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Zhaid Zhem.6508

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Posts posted by Zhaid Zhem.6508

  1. I'm not sure this is a good set for guard.

    I mean, 4 stats and concentration as a major stat ?

    In pve FB didn't need that much boon duration to get perma quickness, not at all in fractal, and if you go full support it's a pity to avoid healing power as FB* is just one of the best healer and without radiance/zeal dps is close to zero. DH either, it's a big dps loss only because you can't manage retailation without boon duration.

    In WvW, well, may be some pieces of armor or weapons, but Radiance guard already works strong with 30% or 40% boon duration from runes, sigils and food, I guess it's a balance, a question of taste.


    Diviner set IMO would be better to chrono and Renegade (+33% precision with full endurance and fury 40%, ren doesn't need precision) , in a power burst compo.

  2. Today : Siren's Reef

    Frailty + Sugar Rush.

    Did it with 1 elem + 1 DH (8k HP so) and a semi-AFK druid (means no heal, no spirits boon etc), that was terrible.

    We didn't even start the fractal : Bristelback's spike barrage > instant wipe; same with a lot of enemies, specially the final event. One reroll with a FB as 2nd healer (also because DH and chrono cannot take reflection). A lot of fun, and wasted time.


    Actually I'm not mad with Slippery Slope; it's ... fun !?

  3. Not as "OP" as soulbeast in duel, but definitly easier to learn and master due to a large pack of utilities/sustain. The clone spam is the stupidest thing Anet could do to mesmer to improve it.

  4. This is very experimental; in wvw I'm trying [this](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJAoYncMAF5i94CGOAM5iFBAroT2ETD3v6Y9uOIAMBeAA-j1RGABCv/wjq/Elyv8UCCwDAgO9AGcCAAA-w "gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJAoYncMAF5i94CGOAM5iFBAroT2ETD3v6Y9uOIAMBeAA-j1RGABCv/wjq/Elyv8UCCwDAgO9AGcCAAA-w") dual attacks of daggers are very nice, and mobility etc. Why antitoxin ? Because without water I can't handle condition, specially in wvw.

    I'm not a big fan of celestial weaver, this is very hard to build weaver without water or arcane, but celestial is not sufficiant alone. In Pvp core elem fire/water/arcane do better.... or mender weaver.

  5. I'm more concerned by Glints interferences in all chapters, all dragons. The Forgotten, the Exalted, the dwarf, the zephyrits, the egg, Vlast, the "dragon" spear, All the trials with facets and Aurene, fighint in the mist .... She's dead but she can't stop to chase us in every new episodes.

    Plot twist, she also knew about the death of "that" character and we'll have a new trial or weapon.

    Second plot twist, once all dragons defeated she'll reveal she fainted death, ate all magic and crush the tyria.

  6. Frailty + birds : try to play an elem with 8k HP against mobs with >20might and fury and birds that ""randomly"" chose you everytime. As if Elem had boonstrip or blind or stab or anything with any use but pur dmg. You liked the RNG "you'll be the only one with the flux bomb", you'll laugh a lot.

    Vengeance also a pain.

    I'm not sure it awards a "good" play, in a way it will just close a little more composition; like FB with wall and bubble and stab and aegis everytime evrywhere, SpB with a lot of boonstrip and not war or berserker, and DPS with hp pool or good enough own sustain like SB, Holo, DH.

  7. Scepter fresh air is very underperforming against all classes, compare with all "burst"/glass cannon build (Mesmer/mirage, Thief, ranger,...)

    Because of what steki explains (less dmg, less sustain, less kites etc) and despite they up some scepter skills dmg, air skills are weak dmg, dual attacks are weak and interruptable (by foe, but also by you, don't spam your keys in panic... a bit like staff, not very convenient in pvp). In WvW this is worst, fire skills (and shatterstone(pls buff dmg+572%)) are totally useless because no one need to stand in a area.


    You can try with sword (sword/focus) it gives some tools to survive ( water #2 earth#2 + focus) and try to place quantum strike often, the superspeed can help you to stick the enemy.

  8. You'll never do raids today without guild.

    "training run" are a joke for half : angry com and player who don't understand the point of "training", leavers who come to kill time, newbies who comes wihout proper gear, build, without skills rotation ...


    Find a ~20 members guild with ~8 "uber" raid players who 're looking for stopgap players.

    Have war banner + some "generic" dps like DH or SB.


  9. ICD or effect should be revisited to be deterrent or to sustain more.

    Shocking aura, is good; but why 2sec icd ? Fire aura; really who cares to burst an elem with fire aura ? You get 2 (1sec) burning, wow no, pls no wow I gonna die.

    The only Above Average aura is the magnetic one. Auras need you to get hurt to affect, it seems to me a sustain mechanical; but effects are boring, no one cares about

    And a F5 skill would help to "Transmute " auras you applie to yourself or allies. I mean, what the point of the fire spec if I need to play with a focus to transmute the aura?

    Stop put traits on auras when you need 5 specs to make a decent build around them and when you have in reality poor access to auras nor leap combo finisher with core and weaver. Fury and Swiftness in air and ... ah no no more aura in the spec, condi removal in fire + fire aura, protection in earth, aura sharing in water + frost auras, the rez thing in arcane ... chose wisely.

    Why not make something like Peak-Performance and Rampage with Conjured weapons ? You earn an aura based on the weapon every time you use a 2-3-4-5 skill (with the CD this is not that much "OP")

    Swap the Aura sharing from Water spec with the Aura healing from tempest ; because tempest should have the choice to be a buffer or a healer, and not the obligation to use water and so be a healer. And because it's logical.


    Schoking, keep the 2sec icd but add superspeed for 2sec.

    Fire aura : burning and dmg

    Frost and light aura : 10% everytime you get hit (no icd) increase chill base duration

    Magnetic aura : no idea ... add bleeding per projectile.

    Add chaos armor to elem (in arcane spec or something)

    Tempest : add an unique effect to auras like lesser Harmonious Conduit and/or the +33% duration from the runes.

  10. About the first question.

    If we exclude Alacrity as a powerbuff; hard to say. AP is +4~5% DMG, if you have 100% precision (Which is never the case, because gear 1 boot and 1 ring assassin, 6 precision infusion etc.... it's boring.). Soulcleave is +1~5k DPS, depends of skills, quickness..., it's pretty huge if you can maintain it a long time or during burst (axe soulbeast, sword weaver, DH ... easily >5 tick per sec). On powerbuff this is not bad, not at all.

    This is hard to compare, they don't have the same roles.

  11. DPS/support Renegade needs a lot of boon duration to bring perma alacrity, even with the singularity.

    Today there is no optimal "hybrid" gear, only Commander (or harrier/minstrel, but you're healer). The Diviner’s gear releases will help with that, as Renegade also get +33% free precision.


    In a 1 Healer +1 support comp Healer Ren + Viper or Zerk FB will be much profitable in terms of "potential DPS", rather than the contrary; because the DPS gain of FB is higher and is worth the _invocation _ Spec and soulcleave uptime;

    Zerk or Viper FB ? The difference is if you're a speedrunner or a pug. Zerk because : power burst (Bane signet: 216 power shared to others), viper because easier rotation, more constant DPS. You don't necessarily need Boon duration in fractals (you don't need rune of firebrand), with perma alacrity and pre-buff on singularity.

    In other hand, Harrier FB brings more healing, more boons more stab, more easily; and Devastation/Invocation Renegade is more flexible. But find a Ren who will set up with Commander or Diviner Gear ... as it will certainly be the only heavy class build with this gear....

    Or 2 healers, it's a big DPS loss, but in a way it won't change of chrono/druid, and everybody will be >90% life for scholat runes or traits.


    Other solutions are :

    DPS chrono + Harrier FB : you get sufficiant alacrity in short fight (if chrono builds on it) + you keep all the chrono utilities ; but you need your war to cap the 25 mights.

    Harrier/minstrel Chrono + Viper/zerk FB ; same.

    Chrono + Druid..

  12. You're support, so it seems to me more adequate concentration and healing power or armor : a bit like the support chrono jail we tried to equip with berserker/assassin and finally see DPS decrease patch after patch (and support too, lol) to be barely superior to harrier or minstrel in instance, and viper druid too.

    Or you're DPS and 4 stats sets are a big loss; except viper because we don't really have choice.

    At least this is my opinion with the Guardian in Pve. And because viper + FB runes is already a better "hybrid" than berserker + boon duration.


    In pvp I don't look at Guard or DH, but FB play with mender or harrier because of all the sources of heals.

    In WvW, once again or you're support or you're not. In roaming, radiance guard, this is often a better balance to look for Boon duration in traits, runes, sigils and food and Toughness/vitality in the equipment rather than the other way.

    Some Diviners jewelry will help, but imo a full set or cap 100% duration will not be "OP" as a mix Valkyrie/zerk/marauder/etc guard can already get a good retaliation uptime, 100% precision with more power, ferocity and armor.

  13. > @"Deepcuts.9740" said:

    > I see a lot of flak towards Druids recently. I guess mostly by other classes that wish to take Druid's place for some reason.

    > Tried to test this theory that a healer is not needed, in Fractals at least. Changed to vipers, but kept my spirits and 10% glyph. Party was going splat all over the place, screaming in agony "Moar healing!"

    > I understand that some players think they can do without a healer, but I have yet to meet that party. And please, don't link some tight group's youtube heavily edited video.



    I don't agree with the "no healer needed", the issue is not to play without healer, but with a better distribution of roles and needs.

    It's a balance ; there is a lot of fights you can end with a very strong burst with stab+aegis (chrono chaos/inspi) before bosses mechanics, like Weaver or axe Soulbeast; but if your DPS are quite average or you play with less DPS members ...hmmm... obviously you're going to get hit and you'll need healing.

    Problem with Healer druid (+ support chrono), in fractals, imo ; no DPS, no constant/strong heal, 2 classes to support (when they're not semi-afk) 2 DPS and a War, it's a clumsy division; while the chrono (or FB?) can also play this role of healer too.

    If your chrono is commander/zerk; keep your healer; if he's harrier/minstrel, a second healer or support is a burden.



    Edit: This is also true people are less and less attentive to mechanics, dodges, aoe etc, claiming "DPS loss" or "Not my role".

    Like this is also true some chrono and druid, and war, are just trash that can't provide these unique buffs or mights, quickness,...

  14. For a lot of fractals and bosses !

    Chaos, mama, Ensolyss, Ice Elemental, Snowblind, why not the ettin, captain Dulfy or even the Archdiviner.... Some people will say it's babysitting or "skillful counterproductive" but in a way this is what we're looking for in Pug, Aegis + stab cancel half the mechanicals we can ecounter, and so time saving.

    Obviously you lack portal, the focus pull, that help a lot in fractals, but add a Mirage or a DPS chrono, problem soved.

  15. FB earns 250 toughness because of quickness; but even with the aegis spam has less, or less efficient, utilities to tank (and keep boonshare). With 11kHp it can be a bit tight.

    On one hand it's complicated to set an other tank, on the other hand FB is not that easy to play Tank imo, and healing FB is redundant with Renegade .... If you have a Minstrel FB for WvW, don't change the armor yet or acquaint your tank.

    Renegade needs some skillful; rotation is very beginner friendly EXCEPT if you need others utility skills like Darkrazor, staff 5, panic heals... it can drain energy pretty fast.


    Otherwise Renegade + Viper/support FB for the main DPS group is a very strong pillar and big DPS benefit.

    Con : Yes the range and moving bosses are an issue ( mantras and ventari ), CC.


    The last time we have run :

    1)Harrier Ren + Harrier FB

    2)Minstrel Chrono + support Soulbeast (spirit , entangle or One Wolf Pack etc)+ PS War

    3 healers, because we still wanted chrono to taunt ( and harrier/commander/zerk set is a nonsense for +2k DPS ...) and to secure the energy management of the renegade; but in the end we didn't lose DPS/ DPS Classes, on contrary.

  16. > @"Jski.6180" said:

    > At the end of the day Aeromancer's Training is stronger dmg and def now then Stormsoul anet dose understand this i hope.



    Depends of what you're playing.

    Tell me where you see "strong" skills with sword/focus or sword/dagger ? Or even Scepter ?

    AA are pathetic, static leap no dmg, focus no dmg. The only skills that do dmg are quantum Strike, but it needs double attune or unravel (so -20% CD or not ... ) and the other is pyrovortex that is not affected by the CD reduction.

    The only use is for dagger/ or for Fresh air/tempest build, but they nerfed electric discharge ... and by default for staff weaver in WvW. LR build the +10% dmg prevails the -20% CD on Gale IMO.

    It's a pur pve trait, default entry.

  17. Issue with current meta, particulary in fractals PUG : people copy it but can't play it.

    Mesmer has good utilities, chrono rotation is not that hard; but it's not intuitive. How many times we waited for a chrono, and the guy was just a burden, without prebuff on Mistlock Singularity and one or two wells for 10sec quickness and alacrity at best... And how many chrono players know how to skip ????

    Same with druid : frost spirit, sun or stone spirit, spotter, GoE, mights, healing ? If you can have 3 you can consider your group lucky.


    Chrono is still very effective for the short phased fights, with prebuff and for utility (pull, portals, distor, etc)

    Druid is not mandatory; no constant heals, and the power buffs are not worth losing a DPS role in the group. Chrono harrier or minstrel can take this role of "dedicated" healer.

    FB has easier rotation (because no rotation at all) and better healing; and because Aegis spam is just completly broken. If you can pass out alacrity, it replaces easily chrono+druid (or chrono heal), but it needs the war or others to help maintain the 25 mights.

    Renegade/Herald is not worth in 5 man group, because Quickness > alacrity; or it needs a hybrid FB or a chrono (but in that case druid is a better option)


    I suppose "uber" players will still play chono + war + 3 DPS (weaver, soulbeast, DH, DD... )

    For PUG IMO FB + war + 3 DPS seems a very strong and safe composition. Ren + FB, or FB + chrono, Chrono + druid if people can't give to much confidence in others skillful or alacrity is "mandatory".

  18. Raid : 10 players.

    No one has said we should ban Chrono, no one said we should copy/paste group 1 to group 2. We're looking for more effective boonshare. Chrono has is place, because of aggro, pull, distortion etc; but for alacrity quickness fury etc there are others solutions (and better, I claim) for the main DPS group than chrono-druid.

    That's simple.

  19. > @"rabenpriester.7129" said:

    > No good pulls, no entangles, no spirits (ress spirit? cc from storm?), lower CC, no good pushes, no active damage mitigation/blocks/distortion for tank, awkward use of buffs (mantra aoe, renegade alacrity aoe and their respective ranges), awkward mechanics like renegade energy management that reduce how freely you can use your already limited utility, low base hp and armor... and a million other things I forgot. We've been through this list a million times.


    > Forced to go 2x firebrand means you'll run 4x hybrid builds if you want druid buffs, resulting in overall less personal damage, less utility and less group damage.


    > Don't act as if these builds were something new that no one thought about. They just aren't good enough. But it seems like you hate Chronos and chrono players enough to play them out of spite based on your "bye bye chrono", so play what you want and feel free to dismiss the better, yet still bad build. But please don't act as if yours was superior. :D


    > I'd happily play fb+rene if it was any good *or* fun to play, preferrably both. It is neither. :)



    There are not, because people don't build on them. (Like, the +100 precision)

    In cm's druid + chrono is trash since the first day. Chrono DPS is trash, druid dps is trash, druid heal is not constant, war DPS is often trash, you lose 2 slots to support 2 DPS and a war. Did or do we see Harrier/Minstrel chrono ? Why ? Because people have copy/paste raid compo without thinking*. You were like "I'm chrono healer _Okai but we need a druid for frost spirit and mights" And you're like "Do you even Math ????????" War doesn't need rune of strenght to take the shout and be PS (actually it's even easier since the patch) (at worst it is worth than burden druid)

    In raid I'm okai, with Kiting, mobile boss, various phases ... Ventari's skills are akward to manage and FB's mantra need a proper placement. Otherwise range is same as wells.


    > Forced to go 2x firebrand means you'll run 4x hybrid builds if you want druid buffs, resulting in overall less personal damage, less utility and less group damage.


    But in raid, once again do we need to copy/paste group 1 to group 2? Ren+FB is (A healer + middling DPS) perma quickness+alacrity+fury+might+retaliation+prot+... it fills easily a Melee focused group; because yes, it is good. Druid/soulbeast and chrono can fill the other with war *and keep add 10 allies spirits etc, pull with focus, take aggro, agony, shroom whatever + the ren can help with alacrity to 10 players, so chrono can focus on mimic and time warp for example ...



    Actually I don't see here people looking for a new composition, I see people looking for the same meta but how to fix chrono. It's not my definition of Balance.

  20. > @"Grogba.6204" said:

    > And who do you think will play them? Who do you think will cover the support role in squads? (Hint, it's the same players who played support - Chrono among them - beforehand.)

    ? Rev or FB, I wrote it.

    > Do you really think there have been Firebrand/Renegades in hiding the past couple months who will now happily enter raid/fractal groups left of right because the evil chrono overlords are gone?


    Do you really think there were magi or cleric ranger, and concentration mesmer waiting for Hot and raids release ? What the point is this argument ? No I don't think there are that much people ; may be some guys who didn't wait for Uber guilds to do the job for them. And so ... ?

    Change classes, change builds, change gear, change attitude, because nerfs, up and needs have change Meta ? No. Better, keep whining about dead chrono. Better play the same build all over again after 3 years.


    > Remove Chronojail and add Renegade/Firebrand jail. Amazing. Way to shift a problem rather than solving it. Also not going into what's wrong with Firebrand/Renegade from a playability PoV as that is another wall of text on its own.


    Revert patch will help, for sure.


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