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Zhaid Zhem.6508

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Posts posted by Zhaid Zhem.6508

  1. I agree this is some love for players who already play tempest, but it will still be far from Fb, Chrono or even scourge, scrapper, herald. Tempest, and raid/zerg/pvp etc doesn't need 4sec fury on 75sec CD skill or regen or 3 mights on 25-30sec CD skills; every others supports do it better.

    Auras need to be more determinant; magnetic and shocking auras are above average but we already lose the schocking one in the air spec and magnetic one need you to chose between important traits in the tempest spec; they could be a bit consolidated (in duration or added effect or icd); and fire shield and frost aura ... what a joke ... who cares to burst someone with that !? remove the 1sec icd.

    Tempest need to share Resistance or alacrity, not the regular boons or 1 condicleanse every one can already spread by passives traits, tempest need powerbuff added to the auras or the overload, like the arcane skills for example, like a lesser harmonious conduit and not just 1 lightning strike. And tempest need to see Elemental Bastion exchanged with the powerful aura from the water spec.

  2. Regen, fury, 3 mights ... regular boons that even in pvp are already shared pretty easily by every classes.

    It's always nice .... but I would have preferred somethings like Harmonious Conduit shared to the group, or quickness/stab/alacrity, or the +33% duration from the runes in the spec, or Elemental Bastion and Powerful aura exchanged that is may be the most important thing to do to broaden the diversity of tempest roles.


  3. It's not nice, it's a disaster. PvP when you want to place yourself on cap or WvW when you want to take the door or stand near your allies.

    Mistform is a strong skill, but we don't have CC like others, so this bug is really really annoying in all situations.


    > @"MyPuppy.8970" said:

    > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > Choose which one you prefer...

    > >

    > > ANet: Do you like it?

    > > Players: Yes!

    > > ANet: it's an unintended bug and we are stealthily working on it.

    > >

    > > ANet: Do you like it?

    > > Players: No!

    > > ANet: It's a feature.


    > Anet: Please post your concerns on this thread.

    > Players: 700 replies

    > Anet: We have a side project for a complete rework.




    Players: 100 threads in pvp, WvW, elem forums

    Anet: So many ! We're so happy you discuss that much about elem. We merged them all in elem sub-forum, keep posting your suggestions on this thread.

    Players: Did or will you read it, at least ?


    Players (6-12months later): Anet ?


  4. > @"Auburner.6945" said:

    > To show how lovely the state of ele is. Last night during reset, all weavers were asked to get into ranged sub-s before we get kicked if any other better spec was there to take our place. This shows how ele gives so much in terms of support and damage that it doesn't even need a squad. The solo capabilities of ele are perhaps way too high that it can solo cap SM.


    > We'll probably get 1 or 2 lines of changes just like last patch, or nerfs, maybe Lava Font is still powerful so the damage would be 10% of the current damage while fixing MS bug that caused its damage to be higher than Air Sigil's proc. Ele trait lines are "perfect by nature" anyway and further fixes would get it into "broken" state.


    > Others will have positively effective changes that will keep them invested into finding newer playstyles.



    That is an other problem; elem/weaver is too selfish, support for allies (as for oneself) comes mainly from Water lane and not enough, or not effectively, from utility and weapons skills.

    Earth is trash ; unplayable/non-functional without bunker amulet and tempest (Because otherwise you need water/arcane)

    Tempest support : you need water ...

    Arcane : need you to swap, over and over. But arcane prowess, that is kitten, (bring back fury pls ... or more stacks ... ) is not even shared.

    Staff : #1 poor velocity, #3 poor radius, even Healing Rain is stuck in 2015; 1 condi every 3 seconds ?? Regen ??? Seriously with 40sec CD ?? Why not make it like the spirit-bow from guard a "heals" rain and not "regen" rain. It's more useful to swap to fire/air, then swap back to Water to proc traits.

    And utility skills ... is there any skill that share effect with allies ???????????? Apart Arcane power (even that it's nerfed to 50% for allies ...) ?? Even thief and necro have more. Don't say Glyph of Renewal, this skill is impossible to cast.

    Weaver : nothing for allies ... Oops, no, sorry; we have Aquatic Stance ... 1sec tick, need to stay at melee, excellent. Why we couldn't share barriers or something ?

  5. The only things that bother me; the width of the ship, making dodge suicidal, and the size of the boss/hitbox, it could be a bit larger to improve sight and "re-targeting".


    Otherwise, it's just obviousness. Too much mobs ? Focus them /Cleave. Projectiles ? Anti-proj ... Not all have both, nor one, but come on, we have 5 people in group ... chrono, DH, ren, FB, Tempest, scourge, even thief and engi have anti-projectile, is it hard to change skills ? Is it hard to launch aoes and cc on mobs ?

  6. Even aoes have a pattern/direction, with the front/back of Amala.

    Obviously first times you run in all directions, trying to dodge the present aoe, but with some experience you can divine the next and place yourself properly.

    For example.

    Lyssa, if you have troubles, kill the clones, one hit is often sufficient and you'll take less dmg/conditions; the F5 Scourge or the lazer disk from Holo will kill them all while running.

    Grenth, the first aoe smash you just need to get around, then she "whirl" (don't know the verb in english) and deals strong dmg, DH's F3 or some blocks/aegis will help you to burst her easily, or stay mid range. Balthazar, you stay at her back and can burst, you just need to do some steps sideways to avoid the fire cyclone.


    About the visual clutter and epileptic crisis ... I don't know.

  7. Keep your relic and pages for later : infinite potions, Mist Attunement buff, etc.

    You have many way to have ascended armors : craft, (fractals and raids), WvW mechant, PvP merchant, and the luck (fractals essentialy, but also in wvw/pvp rewards/loot); you should craft 1 or 2 armors first (berserker is most needed) and then vary activities to loot or buy pieces for the others characters.

    I have 21 characters, they all have one or more ascended sets, I only craft 3 armors and the rest is loot and wvw/pvp merchant

  8. On off Meta you have :

    Auramancer : great healing burst, mid range heal; condi cleanse; magnetic aura for projectiles, some boonshare mights/protection essentialy. Con : no dmg buff, it's just pur healing ...

    Scourge : Barriers, good healing, vampiric presence = small dmg buff, 25 mights sharing, boonstrip, and it is the best rez machine ever. It's more adequate as second healer (druid as the first so) in raids, if the group doesn't perform well.

    Inspiration Chrono : It's basically a boon chrono, but with healing. In a way this is sometimes better to gear for healing if you can't bring DPS with diviner gear while doing your support rotation. This is mainly for tanking in raids, or static group in fractals (chrono+4DPS)

    Edit : Yes, you have scrapper too.


    Fb or Ren, the great debate;

    FB : if you pug essentially, Healer FB (+boon duration) will give you a large pack of utilities as perma stab, perma anti-proj, aegis spam, condicleanse/resistance, constant healing/regen and will carry heavily your group, more than Ren; it fits various groups easier too because of that : You can duo with Ren, Chrono, Druid, or you can be the only support role, it will be okai.

    Ren : better healing burst, might not be that easy, due to energy management, range, people ignorance... But yeah, on the DPS criteria you lose less to take harrier Ren + Zerk/diviner FB than the opposite.

  9. It will never replace TS/mumble/discord in WvW, but it could be interesting the "radial menu"/ "commorose" for the markers; like Shift + you select the marker you want; I would find this more practical than shift +1234

    Edit: because there are so few to use the markers in WvW, and sometimes "hit the head" "left" "right" "rush near the wall" etc are unclear; markers help a lot.

  10. > @"squallaus.8321" said:

    > I get annoyed at some players that advertise for power dps and tell me mirage is suboptimal for CMs but proceed to do 70% or less of my dps. Those players that do beat my dps usually beat it by 5-10% and never complain. There are definitely some of trash elitists around. I also remember this guy that always hide behind playing BS and complain about other people's dps.


    Yeah there is a big misunderstanding about dmg or builds in fractals. I've also seen Scourges, Mirages, FB, even condi Daredevil and Berserker Banners doing better than DH and Holo.

    This is right some bosses or phases are way faster with a power comp and bursts, like Skorvald, Ark, Molten Boss, Subject 6... Most of condi builds have burst, of course there is a delay and sadly the same average DPS than power, that the reason power is most requested; it makes same dmg, but way faster.

    But the condition is to actually have power/burst !!! Not 2 average DPS+ semi-afk BS and 2 supports ... Unfortunate, it's the most common PUG.


  11. It's not only about healing ; there are also mace block, shield, you can play Weighty Terms meaning more aegis and possibly perma stab, you can play virtues if needed instead of Radiance, you lose group buff but can spam virtues and consecrations.

    It's not about carrying "bad" groups, it's about making gimmicks easier for all, or even cancel them; in some way the role of a support ?

    Diviner gear or condi+fb runes too offers more ease to the group

    Of course zerk FB works, I do not disagree; but without margin of error, and I only encounter "bad" pug or FB or Ren if so; not all people have static. It's not being "bad" to have expectations or some trust on a class with so many utilities.

  12. It's not hard, it's annoying certainly, but not hard.

    The reason it's annoying; for now we play/played with few cleaves, and we just focused on the boss, neglecting the trahsmobs (just look on Artsariiv how people don't care about the elites, even if it takes 3 seconds to kill them, even if they wipe).

    Try Scourge (lot of aoe, epidemic, poison cloud against projectils) or Vipere FB (Litteraly you spam F1 endlessly ([Permeating_Wrath](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Permeating_Wrath "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Permeating_Wrath") +Renewed Justice REALLY HIGH DPS, + the pull #3) + wall/bubble etc) or fresh air tempest; and suddenly final boss becomes really easy.


    And so people complains, because it's easier (and faster) with an "alternative tactic" ? What's the problem, serioulsy ? People complains about chrono jail, about necro or condi being excluded etc, and now we have an opportunity to break out the common compo, all bets are off ?

  13. Fractals are high level **GROUP** content, people are farming the higher tier since years; it's logical sometimes they're a bit annoyed (and toxic) of some players who don't know mechanics and/or are very bad dps/support. They are not here to carry newbies, they're here to farm quickly their dailies.

    Imagine you do them everyday, with sometimes a wobbly composition, a lack of coordination or some mistakes/death, but it goes well.... And someone joins you, quiet, sneaky ... and he dies often against trashmobs, he has very low DPS, he doesn't run the "right" build (dps/support) and your group spend its time to revive him, to wait for him, or wipe trying.... He's in T4, not in the tutorial, not alone in open world. Of course you're toxic.


    But it's not simple to enter T4 ( won't talk about CMs lol) ;

    I don't agree about t2-t3 to learn mechanics. The big issue in these tiers, you are with others new players who don't know well mechanics either, how to skip parts etc ... and some fractals are still very simple you just don't care about mechanics, attacks etc, you just smash keys to DPS. Do them in order, but there is a lot of gimmicks you won't learn, or understand.

    It's often easier, and faster, to learn to play upon joining T4 dailies, discreetly being carried to a certain extent. But, first of all you need to look at your gear, your build, your rotation of skills:




    Have a DPS meter will help you too to learn your rotation and check your DPS; ArcDPS is the most common one (and tolerated by Anet)


    Otherwise, thief is not the simpler class to get in fractals : like weaver/elem; no good cleave, selfish, and pretty squishy /lack of sustain/panic skills.

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