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Zhaid Zhem.6508

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Posts posted by Zhaid Zhem.6508

  1. > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

    > > I'm quite interested how you rotate with druid, because I got 10K IN INSTANCE, and because if you look benchmark on YT and website berserker druid was 17k last year, I didn't see nerf since, so I'm concerned. I confess with strength runes you can lose 2k, but 12k ? May be swap weapons ?

    > >

    > > >And what the kitten are you on about with PS? WHICHEVER trait would you INSTEAD bring on a power bannerwarrior? Synergy for 20 more dps? But only if theres a firefield to combo? Or... shout trait for that onetime healshout you are using as opener - if at all? Stop trying to defend your stupid idiotic traitline choices by trying to mock my very logical suggestion that all bannerwarriors should just stop being kitten idiots and just bring PS trait instead of renegades kitten over their alacrity uptime.

    > >

    > > That funny because all your posts on others topics were about berserker FB + diviner Ren, but you are scared about alacrity and not taking RR in a static group, and your "logical suggestion" to say to others who bring 25 mights and perma uptime alacrity on boss is that they are "wrong", but the clumsy loop of quickness of zerk FB ... don't worry it's okai!?? I'm a bit confused in that choice of priorities. Very low quickness margin ... convenient for CC phase at Artsariiv or where you kite a lot because of instabilities or aoe.

    > > And why not take more boon duration, equip mantra of liberation and Weighty term ? No need when you can lose seconds to dodge, jump, turn back etc, and don't forget your **support** lose 3k DPS on golem. What a logical suggestion.

    > > You made a compo for a static group, and that's great, but bash chrono+druid because you want to impose your choice to others, or bashing Diviner/Harrier/Vipere FB because of an idiot golem, no matter how you can carry the whole group in all fractals ... _it makes me so angry._

    > > And all players don't have static, ( and knowledge, and skill...) and don't have patience to make 2 or 3 gears AND wait for a Ren or a FB to join with the ancillary gear. They want quickness, they want fury, they want aegis, they want to be babysitted when there are conditions, projectiles, daze/stun, they don't want to die because of little mistakes or clumsy coordination, they really don't care if you carry them to heaven but make 8k instead of 11k.

    > > Edit: chrono/druid have utilities and ease that FB and ren don't, and inversely. I don't see why there will not be place for both compo and we should absolutely ERASE from the game one of them.


    > I will tell once again. In fight guardian can play dh or fb and he has to decide before fight what he's doing. If wer coming to chrono utilities, skips and pulls it can be done both by dps and a support, which means fb/Rev can still use it in t4s and rec.

    > Btw I don't have in mind any utilities that druid has and Renebrand doesn't. (maybe range dmg to push away balls on skorvald)

    > Edit: to sum up renebrand don't lose anything that chrono druid has



    Frost and sun spirits, spotter, GoE, against assassin presence and Soulcleave.

    Ren is not that easy to play, or more accurate it does not always correspond to group skill or situation, because of its energy management; like if you need CC, anti-proj, F2-F4,... you can sometimes be stucked in a latence waiting for energy or legend swap; FB is easier in this way, and druid too.

    Druid+chrono is still very effective todays, for simples reason : they are extremely accessible builds and safe for others members; range, aoe visibility... habits, also because of effectivness in 10 man squad + The most important : there are not a lot of ren. And if you find one + FB, this is not clear for all what gear to use, if healer needed and which one should be. So you can see situation where you expected reflects or long stab uptime but the guys are(see Yasi) zerk with few support skills, or not enough quickness/alacrity due to placement/range issue, or on the contrary you have 2 harriers/minstrel guys with heal oriented builds and so no dps, no bane signet etc. I 've also seen a Ren+FB, but ren was Condi DPS, and FB was 100% healing skills and traits, without quickness...


    The meta is present, it is what people play with most efficiency and with ease, the meta is not hypothetical, like "people should play like that", nor on the single DPS criteria, nor effective for only few players/static, because it means it's not accessible for all ( otherwise people should play chrono +war since 3 years )

    And for now, chrono+druid/healer is still meta, Ren+FB has very strong potential and, with no doubt, should surpass chrono+druid, but it needs some adjustments to be better defined and accessible, and popularize. I'm not sure you understand my position : I love FB, I try hard FB and ren, but very often I don't find my complement or he's blind and useless, so I go harrier FB to carry players to heaven, like siren's reef with "We bleed fire" + "Birds", or deepstone etc, or I relog to chrono or DPS and the group in LFG fills 10 times faster ... It doesn't encourage to tryhard.

  2. I'm quite interested how you rotate with druid, because I got 10K IN INSTANCE, and because if you look benchmark on YT and website berserker druid was 17k last year, I didn't see nerf since, so I'm concerned. I confess with strength runes you can lose 2k, but 12k ? May be swap weapons ?


    >And what the kitten are you on about with PS? WHICHEVER trait would you INSTEAD bring on a power bannerwarrior? Synergy for 20 more dps? But only if theres a firefield to combo? Or... shout trait for that onetime healshout you are using as opener - if at all? Stop trying to defend your stupid idiotic traitline choices by trying to mock my very logical suggestion that all bannerwarriors should just stop being kitten idiots and just bring PS trait instead of renegades kitten over their alacrity uptime.


    That funny because all your posts on others topics were about berserker FB + diviner Ren, but you are scared about alacrity and not taking RR in a static group, and your "logical suggestion" to say to others who bring 25 mights and perma uptime alacrity on boss is that they are "wrong", but the clumsy loop of quickness of zerk FB ... don't worry it's okai!?? I'm a bit confused in that choice of priorities. Very low quickness margin ... convenient for CC phase at Artsariiv or where you kite a lot because of instabilities or aoe.

    And why not take more boon duration, equip mantra of liberation and Weighty term ? No need when you can lose seconds to dodge, jump, turn back etc, and don't forget your **support** lose 3k DPS on golem. What a logical suggestion.

    You made a compo for a static group, and that's great, but bash chrono+druid because you want to impose your choice to others, or bashing Diviner/Harrier/Vipere FB because of an idiot golem, no matter how you can carry the whole group in all fractals ... _it makes me so angry._

    And all players don't have static, ( and knowledge, and skill...) and don't have patience to make 2 or 3 gears AND wait for a Ren or a FB to join with the ancillary gear. They want quickness, they want fury, they want aegis, they want to be babysitted when there are conditions, projectiles, daze/stun, they don't want to die because of little mistakes or clumsy coordination, they really don't care if you carry them to heaven but make 8k instead of 11k.

    Edit: chrono/druid have utilities and ease that FB and ren don't, and inversely. I don't see why there will not be place for both compo and we should absolutely ERASE from the game one of them.

  3. You are so angry because of +10K DPS for 2 supports ?? Wow, take holidays.

    Have you even >**_TRIED_** berserker druid to SAY it is 12K ? You're more arround 16-17k, because you may forget there were a lot of patchs after Hot Release, axe/sword/gs buffs etc. Have you even >**_TRIED_** 1 chrono 1 War comp ??

    The 30sec you win on a boss with ren-fb, chrono will double the time with portal to skip parts.

    I'm okai with FB+Ren, I love FB since Pof release and have 3 gears + a DH, but stuck *ss people "WE NEED TO KILL CHRONO META IT'S NOT OPTI" oh come on, please stop that it's really disturbing, and stupid. Why should it exists only one viable compo, and others comp is instant kick + black list ????? Praise Ren+FB, but don't bash Chrono on "-5k DPS" argument.


    Edit you're the guy who take a PS war with FB-REN in fractals and talk about optimisation ? pls don't talk about comp only on the DPS criteria without a look on fractals and instabiltities.

  4. Because you don't need harrier druid neither ; Berserker druid + runes of strenght. Because Chrono also earn some DPS because of Diviner gear. Because chrono (diviner or harrier inspiration) + PS war +3 DPS is still very effective. Because of pull, TP.... Because of range. Because of CC. Because that right people are used to. Because DH can take stab too.


    I was really happy that people have a look to Ren+FB; which exists long before SC or discretize suggest it, but it's an error to figure META comp because of golem without looking the new instabilities. The suggested meta is heal ren + power FB (because "higher DPS"), but actually the opposite (or diviner FB) offers more utilities, more ease, more "mechanic counter" more soulcleve uptime, and so better carry > More dps.


    It still need decantation and some adjustments. For now people don't know if they gear harrier or diviner or zerk or vipere, scholar or pack, RR or LL in ren spec ... if they play with PS war (and so rune of strengt and/or sigil or food)

  5. Because, despite nerfs chrono is still doing great, chrono can access to diviner too, don't forget. The question was about the druid : did we need a healer or not, as PS war+ chrono ensure 25mights fury. Chrono+ps+3DPS is still a thing.


    There are not so many FB+Ren for now.

    It's not a DPS issue, we have/had years of 3k dps druid + 4k dps Chrono; so harrier FB or Harrier Ren to lose/win 5k ... it's more about people's skill, knowledge and confidence, and about fractals and instabilities needs.

    Zerk FB : big issue you NEED perma alacrity, you need people to be ALWAYS near/front of you.

    Diviner FB; less DPS for sure but so more ease perma quickness, perma stab, more resistance, protection, retaliation etc.

    Vipere FB (+ FB runes) : ~same DPS as zerk (depends of fractalsif there are phases/invu, a lot of mobs ... , like Siren's reef I was 35k all along the last boss due to F1 spam, not bad for a support role), but more quickness, but less than diviner FB ; easier access to virtues, to wall of reflection (because you use virtue spec ...), but you have to make a choice : Bane signet sharing/CC or personnal DPS.

    Harrier FB : You can juggle easily between virtue or radiance (dps will still be low), perma stab quickness etc. More blocks, more aegis, good "regen", good heals


    Harrier Ren : betters heals than FB, anti proj too.

    Diviner Ren : better Soulcleave's summit uptime because of Invoction spec, you can swap to mallyx for boonstrip. You have to make a choice between LL or RR, it will depends of your teammates. Less personal dps than FB.


    My experience; harrier FB is better for PUG (CM or not). Why ? Because it slots itself easier in more compos than Ren ; Way more ease with quickness ; More utilities ; **Perma stab + aegis spam** = you **cancel HALF to ALL** the mechanices which means NO NEED TO DODGE, TO KITE, NO NEED TO TURN BACK (like Chaos last boss, like Dulfy, like Flux Anomalies, etc etc...) ; wall/bubble ; bane signet(radiance) or more regen/endurance regen, more wall more virtues (virtue spec) ...

    Otherwise Zerk FB is the "meta" but diviner is easier and more useful.

    Harrier or Diviner Ren... The real question is Invocation or Salvation.

  6. Why not use Sigil of rage ? It is not that bad 3sec quickness every 20sec + Rune of the pack for example, it gives power/precision, mights + 15% boon duration instead of rune of cavalier that is good only for recolt.


    Also I tried to add Quickness in the sigils for pvp/wvw too, big issue with sigils is the rng; like you crit a guy while dodging but you didn't want to attack him after or I want to use #4 + #5 dagger earth but sigil on CD ...

    If only we have a little more concentration in the arcane trait, or some quickness access in elem/weaver specs and skills.


    Edit²: Yes tempest is "easier" to tag mobs in pve + you have 300 free concentration (+20% boon duration) if you want to keep quickness.



  7. Celestial/grieving yes, with spite/curses or soulreaping/curses. It's not the gogo class that right, due to lack of kite (leap, tp etc) and sustain, but if you're smart and don't spam f2-f5 like an ***** you can kill almost every (melee) eager roamers.

  8. Natural healing, too too long cast time. And even if you cleanse 7 condi, losing 7 boons aswel ... it is suicide.


    Imminent break is not that bad, I use it some time it remember me the berserker build; CD could be shorter or ammo charge. Featherfoot Grace is good too.

    Sight beyond sight : 3s revealed only and 1 critical hit ? Useless.

  9. The mistake I have seen : group focus only on the boss, without cleave without taking care of mobs, only the wind zones. Contrary to others "fractals" you have to kill the adds, or with instabilities like "bleed fire" or "300% dmg in the back" etc you'll die really fast.

    If you want it easy you need a lot of cleave/aoe, pulls and some reflects, condi cleanse, stab.... It's just common sense ... There is nothing hard with the right skills.

    Chrono, holo, DH, FB with 40 reflects, etc, even scourges work really good with poison cloud, weakness, epidemic... and the big area and foes tag.

  10. The shield is really good, except : the cast times to manifest it and of the skills make it clumsy to use if you need the block or the "leap/daze" + very low dmg + this little dash in the AA chain AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH :s :s :s :s :s :s , I know some will like this skill to stick the enemy, but I don't + the cast time of #4, the range and the number of targets, it's pity (make it one target 1000 range or 5 foes or faster )

    All Conjured weapons have the same issue : Good skills a priori but very low dmg, low range, no good combo, and awful cast times, all together. That why in pve we only use the aoe "storm" only.

  11. It wil be hard to balance Ele, between the DMG/uselessness issue in Pve and Sustain( water/arcane jail) in PvP/roaming.

    But the way they did it is wretched : nerf sustain like riptide, arcane traits, but buff +30% or +50% random sword or scepter skills without taking care of CD, range and cast time ... They should start to do the opposite.

    And they should implant new (and unique to elem) group buffs or/and improve mechanics like barriers and auras, because weaver/elem is way too selfish (and still need to be carried) and tempest is a very cheap FB : make Harmonious conduit a group buff, make barriers shared to the group, make the +33% aura duration from the runes a tempest's trait, buff auras, etc.


    If they still want Elem to be a hybrid concept, at least let us be useful to our allies.

  12. Chrono is not dead*

    The isssue is : chronos in fractals played semi-afk, now they have to wake up. You still can cover perma quickness-alacrity; but yes you're no longer a source of the other boons.

    Actually a hybrid/DPS chrono with the shield, well of recall and only the boon duration from the pots (and so with mantra of pain and phantasmal disenchantt etc dps build) can bring the pema alacrity and deal arround 18K. You add FB, harrier if you want big boons cover like stab/retal/regen etc and it's ok. (Not ok for 25 mights, but hey)



    Renegade DPS is lower, but it gives ferocity bonus for the group, and the kalla elite skill that can be +2-5k DPS to each members when well time gated.

    My issue with (diviner) renegade, you have to chose between RR or LL. F2 without LL is too short duration to give the 25 mights, and energy greedy; but F4 without RR is too short radius ... people need to stand very close. With Ventari you don't have that problem you can provide enough alacrity and take LL, but you lose the invocation spec and so less Soulcleave's summit ...


    Chrono have also more utilities to skip parts, pull, remove boons, easier access to CC etc. And personnely I'm more fan of Harrier FB than Harrier Ren (more utilities, more boons).

  13. Don't put DH in the same basket as thief. Yes it has great panic skills and utilities, yes it has great burst, but it's not that easy to master as you can't spam keys without taking care of loop retaliation, or put symbol before the spirit sword etc. We don't really care for a burst, but when fights/phases persist, and no add to reset F1, no chrono or other DH to loop retaliation, DPS can be pretty low. Same when you get interrupted while casting F1 or a whirl.

    This is still pretty newbie friendly, but we see the difference between the DH who just burst and then spam keys in panic, and the good ones.

    When daredevil has literally 3 keys.


    Otherwise I agree condition builds are pretty low now. Renegade is too complex, dps too slow to rise, and with mesmer are mostly niche build when confusion or torment outdo others conditions/builds. And others condition build ?? Berserker ??

  14. After riptide, Tempest Defense, arcane's traits "fixed" etc. Next patch they will remove Frost aura from Water, put a 3sec icd on Cleansing Water, put a 8s cd on Elemental Attunement and Arcane Prowess.

    But They will buff (the dmg, not the cast time) shatterstone again (because devs love that skill) and dragon's tooth. So after Mender weaver we'll see Kamikaze weaver that will rollface before die from retaliation.


    Just look at the patchnotes, it's a mess. They nerfed staff dmg for ZERO reason without counterpart, they nerf step by step sustain/boon access, but +25% dmg of Natural Frenzy (counterpart : now it doesn't hit if target is moving) or 30% pyrovorte, etc. So in a way there is balance, but you're locked in more armor more healing patch after patch. They have no clue how to balance Elem. I know it's not easy to balance without rise again godmod Celestial Elem, but come on ...

  15. They said "nerf sustain and buff dmg" because the most popular build we see is Mender Weaver; but if they have really played Weaver they should know the reason it is the most popular is justly because we don't have that much sustain so we need to build with healing power, vitality and the water spec. Put minstrel amulet or mender or anything with armor and healing power and you have a tank near as competent as weaver : daredevil, core war, herald chrono ... The mender FB can also camp a zone and deal great dmg, but it has less "evade" so it's balanced I figure.

    Actually if they do the opposite, buff sustain ""nerf dmg"", elem/weaver will be more balanced and we'll see more diversity.

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