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Zhaid Zhem.6508

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Posts posted by Zhaid Zhem.6508

  1. Stone Resonance pulses, okai it's the same amount than desert shroud, but after 4 sec.

    It makes a big difference; this is not as effective if you need to mitigate a big hit, as you will only get 1k barrier at first.


    And Elemental refreshment ? Barrier 378 on dual skills ... It surely helps a lot to sustain a DPS weaver ...

    Invigorating strikes, barrier : 778 on dodges (+vigor), this is not that bad if you can pass over the Regen on Swiftness.

    If we get an added effect, like scourge or scrapper; barrier would be a gameplay mechanic and not just poor sustain.

  2. I don't get why they lengthen the CD of tomes in pvp. Instead for both Pve and PvP they should lower the duration of some boons or look at the CD of chapters, it's a nonsense to have boons or effect that last longer than the CD itself.


    PvE. Personnaly I have Zerk, Viper and Harrier; all "quickness bot" builds are okai. Zerk is an option in a static group, with everybody zerk or diviner and great burst. Otherwise if you have healer or semi-afk members in the group and can't really burst, Viper will give you more DPS.

    I still favor Harrier; it allows to loop stab too, fury, protection, etc. And afer many attempts, because of new instabilities, like mobs enraging, - 30% HP, conditions/toxic trail everywhere etc, you can't run PUG without a healer/boon spam.

    It functions better than Ren with a Chrono or other supports; and also because Ren are a very rare creature in fractals, so a diviner/harrier ren is like a shiny unicorn.



    PvP. You still have core and DH, of course you have the bunker FB but you also have the mantra mender/harrier FB that is just broken in 2v2 (may be more boring than weaver vs weaver : FB vs FB with 25 might, retal, fury, quickness, protection, stab, aegis, heals .... ) Condi Fb is also a thing, I've never look at it but I assume this is like core condi.


    Otherwise, SC did it in december before patch https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/a8v9a8/sc_qt_cm100_shattered_observatory_firebrand/ And FB+Ren have been a thing in raids and fractals in some guilds since months, before "uber" guilds drop it after last patch and everyvody talk about it like a revolution. There is no "statistically weaker poorly designed" or idk, just people experimenting by themself before others give them the "sacred" compo to follow eyes closed.

  3. I'm a bit mad they nerfed so much the air overload, in dmg, in number of hit, of targets ... even in 2018 after Pof; and now the electric discharge; like tempest fresh air was a thing in pvp theses 3 last years. :# Even in Pve, DPS comes from, for many, the FGS/hammer and the storm... the air overload alone is not that strong.

    But they fixed the fire attunement... a little compensation.

  4. Never used this skill.

    Even if you give it shorter CD you'll still need vitality and healing power. We have barriers on half the traits, but they are all very very weak, and nothing added to.

    Actually weaver should get a mechanic on barriers like scourge or scrapper; "gain a boon when you get a barrier" or something.


  5. So why do we see so much "No pain no gain" without domi chrono or SpB ? Why sometimes Chrono puts skip portal everywhere and people follow, sometimes chrono doesn't, or inversely people are blind. Why they're still running in circle with superspeed in all platforms at thaumanova ?

    Somes can't even dodge, like the excuse "we have a healer" "WTF healer you're lame" when a deadbrain player stay in the aoe at Archdiviner, or other bosses.

    PUG since years are looking for a regular meta comp : (good) chrono druid to carry them and play semi-afk. Even if we wait 30 minutes to have one (the definition of "gain time" apparently)

    PUG know the way, some strategies, but they rarely adapt because of compo issue or instabilities, they do the lazy way.


    Now with chrono nerf and new instabilities, they need to think by themself (If they have noticed)( until people will establish a new babysitting compo, like Ren/FB or Chrono/FB etc)

    So yes, I prefer some taxing people in chat trying to improve the teamwork or explaining what everybody (?) should already know rather than quiet groups, with wipes and ragequits because visibly somes can't adapt by themself at the situation or they just discover in middle of boss the chrono was not support (or a bad one) or the tempest was heal.

  6. Yes, I've also noticed COMMUNICATION decreased drastically in PUG.

    Or people it's complete silence or when you ask for some particular thing (even the fundamentals) :

    "Can you take this skill ?" "War, can you please take banners ?" "Pls don't put flux bomb on boss", "soulbeast pls take frost spirit" people (Newbies or "regular") play deaf, ragequit or kick.

    You can't expect people to be at your "level" if you can't explain thing, your build, instance/instabilities's needs, and let people do their kitten in their own corner; same if you can't listen or adapt because it's not your role, not "meta compo" or DPS decrease etc.

    Chrono/druid or Fb/ren is a good example. If you can't explain you'll give perma quickness + perma fury, stab, healing and have others good utilities; people will stay looking for a chrono, no matter how gauche it can be now. (it was already rare to find a good one)

  7. I play both ren and FB (same equipment).

    If you want to play Quickness FB or a support class for PUG, play Harrier FB.

    When people will be more used to FB and Ren, Zerk or Vipere FB will be good too. I know people speak about zerk FB and so harrier Ren, but :

    * The stab/aegis/quickness/fury/resistance spam is just so good; it'd be an error if you pug alone to play without boon duration and healing, and may be not clear for others players, mostly if you don't play with a Ren.

    The "Bane signet share" is very strong. Virtues helps a lot too with a lil endurance boost, Master of consecration if Wall or Hallowed ground needed.

    * Harrier Ren can give 25 mights, perma alacrity and very strong powerbuff and heal; but people need to pack really really close or you'll have issue or with might or with alacrity; not very convenient in PUG or with certain instabilities, it will multiply support classes ... It's messier than FB.

    * Plus FB slots easier with more compo, because quickness take precedence over alacrity, and the boons spam.


  8. The primordial thing to do is to exchange Powerful Aura from Water with Elemental Bastion from Tempest. It would be a buff both to core/weaver and to tempest.

    Tempest should have the choice to be a healer/bunker or a (power) buffer with for example Fire-Air, and not be stucked with Water to share auras.


    Edit: if you give alacrity and resistance to tempest (which is nice) I just stop to play weaver. Resistance should be core, in earth lane for example or with the fireshield trait for example.

  9. Need to dodge, dodge in enemy's aoe and the wind pushing thing, try to come back on ship, but wind don't want.

    Birds were horrible. + The mobs with protection, mights ....


    You have luck; we all was power.

    Druid was ... druid... Some heals, but not constant. No cleave no boon strip. "Chrono can you take null field or Domi ? War can you take SpB ?" No they can't. Chrono ragequit so I reroll FB support with Virtue to give a lil endurance boost too, and wall, resistance etc.

    "Someone has Scourge with boonstrip and epi ?" No. LFG for power DPS ... After one hour I've just ragequit, change PUG with my FB, did the boss at first try.



    > @"Ruufio.1496" said:

    > https://imgur.com/LKZEKXb



    Ah ah! It was a bit like that in my first group too, but at the end boss.



  10. My issue with unravel, I'm an idiot I'm like "I'll go for F2/F2" but I forget I get the boon of the primary attunement, or I'm F1/F2 I want F1/F1 but I didn't look at CD that is <2sec and use Unravel. I always use it too late or too early compared to what I want.

    It's a good skill in a repeated combo, otherwise I can't use it when I need a particular skill.

    I think it would be a QoL to reduce all attunements swap to 50% for ~5sec, like the elite one, instead of reset CD only once.


  11. I'm quite wrong, so my ren is broken cheated or something ???

    You can't be serious. FB berserker is okai, but F2-F4 on Ren have radius issue ? So was it for chrono too ?? Plus PS is what now ? 4 or 5sec might ? You'll change all runes and sigils to maintain 25 stack ?

    You can't build a support-support class in a meta-comp because you can't pack, place properly and you all need someone to rub out your errors.

  12. You'll lose less to take SpB than take trickery in thief or a power chrono over an other DPS or mines over bomb or grenade kit.


    You'll lose less to NOT take PS war (because it means runes and/or food/sigil) than to take Lasting Legacy over RR if you play harrier Ren with Salvation (because you don't need RR at all with Ventari) in fractals. I don't know how you test you ren but I can assure you you can maintain perma alacrity perma 25 mights, and Soulcleave and the healing skill one when you swap to kalla.

    If you play diviner with Invocation, yes, you can't pass over RR and you can't maintain 25 mights alone, or you sacrifice the perma alacrity for the mights. Still you have FB, may you have weaver, holo to cap the 25.

    Stop Making PS war/SpB a thing, it is NOT needed *edit, in a Ren Healer comp.

  13. I can't agree with Earth.

    This spec is a mess. Okai you read traits one by one and you're like "it's fine, it's good" but it is not.

    Diamond skin : worst condicleanse ever : need you to be hit, 1sec ICD, only work with >75% life, that means if you don't play bunker with toughness and vitality it is trash.

    Stone Heart : you need to stay in earth, but you'll need to swap to water/air for condicleanse and heals, fire/air to dps... ; it's insane, this trait is just a brain teaser "I"m in trouble, should I stay in earth to not be hit too hard or I swap attunements to get heals, boons, endurance, pressure ... ";

    2sec stab when you swap to earth, ... it's okai ... could be longer or 2 stacks.

    2sec protection with auras, TWO SECONDS ! That is not like we have access to many auras with core elem, that means if you don't play bunker tempest it is trash.

    The lesser armor earth: is a breakstun, but doesn't proc when you're disabled. Good ;) It procs at the same threshold than the Arcane shield and weaver ston stance. Good ;)

    +5% bleeding dmg, +20% duration ... it is good ... before you compare the trait with all the others classes' "condi"specs.


    So few boons and so few active sustain and cleansing ( for a tanky spec, it's very good ;) ;) ;) ), so few synergy between the traits, with the others specs, with the others attunement than F4...

    The spec is a niche, the spec is useless apart from bunker tempest. Bunker Tempest that already need water spec to share auras ... Or you sacrifice better spec like water/arcane or you play with zero DPS zero pressure.


    Edit: all specs are mess. No good synergy bewteen traits, between specs; focused on their own attunement and not "general" play, not enough traits on utility skills (like, lesser glyph, lesser signet, or "when you use a healing skill"...).

    You swap attunement, good job you have just lost half your traits. But it's DYNAMIC, it's FUN :p :p you play like a real pianist <3 <3 but piano breaks everytime you touch a key.

  14. You don't need PS with Ren. F2 gives you 15 mights (~20 sec or more, I don't remember) every 8sec with alacrity; FB can pre-buff mights too before engaging.

    Tactics ? Even you're all power berserker/diviner I don't know if it is worth the DPS sacrifice to play Empower Allies in 5man group *Unless you play war of course, and not SpB.


    After that, IMO there is not "one" optimal comp.

    I mean of course, ren+fb+war+soulbeast+dps is strong. Support FB+war+3DPS is worth too. Chrono+War+3DPS still work good too.

    But with all the new instabilities and the new fractal I 've also seen good scourge actually doing there job : epidemic, boon removal etc, on contrary I saw more and more thiefs and weavers be OS in the first seconds because of mobs with 25 might fury quickness or 300%dmg and weaver/thief with-30%hp (=8k HP) or birds focusing them. I've also seen this week groups looking for 2 healers/support, like Druid + FB, and no joke it was better than 3 years of chrono+druid.

  15. I saw less ren (DPS or healsupport) than I saw FB.

    IMO you'll be more useful in harrier FB alone or with a chrono or druid than a Ren or a Berserker FB. Because it works fin in more compos than ren, because quickness is upper and you have more healing, utilities and boons. In a good day you'll find a harrier ren, then you'll be 2 healers, won't really change of chrono+druid's DPS, just way more healing and boons. Still you can swap armor between your 2 classes, or everybody have a berserker set somewhere.

  16. Been established by who ? Just try by yourself.


    I did the berserker FB ; but the healing mantra can be very very lame when healing skill needed; and the quickness duration can be a bit short because of the radius of mantras and people not close to you....*and alacrity needed. Diviner Ren + berserker FB is a power compo for "uber" players who know each other, not for random players, nor for all fractals. Vipere still give more DPS; of course this is less "bursty" but burning dmg rise fast enough.

    Harrier support FB is a very good package in fractals : oc perma quickness, stab + aegis spam, resistance and condicleanse, wall etc, and very very strong regen and heals.

    If you pug; build a DH, then if needed switch to FB, or build harrier directly if you want a SUPPORT FB.

  17. Darevil/deadeye do better with >>>>>>>>>3 <<<<<<<<<<<< skills, renegade higher DPS too (a bit more complicated). Staff weaver is not even listed as staff is complete shit now. And now look at the recommendations : thief, renegade, mirage, DH, Holo ...

    Look at the build : Hammer, FGS, storm; Look at the rotation : Hammer, FGS, storm + 34 skills

    Other classes can do better in instance : they add vulnerability, more conditions, more cc, boons, boonstrip, easier rotation, more sustain, more cleave, pull , (mid)range/melee.... What weaver/elem is good for : ??????? Burst in fractals ???


    And you tell me weaver elem is fine ???


    PvP/WvW : healing power + vitality mandatory in all builds, 80% of utility skills totally useless (pvp and pve, condi, power support ...same everywhere), weak elite skills, no boonstrip, ; no sustain no condicleanse without healing power and water/arcane, but no dps without air/fire, no swap range/meleee ; sword : no block, no counter attack, standstill skills without counterpart, no range + useless AA / no cleave, long cast, long cd, useless "no mechanic" of weak barriers, poor target tracking; no good "temporary" dmg buff.

    All specs too focused on respective attunements, attunement swap and so weapon skills, not on utility skills and general play.

    They nerfed the only "viable" dps build : fresh air and the counterpart ? They up #2 fire scepter ...

    Oh yeah we can play "bunker", like the only viable option since HoT.


    So yes, you can be the top DPS, because you're better than the other, of course you can chain noobs or survive 5 minutes against 3 foes; but you can do that with half the efforts and half the keyboard with an other class.

    This isn't about being a noob or not; it's just about the class potential, and maths; and master elem is not that rewarding . Play weaver or tempest, then play soulbeast, holo, mirage, herald, FB, thief ... simpler and stronger.

  18. I did the spider thing with the dragon axe at least 15 times, no achievement.

    Same for the 20sec cd; I did meta events, I did spiders, I used a 20sec cd skill, I used a chrono, I change map, repeat, I change character, repeat ... is it 20 sec between each mobs or for all ? repeat ... no achievement .... ragequit.

    This is kitten; at least if we could have a little icon or something to indicate the window or the progress...

  19. With new instabilities elem/weaver is useless now even in fractals : HP pool, no good cleave, no condi cleanse, no boonstrip, no boon, no boonshare, no good invu/block ... where now mobs would deal more dmg, more condition, get more boons ...

    I try hard in pvp and WvW for fun, but don't get me wrong others classes can do better without effort.

  20. One by one of course they are not "insurmountable".

    But start to combine them .... Try to play weaver or thief when you get -30% HP and enemies deal more dmg or quicker or tons of conditions.

    Deepstone today ; birds + We bleed fire : birds (already annoying, you can dodge, ok, but what about the 4 others deadbrain members ) and mobs and the "orbs" give fire, the boss fire projectile take off 40% of HP ...

    Siren's Reef yesterday : Frailty + Sugar Rush, elems and thiefs (no good cleave) instant die.


    So what is it about ? (A good) Healer is close to mandatory now, + resistance/ condi cleanse spam + stab spam + good cleave + good amount of HP or armor.

    Yeah we can handle new instabilities, does it mean half the classes would be push out the zone to not be boring ?

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