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Zhaid Zhem.6508

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Posts posted by Zhaid Zhem.6508

  1. Unravel is strong, sword and staff skills #3 are useless compared to dual skills, that why no one use this skill with theses weapons.

    Otherwise it has many uses. Like d/d to cast #3 air or fire for power bonus while casting earth 5, or chain leaps, or fast swap to water for healing/cleansing; for Elements of Rage buff... etc.

    No; the real useless skills are the aquatic stance, and in some regards the stone resonance.


  2. It's less and less true, but since 2012 elem depends/ed on combo for buff (mights/fury, auras, healing) .... or to support roles.

    When it was godlike until Hot they give too much powercreep and accessibility to other classes ( 25might fury with 2 skills, blocks, kites, sustain...) while with elem you still need to chain skills with few regards of your enemy pattern, to earn 12 mights and some aura...

    Even holo; the broken combo Turret+PF is not even needed as you fart mights/fury/quickness/prot and sustain only by attacking and react to your foe, or scrapper healing.


    I'm so proud and feel talented when I chain skills and earn mights and, with arcane, some prot, fury, and kill players; but then I play Rev or Chaos mirage, Holo, FB, even deadeye ....I feel a bit duped. Yes combo could be buffed; we could earn 5 mights and not 3, more heals, longer auras ...

  3. I don't get why you argue about the uselessness or usefulnesss of a healer (FB here) when you only give CM for example and guild runs for many of you ? I'm okai we can do them, even in Pug, without healer, it's a fact, but; there are ~20 levels with many situations and instabilities, not only CM, and you can"t have too much faith with others players in PUG.


    It's all good if you all have portals, and vocal, and metabuild with runes of thief rather than scholar, power infuz etc. But the big majority is far from this.

    Add bleeding fire, the 300% in the back, the -30% HP, Vindicators ... may be group deserve a bit more sustain rather than be requested to go back to t3 because of specified conditions ?


    But, yeah sometimes it's the player's fault. Even with 250KP I still see groups that can't pre-buff or can't reflect the orb at Astra, or can't even turn back to avoid fear at Ark, or get OS by the mini-golems; or everything is fine, then it gets bad with others levels : Mai-trin they just run in all directions like chickens, ..., no reflect, no pull, no soulcleave''s summit, no sustain..., Chaos, Siren's reef ...

    Won't be specific about people who can't adapt and just take one skill, like DH the wall ot the stab, Ren the Dwarf legend, or the FB that prefers DPS and let people get dazed, under projectiles, and die, rather than use f2-f3 ...

    There are too many ways, not to wipe necessarily, but to seriously impact the front, the rotations, ... and lose DPS and time, afterall. We kick people one by one to find the rare pearl ?


    Having a healer is not a neccessity, it's a security. It's the spirit; I prefer someone to eraze some little mistakes or lack of coordination/understanding (or lack of skill) than to ragequit or kick every groups I meet, or wait 45 minutes in LFG to "save time" once in fractals.

    Honestly I don't care ; harrier FB, zerk FB, even chrono+FB, chrono+4dps, ... as long as it works currently and I don't wait an eternity to start.


     + no one forces anyone. This is bullsh*t.

    There are many different groups on LFG, if you're a FB you can gear harrier or zerk you'll find your happiness.

    Even Ren, you're harrier /ventari I'm pretty sure your group won't care as your dps is already close to zero, if at least your bring AP (and because there are not many Ren on the market)

  4. > @"Jski.6180" said:

    > > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

    > > We already have schocking aura, anti-proj, soft cc, leaps/evades ... in one hand; it's fine. It's more a balance of damage / condition, than effects.


    > When you getting changed cc by a zerg aura tranmuation gets in the way and no amount of leaps of evasion will help you. Lowest hp / def in the game still lowest hp / def in the game.


    You have focus earth #4 or #5, You have arcane shield. I mean what the point ? I find dagger mh already very versatile, may be even more with weaver with the mud slide, grinding stones ... I see an use for all skills, and if you want to survive a zerg : focus, arcane shield, mistform, lightning flash, twist of fate, or just don't go frontline with elem.

    The only QoL/buff/rework I would like would be Earthen rush, increase the spike radius or leave a line of spikes; earth #2, a reflect, shorter animation, air #1; unnerf the range.

  5. Mantra of Potence traited with Weighty terms + Empowering might + a Ren that can spam F2, generally you don't have issue to maintain 25 mights, so you don't need scepter/staff for it specifically. It's even easier with runes of pack of course, at the small price of less healing or less dps for Ren.

    If your Ren don't know about f2-f4 skills, yeah you should take staff. Or for heal, but an aegis or shield #5 + dodges would be faster.

  6. With antitoxin runes (+ a sigil )+ the fire trait that cleans conditions on aura. Everytime you swith to fire you'll cleande at least 2 conditions. + Frost aura on dagger that will cleanses 2 + 3 conditions. + air#2 in a fire field.+ the dodge when in water/x

    If you have ever worked with water and the swiftness>regen trait it will be hard to use fire/water to cleanse condition instead of air/water, but with training you will.

     + he has 21k pv too, it helps lol.

  7. There is not only the boss, there are the golems too that can kick you out + the "pestles". And a dodge is already dps lost or a skills chain breaker No there is nothing wrong to bring stab. Stab works 100%. If you have a FB+DH+Ren with the dwarf legend it's ok; but as someone say, they don't always bring the rights skills, or watch their buffs.


    If you want full stab Virtues with 3-#-3, hallowed ground + stand your ground + f3. If you don't want virtues, don't take virtues, but change your bane signet and sword for the 2 stab skills or don't get the perma stab, as you wish.

  8. No healer comp : soulceave's summit + breakrazor + aegis will heal to 100% and protect people.

    1 healer comp : who cares between ren or FB ? You'll lose more dps taking harrier FB but you'll get a stronger and easier cover of many boons, heals and utilities, like perma stab, more aegis, resistance, etc. Otherwise each are sufficient, with cleasing, anti-proj, heal, protection, regen ...


    For fractals challenge modes you don't necessarily need a healer, depends of your group, depends of instabilities; but others fractals it's not always that simple : You can see "uber" players on 100 CM but they die like id**ts at Amala, Svanir or Ice elemental, or you're dazed every seconds, or trashmobs + 300% dmg in the back, that kind of instabilities. So a healer, and bring stab, walls... well worth the cost of a hybrid DPS.


    Honestly I prefer one healer comp in PUG ; may be you lose 10 minutes but it works 90% of cases; with pretended elites PUG it's faster in theory, but ... sometimes there is this general entropy where everything seems fine but you wipe anyway; or the 400kp dude burden but he can't do his job properly and die alone in a corner, but you can't kick him because they're guildies.

    But time is relative. Like refuse a harrier FB but wait 45 minutes for a zerk one... I don't see the time saving.


    If you want to build a healer, IMO FB is better and most wanted. In any case you can give your armor to your ren. 1)

    If you want a support/dps, go for one of the two, but you won't be a "healer" to carry people.

    1) edit, I refer to healFB with quickness, I've never seen "pure" healer in fractals ?

  9. Range / 360 radius attacks.


    You're often stuck in water/air to cleanse conditions; try to evaluate the dangerousness of your conditions instead of cleanse them one by one, break the loop and attack with fire.

    Depends of you weapon, but cleave clones/fantasm to lessen f1-f4 skills.


    With sword you have #2 air and fire, but he has more kites, blinks, teleports, stealth etc, than you have closegaps... It's really hard to stick a mirage (or thief) with sword.

    With dagger mainhand, you can shot in the dark, and with range and radius you'll hit him anyway + chill, cripple, more cc (schoking aura, mude slide ...) they'll panic long before you do.

    Scepter is good too, but a good scepter build without being glass ... hmmmmmm, even that you won't have an efficient burst to kill a traiblazer fast enough.

  10. For tempest/core why not, for weaver I won't see any use.

    It wasn't that strong. It was useful with the old version of soothing mist, but now it refreshs itself and last 10sec you can have it permantly with weaver. But otherwise you can see it worked with very few traits. +25% speed ? Unless you don't play arcane or air (which you need anyway for Lingering Elements ...), you already have large uptime of swiftness. Stone flesh : who play earth ?? May be for tempest, but it means earth/arcane/tempest, already you lose tons of assets.


    If they return the trait, at least lake it works with more traits of core specs, it could be a strong buff to core elem.

  11. It's the design. Is it bad or not ? I'm not sure this is the design itself that sucks, but core elem and dual skills.

    Weaver is about rotation and anticipation, with low CD on attunements you should consider every elements at any instant and not "keep them for later" or camp only one ... You add all the cast times we have and it's starting to be a very complicated class to handle

    But it's true dual skills are not worth it for a majority, you just spam them because you're waiting for the next attunement.

    On staff they are trash; Pyroclastic, cast time, too slow, reflected 80% of the time in WvW. Plasma blast, too slow too. Pile driver, cast time, you can't move for >1sec, can be reflected easily. The others with water, useless. The only reasons to play weaver with staff is elements of rage, elemental polyphony and twist of fate.

    On sword : no range, cast time, you can even dodge pyrovortex or just move away. Projectiles are too slow with very bad target tracking, they are "cone melee skills" more than "mid-range". Lava skin is very nice.

    On dagger they are not that bad, but still you want the leaps or the schocking aura behind; that make unravel sooooooo mandatory.

    Scepter : except Plasma Beam I don't even remember ever using one; I don't really like scepter builds.


    Something like "if the dual skill hit a foe, it is replaced by the core skill" or just better dual skills would be great.

  12. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/78121/update-on-the-mystic-forge-event-in-lion-s-arch

    > > @"Rubi Bayer.8493" wrote

    > > Yesterday we kicked off an event that asked players to donate mithril near the Lion’s Arch Mystic Forge. We wanted this to be a mystery for players to discover, but unfortunately the event completion was bugged, and the outcome and reward were not clear.

    > >

    > > As a community, your donations have unlocked a new item combination possibility in the Mystic Forge. You’ll need to discover the exact combination of items for yourself, but anyone can use it to obtain a unique pistol skin, True Mettle.

    > >

    > > This was the first of a series of events that will go live periodically over the next few weeks. Each will, when successfully completed, unlock a new possible combination of items which will then reward a new unique weapon skin when placed into the Mystic Forge. For the achievement hunters among you, you'll be able to earn the related achievements throughout the event series, so don't worry if you didn't get it the first time--you'll have more chances!

    > >

    > > We’re working on the second of these events now and will be sure to let you know when it’s live here on the forum and on Twitter.



    I don't get it.

    Players donate mihtril, then they get a new MF recipe they have to discover ? But for these players or for all ? For how much time after event completion ?

    Just I don't get it.

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