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Zhaid Zhem.6508

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Posts posted by Zhaid Zhem.6508

  1. I use this [build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJAoYncMAF5i94C24CM5iFBA7eVHrv1FbymYaIIAUAOAA-jxhAQBmV53g2fYtKBBwDAQq6BEwJAgrq/AA-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJAoYncMAF5i94C24CM5iFBA7eVHrv1FbymYaIIAUAOAA-jxhAQBmV53g2fYtKBBwDAQq6BEwJAgrq/AA-e")

    It's all fun because every attunements are useful, fire air earth to dps, combo fields, apply weakness and stack mights, water (+ dodge) to cleanse conditions; and not only fire/air. You have more range and kite than sword so "sustain" / armor should not be your issue but you can gear with celestial and take signet of restoration.


    Edit: this is open world build. Otherwise for group content you should consider berserker + sword.

  2. > @"alain.1659" said:

    > > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

    > > > @"alain.1659" said:

    > > > I still play my old main ele in wvw as a roamer. But only build that works for me is the old dagger dagger build. I can hold my own in 1v1, and in some 2v1. I can kill even soulbeasts with it if I dont do any mistakes and they are not main rangers (those guys know what they do). Yet as you said, the amount of skill and energy I put is way more than any other profession. I tried soulbeast last night, oh boy... Rock gazelle + snow owl made my day really. I tried every profession in the last week actually, except warrior. And what i learned is that ele needs adjustments. Not just buffs but real adjustments/rewrites.

    > >

    > >

    > > Try weaver d/d with Unravel.

    > > It needs some exercise to memorize and chain combos; unravel, dual attacks, leaps ... but dagger dual attacks are really really strong, and unravel is quite good actually, it helps for example to reset CD and attune directly in water for cleansing/healing, air for the schoking aura, fire earth for leaps, etc.


    > Gonna give it a try. Actually I was thinking about using s/d but d/d is my favorite so gonna try that. All I need to do is to force myself to try weaver again. It still feels clunkier than normal ele :(


    S/d is more "duelling" set up, of course with sustain armor etc you can handle 1v2~3~4 but in wvw it is nothing compare to d/d core or weaver.

  3. > @"alain.1659" said:

    > I still play my old main ele in wvw as a roamer. But only build that works for me is the old dagger dagger build. I can hold my own in 1v1, and in some 2v1. I can kill even soulbeasts with it if I dont do any mistakes and they are not main rangers (those guys know what they do). Yet as you said, the amount of skill and energy I put is way more than any other profession. I tried soulbeast last night, oh boy... Rock gazelle + snow owl made my day really. I tried every profession in the last week actually, except warrior. And what i learned is that ele needs adjustments. Not just buffs but real adjustments/rewrites.



    Try weaver d/d with Unravel.

    It needs some exercise to memorize and chain combos; unravel, dual attacks, leaps ... but dagger dual attacks are really really strong, and unravel is quite good actually, it helps for example to reset CD and attune directly in water for cleansing/healing, air for the schoking aura, fire earth for leaps, etc.

  4. +1 boon chrono


    I tried full diviner chrono with runes of pack, Illusion/Domi [meme build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQJARMncfCtfiFqBGohlUjC96WjsgcAKhAoW1etA-jxBBQBCW5XR2fAAXAA/qDgiPAAAr+DJVCCA-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQJARMncfCtfiFqBGohlUjC96WjsgcAKhAoW1etA-jxBBQBCW5XR2fAAXAA/qDgiPAAAr+DJVCCA-e")

    It was just for fun, I wanted the accessories for my renegade; but in final it is really amazing and strong, I have even better DPS than my zerk/assassin gear (in open world, alone) I don't quit diviner anymore. Perma quickness, perma alacrity, perma fury, perma 25 mights without even trying; perma lol.

    Runes of pack works really good with the 2 fantasmal Berserker to open fight; the 2 phantasms will give you back the boons + quickness with illusion spec, it ensure perma fury + the 125 precision which is appreciated with diviner gear

    Of course if you want to optimize etc, 99.99% BD is useless, but it's fun.

  5. > @"Jski.6180" said:

    > > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

    > > Yeah MH dagger water could be more like ... healing, than no purpose. But Tempest/elem should not be a FB or scrapper bis with might, stab or condi conversion or green number fart; tempest should get its own buff to share to 5 or 10 people.

    > > Auras/shouts are meh; the shocking one is alright for the group but it needs 2 traits to share it (3 if you play fresh air), but it lacks something to be detterent, may be increase duration / low CD of shouts, or add a real "active" (not on hit) buff, like dmg buff, ferocity buff, alacrity, or 15~20% protection against physical/condition dmg instead of 10%, or just, let us Transmute auras for all auras we apply, meaning to allies.


    > The thing is only staff realy has healing out put destorying any hope of tempest getting real use out of WH for healing on the healing class of tempest.


    > So the thing is ele is the example why that mind set dose not work for gw2. Ele was the end all be all protection fury class of gw2. Tempest for a time was the end all be all healing class as well. After massive update to other classes ele lose this and is out shined by other classes because of this. Scraper was not a support class it was a tankly cc bruser it was pushed into support as that was the only use it could fill. This was made much stronger then eng core was updated with med kit pushing its healing to being the best in the game.

    > So its a real question why not give tempest real healing why not give ele core real condi clear conversion and why not give tempest/ele real stab support seeing how every thing both scraper and FB have now has been taken away from ele/tempest.



    Then people will complain Engie or FB isn't meta/accepted anymore because tempest do better.

    Make again Ele/tempest a strong healer and cleanser or stab/might generator will just *displace an other spec, and complaints will repeat until and after next balance. Tempest could be so much more. Auras are just a medium for some already loop boons and heals, but are nearly useless /acute enough, why can't it be better ? Increase effects, make transmute work for all auras applied and effective on shouts, add better buff, rarer boons rather than regular 4sec regen with 30sec cd.


  6. Yeah MH dagger water could be more like ... healing, than no purpose. But Tempest/elem should not be a FB or scrapper bis with might, stab or condi conversion or green number fart; tempest should get its own buff to share to 5 or 10 people.

    Auras/shouts are meh; the shocking one is alright for the group but it needs 2 traits to share it (3 if you play fresh air), but it lacks something to be detterent, may be increase duration / low CD of shouts, or add a real "active" (not on hit) buff, like dmg buff, ferocity buff, alacrity, or 15~20% protection against physical/condition dmg instead of 10%, or just, let us Transmute auras for all auras we apply, meaning to allies.

  7. I would balance a bit more sustain and support in utility skills, instead of some in water skills with water spec, then in earth skills and air skills with arcane, etc; and make spec utility skills focused; and not "when in fire attunement you ..." or one lesser cantrip in fire, an other in earth, the buff trait in water ....

    Not that much, to not break class design, attunements swap, combos etc, but at least something decent.

    Half utility skills are useless, or just bad compared to every others classes.

  8. If you have trouble with harrier FB, take minstrel accessories to train yourself quietly with more armor and vitality. If you are Honor-Virtues, that you do 0.5k dps or 4k, no one cares.

    FB is a very important package, with the right skills you can cancel half the mechanics; don't lock your build and try all skills. Evaluate the needs; anti-proj, stab, healing, condicleanse, loop protection, a little more cc and dps buff, etc and adapt. You should ask first to your war and ren to help cap mights, it will free one trait and a weapon to focus on healing.


    Underground Facility isn't that easy. This is not necesserly your fault, bad groups happen; this is not because party has a healer that players should stop to think and adapt, the tempest should easily tank a slab with earth, magnetic aura ...Same with reaper he can pull mobs, ~~blind them~~ (not the dredge) kill them ... Most of people try to rush the doors and commutator instead of waiting for everybody and clean the first mobs. Use wall of reflection, your F3 tome and renewed focus. Pull some mobs with F1 and axe.

    Last boss; well ... if it's ice elemental ... hope others players don't play eyes closed and can dodge attacks.


  9. >Successfully inflict 10 wounds on Kralkatorrik during The End.


    Okai but the first phase we can shot Kralki : some of the weak spots are already beside Aurene or I can't define if they are attainable or not, if they are below or above kralki.

    The the second phase on wings, same, Aurene get superspeed : even with semi-auto 111-111 and retargeting it's often too late and I can't see/hit the spots anymore; but If I avoid some spots and focus on the next one, I don't have the 10 ...

    Plus, dmg seems random, it takes 3 shots average to destroy a spot, but sometimes 3 isn't enough (4% remaining <3 <3 <3 ). Holding key doesn't seem to do anything to the dmg.


    Bref, if some people has done this achievement, or better if they have a video, I would appreciate their help. Thanks.

  10. > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > > > meta comp would be: slb, weaver ,power fb, diviner rev, core bs. Weaver can do skips with blink and xera portal, and only fractal where chrono is better would be cliffsede where u want to mimic ur blink. also rev with executioner axe and superspeed can do most of running skips.

    > > > if u want to be carried, than make firebrand go healer, but it will cost a lot of party dps( -18k dps and bane signet)

    > >

    > > While losing 18k DPS for going with a Sup FB sounds bad, I want to emphasise that that's on paper/golem.

    > > If not everybody in the group is an absolutely exceptional player/speedrunner who can pull of perfect bursts etc., that DPS deficit it almost entirely negated in practice due to higher Scholar uptime, DPS uptime in general due to avoidance of disables, Boon uptime, just one person going down now and then or even avoiding the occasional single wipe, especially with rough instabilities, make it generally the faster option for what I would guess to be 90%+ of even high KP groups in practice.

    > > Just like Chrono+Druid was generally run over just Chrono+3DPS+BS.

    > >

    > > I do recommend taking a DH or pChrono as one of the DPS then though, so you still have easy access to adpull, or even Chrono skips.

    > >

    > > Always take the Speedrunner META with a grain of salt, as for the vast majority of players the Theoretically Fastest Tactic Available is not the Most Effective Tactic Available at all, and even those players who can translate those comps into a marginally faster clear don't always want to do so because it's a whole lot more work to pull off for little time saved, with a single mistake/wipe costing you a lot more time than the comp is faster.

    > > In my experience Div Ren, Sup FB, BS, either DH and or pChrono and Weaver/SLB made for the most consistently smooth and fast daily runs.

    > >

    > > Try out the META (or TFTA if you will, not as catchy) comp if you have a static of fantastic players, if it works out and you are willing to put in that much effort daily, great.

    > > If not, go with sup FB instead and enjoy the most relaxing Fractal experience while barely losing any clear time.

    > >

    > > (and yes, I'm allowed one forum post preaching about running a support for every time a group has a terrible and frustrating time wiping in Fractals due to insisting that they are good enough to smoothly pull of the no Heal comp, meaning endlessly)


    > Tbh ppl don't know how to play without healer, becouse they are used to the fact there is someone that will outblock and outheal every mistake they make.

    > On cms, u don't rly need healer, if u know how to position urself correctly and get out of red circles. It's not that hard, but ppl are used to the fact, that someone will cover their mistakes,which made them lazy, while kalla elite is enough to upkeep scholar and outheal ppl from 1 to 100 %.

    > Personally I prefer to wipe few times, while knowing I played perfectly, than being carried and just facerolling over fractals.

    > On t4s its another thing, shiton of adds and some instabs can make it to chaotic to be properly counterplayed

    > Also low dps can lead to bad phasing, as for example not bringing mama to 75 before first bubble

    > Tldr : healers make ppl braindead



    People, including you and I, don't want a healer for themself to carry and clean their own mistake. We're too proud for that. People are looking for a support/healer because even with 250KP you can't give too much trust in others members.

    I do care to play perfectly, I hope everybody in t4/CMs cares too. But tbh this isn't important how good I am, I just hope people with me are not worst and I prefer someone that could erase our mistake better than past hours with a kitten comp and people insisting in a way that doesn't work here with the group. Worst when they are 3~4 guild members and you're uncomfortable to give an advice or kick the burden.


    I've seen wipe at Arrk because the cat golems instant kill the weavers/DH with 300% dmg in the back; but no, "we don' pull them, nor kill them, it's trash-mobs", or not killing the first anomaly or green zone in middle of orbs because "it's what people do in speedrun"; and may be that what they do with their static, and they laugh and they repeat the action; but in pug may be here we don't have the 4 portals, we don't always think about planks and rocks, we don't have the dps or the coordination for cc/phasing, the sustain, the boons,... and absolutley not the time and desire to laugh about that.


    Fractals are doable without a healer, of course; when all the conditions are there, all good players good comp, good builds well nested, good fractals good instabilities; but this isn't the reality of pug.

    You don't know the FB, you don't the Ren, the war; will he use the tomes for stab/reflect/... aegis before a hit or randomly, or just "dps" to do 18k, will he use F2-F4 on cd for mights and alacrity or only F4, or nothing (it happens sometimes), is he PS or not ? You don"t know others DPS, if they all have power infusion or not, if they'll want to burst before anomaly. We can say the same about a healer, but at least with harrier you have greater allowance of quickness, stab, aegis or healing.

    May be this isn't the "most effective" or fastest way, and certainly most of the times it is unnecessary; but it's a safer path; that's all; that doesn't mean everybody is bad or "quality decrease", just people prefer a safe way rather than unexpected/unconsidered troubles.

    And not all is about CMs ; siren's reef or chaos ... no matter how good you are, if you don't have stab reflect etc, it's a kitten nighmare.

  11. Dmg are okai on Fire/air. And on Golem d/d weaver was/is really close to sword/d condi weaver ... but yes, it asks more accuracy, more placement / camera movements... where sword has auto-focus.

    It's earth and water (like all weapons in fact) that have issue. Currently earth #1 #2 #3 deal no dmg, less condi than before patch, so few soft cc ... it's just useless except for "cool" animation and the evade/leap.

  12. 7 spins is okai, but the "projectiles" are an issue, it could be a "whirl projectile" turning arround the guardian at 240-300 radius and not rng projectiles that hit anything if you're not inside the target.

    May be it would decrease a little DPS on golem, but in pvp/wvw would be a buff.

  13. This is also a security, even with +300KP PUG you can never give too much faith in a ren/FB, or players, to loop quickness/alacrity, Fb to use tomes, ren soulcleave's smmit, to stand in mantras/renegades spirits etc.

    And also for others fractals like siren's reef, chaos...., or painful instabilities; having a FB with more boon duration, more stab/wall/utilities or a ren with ventari, more alacrity uptime and mights etc it's a lifesaver. I

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