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Zhaid Zhem.6508

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Posts posted by Zhaid Zhem.6508

  1. Hello ,


    Since patch, when, for example, I'm Air-Earth and I attune again in Air (so air-air) Elemental Attunement [link](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elemental_Attunement "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elemental_Attunement") doesn't trigger anymore. While Arcane Prowes does ... I'm 100% sure it works before patch as I used it to stack Swiftness


    I didn't see this nerf in the patch note, so I assume it's a bug or a secret nerf.

    Pls someone has the same issue ?

  2. Hello,


    I tried a bit to compare myself against the golem or in instance/explo, I don't follow the same rotation everytime so even with one set I don't get the same result; but actually I get better results with Sinister + smoldering sigil and balthazar runes.

    I don't get why viper+renegade runes is privileged as we lost a lot of power/precision/condition to get condition duration while we could use balthazar runes and even get Fire dots on the healing mantra.


    So do you have the recents benchmarks that compare theses sets, please ?

  3. Use Harrier in Pve.

    If you play full heal/support (virtues honor), obviously you have tons of aegis that prevent heal, and with harrier, altruisme runes, sigils, food, the mace trait, etc you have ;

    Heal/seconde : Battle Presence +400/s +Regen +600/s + Writ of persistence +400/s = 1400~1600/s

    Strong heals : Aegis +2500, Water sigil (5s) +2100, F2#4 +4500, F2#1 (spammable)+4000, Mace (~3.80s) +2000, Dodge Roll +3200 ... And I forgot somes.

    Aegis : mace #3 (double block), shield #4, #6 F3#2 F3#5.

    It's juste insane and you absolutely don't need more healing power.


    If you don't need all theses heals, you can take some berzerk trinkets, Radiance spe and use sigils of concentration to get 99.xx% duration, ~90% precision and make some damage.


    But yes, avoid it in PUGB as it has small radius ... and no fame. It works great with 4 DPS or 3DPS +chronoDPS otherwise.

  4. Retribution should need some up as it works ~~good~~ almost only with renegade spe and Jalis legend.

    Akward stab on dodge, and dmg reduction, (like "i'll dodge you're weak skill and get stab for your strong one"), but still poor access to stab, poor access to retaliation too.

  5. > @"revox.8273" said:

    > yeah, u can cross the enemy zerg, dish out 2-3 fc gs f1, yeah, u do 8-10k but with what results? none, lemme tell you, just because the enemy zerg is 50% scourge thats backed by 50% firebrands, in the end you do nothing, and after you burned all your stances the only option is to run far away to avoid certain death.

    > in the end, by increases stances cooldown back to 60s u just make warrior useless in large scare fights, we need another solution




    I don't understand, if you have scourges and FBs in your group why should you spend all your stances at once, why should you run, how could you die ? (Why the hell use a Warhorn ?????????)

    You have hammer, you have GS, or d/d d/shield, you have Breaks Enchantment, Winds of Disenchantements ... Stop tagging people in hazard and panicking on your utility skills, learn to play and fast focus.

  6. They should nerf a bit the defense branch or balance the traits, not the stances themselves, and up Tactics or oher to improve build diversity and support frontline.

    I mean in full berserker+durability runes (the common stuff) you get 175+330 armor, 2 or 3 perma stack of Adrenal Health (with SB and discipline) 2 passives stances/Breakstun that grant vigor, 5s stab, 15s swiftness, and on option shield master or dogged march. Only strong traits.

    The common build SB-Discipline-Defense, stances GS/_XX_shield offers way too many complementarities to stay alive easily and make some pretties good hits.

    I don't know how you can complain about the frontline, you can cross a zerg (twice) wihout taking any dmg or cc ; hit 5people 8-10k with FC or F1 GS, #3 and #4 GS, stun/focus some leather or tissue and repack with 90% life and +600/s regen. I even play dagger offhand rather than shield.

  7. Both are good.

    IMO Berserker condi is easier on large pack of mobs or elite/champ mobs as you cam spam f1 longbow and sword + torch aoe + Shattering blow.

    SP is less "big party fight" but quick burst.

  8. mesmer / mirage

    Too many complementarities between phantasm, clones,blinding/confusion, stealth, f1-f4, Deception' skills, boon stacking. So many traits and skills are both agressive and defensive. You add stealth, blinks, close-gap, cc, Ellusive mind, mirage cloak, some heals/regen ; In WvW you can add the +40% endurance regen ; you have perma 3 clones, mirage cloak, distorsion/blur or stealth.

    Even a beginner playing with Traiblazer or Dire can win half his fights rolling the head on the keyboard, and run away the other half.

    2nd : Warrior /SB, in a good spot in all modes with few risk.

  9. You have no support in the spe line, neither in the skills Stances, a weak support in Water with sword.

    Sword has very short range, and very short radius effect; so short that #3 with the 3/4~1s cast sometimes hits in a time warp ; and #2 sword requires you shift yourself ....


    No, you can't have a good heal/support with weaver / sword.

    If you have tempest, go tempest with staff or dagger/warhorn.

  10. "Nothing could save you" should have a shorter CD and no cast; like Chilled to the bone should have a stronger effect (dmg or stun) or shorter CD.

    Same for "rise" 60sec in pvp ... the dmg reduction already get nerf to 33% and theses minions die really quickly with all the aoe spam etc, the skill is useless in all situations without Death Magic.


  11. I rarely die from SB, but I rarely kill SB too, those are long and painful fights.

    I try sw/d full power/zerk weaver, grieving weaver, sinister/viper weaver; I have to roll face the dodges, the water/earth, fire/earth affinities, etc to survive and chain 10 skills to make ~20k damage, all they have to do is to press F1-F2 at the right spot to cancel all your burst and remove half your life, while they recover half theirs.

    (Good) Holo and warrior/SB have so much sustain, stab, cc, and self boons stacking that you can't kill them fast enought with "middling dmg" in chain from sw/d when they're on CD's, while them they can burst easily if you make a single mistake. Fresh air is more effective to counter them.

  12. You provide strong heal with aegis (mace #3, shield #4, mantra#6, F3 #2 and #5) with Pure of Heart trait, F2, shield #5 and strong regen with Battle Presence (f2 to allies), mace #2, eventually symbols with Writ of Persistence. The heal on AA is a bit weak/slow, it should not be your reflex if you need Heal. Use AA in waiting for others skills and weapon swap.

    I recommand you Scepter with Writ of Persistence to provide some Mights or Axe or hammer for CC. Hammer can be good if you're lazy and need just some sustain and protection

    In pve you'll stand between druid and chrono; you can cover some mights, perma fury (with rune for altruism), perma quickness, protection, stab, anti-projectiles etc ; and have better sustain and healing than druid, but no frost spirit, no spotter, no Glyph of Empowerment, no alacrity.

    In fractals it works great with 4 DPS, or duo with chrono dps but people like to wait 20 minutes in LFG just for a druid+chrono, I don't have the same idea of "saving time" but why not. In raids, well ... as a second healer.


    If you're talking about WvW and pvp : staff mace/shiel, hammer is great too.



  13. It's a very situationnel skill, and even, need a prompt coordination. Most of necros team failed it cause of bad timing or lazy rotation/not enough conditions at t moment.

    It'll be a shame to purely remove this skill because some guys did it better on benchmark.


    Include a buff like "Have been infected (#s)" on the target or enemies around, to prevent bounce and let it be more regular in rotation.

  14. No more phalanx Strength, or not without sacrificing runes, sigils, food, and others specializations for one trait.

    Empower allies get nerf by 33% yesterday.

    Some condition remove on warhorn and an useless shake it off, some weak heals on useless shouts, minor traits for revival ...



    What's the point ?

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