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Zhaid Zhem.6508

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Posts posted by Zhaid Zhem.6508

  1. >Well of Darkness: Reduced recharge from 35 seconds to 25 seconds. This well is no longer unblockable and has a damaging strike associated with it. It now also inflicts 2 seconds of chill each pulse in addition to blindness.


    Haven't tried Condi reaper for a while but, could be some buff for it, no ?

    5 pulse of chill = 10 bleeding; and 2 more chill with Chilling Darkness trait = 4 bleeding, + the crit chance to proc Brarbed Precision trait, for 25sec CD


    Otherwise, yeah that's not cool we have lost protection. Honestly I have never played the blood magic trait on wells, but Well of blood and well of power could grant protection too.

  2. Fractals. It's fast and very profitable. Fractal god a year ago. I'd like a bit more "challenging" fractals (not "longer" fractals as you do, if you read me anet)

    I'm doing strikes because I haven't finished the collections yet, it's okaiish but honestly not very entertaining. I'll stop right after.

    Raids : I have no pve guild, and wait for hours in LFG or angry coms, aren't entertaining neither; so no. :anguished:

  3. It could be nice if we share, not the weapons, but the stat bonus with allies.


    Like the trait in fire that is useless, or a new trait in Earth or Arcane : when equip a conjured weapons, grant the attributes to allies in 300 range (10 sec, interval 3sec). It's time Elem grant a bonus to allies, like Assassin Presence, Empower Allies etc. So the fire greatsword, or hammer etc would be useful for more than just spam the storm at beginning of the fight.

  4. > @"thepolishman.2348" said:

    > > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > > Be careful what you wish for because such a change would come with a trade-off. Fewer meteors, less damage, smaller area, shorter duration etc


    > Don't see why that would have to be the case. Though admittedly, I only play spvp. Maybe meteor shower is significatly better in wvw where it can hit a lot of targets at once. In spvp, its rare to even have 5 people in the meteor shower radius. And even then, it doesn't do much since most of the meteors only hit any particular player two to three times.



    It's very rare nowadays to see* a weaver top DPS. Because you don't see a lot of staff weavers, but also because it needs real hability to place yourself and predict ennemi placement.

    Plus, my shower deal 6k max per hit to random targets ....

    I'm trying a fresh air [bUILD](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgAsilFwgYesI2JOeLqvMA-zVZYBRDIGucjgMKj2Sg6KAbHA-w) for zerg, and I'm asking why I've never played it before in zerg, to me it's just so much stronger because you can really burst specific targets.

  5. > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

    > > > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

    > > > > @"Infusion.7149" said:

    > > > > It's a relatively minor improvement for staff tempests in WVW I think , while hurting weaver in both PvE and PVP for the most part.

    > > >

    > > > How exactly is a 10% hurting weaver in pve? Nobody took the might trait in pve and fury was nice but not really needed most of the time. the 10% mod should also be a dps increase when factoring in air proc fury even when assuming 100% fury with persisting flames.

    > >

    > > I see it more like a nerf for pvp/wvw.

    > > Lava font and pyro? blast were the "main" skills to tag and deal a lot of damage. I don't care to have +10% .... dmg if my fire fields have shorter time.

    > > For pve I agree okay it should be a buff, but very minimal.

    > > You add the extra "This new trait is useless everywhere but raid for mightbot", it starts to be very very annoying. Fury is a lot more useful to me.

    > >

    > > Edit* My bad it still should increase the duration of firefield. but can't delete the message. :-1:

    > >

    > >


    > They shouldn't be touching pve eles at all actually, how much of a DPS loss is this for PVE? just curious.





    Shuuuuuuuuuuut, I missread the note.

  6. > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

    > > @"Infusion.7149" said:

    > > It's a relatively minor improvement for staff tempests in WVW I think , while hurting weaver in both PvE and PVP for the most part.


    > How exactly is a 10% hurting weaver in pve? Nobody took the might trait in pve and fury was nice but not really needed most of the time. the 10% mod should also be a dps increase when factoring in air proc fury even when assuming 100% fury with persisting flames.


    I see it more like a nerf for pvp/wvw.

    Lava font and pyro? blast were the "main" skills to tag and deal a lot of damage. I don't care to have +10% .... dmg if my fire fields have shorter time.

    For pve I agree okay it should be a buff, but very minimal.

    You add the extra "This new trait is useless everywhere but raid for mightbot", it starts to be very very annoying. Fury is a lot more useful to me.


    Edit* My bad it still should increase the duration of firefield. but can't delete the message. :-1:



  7. It will depend of the barrier.

    The runes are already kitten,

    >! (1): +8 to All Stats

    >! (2): +10% Burning Duration

    >! (3): +12 to All Stats

    >! (4): +20% Chill Duration

    >! (5): +16 to All Stats

    >! (6): +10% Condition Duration; gain barrier after executing a leap combo finisher.


    Why Chill And Burning ? :/ Without primordial stance how are you suppose to apply "sufficient" ammount of both with elem ? Why not just a flat +25% like rune of tempest, or +10% CD +15% BD ? :/

    Plus, the barriers : if it's 240 base like the barrier on dual strike, it'll be useless.

    Still, weaver already get barrier on stance (but very few people take this trait since they nerfed the stab) and Weaver has no trait adding a second effect to barrier, which is a wish since pof realease, so I won't see any reason to equip these runes. Just take runes of tempest, or sanctuary) Worst, I see better use for soulbeast axe/x rather than weaver.

  8. Both are great for open world

    Things like that : [druid](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwAc+VlFw+YWMK2JW+OnN/RkG-zRJYmRD/Z0hCIEJgSHA-e) and [soulbeast ](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwAg+VlRwkYWsJ2JW+O3P3JkC-zRJYmRD/Z0hCIEJgSHA-e)


    Soulbeast is higher dps.

    But honestly I prefer druid because of Natural Strike and Ancient seeds traits and because your pet can take aggro a bit. Plus Skirmishing and Wilderness Survival are already overperfmoing in Open World : 2 traps + entangle + #5 torch + #2 Axe = every elites are dead in the 10secondes. I don't need more. Druid is just the movement speed and some sustain.


    For fractals :

    >! **Power**.

  9. Since ~1 hour many players in our server Jade-Sea [EU] (may be in others servers too) can't change map.

    We're stuck in one and if we try to change we get the code 42:5:18:1754:101


    It's a bit embarrasing, it's not like we were alone against merged servers and we were outnumbered every evenings, if we can't move map to map.... :#

  10. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

    > > And about the unicity of Moa ... Weird argument ? I haven't even mentioned it. Will we enumerate all the unique skills of the game and classes ?

    > > Did you know Elem is the unique class to have conjured weapons ? Which can win the game ?

    > Core eles, tempest and weaver can all use conjured weapons (both normal skills and the elite), unlike where only core engie can use F5 toolbelt skills for elite skills since for scrapper and holo it's replaced by their specific mechanics (function gyro and photon forge).


    > Another weird argument.


    > I was pointing out that core already have an "upgraded" F5 compared to scrapper and holo. You can choose what to use there based on your elite. And core also have a the third traitline to further trait toolbelt if they want. Scrapper/holo that can only choose 2 lines - which in terms of meta often isnt tools. If they choose to buff tools, they sacrifice something else. Core has already chosen not to use scrapper/holo.


    > Even a 20% cd reduction or whatever on the toolbelt skills wont help core perform much better anyway. The flaws with core is the primary weapons - pistol still has broken auto-attack speed which would go **a long way** to improve it if Anet actually used the cd the skill says it has instead of being like 30% slower firing than it's supposed to be. And the rifle desperately need to be updated with the same ammo overhaul that the warrior rifle got (maybe even pistol too).


    > But of course... that's gonna buff scrapper and holo too if they dont use hammer/sword.



    I don't get it. I don't need a class about elite spec and core. The fact I talked about orbital strike and the med pack drop was not obvious I knew about F5 ?


    You're not okai with the idea to upgrade core F5 ?

    Seems to me the only way to give a better identity and usefulness to core Engie over the elite specs ; without they nerf holo/scrapper.

  11. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

    > > Upgrade the F5 to be more decisive. (Orvital strike is useless for too long CD, the med pack is ok with long cd too, but scrapper is more ok than ok)

    > > May be put a -20% CD on tool belt skills fore core or +25% for scrapper/holo.

    > > Otherwise, every balance will obviously impact holo and scrapper.

    > This is such a weird argument.


    > Core already has this possibility since they can run tools as third traitline instead of an elite, giving you 15% reduced toolbelt cd.


    ? So ? I'm not asking to balance the spec lane.


    > Sure scrapper/holo can run tools too. Just choose what else you want to loose. I recommend dumping explosives or alchemy, no one need that entrance or sustain.


    You have just figured Elite specs ?


    >And they are they only class that can use the elite toolbelt F5 skill. Scrapper and holo dont even have the option for orbital strike. And core is the only one that can use moa, which can win fights.


    That's all the point. It's the only "trade-off" of holo and scraper over core, and F5 could bring more. It's supposed to be an "elite" tool belt skill, but 2/3 of them are not worth to use ..... So I suggest to boost them or rework F5. Get it ?

    And about the unicity of Moa ... Weird argument ? I haven't even mentioned it. Will we enumerate all the unique skills of the game and classes ?

    Did you know Elem is the unique class to have conjured weapons ? Which can win the game ?



    > Oh and btw - tools traits was nerfed last balance patch. **Because of course it was**. So how you see the chance for a buff is beyond me.



    Because core was obviously too strong with tools lane :+1:

    Wait, it was holo. :#

    Wait, I didn't mentioned the tools traits. :#



    >Because every balance will obviously impact core.



    I don't know ... Now you spoke about it ...

    **Upgrade F5 to be more decisive ???????????** :#


    Seriously, you're not wrong. It's just you are completely off the mark.

    Please, I was suggesting to upgrade F5 and the tool belt skills fore core, not to nerf your moa skill, not to change the tools traits.

  12. > @"LadyKitty.6120" said:

    > > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

    > > Wait what ?

    > > Repeater triggers Deadly Ambition ???

    > > Edit ... nevermind, no.

    > >

    > P/D's Repeater does, Pistol-only's doesn't.

    > > Edit(2). If you wanna try, > @"LadyKitty.6120" you can play [sB/SB daredevil](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PagAUVlRwoYfsDGJO2WdtPA-zRJYmRBfZEZBkZCYwA-e)

    > > You spam #4 (combo field) + dodges (finisher), you swap weapon to refull endurance and initiative. I'm pretty sure you'll get a better DPS than deadeye pistol/∅ ; I've tried it before the nerf of the Daze on #4, it's more an open-world build, but for the joke I reached top3 dps in strike (don't remember the number)

    > Kitty benched shortbow DE (which is very likely superior) a year ago and it was 10% inferior to pistol-only. Both got shafted by Deadly Ambition nerf.

    > And Kitty has in fact raided on condi shortbow DD for memes, but ofc it got shafted too. If you want to see it over a year ago, search for "shortbow daredevil raid" on youtube and vids should be pretty high. When it comes to skill use in instanced content, Cluster Bomb spam likely pulls ahead due to better initiative management and also condi damage and less autoattacking, though Pulmonary Impacts compensate a bit on Choking Gas.


    > And to be honest, how high you were in strike's dps list doesn't really mean anything about how well the build performs. What matters is the dps number you have. For ex. Kitty's usually top dps in strikes with at least 15k dps on Boneskinner even if she plays builds that bench 21k while she'd bench 34-35k on some metabuilds. At worst, Kitty's been close to top dps on condi core necro which is worse than a bad meme. <.<



    Cluster Bomb is the same initiative (4) than schoking gaz. + you forgot Impaling Lotus which is a main composant of the build; it deals tourment, bleeding +3 poison ( in a poison field) (or, burning or confusion, or worst if you place yourself in a symbol or whatever) + you always have +10% Condition Damage = higher dps overtime with less initiative and if you manage endurance with healing skill and sigil.


  13. Wait what ?

    Repeater triggers Deadly Ambition ???

    Edit ... nevermind, no.


    Edit(2). If you wanna try, > @"LadyKitty.6120" you can play [sB/SB daredevil](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PagAUVlRwoYfsDGJO2WdtPA-zRJYmRBfZEZBkZCYwA-e)

    You spam #4 (combo field) + dodges (finisher), you swap weapon to refull endurance and initiative. I'm pretty sure you'll get a better DPS than deadeye pistol/∅ ; I've tried it before the nerf of the Daze on #4, it's more an open-world build, but for the joke I reached top3 dps in strike (don't remember the number)



  14. Guys.

    May be there will be a new expansion, but don't dream of hard work about new spec, new design, new gameplay etc. They don't have the number of devs, nor the budget.

    New affinity or core-core weapons skills without affinity ? Too much work, too much months of balance.


    I just want a range/mid-range weapon (Rifle,but bow is okai) with new skills (gadgets <3 ) and give us a F5 that do a storm; a block or something (Like SpB or scrapper ) based upon the element.

  15. Depends what you want to build. Yeah there is better constant healer, you're a bit a stopgap between heal/cleanse and some buffs with aura.s But you can also play a dps/support or pure healer.

    I liked to play fresh-air water/tempest in pvp, that's a lot fun too. Good pressure alone, and better with 1 or 2 allies.

    But in wvw there is also a good build with frost aura, (: water overload, water trait, tempest trait, dagger offfhand, runes of svanir or radiance) and in small group this is really annoying.

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