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Posts posted by Eddbopkins.2630

  1. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > Hay anet I gots a question for you all..

    > > .will there be a balance at all during this 3v3 to help morph the meta into something different other then what it is? Or y'all just complacent and lazy? Do work like balance and meta changes or do nothing and be considered lazy peons.


    > Man cmon lol u serious? 3v3 will finish long before any significant changes happen to anything, u kno this is gw2's forum right?


    Hay I'm a hopeful little bi-tch that's wants progress with the little amount of time we have for this god send of a game mode.....I really hope 3v3 doesn't dissapear like the 2v2 did. I like this 3v3 more then 2v2 that's for sure.

  2. Hay anet I gots a question for you all..

    .will there be a balance at all during this 3v3 to help morph the meta into something different other then what it is? Or y'all just complacent and lazy? Do work like balance and meta changes or do nothing and be considered lazy peons.

  3. > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

    > > > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > > > You want to remove communication from a team based combat game? You got to be joking.

    > > >

    > > > But this is how PvP in Gw 2 is or rather was...

    > > >

    > > > Seems like I will continue my break from ranked pvp. Ah the good old days when everyone in fractal cms was also platinum ranked at least now its rare to see one with rank. Kinda sad.

    > >

    > > The idea of a rank system is to have competition. Not rewards for losses and to gain gold, if that is what ranked is to you, then good riddance. Sry to say


    > Are you saying there should be zero reward for losing? Well, if you want a dead game mode to be even more dead, sure, go ahead.


    > "Winners take all" is trash, by the way.


    I don't give a flying whoot about rewards. I like gw2 for the combat system and fighting and I play it to prove that I'm worthy to have a spot on the ladder.. to me rewards = inventory wars and that's not fun for me.

  4. > @"Quadox.7834" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > > @"Quadox.7834" said:

    > > > it is like christmas food, it loses its flavor and jolly feeling if you eat it every tuesday

    > >

    > > What about conquest though? It's been around since day one. You don't think that conquest lost its flavor and jolly feeling after 8 years, 8years everyday not just every tuesday? Well It most certainly did for me.

    > > 3v3 is new it can't "lose it flavor" as you put it for at least a couple of years.

    > >

    > > Also every Tuesday is taco Tuesday for me for years and I can tell you it's one of my favorite days of the week and will never get old no matter how many Tuesdays there are.


    > 3v3 isn't a main gamemode in almost any game (except battlerite) because it has way less variation and gets samey and stale much quicker than conquest or mobastyle or whatever


    im not saying 3v3 should be the main game mode. im just saying it shouldnt go away and instead be its own que. the check box idea like strong hold is the best option and im all for that. make it ranked and have a ladder, o man that be so good dont you think? it will expand the competitive aspect in two ladders of fun and exciting challenges, allowing more options for a verity of players to play.

  5. > @"Quadox.7834" said:

    > it is like christmas food, it loses its flavor and jolly feeling if you eat it every tuesday


    What about conquest though? It's been around since day one. You don't think that conquest lost its flavor and jolly feeling after 8 years, 8years everyday not just every tuesday? Well It most certainly did for me.

    3v3 is new it can't "lose it flavor" as you put it for at least a couple of years.


    Also every Tuesday is taco Tuesday for me for years and I can tell you it's one of my favorite days of the week and will never get old no matter how many Tuesdays there are.

  6. This problem can be solved with a in game voice chat. That way all people can have access to communication for strategy and be on equal terms. nearly all competitive games have a in-game voice chat it's about time gw2 gets one for it's competitive game mode. If it ranked it honestly a competitive aspect and shouldn't be viewed any differently.

  7. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > The PvP community already is tiny with just two modes (ranked and unranked).

    > I don't want it to be divided even further.

    > And I prefer Conquest over Death matches by a margin wider than the Atlantic ocean.


    You don't want the PvP community to become smaller? As it is right now I did not participate in the last 5v5 conquest season and I most certainly will not in the next one. I'm done with conquest after 8years. So if ur worried about a dwindling population keeping only conquest will also do that. Cuz I'm gone again once this 3v3 awesomeness is over.

  8. > @"Faux Play.6104" said:

    > My issue with team queue is most of the people that want to do aren't truly interested in playing other teams as evidenced by the lack of interest in ATs. They just want to farm solo pugs as a team. Solo queue and full team should not be combined outside of unranked.


    I don't have a lack of interest in ATs I have a lack of interest in 5v5 conquest. Any new game mode to PvP is a welcomed one.

  9. > @"Shinzan.2908" said:

    > I love this mode, winning by killing dudes is what pvp should be, leave running around and objective play to wvw.

    > Plus win or loose the matches are over faster, no longer having to slowly wait for the other team to reach 500 when it's clear they are in the lead after the first 2 minutes of the match.


    This guy gets it.

  10. Has anet ever released metrics of there data after a season? At this point in time there's nothing that anet can do to ever get me interested again as I have been in PvP. I just don't care for there lack of games modes and PvP development any more. 5v5 conquest can not get me to play this game. I'm completely done with it after 7 years.

  11. I'd take a dps meta any day of the week. It's really the only skilled playstyles there is. Being able to read the situation and execute a good burst while being able to be bursted you're self but avoiding it because of well times dodges really is the only fun way to play for me.


    Having endless stream of sustain and condi spam is no fun and it's certainly not exciting to watch.

  12. > @"hotte in space.2158" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > I took a brake from PvP for a while and came back to play a few games with a friend. Since I haven't played in a week+ I had maximum decay putting me down to bronze. In that first game I won 2 points. I decided to play another, I lost 16 points. I don't care if I have decay or if I'm against bad people. Wining 2 and losing 16 is so discouraging I just won't play anymore this season. And probably next as well. I just don't care to play if my rewards are going to be in the single digits and my loses are in the double digits.

    > > Anet need to revise there pvp algorithm so that 8wins don't equal one lose. Imo

    > At least its been 2 points ! It could have been only 1 =)

    > But seriously, I can understand you and its better to have no match than to win win just 2 points - thats too extreme.

    > Maybe it makes it easier to you if I tell you that yesterday, by always winning 8 points but loosing 17, I fell down from P3 to P1 in one afternoon.

    > I had to tell me that in the end its just a game ;)


    What's the incentive to keep playing for you.

    Me personally I love the combat systems and the 1-9 tab target dodge system they created. But after what 7-8 years of incredibly poor balance and neglect such as one game mode for this long I just don't care to play this game everyday anymore or every week even once a month I just don't care.

    What keeps you guys playing?

  13. I took a brake from PvP for a while and came back to play a few games with a friend. Since I haven't played in a week+ I had maximum decay putting me down to bronze. In that first game I won 2 points. I decided to play another, I lost 16 points. I don't care if I have decay or if I'm against bad people. Wining 2 and losing 16 is so discouraging I just won't play anymore this season. And probably next as well. I just don't care to play if my rewards are going to be in the single digits and my loses are in the double digits.

    Anet need to revise there pvp algorithm so that 8wins don't equal one lose. Imo

  14. No wayyyy. Burning has always been the strongest dps condition that I can remember and I'm sure there a chart out there that can explain and show that burning is actually the best damaging condition. Instead of just word vomiting that burning is bad OP how about you do some research on the wiki to prove your claim?

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