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Posts posted by Eddbopkins.2630

  1. Retal is a good counter to builds that have alot of damage packets right?

    I feel some builds/playstyles should have a hard counter like this. Honestly if you are having a problem against a particular build, then you need to change to counter. If it's a problem in 2v2 u can change what u need. If it's in 5v5 then u need to not engage that player with retal and learn ur builds capabilities.

  2. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > > > Maul needs to be on a15 second cooldown not the 4 it is now

    > > > > But not just maul needs a longer cd......rapid fire also should be 15 seconds at least.....ranger has some of the lowest dps cd skills in the game with the biggest benifit in game 1500 range.

    > > >

    > > > Imagine Maul on a 15 second cooldown. What exactly would we kill people with? Maul is literally the only skill on ranger greatsword that does non-insignificant damage and it only hits that hard on marksmanship and/or glass soulbeast builds.

    > > >

    > > > And what would we do against people that aren't AFK and actually dodge things?

    > > >

    > > > Nerfing the cooldown to 15 seconds would just completely gut non-meme glass ranger builds and delete the weapon from play entirely.

    > >

    > > U can reset maul with a skillful successful hilt bash. Giving the class a much needed skill cap. Instead ranger get a 4 second 10k+ dps skill and has a insane range pressure. It's bad enough that they can wirldy impact for 15k from stealth. But then being mauled for another 10k, then less then 4 seconds later another maul, but wait hitbash got u or ur team mate so a 3rd 10k+ maul

    > > It may not be a problem in the low teir or play but up in plat it's a problem. Imo


    > And how easy is it to land hilt bash on an intelligent target? Maul doesn't hit for 10k+ every 4 seconds either. If you eat 3 Mauls and a Worldly Impact, you're simply playing with your monitor turned off. Oh wait, are you that FA ele that raged in map chat that I was hacking when I oneshot you multiple times on core mes in a Skyhammer match? The character was named "Kill More" if I recall correctly.


    > And no, it's the _opposite_. GS rangers aren't dominating the top of the ladder currently, nor have they been very relevant in previous seasons.


    Lmao...I play with alot of people. I don't remember you specifically. Sorry...if it longer then like 3 days ago I don't really remember, it's just a video game. Sry

    I'm just mentioning my own personal experiences sry if they upset you.

  3. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > Maul needs to be on a15 second cooldown not the 4 it is now

    > > But not just maul needs a longer cd......rapid fire also should be 15 seconds at least.....ranger has some of the lowest dps cd skills in the game with the biggest benifit in game 1500 range.


    > Imagine Maul on a 15 second cooldown. What exactly would we kill people with? Maul is literally the only skill on ranger greatsword that does non-insignificant damage and it only hits that hard on marksmanship and/or glass soulbeast builds.


    > And what would we do against people that aren't AFK and actually dodge things?


    > Nerfing the cooldown to 15 seconds would just completely gut non-meme glass ranger builds and delete the weapon from play entirely.


    U can reset maul with a skillful successful hilt bash. Giving the class a much needed skill cap. Instead ranger get a 4 second 10k+ dps skill and has a insane range pressure. It's bad enough that they can wirldy impact for 15k from stealth. But then being mauled for another 10k, then less then 4 seconds later another maul, but wait hitbash got u or ur team mate so a 3rd 10k+ maul

    It may not be a problem in the low teir or play but up in plat it's a problem. Imo

  4. > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > I dont play ranger so idk whats problem there. In case of thief which i have experience with, there are 2 issues.

    > 1 of them is obviously stealth design. It needs some rework, there were many ideas about it, so not Going to Deep about it.

    > 2nd one Will be shadowstep. This single skill is double stunbreak with condi cleanse, and escape or gap closer. This single skill makes thief almost unkillable, as after using all endurance and initiative, thief can just completly reset. Nerfing range would be prolly Best option.


    What about a nerf to teleports where u have to have los to Port. No more porting threw walls or up lvl areas?

    Or how about not being able to dissengage threw a wall?

  5. > @"FrownyClown.8402" said:

    > Builds I've seen mostly fire elementals for damage


    I use the air ones. Here's alittle tip on how to use them.......u don't have to be in attacking range ur self to make them initiate attacking.

    Try going to a test dummy in the mist and summon a few air elementals, then stand up to 1200 range away, all u have to do to get ur little army to attack is press 1. Unfortunately they won't stop till the target is dead but u can very easily switch target my targeting something else and pressing 1.

    They will go to w.e target u are oneing.

  6. > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

    > Which elementals do you summon ?


    Each summons does something different.

    The mini ice monster lays down a ice field that u can use to leap threw for aura or blast healing I believe.

    Mini air monster is long range attacker and give swiftness periodically.


    The elite ice monster does an outstanding 7.5k heal on a 12 second cooldown So that can be usefull when used correctly

    The elite rock monster does protection cripple and imobi good for damage reduction and slowing the enemy down.



    These are the ones I know off the top of my head. The others I'll have to try them out.


    I mostly used the mini air monsters the most as those don't go into mele range as often and get killed.

    You can have up to 5 monsters at ur back. 4 little ones and 1 big one.

  7. > @"Windu The Forbidden One.6045" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > > @"Windu The Forbidden One.6045" said:

    > > > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > > > If I could change my answer I go with dwarfs. Has all the dwarfs reallY just vanished and turned to stone? An entire race gone? I hope not.

    > > >

    > > > They have all turned to stone, but they are not all gone (yet).

    > >

    > > What u talked aboot?


    > The dwarves turned themselves to stone so they were strong enough to fight the Destroyers, they have been doing that ever since.

    > But because they are made of stone, they can no longer reproduce, so their population just keeps dwindling until there are none left.


    > But we do know some of them are still around, like Ogden and Rhoban.


    That's cool ty

  8. That update is a good start...I still feel that mallayx rev is still to strong. Maybe the size of the dark field on it's malayx elite is to big, the fact it puts out autobot pulsing damage is bad enough. And mace 1 should do half the amount of torment that it puts out.

    Something along these lines I feel be great for the game.

    Imo Condi rev is over preforming.

  9. > @"Shadow.1345" said:

    > They just released an update patch like they said they would do if stuff was too powerful. You can stop crying about communication now. They're doing what they already said they would do.


    They did that update several hours after I made this post so telling to to stop crying is irrelevant. Had they mentioned they were on top of things and to expect minor changes at any point in time would of stoped this posts creations. I apologise

  10. Where's the communication. It's been a week and there are plenty of posts on these forums about classes that people would like addressed or dismissed. It be great for the creators to show up and talk with us about there thoughts on the balance so far.


    There are major problems like class stacking in 2v2 double fb, double rev, double necro, are all to common.

    The power of some people ressing is way fast.

    I'm sure there are other things that we can talk about and try to figure out/balance. But the developers need to be in the conversation as well I feel.


  11. Fa ele never had a burst to be scared of. You rarely see one in a match. Once in every 10 games maybe at least. It was not strong to begin with and the lvl of obstructions that happen on every map on nearly every skill is disapointing.

    Now after this balance, it's has become unplayable for me. I have over 5k hours in this game and 90% of it is on fa ele. After this patch it has been deleted. Thf, gaurds necros, all light classes, all have blocks, invis, evades, or a 2nd life pool totaling over 35k to be able to survive a burst and maintain a fight. Fa ele has barebones nothing!

    What does fa ele have to compete with.....I don't see anything.

  12. In an elite esl lvl competitive setting, I'd agree ban this class immediately. However, this game does not have that what so ever unfortunately. So in stead, we got a very recent promise that they will update and balance immensely quicker.

    Now, do updates really need to happen on a Tuesday? If so I'd love to see one this Tuesday for a necro rebalance, from his sheer tankyness, to it's linch form that last way to long and has an unbelievable auto attack damage.

    As well as a nerf to symbol brand. Has way to much aoe of everything from heals to damage to cc.

    If there won't be an update this Tuesday the latest I probably won't play at all that week.


    Honestly if i wasn't 100% positive that I'd fight either a rev gaurdian, or a gaurd necro combo id be playing instead of forum gaming.

  13. > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > If only there were some kinds and of public test server. Stuff like this always happens and it always 3-6 months for changes to happen. Till then I guess 2v2 is a frustrating bore when u pretty much 2out of 3 games fighting a gaurd and necro.


    > It _cannot_ take that long this time if devs want proper feedback on 2v2 deathmatch.

    > A sizable amount of players wanted __specifically__ this. the season only lasts a month. Letting it stay FB/Necro stacked for its entirety would be extremely bad.


    This is there m-o. They have never done what was needed ever. If there is a minor rework/balance does it always need to be a Tuesday? I dout they'll be a fix in the 1st week. And well a full week and a half of 3 outa 4 games being a gaurd necro combo isn't something I want to do.

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