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Zhaid Zhem.6508

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Posts posted by Zhaid Zhem.6508

  1. New ? 2 years I think.


    Yes, you have tempest earth/water to tank a bit and spread protection, fire/water to cleanse, or air/water to dps and spread schoking aura. Tempest is dominant over Weaver these days.

    Warhorn is good for aoe blindness, nice dps, some cc. Dagger, you don't have better choice, still you have weakness and a projectil block.

  2. Epi was the only skill to maintain the convenience of scourge (and condi reaper) and they nerfed it. Now you better want FB, ren, berserker with aoe/range condi application. That's too bad, because it was really a niche spot, and even here it was not that optimal.

    Condi necro benchmarks also work with impracticable mechanicals once in group : BiP/Plaguelands with condi transfer or whirl on ice field for FB, etc. Your 2x20sec auto-bleeding and 2x20 auto-torment, ~~ready to transf~~ ... ah too late, random finisher in FB's symbols ...

    Same with some minions dying at differents phases or attacks.... Benchmark is already low, but in situation DPS is even worst than you can expect.

    The joke is : condi reaper benchmark and dps is higher than condi scourge.... :anguished:

    With simple tweaks it could be higher without class breaking ; Barbed Precision with longer base bleeding duration, grant some condi buff if you apply fear, chill etc, make Plague Signet or Deathly Swarm an immunity to condi-cleanse so you could actually transfer condition you have ...


    Power Reaper IMO is okay now. Great burst, simple rotation.

    Adding more DPS would just annoy classes with higher learning curve and rotation execution (it's already a reason almost no one play weaver power/condi anymore for example, too much effort, too much risk, no reward, you better want SB and press axe #5 ). Or may be tweak Reaper's Onslaught to give the ferocity bonus when you have quickness, and not when you are in shroud.

    The main reason no one wants Reaper in fractals/raids : it's often the "newbie" class.

    It could be a bit improved on the "support" facet, necro is too selfish ; wells should give boons/buff for example mights, resistance, or life-steal like renegade/soulbeast. Or signet of Spite !? You earn power, but you apply conditions ... ?? Why ??


    About the support build. Healscourge. Same than Epi, it's very a niche build. Barriers are really useful (when you know when to grant them) and you're a real rez-machine for trainings or low experience players. But it's true it lacks tools to be really useful in "ubergroups" than just a mighbot.

    May be a trait like "barrier you apply extend the duration of boons (+1sec, 10sec icd), reduce "vampiric presence" to ¼ icd, life-steal on wells, etc.

  3. Seize the moment works now without clones ?

    Edit, yes.


    Otherwise. FB also bring might, fury, bane signet, cc and other utilites, stab, resistance, oasis thing, water field etc.

    On dps, and for CM you should certainly exceed Fb but on many fractals you'll have less utilites. Heal ren is not that popular on fractals; or you play redemption, then you can play LL rather than RR but you don't have AP or Charged mists and so lose group dps, or you don"t play Redemption and play "regular" alacrity, so no healer comp ; same for stab you don't play Ventari or Kalla so you have to take RR again and may lose group dps, etc ... but anyway you may lack mights and fury in your group. Unless ren and chrono play with runes of pack.

    FB-Ren, with 1 healer (pref FB) or not, have the avantage to be "safe" and versatile for all fractals and instabilites, no matter the dps, SB, DH etc with reflect, mights, stab, CC, or not ...; a lot more than druid/chrono back in time. or chrono/ren. On chrono you may need some tweaks to support a bit, and obviously lose a lot of DPS.


    It works, for static group .Chrono+4dps was still a thing even before the last patch. But for PUG/Casual CM and T4 FB-Ren are far less punitive.

  4. Everything works in WvW. There are so much candies with OP runes and sigils, ascended gear mix with infuz, and food with +40% endurance or -10% damage etc, to make cancer builds for each classes.

    I'm not sure Chrono grandmaster traits work fine in WvW. Seize the moment or Lost in time ... well, ok ... why ? Chronophantasma could work with annoying phantasms like the focus one, the shield's one or phantasmal defender. But a class with some aoe/cleave will counter it easily once he gets it. And obviously won't work in zerg.

    Otherwise, the -25% movement condition and +25% movement is great, same for Delayed Reactions, Illusionary reversion, Times catch up ... Wells are almost useless for duel, except the elite one but it can work if outnumbered or small scale. The lost of Distortion, because of IP, hits pretty hard, but as CS has +100 second CD ... you won't even notice it.

  5. Domination or illusion traitlines + greatsword is a good start.

    Greatsword is good for leveling, you have range, you can cripple mobs, you have a knockback to push mobs coming too close

    Then sword/x for melee, but avoid it if you don't know attacks from mobs or you're not tough enough yet. Spam sword skill #2 to dodge mobs hitting you.


    Try to always spam skills with phantasms or clones when CD off, because they deal strong damage and they can attract the mobs to tank

    A phantasm becomes a clone once it did its attack. Then you see the number of clones you have above* your weapons skillbar. Once you have 3 clones and you have skills with phantasm/clones ready, use F1 do deal more damage, or F3 to daze them / interrupt them.


    For utility skills : Phantasm and clones are good, to tank, deal damage etc. Blink is a strong skill too to flee and avoid damage.

    Something like this [gw2skills.net/editor/?PiwAEx3jVYX2m5hjkS2SD-zRIURUwXE0xyPA-e](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PiwAEx3jVYX2m5hjkS2SD-zRIURUwXE0xyPA-e)

    Start with domination or illusion, Power / precision. Some vitality/toughness if you're scared. Illusions skills : Mirror images, then phantasmal disenchanter. Then blink.

    Signet of inspiration is good to, because it gives you swiftness, so you run the world faster. Focus skill #4 also grant you swiftness.


    You can try with Conditions too, with scecpter/torch and Staff; but on mesmer if you're not level80 and without expansion, I think it's almost useless. Power damage (power/precision/ferocity) will be faster and cheaper.

  6. > @"Shao.7236" said:

    > So it was a problem before, now it isn't but that's a problem too?


    The speed difference was unfair to me. Plus the damage buffed with Maul for example or other , and the 10 players stomp were stupidly too high.

    Same speed for everyone + 3 targets were fair. Now, it's just swiftness but with a better effect/skin.

  7. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > You know... Elementalist isn't the profession with the least toughness, it's the opposite in fact.


    > You can keep up _Rock barrier_ permanently, giving you 250 toughness. You can also maintain _earth signet_ passive effect for perma 180 toughness. (Just this much give the elementalist more toughness than a DM necromancer can potentially have in sPvP/WvW.) Add _Earth shield_ and you're above all professions when you come to toughness (you even top heavy armor profession's defense composed form armor and toughness. Only warrior can gain temporarily more defense through _rousing resilience_). And that's just core elementalist, 2630 defense without armor (guardian reach 2512, necromancer 2520.)


    > As an elementalist you also have broken potential of damage reduction (almost as much as the necromancer's shroud+protection with elementalist's elite specs). If damage reduction mod are multiplicative (like other mods) a weaver can temporarily reach up to 88% damage reduction (without toughness), tempest can temorarily reach 65% damage reduction (without toughness). Only revenant (jalis) and necro (in shroud) can reach higher damage reduction mods.


    That's right.

    On weaver I use the weaveself + dagger air/earth dual attack ( +20% +25% reduction, + the 1-3sec sec of protection remaining)+ primordial stance (vulnerability); it's just insane to tank melee and prepare for a burst like convergence + fire/air dual attack, or Churning earth + schoking aura.

    Earth shield is really fun with fresh-air tempest in PvP, you're able chain cc with the schoking aura + earth shield #4 and #3, then schoking aura again, under the air overload. With vitality/toughness bonus + barriers + protection. Too bad the #5 prevents capture.

    About scepter rock barrier is very strong... I've seen an amazaing fresh air weaver last days in WvW, he killed me very fast and I couldn't reach him even with chill, cripple and leaps, then I came back with flash + signet of earth = he died faster than I did, no matter rock barrier or not. There is no real place for scepter in players v players mods, but some meme build like zerg fire/air unravel or for dueling.


    But it just proof Earth lane is useless in most of configurations. You better want active defense when you need them rather than to camp earth for -7% damage and no crit or 1sec icd condicleanse.

  8. Earth is bad because of awkward gimmicks.

    Yes you have defense, but passive damage reduction in minor trait, one only works in earth, the other only at melee .... Okai

    Protection on aura : you need auras ... so fire lane or tempest. Not very versatile trait.

    Armor of earth : 300 sec CD. No comment.

    Serrated stones; It's okai for pve. Still +5% bleeding damage ? A bit cheap. A proc on critical hits or something to apply bleeding (like Fire traitline, or ranger, or war, or necro) would have been better to put pressure in pvp/wvw.

    Rock Solid : 2 sec 1 stack of stab, 240 range. It's almost an insult.

    Strenght of stone : 1 bleeding, 3sec ICD ? Why ? It's not like elem had immobilize everywhere ... 1 in staff (schockwave) 1 in Dagger (earth rush?) and signet of earth ... Or Arcane ? I'm supposed to play arcane Surge + arcane skills to play condition and apply 1 bleeding on immobilize ? Or tempest earth overload ... I don't get why they nerfed this trait.

    Grandmaster traits are better, but still :

    Diamond skin, it's pretty cool, only if you play with vitality/toughness, still it needs ennemies to hurt you.

    Written in stone, is the only trait you need in the traitline. Almost only trash, just to take this trait.

    Stone heart : semi-active toughness. It's a suicidal trait, you think you're okai, then you leave earth to cleanse or heal, then bam, reality hits you. If earth weapons skills were okai to apply condition or support, it could be interesting.


    Earth only has an utility if you play bunker tempest, or bunker condi signet in pvp/wvw, but you're already bunker before you equip the traitline. Otherwise because you don't really have better choice (condi weaver in raids).


    To improve it :

    Make a proc for bleedings in minor trait or Serrated stones. Or balance +20% bleeding damage and +5% or no bleeding duration.

    Strenght of stone could apply 1sec immobilize when swap to earth or when you hit a foe under 50% life.

    Rock solid. 2 stacks, 360 range.

    Delete Armor of earth.

    Protection on auras : it could apply 2sec magnetic aura when stunned or hit in the back, something like this.

    Stone flesh + geomancer's training overlap, to me it's very clunky. they could merg and work like : -10% dmg from nearby foes (360); when on earth, extend range or add -7% ...

  9. ?

    It is still very current. Yes there is a little nerf to greatsword in domination traitline but it's still really strong for OW. :

    **Bountiful Blades** the #4 GS deals less damage and no more cripple, plus you want to take the trait over **Empowered Illusions**, because you need it for perma fury. **Vicious Expression** balance a bit the nerf, it is not really an issue. Actually I haven't done benchmark, maths or else but Vicious Expression could be a buff in this build compared to the ancient one, it is just a bit less bursty.

    Mine is ~80% BD with some assassins, because purpose, but arround 40-50% BD should be fine to loop fury with a margin, with the runes.


    It works too with duel over chrono, and then you don't need runes of pack; if people don't have the e-spec, but less damage again.

    Or mirage, but power mirage for OW ... !? Chrono is a lot easier to play and stronger.


    You see a target, you use #4 greatsword, it triggers the runes (5 mights, fury) for you and the two illusions, they give you back the boons + quickness, then you roll your face on keyboard, until enemies die. Perma fury, 25 mights, quickness, alacrity and always illusions to take the aggro.

  10. Don't calculate a maximum of points in all stats, it won't make you "stronger" (in pve), for exemple there is no need to put +123 ferocity if you don't have any precision or power; try to max the stats in a view you want: power/precision/ferocity, condition damage/expertise, and some vitality/toughness if you have trouble. Sometimes you better want "less points" but cap 100% precision, or 100% burning duration, or enough boon duration to loop fury/quickness etc ...


    But yes, everything works in PVE.

    PS: runes of Zepherite is fun too with Fb and the elite mantra, or traveler to earn more retaliation, mights etc.

  11. Sigil of energy, food +40% endurance regen, runes of firework or Adventurer. + all the mirage cloaks.

    If you complain about how condibunker mirage, even power ones, is terrible to play in wvw, try pvp.

    Trailblazer/dire/etc mirages are still cancer in wvw, but yes, you need gimmicks, everything in WvW is about gimmicks ; infuz, food, runes with +25% BD or CD, etc. If you can't have a dodge every ~6 seconds average, you're doing it bad.

  12. > @"Junkpile.7439" said:

    > Why can't it explode right away? I can't hang around enemy after burst. I need to flee instantly and it explode when enemy isn't close. What a useless trait and funny part is that other fire grandmaster traits are lackbuster too. Annoying that best damage trait line try to force you play some lame brawler spec.


    You want might and fury also ? And damage on staff, scepter ?

    You live in the past, look at your elem now how current and beautiful it is, the avant-garde from all classes to the future patchs.

    You don't need all these gimmicks, like "buffs" "dps" "qol" :astonished:

  13. He posted a bit hazardous builds in every subforums, I'm not sure he intends to play them.


    Otherwise sigil of vision is useless, you already 72% precision + good uptime of fury. Arcane power is not opitmal for OW, mostly without Elemental Surge, arcane wave is better, but every other Glyphs are better too, even primordial stance to stack vulnerability and grant you the barrier. Aquatic stance is one of the worst healing skill of the game, it could be usefull in OW ... may be ... but you also lack condi removal, the cantrip healing skill should be stronger.

    About the runes, it's true you have a bit too much vitality and sustain/barriers overall; they are okai but Scholar, Eagle, ogre, thief are more okai.

    About the glyphs of elementals, personnaly I tried to play them ... but the fact they disapear when you mount is really, really, really, annoying. They're good in group instance, otherwise they're just useless imo.

  14. Hope it will be death magic. I remember when they updated it with Carapace "Oh, looks nice" ; 1 month later everyone left this traitline because, apart semi-active toughness, it brings nothing useful.

    Jagged horrors are a joke. Death nova is too hazardous and uneffective without "rise" or lich form.


    They can erase all the traits about minions or even the entire death magic. Except may be around 50 people in OW, no one use Death magic and minions related traits.


    About Lingering curse, yes when you read it you must think the trait is OP; 200 condition +50% duration, #3 becomes an aoe. But then you look at condi scourge/reaper in pve and you realize even with this trait, it's garbage. Keep fingers crossed that no dev will look at the trait without a look at necro overall. .

  15. Condi were less a problem also because power could still pressure enough and kill.

    Now all power base of skills and traits have been nerfed, trailblazer/apothecary cancers can win againt multiple targets weathered. (See bunker necro, bunker signet tempest/weaver, herald, etc)

    Pvp it starts to be balanced again.

  16. Since they nerfed ToF and stab, yes you see less weavers, or more bunker ones, but fire-weaver was, and is, still one of the most viable build ahead of mender water/arcane etc. But yes tempest is predominant compared to weaver, and still Fire traitline is very prized for smothering aura.

    It's false to say fire is not taken, on contrary the traitline is quite balanced (or was, until the last patch). The "updates" from the last patch were actually sneaky nerfs to fire-weaver : no fury, no might.


    Earth is complete mess since half a decade. Except for some niche signets builds in wvw, or raids because we have no better choice.

  17. It' may be the only class I play with celestial in OW. Everything is berserker, vipere, diviner etc but it's a lot of pain with elem: mostly on the new maps with mobs that blind you , chill, cripple and deal 6k dmg per attack, etc.

    Here's one of my builds : [gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgAw2lZwkYTsImJOqWZvbA-zRRYVB5xGNchhgzA-e](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgAw2lZwkYTsImJOqWZvbA-zRRYVB5xGNchhgzA-e) But with the recent nerf of fury and mights in Fire traitline I may gear with vipere and dagger/x for OW if i have the courage and the will.

    I also played hybrid fire/air in fractals, [gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgAw2lJwkYTsLmJOqKrvKA-zRZYmBJyGFcBFRCiLMqSguCw5gEGlANp4sC-e](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgAw2lJwkYTsLmJOqKrvKA-zRZYmBJyGFcBFRCiLMqSguCw5gEGlANp4sC-e) (edited to try cap 100% burning with ascended food, otherwise 100 condition+70 precision and sigil+10% condi duration) with some Rampager to cap 100% crit with potions conversion (11~12% crit) and without signet of fire, it worked very well for fractals with strong burst and often top dps. Much less for raids compared to full berserker or vipere. But they nerfed burning on all skills and traits, I haven't tried for a while, it might not be that strong either today.

    Balthazar runes are better than Flame Legion, you lose the +7% power damage, but you want the extra condition damage over the power, because condition is often >50% of DPS in both cases with my gear.

  18. Unique category of buffs ? And then (power) Rev is dead for every others mods if you can't maintain swiftness, fury etc.


    I agree Herald could share more buffs, but not to replace facets. Herald was the class which grant boons and boon duration ... Herald should refill again this role.

    Facet of Nature : 20% BD to herald ? But other form are shared ? It's nonsense. Please bring back BD for the group. Just this skill it could help a 10men group to build with less diviner/harrier, to always maintain the 25 mights, alacrity etc.

    The suggestion to merg the facet of nature effects of both legends is a nice idea, it could be added to Core Value trait and give a point of upkeep for balance.

    Shared Empowerment is useless : this trait could bring an unique buff. Herald presence, it gives damage bonus per boons; 150 concentration or healing power or +1sec to boons every 10sec; something like this.

    Shield, this weapons is bullshit, it should have effects on boons, like the warhorn on tempest.

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