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Zhaid Zhem.6508

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Posts posted by Zhaid Zhem.6508

  1. I don't know. Dagger is still a bit niche; more range more cc, but also ask more accuracy and has less dps overall and "sustain"/evade. In WvW roaming it's a strong choice, in PvP it's an other story.

    Buffs for daggers are welcome and I'll give a try; but I was expecting some rework of traits and utility skills, etc that elem desperately needs, more than weapons skills rework. Not sure buff base healing of some water skills will help to escape from healingPower amulet.

  2. There is so much to say, and that we did so many times.

    But Shortly ; Gameplay of elem is disordered :

    Swapping attunements is a need : because of long CD, low dmg/base, because of useless utility skills, traits that require swapping to trigger, because sustain is scattered between traits and related to weapon skills/attunements, .... ;

    But elem/weaver is also braked when swapping : traits that require you to stay in a particular element, utility skills effetcs separate between elements (like earth lane that seems interesting, but is unfeasible in condition) , second element on weaver that doesn't trigger the traits, double attune in same element that doesn't trigger traits ...

      + the healing base too low, the HP pool ...


    And the thing that bug me the most : The balance team still nerf/buff WEAPON skills, like +42% dmg shatterstone or +24% dragon'st tooth regardless castime / CD, but never rework the CONTENT ; the specs in their "doctrine" and utility skills.

  3. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNAneZnsADFBjlBBGCBEEhF/BbvimRHpYjgXQQwKA8teAA-jxxGQB3UfAAOBALV53Q2fAqKBJ3TAIoq/IKA/C-e Harrier/healer

    http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNAnfbnsADFBjdBDWCBEEhF/BbviuRHpZkhsCAVg6EA-jhhAQBA4BAYz9HlggU5HEV/Bg6Dg2JAQUA8E-e Vipere

    And diviner or zerk, it's zeal/radiance.



    Why Weighty Terms over Stalwart Speed when you have Harrier/Diviner ? Because you don't care. Weihgty Terms allow you to spam aegis and mights more frequently and you still give perma quickness. Careful about not taking Fell My Wrath, no alacrity, or raids; long fights / no pre-buff, in theses scenarii you should probably take Stalwart Speed.

    Why vipere ? Because, on my experience, unless you play with 3 great burst weavers, you have same DPS than berserker. Pro: better quickness uptime, access to Master of Concecrations if you need the wall or the stab ground, better cleave. Con : you don't have Perfect Inscription or you lose DPS, it's seems easy to play, but only outwardly if you want good dps.

    Why Diviner over Zerk ? Because if you pug you can't give too much faith in renegade /count on perma alacrity, or others players skill/brain, and you would like some boon duration for perma quickness, stab, resistance etc.

    Why zerk ? Because if you play with a good renegade you'll loop quickness, and Soulcleave's summit will heal everybody.


    You want to provide perma quickness: you need mantra of potence + montra of solace + Liberator's Vow trait (+ feel my wrath + Weighty Terms oo Stalwart Speed, depends of BD).

    Radiance (perfect Inscription trait) + Bane signet is a very very important buff too : +216 power for 10sec, every 20~24sec. It's convenient the skill is a CC, so it allows a strong burst to everyone.


    Otherwise don't "close" your build, try to keep theses 2 points above, but adapt.

    If you need Virtues over Radiance for particular situations. Mace for extra blocks or scepter or staff for mights. Pure of heart or Empowering Mights. Mantra of liberation, Feel My Wrath, Renewed focus or Signet of Courage. Wall of reflection, bow of truth, "Hold the line" ... All are strong, it depends of your group and situation.

    For example Chaos Fractal, I run Virtues/Honor + Mantra of liberation + Hallowed ground, perma stab, lof of aegis, you sacrifice some "buff" or DPS but your group can completly ignore mechanics. Same with Siren's reed, Virtues/Honor + renewed focus, I spam the wall and bubbles, no one dies. And for CMs I take back Radiance/honor or Radiance/zeal ... or vipere.


    Some people will say there is a (or THE) meta build : berserker FB; but in facts not everyone runs Static groups, it's not always easy to find a (good) renegade, you still would like a healer in the group (ask your renegade what gear he has) and there are a lot of fractals and instabilities combinations ... So if you want to run a Healer FB, no worry no one will complain, play it. Healer FB is strong, FB is a huge package of utilities, there is nothing wrong to use them.

    You can easily

    >do both 

    (quickness and heals)

    And actually I had better results with a 1 healer comp, and so my Harrier FB, or harrier renegade.

  4. I'd like to see air #2 with a lower CD, it's our only (good) leap, only close gap ... and 15sec is far too long.

    Fire #2, make the fire field ... a fire field ! It should apply 1sec burning per pulse. I don't know, I find this logical, no ? It's like lava font which got a nerf without counterpart.

    Earth #3, WTF is this ?? It should applies Immob or be faster or don't lock you on your position or give a counterpart like a reflect or something ... It's not 100 blades, it's bleedings ...

    Water #2, pls revert nerf or let us direct the move.

    Air/earth and Eart/water #3 : pls, better tracking or velocity; how many times the guy in front of me just did a sidestep to evade the skill ...

    Stone resonance : give us a better initial barrier, and so lower the nexts. In general give us better barriers, not "400 barrier on dual skills" come on, this is ridiculous

    Unravel : not bad, but core #3, *on sword, are not really worth it. In some way I on contrary find this skill to suit better with dagger and staff.

    Aquatic stance : useless, trash. Need total rework. 1sec tick icd, need to stay melee, cast time ... "You need heals ? Sure, keep melee pressure and don't miss the ticks." Obviously useless with staff and scepter, and even dagger leaps. And weaver is not a healer or I really don't get the point of the spec, why it should heal allies ?

    Superior elements : 10sec icd ? Really ? And still don't get why they nerfed to 10% precision in pve ...

  5. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > No class is made with a specific role in mind. Classes are designed to their concept, not some role. That's intended, from day 1. It's one of the selling points of the game actually.



    Yeah but they can fit one, and become essential pillars or at least bring important/unique utilities than others can't or not at the same level.

    I know it's hard to "create" a role or roles to all specs without making duplicates, but at least create alternative solution, like chrono/druid > ren/FB.

  6. That why they messed up Tempest. Instead of give elem utilities to buff allies, they only give it "regular" boons, or very niche purpose like in small zerg and kept the "hybrid" design of doing a bit of all, but not at the same time.

    Aura are useless in Pve, and nearly harmless in pvp/wvw in their current state : Schocking aura, need dagger main hand, or succed air overload + 2 traits to earn the aura and share it. Magnetic aura is okai. Others are useless unless for spreading the boons or some condicleanse. May be people will be offended by, but compare to FB in all game mods : you can share signets (+216* power for example) you can share battle presence, +100 toughness, +200 toughness with chapter 3, Eternal Oasis that is very very powerful in organised group and converts conditions, and quickness, aegis, stab, resistance etc, ca. Scourge with barriers, vampiric presence, might stacking, teleports ... Renegade, chrono, Warrior ...

    Battle presence vs Soothing Mist : BP, 105 per second, perma uptime VS 80/s to elem, 92 to allies AND you need to refresh it by camping or swapping to water AND it is buggued since the first day, some ticks have reduced number....


    Tempest has some powefull skills too, like Sand squall and heat sync, but no abilities, no "power" boons to be a suitable boonsharing spec, it's a second hand class.

    Tempest needs quickness or alacrity, needs stab, needs migts per stack of 5 or 6, need power buff like sharing Harmonious conduit or the fresh air buff, needs buff to its arcanes skills (pls reverse change of Arcane Power ).

    Tempest has no purpose but a second support to fill gaps.


    Weaver. I don't care. I will not play it again next League, and I don't play it in pve. Yesterday I play marauder SB no joke I tanked better, and obviously killed people (and scrappers) faster than fresh air or don't know what, it was my first time playing SB ... Unless the "pleasure" there is no interest to play weaver in league; just look at AT and the numbers of elems ...

  7. Weaver sword doesn't have that much condition applications.

    Fire #1, only on third skill. Fire #2 only 1 stack of burning, not even burning per pulse. Fire #3 only one stack (it's a bad c/p of the dagger #5, it doesn't worth to double attune)

    Water; no chill, no vulnerability. Earth : compare AA with AA from warrior's sword, slower, lower condi duration. Earth #2 and #3, lock you on your position.

    So the only good condition applications in sword come from pyro-vortex. Lava skin is not that bad as a defensive skill but 1sec burning per pulse, 180 range ... you won't kill anything with that. Primordial stance a bit same : pulse, 180 range.


    So yes, if you play condition your only applications come from primordial stance and "on crit (3 or5 sec icd)" traits (even earth spec doesn't have this trait ...) (traits that require the sacrifice of sustain), not enough from weapon skill.

    Edit: may be firestorm ? I've never seen anyone used this glyph in pvp.

    I won't say it's not viable; but in pvp this is too low, too dependent of melee pressure. You can try Marshall or Celestial but you can't finesse physical dmg.


    In pve, it's okai.

    In WvW you play tanky with dire/trailblazer etc, it's easier to equip signet of fire or Glyph of EP over Stances and cantrips, same as traits. It might be the only weaver build where utility skills are used to DPS, over the weapon, by the way. It is worth a try, ... may be.

  8. FA still work, at least in WvW roaming.

    In Pvp you can play it, but it's very limited; focus brings some sustain but not enough to hold a cap : very long CD, and #5 earth that prevents capture, #4 air useless at melee, fire skills no comment. But mostly : the burst is short + you have a "waiting time" between each burst, no pressure no dmg outside #3 air/fire #3 air/earth and so FA, like a chrono or a thief have. And buff "dragon's tooth" or "shatterstone" dmg, without any consideration for cast-time and delay won't help. It's a very niche build imo.

    In a way Lightning rod is better in pvp : more pressure.

  9. Elem/weaver suffers its own starting design. A glassy-hybrid class.

    Weapon skills / attunement with differents roles : heal, sustain, CC, DPS ..., You have an All-In-One.

    But specs are focused too on respective attunement/element, not on utility skills and general gameplay/buff.

    Utility skills have low impact on DPS and sustain (except pve may be*) because of that; and weapon skills suffer from long CD, long cast, weak dmg/factor.


    This was godlike in 2014-2015, but now most of others professions have seen powercreep and rework and they have seen their straights DPS, Support and sustain met, on contrary to elem who still need to spec attunements one by one and swap them to change roles. And one attunement is no more even enough for a role (that why Arcane is mandatory in 99% of builds)

    And by roles, I mean roles, for example when you swap to water attunement you already lose DPS, CC etc, but also lose half your traits in fire/air/earth specs, and vice versa. You don't see "Rifle spec, Mace spec, staff spec" in others profession, in no way as pronounced.

    In Pve, this is good: high DPS high burst, but long rotation, easily interrupted if you need CC, heal, kite .... and no boonstrip, no boon share, no panic skill (without inttreuption of rotation) ... still very squishy today with new fractal instabilities likes -30% HP or +5% dmg per boons, etc.


    Where people see twice as much skills than others, elem see twice as much skills than others to expect the same result.

    This is not "high risk, high reward" but "high ability, expect same reward".


  10. Look at videos of Sidrener on Youtube, he mains thief, legend1, and he can't stop to upload hours of random matchs; it's not just a footage of "best parts" as proof of "ability".

    Your role is pretty simple, decap essentially, +1 and burst low life targets. Don't involve yourself in teamfight.

  11. Yeah but it's condi p/d, with low/no evades and shadowsteps as from sword or d/p, and one target only. Unless you have luck to spam shadow strike and open the gap, you hardly can survive 1v2+ like you could with sword/d and burst.

  12. It might be not the easiest class to start and level up with if you're new, but it's doable and fun when you learn more about skills and rotation.

    In PvP, if you just want some fun go ele, it's not trash neither; but if you want to try hard and mount classement ... prepare for blood and tears, elem/weaver asks for a lot of efforts compare to some others, and it's not always rewarding.

  13. > Hard to fight

    What does that mean ? Hard to kill ? Hard to survive ? The good players that play weaver don't play weaver because it's a good class, they play because of Will, because of gameplay. But if you look at the role they play; it's 90% side node Bunkers or decapers, and that's all they can play. And even that they don't shine. You hardly can handle 1v2, you don't have team support or have burst and range for +1. All you sustain is "active" : you can't just activate a skill and tank a bit, you need to rotate/dance all yours skills/attunements and evades, to dodge your enemy and heal with signet and Arcane; that is the reason "good weavers" are hard to fight but also why they can't keep melee pressure and how fast they die at 1v2 or with a strong cc/burst.

    Just look at Engie now; scrapper since patch or holo; soft team support, easier CC, stab, great capacity to tank power AND condi, to tank 1v2 while they keep pressure, they have nearly more mobility. Boonbeast, same, with more DPS, better stab. Mesmer too.

    We're in a bunker meta, and most of classes can play that role ... with less traits/skills and healing power/vitality than elem ...

    10% are fresh air or quirk builds; won't say they can't kill/decap etc, but are they really a strength to their team ??


    Side node are already stupid fights, but they are way stupider when you do your best to survive 1v1 while people in front just need 2-3 skills to temporize AND they can disengage faster ando also play bruiser or support in larger fights when there is already presence of the role, or lack of presence ...

    If you have 2 weavers or weaver + thief in your team you can forfeit; if you have 2 engie or even 2 thiefs, you have chance/balance. It's my experience over ~150 matchs this season, and I fell from plat2-3 to gold3-plat1 in a week because of teams of 2 scrappers ; -24 -23 -18 ... and +12 for a victory against silver/gold, it can go really fast.


    If they balance around high tier players they may notice there are more thiefs, mesmers, engie, SB may be even SpB and reapers than elem.

    Edit : if you look at AT there is no ele since months, and if there is, the team doesn't go far. So, where are the top tier elems ?

  14. It depends of game mods that right, and situation.

    Sinister(/grieving) is better against pack of trashmobs, due to higher higher condition dmg and cleave, but on golem you get higher dps with vipere. Same in pvp/WvW, you want to deal the maximum dmg before people cleanse conditions, you don't really need a lot of condition duration.

    There is also some difference of sustain between DH and FB, between Condi and power. There is a small dmg delay with condition ; and with 12kHp in open world sometimes you lose time because you just can't facetank enemies, so yes it can be easier and so faster with vitality and toughness. Otherwise with group, support etc, it's simple math : vipere is far better than carrion.

  15. Not only weaver, not only tempest; core is also a freaking mess.

    Very low synergy intra and inter specs and attunements. All spec too focused on swap and attunements. You need to spec all atunements separatly but you lose a big part of your traits when you swap; and that's the point : you don't have the choice, you need to swap attunements, because of long CD, long cast, weak dmg, very very weak AA, because sustain comes from firstly swap (arcane/water) and weapons and not from utility skills . Imagine you have a warrior with "mace spec; axe spec; GS spec; swap weapons spec" and very few traits aout utility skills; that is exactly how elem is design since the first day. But it doesn"t work anymore, since every others classes have seen total change and powercreep.

    Utility skills are worthless : very poor sustain, very low linkage with traits (one lesser cantrip in fire, one in earth, but the "buff" trait in water ... sure, why not) (the only good one is may be the trait for signets, but hey it is in the earth lane ! lol !), few and low effects on allies. They even nerfed Arcane Power to elem and worst to allies because "+75 ferocity" is certainly too OP.

    Elem/weaver is both too selfish (or useless, compared to others) and dependent to allies.

    ANET : rearrange specs. We don't necessarily need buff, but we absolutely don't need specs and traits on the attunements and elements like"+150 power IN FIRE ATTUNEMENT" or "ferocity IN AIR ATTUNEMENT", we need for example a spec about auras and support, a spec with cantrips and dmg, etc.

    In a way, I understand the point to buff attunements, to juggle between attunements and change "role", be "hybrid", but skills are already affected by different factors, and need fire spec to only be viable in fire attunement ... no, it doesn't work anymore.


    Tempest. 10 allies ? And some seconds of regen and fury for skills with 25-30sec CD ? I should be ... grateful ?

    Tempest/core, if it want to be useful in all game mode, needs to share resistance, quickness, alacrity. Tempest needs to share some unique buff (like FB with PI, Unbroken Lines, like war, like druid/soulbeast, like renegade, like even thief and mesmer with stealth) like a lesser Harmonious conduit, like the freshair/electric discharge, or even +150 Healing power to allies, why not; because auras are just trash; or they need to serisously buff auras.

    Except magnetic aura, they are all useless; they need you to be hit (Wait, elem is not the glassiest class of the game already?) and effect are lame; 1sec chill or burning, 1 stack of might, for 1sec ICD ... how is it supposed to help elem or allies ? Even schoking aura, I'm sorry but 2sec ICD knowing that we lost the one in air spec, we need to finish air overload, we need water spec to share it ...


    Weaver : I just don't care anymore. I've quittied to play it since Scrapper, I've just lost 130 points in pvp because of classes that are better weaver than weaver; better a side nodes, better at 1v2, better at support, better at dps ...

    Poor barriers, no mechanic on barrier, poor range poor target tracking, no counter no block, skills that lock you, still long CD, long cast. Still need water/arcane, still need to rollface all attunements all skills to survive or do damage, still need amulet with healing power vitality/toughness, like ... since 2012.

    They can nerf riptide, shearing edge or superior elements, again, it's okai. May be once there will be zero elem in plat they will start to ask questions.

    I've also seen more and more "no ele" in raid and fractals ... because they instant die now with new fractals instabilities, and despite the "golem benchmark" every classes can do same or better with half the efforts, and because they bring nothing to the group outside of burst.

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