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Zhaid Zhem.6508

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Posts posted by Zhaid Zhem.6508

  1. In Open World, of course.

    I use a meme [build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PagAgilNwOYfYm4Ybt90A-zRJYmRDfZEZBUZCYwA-e) with Deadeye. Or [Daredevil](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PagAgilNwOYfYk4Ybl1yA-zRJYmRDfZEZBUZCYwA-e).

    Deadeye is easier while chaining mobs or pack of elites etc, to generate initiative and recharge skills.


    I used an other meme SB/SB [build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PagAUVlNwOYfYk4Yb116A-zRJYmhPEMGA-e) where you spammed #4 and dodges, it was really effective, even in raids but rotation/management of initiatives+dodge +weaponswap were annoying + ⅓ DPS come from combo on field. But they have nerfed the daze on #4 and so the Pulmonary impact + Pressure Striking trigger less less often in Open World, it killed all the fun of the build. :/


    In fractals/raids > Power. But you can try in strike.

    Daredevil is closer to be viable in raids/strikes (But yes, Power is better, and others classes are better for condi dps )

  2. > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

    > > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

    > > > @""draxynnic.3719"

    > >

    > > :+1:

    > >

    > > Most of e-spec come with a "new" gameplay, a new identity. So of course it encompass the core spec to mix or improve some facets. IMO this is not the case with Elem, not as distinct.

    > > **Tempest** with **shouts/auras** ? Elem already got auras, auras were already one the major support gameplay of elem with the Water lane, there is nothing new. Worst, it shows how bad were the differents traits on auras before tempest and we lost or got nerfed some. Edit; By Major, I mean it was one of the few.

    > > **Weaver** : It's just dps elem but stronger, more sustainable. A bit like Soulbeast were Ranger but stronger, or daredevil to thief .... There is no real trade-off about weaver ; a 4sec CD on attunement and dual skills often stronger than core skills ... I've seen worst.

    > >

    > > Elem lacks strong utility skills and traits able to support allies in a different way than Auras/shouts. Same for DPS, we need something to compensate the fresh-air overload from tempest (or nerf **Transcendant tempest** trait ) and all the skills and buffs traits from weaver ( **Weaver's prowess, superior's elements, Swift Revenge, Elemental Polyphony, elements of rage** ... it's A LOT for an elite spec)

    > >

    > > >! Arcane could share "stronger" boons and some buffs without to rally on auras.

    > > >!

    > > >! > Arcane Prowess, and Arcane restoration : for 5 players

    > > >! > Renewing Stamina : should compete with Latent Stamina. Apply to 5 players vigor and alacrity , or vigor you apply effectiveness +25%, something like that.

    > > >! > Final Shielding is kitten : new trait ; arcane skills (Arcane power + the arcane healing skill + arcane wave) apply boons to allies based upon your current element ( Might/vigor/resistance/alacrity/quickness/unblockable/stab ...)

    > > >! > Same for Elemental surge : give the +150 ferocity to allies affected with.

    > > >!

    > > >! Earth could make core skills a bit stronger to support allies

    > > >!

    > > >! > Add a trait to share the bonus of Conjured Weapons to 4 allies. Signets could apply barriers or a combo field.....

    > > >! > Etc.

    > > >!

    > > >! For auras.

    > > >! May be we could move Elemental Bastion from Tempest to Water, and Powerful Aura from Water to arcane or earth. Add a new trait on Shouts (-20% CD, larger range, +1sec to auras from shouts , shouts grants Resistance or Alacrity or +5% dmg..... )

    > > >! Elemental Shielding could cast a Magnetic Aura. Same for Zephyr boons in Air-lane. So you could make Auramancer a Core build; And tempest will be more focused on Shouts rather than only making auras stronger.

    > > >! For Weaver, honestly I don't know. May be low all the differents buff traits and upgrade a bit the power/heal base from weapons and core skills ? I don't know how to give a proper identity without break all the fun I have with.


    > I love weaver, so for me it's no hardship. However, to say that it isn't a tradeoff to be able to access only part of your skillset within a single swap at any given time is simply inaccurate. It is absolutely a limitation that you have to accept with weaver. You can ask the _many_ players who really dislike the feel of weaver as a result of this. Again, for me it's absolutely perfect and fits like a glove. But it doesn't play like core ele _at all_. I call it quite brilliant, really. But your mileage may vary!


    > Now is that tradeoff compensated? Definitely! Weaver is amazing! I can agree that core ele does not measure up well to it.


    Of course Weaver is perfect. It's the main class I play in WvW since PoF, even in PvP a time (mender sword dancer <3 cancer but fun )

    Everything is just so smooth and frantic at the same time. More dmg, more cc, more leaps, more sustaie ... I'm okai it needs some practice and fingers, this is absolutly not newbie friendly and need some personal investment.

    But there is no core build you can't upgrade with weaver :

    D/D fire/arcane, air/arcane wate/arcane. Fresh air Fire/air or air/arcane. D/F Lighntning rod. Staff fire/air or air/arcane. Condi fire, condi signet ... Everything is stronger with weaver and dual attacks and stances. Even Water support you can do it better than core, with Unravel, weaveself and the low cd of attunements to cast Clean wave, healing Ripple ...

    This isn't true for tempest. Tempest has its own builds and identity. It has just stolen aura niche particularity of core elem to make it its own, and has left nothing behind to make elem viable as support (even as DPS, with fresh-air tempest)


    It might not be true in pvp, because everything got nerfed, even core.

    Tempest seems to be the most balanced spec nowadays, because of overload and hability to hold pressure on a cap, and the semi-support + dps you can grant.

    Core you have a faster access to leaps, schoking aura, frost aura ..., because on Weaver you need to abandon Unravel for stab (stone stance or the cantrip) or flash.

  3. > @""draxynnic.3719"




    Most of e-spec come with a "new" gameplay, a new identity. So of course it encompass the core spec to mix or improve some facets. IMO this is not the case with Elem, not as distinct.

    **Tempest** with **shouts/auras** ? Elem already got auras, auras were already one the major support gameplay of elem with the Water lane, there is nothing new. Worst, it shows how bad were the differents traits on auras before tempest and we lost or got nerfed some. Edit; By Major, I mean it was one of the few.

    **Weaver** : It's just dps elem but stronger, more sustainable. A bit like Soulbeast were Ranger but stronger, or daredevil to thief .... There is no real trade-off about weaver ; a 4sec CD on attunement and dual skills often stronger than core skills ... I've seen worst.


    Elem lacks strong utility skills and traits able to support allies in a different way than Auras/shouts. Same for DPS, we need something to compensate the fresh-air overload from tempest (or nerf **Transcendant tempest** trait ) and all the skills and buffs traits from weaver ( **Weaver's prowess, superior's elements, Swift Revenge, Elemental Polyphony, elements of rage** ... it's A LOT for an elite spec)


    >! Arcane could share "stronger" boons and some buffs without to rally on auras.


    >! > Arcane Prowess, and Arcane restoration : for 5 players

    >! > Renewing Stamina : should compete with Latent Stamina. Apply to 5 players vigor and alacrity , or vigor you apply effectiveness +25%, something like that.

    >! > Final Shielding is kitten : new trait ; arcane skills (Arcane power + the arcane healing skill + arcane wave) apply boons to allies based upon your current element ( Might/vigor/resistance/alacrity/quickness/unblockable/stab ...)

    >! > Same for Elemental surge : give the +150 ferocity to allies affected with.


    >! Earth could make core skills a bit stronger to support allies


    >! > Add a trait to share the bonus of Conjured Weapons to 4 allies. Signets could apply barriers or a combo field.....

    >! > Etc.


    >! For auras.

    >! May be we could move Elemental Bastion from Tempest to Water, and Powerful Aura from Water to arcane or earth. Add a new trait on Shouts (-20% CD, larger range, +1sec to auras from shouts , shouts grants Resistance or Alacrity or +5% dmg..... )

    >! Elemental Shielding could cast a Magnetic Aura. Same for Zephyr boons in Air-lane. So you could make Auramancer a Core build; And tempest will be more focused on Shouts rather than only making auras stronger.

    >! For Weaver, honestly I don't know. May be low all the differents buff traits and upgrade a bit the power/heal base from weapons and core skills ? I don't know how to give a proper identity without break all the fun I have with.

  4. Because Fire and Weaver lanes also give power, ferocity and dmg buff; and because your mains Burning skills could also deal a lot of "power" damage.

    Like #2 sword, pyro-vortex, twin strike, fire aura-transmute etc. It is not wrong to equip some power/precision even if you're condi focused Elem (and for all classes anyway).

  5. > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

    > > @"DarkXi.3289" said:

    > > That's respectable. Is it worth trying to push for some boon uptime just for some regeneration and might?


    > Necro is penalized for investing in Concentration. Never do it, not even with consumables. Necro is designed to generate sufficient might by itself and/or rely on other professions for boons.


    I agree if you're the second healer, the backup of a druid or fb/ren.

    If you're alone in fractals ( First, Why play healscourge in fractals :# ) you want some concentration to maintain the mights.

    Plus I doubt about the 10-12k DPS, I've never seen these numbers on a Healscourge (joke, even on some DPS scourge). 6-8k seems more appropriate, and to me it's negligible to sacrifice statistics if you can maintain the very last 25th might for all.; and why not fury or other if you play a bit more specific builds with runes of pack etc.

  6. He plays with Dread + Fear of death (burst on _Fear)_.

    This is very interesting, and effective I agree, but on some particular situations as it's a DPS with periods, in saw-tooth.

    But let me be devil's advocate : the group was pretty average, DPS on Arrk was a bit low for all members, they didn't dodge the balls etc; weaver and berserker didn't have all fury looped, same for the 20+ mights, alacrity... :#


    All it says it's a good class/build for average groups. Which I agree ; reaper rotation is very intuitive and simple + balanced auto-mights, quickness,100% precision etc

    But I can show you too streams with 30+k/s dps for Berserker-weaver-dh-SB at the end of the fight of MAMA, Skorvald, Ensolyss ... :angry: Or hit a 70k+ burst on SB and DH engaging these bosses. .


    May be the "fear" reaper could be in this number, because of the very high burst and so short fight ?

    It could be interesting to see 3-4 reapers (Dread + Fear of death ) + a good ren (+ a war?)

  7. It needs more skill, more knowledge abouts maps, and fingers but you can travel distance, staircase, walls etc with rifle #4. Actually you can roam, decap etc may be even better than other spec.


    But you're right, rifle is quite more situational than daredevil, not always easy to burst down or +1 which is all the point in pvp, not to troll in an open field like in WvW.

    Because of the projectiles and so reflects, so you need a better reading of the fights , but also because Marks cancel the effect of surprise.

  8. You can play spammy Bound daredevil in zerg, but of course you should play in squad, and so Discord/TS/etc because you'll be in the melee. You won't be "independent"

    Otherwise you can try to play Deadeye rifle and burst the black sheeps or elems/heralds in the back line. Efficiency is very situational, but you'll be a scavenger so somewhat "independent"


    For core thief, .... !? You can play it in roaming. Otherwise if you want to be part of Zerg, but reasonably autonomous, with core classes you can try elem, revenant, warrior.

  9. You have earth #2 on dagger too.


    ~1.5sec block for 6sec CD. The animation is not very intuitive on how and when it blocks, but it's one of the most effective block, also because most of the players don't know this effect.

      #2 + #3 you can block and close the gap + if you play weaver d/d you have regulary access to earth and many leaps.

  10. It could be interesting that we have an immunity or a reduction of movement or damage condition in a trait.

    Like in Arcane : reduce duration of conditions based upon your current attunement ; -25% burning duration in Fire attunement, bleeding in earth, chilled, weakness or vulnerability ...

    Or just give Resistance to ele.

  11. Of course you can be top DPS with reaper. You can be top DPS with everything you want. if you try hard. For the joke I've already been TOP DPS with SB/SB daredevil, diviner chrono, trailblazer FB, in strike missions ...


    The main reason you can easily be top DPS with Reaper is because you generate alone enough quickness/might/precision/vulnerability and MASSIVE cleave

    It doesn't always mean all others players are bad or others classes are bad, but may be that you don't have support or the support is bad, no might, quickness, fury etc.


    I LOVE Reaper for Open World and WvW, it's my main for Story, events, etc, because yes

    >Necromancer is the most balanced spec

    But you don't want "balanced spec" in fractals/raids, you want buffers/supports and DPS, you want to share the roles and optimize; not selfish DPS that buff itself alone. This is a MMO, this is cooperation.

    Obviously you can go fractals or raids with reapers; even 5 reapers in CMs and perform very well; but if you want to optimize you should objectively find better solutions.

  12. Tempest already got a trade-off; a fat long overload +20 sec CD on affinity.

    The issue : **Fresh-air**. They nerfed the **Air Overload**, no problem ; but months after they upgrade **Transcendant Tempest** which is useless everywhere ... except for fresh air :angry:

    So, even with only ONE trait and one skilll, tempest can compete with a DPS Weaver with a melee weapon, with 4 DPS buffs traits and a piano ... :p :p :p :p


    Remove **Transcendant Tempest** (or at least the -33%), replace it with quickness/alacrity on overload which is intersting for both DPS build and support build.

    Congratulation, you have balanced Tempest.


    For core spec :

    Today, the only synergy for "support" on Ele seems to give boons/effects to auras, and so make Tempest the center piece, or at least the better piece.

    May be make utility skills a bit less selfish. Give arcane and Earth lanes a better identity. So you have differents ways to support your teammates.

    >! Arcane could share "stronger" boons and some buffs without to rally on auras. Earth could make core skills a bit stronger to support allies

    >! >Arcane Prowess, and Arcane restoration : for 5 players

    >! >Renewing Stamina : should compete with Latent Stamina. Apply to 5 players vigor and alacrity , or vigor you apply effectiveness +25%, something like that.

    >! >Final Shielding is bullshit : new trait ; arcane skills (Arcane power + the arcane healing skill + arcane wave) apply boons to allies based upon your current element ( Might/vigor/resistance/alacrity/quickness/unblockable/stab ...)

    >! >Same for Elemental surge : give the +150 ferocity to allies affected with.


    >! For earth I don't know.

    >! >Elemental Shielding could cast a Magnetic Aura. Same for Zephyr boons in Air-lane. So you could have Auras in all lanes and make PowerFul Aura viable for Core Ele.

    >! >Add a trait in earth to share the bonus (or 50%) of Conjured Weapons to 3~4 allies. Signets apply barriers

    >! etc

    >! Things like that.

  13. > @"Scoobaniec.9561" said:

    > I remember few months ago when ppl in my own servers were laughing at me for playing condi rev and how something like DH could beat me up easily (hello gunnar hold you brainlets).. Oh how the times have changed ???


    > Unless you are capable of 100-0 them or poke-kite them for days you aint beating one.


    Few months ago power builds were broken everywhere so it was already easier to kill condi builds, even bunkers, with so few stab and BS.

      + Corruption and herald Lanes were not that broken too. It farts heals, condi transfers ...

  14. Hard to fight a condi rev, particulary if you're dagger or sword.

    They can just run demon stance elite skill and you die or you're stuck in water/attunement swapping to cleanse condition. Won't lie, he has the advantage, condi rev is pur cancer against melee builds and weaver lack resistance, boon strip etc. But you have CC !

    With Weaver Dagger/dagger or Dagger/Focus, you have some leaps, some range, and not matter the build you can just CC lock (Schoking Aura, updraft, Gale, mud slide, katabatic wind, ... ) and burst with primordial stance + Plasma Burst, Convergence, Burning Speed, fire grab etc, as he has no stab and few and predictable BreakStun.

    With sword ... hmmmmmmmmm. Run ? :#

    But it can be very long as he often has +20k HP, 2.4k armor and a lot of sustain, worst if he is traiblazer cancer.


    Otherwise you can easily kill him with freh air scepter, or weaver or tempest, he doesn't have many gap-closers, nor block/evade to avoid the burst , you should have more movement speed than him , you can easily identifie and avoid Facet of Light, legend swap, etc from range

    Unless he plays full heal like Herald 1-2-1 + rapid flow + friendish tenacity etc; but in that case the fight would be futile, just ignore him if you can't burst fast enough.


    You should post your build, it's be easier to advise.

  15. > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

    > > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

    > > Weaver fresh air scepter/focus. YOu need to do 150% of others efforts to compete but it's still work. It works too with staff, but this is 200% of efforts, with less sustain.

    > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgAs2lJwOYRYnYRdp9yA-zRRYBhJGN4Sw2B-e

    > > You want to chain dual attacks like #3 Air/earth + #3 fire/air + "double fresh air"

    > > Or to knockback with Air #5, water #5 + skills with delay like fire #2, water #2 fire/earth #3 etc.

    > >

    > > It's not an easy build ; as it's a Hit&Run build, you want to avoid melee and as you need to know some tricks like Swapping Attunements + arcane blast to proc DPS buffs and Electric Discharge WHILE casting a damage spell; pay attention to weakness to earn +15% precision, etc.

    > > This is **not** newbie friendly.

    > >

    > > I've already seen a tempest fresh-air build, very tanky. But big issue it works only against greedy/melee players; or in PvP.

    > >

    > > Ohterwise you have melee weapon :+1:

    > > I'm a big fan of water/arcane/weaver D/D (or D/F, or sword), very entertaining, very well balanced.

    > > Or fireweaver, not a big fan of trailbazer builds in general, but it works great

    > > Rod Lighnting weaver, the issue is you're melee .... but you don't have a lot of sustain. It works in PvP where you can kite or expect support, not very well in WvW with too many counters.

    > > I don't really like Tempest in WvW roaming, as Overload skills are impossible to place.


    > Nice post! That scepter build is more or less the one I was thinking of. Basically just keep kiting and making them pay for chasing after you! But it's good you have some perspective on a variety of other builds as well. Very helpful.


    I've also seen a fire/air/weaver fresh-air.

    This is pur Glass-Cannon, pur OS. Its works if you're the first to shot or with the good window, but anything can kill you fast enough too; it's really 50/50. In my opinion Arcane spec + some marauder accessories is already more sound because of swiftness, protection, and you still can OS people


    Otherwise my build, it's not ranged : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgAgilZwkYQsImJm8WZvUA-zVZYVhJGNIf4gCOjSVAtMBUzBJM2AvltOjA-w (More or less, I have legendary gears differents accessoeries in my inventory)

    I have just enough armor and sustain to avoid the fresh-air burst and I'm able to leap, cc and burst them. I'm not saying I always win against OS builds, obviously if they start the fight and from range; but it's well balanced.

    And it is really good package to fight duels or outnumbered, and win. More than sword/# in my opinion.

  16. Weaver fresh air scepter/focus. YOu need to do 150% of others efforts to compete but it's still work. It works too with staff, but this is 200% of efforts, with less sustain.


    You want to chain dual attacks like #3 Air/earth + #3 fire/air + "double fresh air"

    Or to knockback with Air #5, water #5 + skills with delay like fire #2, water #2 fire/earth #3 etc.


    It's not an easy build ; as it's a Hit&Run build, you want to avoid melee and as you need to know some tricks like Swapping Attunements + arcane blast to proc DPS buffs and Electric Discharge WHILE casting a damage spell; pay attention to weakness to earn +15% precision, etc.

    This is **not** newbie friendly.


    I've already seen a tempest fresh-air build, very tanky. But big issue it works only against greedy/melee players; or in PvP.


    Ohterwise you have melee weapon :+1:

    I'm a big fan of water/arcane/weaver D/D (or D/F, or sword), very entertaining, very well balanced.

    Or fireweaver, not a big fan of trailbazer builds in general, but it works great

    Rod Lighnting weaver, the issue is you're melee .... but you don't have a lot of sustain. It works in PvP where you can kite or expect support, not very well in WvW with too many counters.

    I don't really like Tempest in WvW roaming, as Overload skills are impossible to place.

  17. How I would like to see them


    >Conjure. Equip a conjured weapon in your hands. (_No more weapon for allies, sad but mandatory to buff the skills_)

    >Gain increased stats. At the end of duration or when unequiped, it does a spell ( _Aura, dmg, heal etc _(1) ) ( _A spell at the end, instead of beginning, for all weapons_ )

    >Activation : 1 sec - Recharge time : 20 sec ( _instead of 60_ ) 60 sec for elite one ( _instead of 180_ )

    >Duration: 30 seconds

    >Radius : 240 ( _Number of targets : x, dmg : x, etc_ )


    (1) like you say, electric discharge, etc but I think it still should need the support traits if you want to share the effect to the group.

    For example the [conjure](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Conjurer) trait could share these spells, or the aura sharing.


    Arcane Greatsword is a nice idea. It could act a bit like Weave self or Rebound : different bonus stats, conditions/effects, a different spell at the end of duration based on the attunement you equip.

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