes make a real difference compared with others : Burst/dps, support, boons, dmg buff, CC (if players play well (and it's not always the case sadly) but sometimes, I agree, it's more like "robotic and tense"/ Ignorance/copy-paste than will to learn and perform better in situation or save real time.


    So sure, you can run fractals, even CM, with 5 good reapers if you want, or even alone; but after years and thousands of runs you might want to optimize your group and do not waste time.

  12. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgAgilZwkYQYmYybl/SB-zRIYR4LiALA1GA-e

    It's not the "OP" build but good sustain good synergy; evades/leaps, a lot of cc. Air is the main affinity to stack weakness/fury and vulnerability but all of them, all skills, are useful, even water cone with vulnerability. Celestial to be a bit more hybrid and tanky or diviner to stack mights are great too.


    Or fire weaver ;


    Sinister/grieving ..

  13. It is our business to all. That is exactly what you say . : let people play what they want.

    We're all okai about some favorables conditions; quickness, mights, vulnerability, buffs etc ; and that the points we need to argue, to highlight.

    But we should explain there are a lot of classes that can perform very well and people shouldn't exclude some for false stereotypes or ignorance and close themself in only one composition.

    Because otherwise our new players would conclude everything is trash except DH, and looking for a compo they don't analyse in the substance.


    No, you don't necessarily need a renegade, mostly if he doesn't find the f2-f4 keys nor the mallyx legend.

    No, you don't necessarily need FB if you play with 2-3 DH.

    You may even perform better in PUG with 4 DPS than a duo FB/REN with lack of alacrity and buffs.

    You don't need to copy/paste SC or other "record video" if you can't give the same performance or don't get all the tricks and features, nor the mechanics or needs of fractals/instabilities.

    Yes you can relog, change spec, utility skills, change approach; because it is about efficiency and not "It has to be the way the other did".

    You can play different DPS rather than DH, even 3 Berserkers if you want and it should even be stronger as it has insane burst and dps on short fights. All you need is to imrove your rotation and adapt some traits and utility if needed.

    And that is the explanation we need to give.


  14. > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

    > > > @"Shikaru.7618" said:

    > > > > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

    > > > > Don't put words in my mouth; I'm okai with power compo and the "don't join/make your own group" blablabla

    > > > > But those groups on LFG :

    > > > > Two DH looking for a FB since hours, but grumbling or kicking heal or condi ones ... :# I don't know ... adapt, change spec and stop whining ?

    > > > > Same, groups looking for a particular DPS like SB with stance/spirit, or the power FB, etc for hours you have time to do your run and find them back in LFG :# ; may be I'm wrong but my Definition of "Time saving" seems a bit different.

    > > > > Groups kicking berserker when they look for DPS, but the already present banner slave does better than the "dps" :#

    > > > >

    > > > > Some players like the small boxes. Tomorrow you tell them the new meta is chrono/druid again and Reaper for dps, and you'll find a lot of LFG for Chrono/druid/reaper.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > It is not your place to say when the group leader should lax on the team they want to build. If they want to wait an hour for a stance share and you are not a stance share trying to force your way into the group that's your bad. You can politely ask if they're ok with an alternative build but it is their perogative to say no and ask you to leave. There are plenty if groups that will likely finish before them anyways that you should join.

    > >

    > >

    > > This is my place to laugh.


    > This goes almost beyond stupidity to be honest. Why putting yourself into the situation to argue with others about stuff they don't want in a simple video game group while there are so many others around and you are able to build your own? I've played fractal cms over 7 months to get the god title asap and never ever forced any group to change their stuff. Why? Because it will create trouble. Maybe not everytime but it will. So, the easiest thing is to join the groups where you can meet the requirements or make an own which will lead to harmless runs in the end.

    > It's really beyond my imagination why people tend to try to change others opinions & desires in such an irrelevant thing called video game group if there are so many possible alternatives around.

    > If you have a vision for a better future, fine go ahead but not in a fractal group. You need to spread it in a place you can reach a majority. To try it via an 5th spot in a 4 men group won't do it.



    Why I would put myself into these situations ? I don't get it, I haven't said that. Why you say that ? I can't read LFG and question myself about their logic, their gameplay ?

    I just read LFG and offers my solution if it's close or if no precise requirement is given. Calm down.

    And your experience is fine, congratulation for fractal god. The thread is about elitism and these LFG with very specials requirements tend to be the norm increasingly. I've been like you, I'm fractal god too, I did it with Chrono support, with FB a big part (different builds, condi, diviner, zerk, heal...) but also Chrono DPS, holo, even Reaper and I often perform better with my reaper than some DH that can't rotate after a 6 traps burst.

    When I see these groups expecting a particular compo, I expect or expected from them a particular level of skill too ; but guess what, it's trash half the time. They're closed in the meta compo but you realise most of them don't know even why; they can't adapt, can't read instabilities, can't think about possible mechanics to apply, and they leech their 250ess head down, eyes closed. Won't give a all experiences, but a sample : not pulling/killing the golems/bandits at ark when they deal 300% dmg in the back and push people, no instant CC nor double broken bar for Ensolyss; people standing in weakness zone; people rushing but pulling half the map or on contrary not pulling the expected ones; Siren's reef without ren or FB with stab, anti-proj, tomes and withut cleave; berserker performing better than DH and Weavers; renegade without AP, perma alacrity, soulcleave summit for burst ...

    I am at this level of disappointment about "elitism", I often prefer chill "50 kp" than "250/300+ KP" because I prefer to carry learning people and good surprises than bad, but somewhat expected, ones thinking its owed.

    It's really beyond my imagination why people are okai with a standardization in a video game with so many possible alternatives. Mostly when people goes (forced sometimes) into the mold without any question and explanation and so can't play it well.

    If you have a vision for my better future in your opinion, please keep it for yourself.


    Edit ; I don't know but if you think 'forcing' people to change spec or relog will create trouble may be it explains the blinders people wear and so the lack of overview.

    Why should I trust players that don't know the potential, the needs, the limits of others and can't adapt to delicate situations ? If a Dh can't play FB, i'm done.

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