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Posts posted by Eddbopkins.2630

  1. If an ele is holding there own on a point. Then you are not knowledgeable/skilled enough to know to wait out there dodge rotations. Once you do, it's knowledge that will allow you to dodge there burst and that when they can be hurt. If u go about just spamming and rando dodgeing don't expect to make any head way. Let alone sympathy from the forums. I'll admit there are some moments against sword Weaver that can be trouble some but its certainly 100% not op

  2. I feel if ur in the mist and u load into a game you shouldn't be able to change classes. But if ur pveing then you'd be allowed to switch classes. To many people switch at the 10 second or less time limit. To skew the matchmaker or stack teams. Having 2 or more people switch to mesmer/duo holos or any other stacked team comp 10 seconds before the game starts absolutely brakes any fairness the matchmaker tried to creat.

    If your queing in the mist your probably queing with the class you intend to play. But seeing all these leet streamers abuse the system and change 10 seconds before it starts just ruins any respect I have for them and the matchmaker.

  3. > @"Yannir.4132" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > >

    > > I can't believe there's a server upload fee every time. Like on big updates there always minor bug fixes a day or two even three days after. Like build update or some thing like that. So a fee every time doesn't seem like how it's done. I could be wrong.


    > That could be covered by their contract. Patches causing issues is a pretty common occurrance in gaming which might be reflected in their deal. Like a grace period after a major upload for this very purpose. When both parties of a deal are savvy in the tech department, contracts can get really technical and detailed, I'd imagine.

    > Though like I said, this is just speculation from me.

    > I'm pretty sure these comments will be deleted by mods once they catch wind of this conversation. :lol: ANet doesn't like people talking about their business model.


    Speculation and uncertainty. In everything you say. Why say anything at all if u think your wrong. Like why spread disinformation. My question is an honest one.

    Don't really need answered from a customer like my self that doesn't really have the correct info.

  4. > @"Yannir.4132" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > Why are we a slave to the pve update schedule? We are a separate game mode that kinda requires more frequent updates for balance reasons but we are tied to pve release schedule. It just feel PvP should have its own update schedule separate and more frequent then the once every 6 month we have.


    > A. We've been getting balance updates every 6 _weeks_ for atleast a year now. Sometimes they are specific for PvP, sometimes game-wide, always heavily PvP-influenced big reworks excluded. Sometimes they're bigger updates, sometimes smaller.

    > I'm getting really tired of this "balance every 6 months" bs-meme that people throw around. It's just not true anymore.


    > B. I suspect ANet pays a server upload fee every time they push out a patch, and the fee isn't based on how much data is uploaded but rather by how many packages are being sent out. So pushing out 1x100 Mb package costs the same as a 1x10 Mb package but sending 2x10 Mb packages would cost them twice as much as either single package. So it's in their best interest to send out large packages less frequently to conserve money. Doing this also makes workflow clearer.


    > That's just my theory though as they're unwilling to share the reasons behind their undeniably slow pace. Some other games push out patches constantly. They probably have a different network deal.


    I can't believe there's a server upload fee every time. Like on big updates there always minor bug fixes a day or two even three days after. Like build update or some thing like that. So a fee every time doesn't seem like how it's done. I could be wrong.

  5. > @"JUN YANG.4328" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > Why would it be bad if it's of grenth origin minion or w.e?

    > if is grenth's minion mean same old trick over and over again. human god try to kill eld dragon.



    Well I would think any God would want to get the power of a dragon if it could. A god with a dragons power would surely stand above all the other gods right?

    Maybe Dwayne will come in and stop grenth since he's the son of her. That be cool.

  6. Why are we a slave to the pve update schedule? We are a separate game mode that kinda requires more frequent updates for balance reasons but we are tied to pve release schedule. It just feel PvP should have its own update schedule separate and more frequent then the once every 6 month we have.

  7. Condi is a low skill damage type. If the enemy can out sustain it then, you should try power damage that actually can work against all builds if your good enough. If you can't handle it and make it work then u need to be further down the ladder.

  8. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > @"Itz Jay.8941" said:

    > > > Honestly I have no idea how you can enjoy playing this game anymore. You play for 1 hour just to get one semi close game. With the game in it's current state and the controversies surrounding build templates, I'm off.

    > >

    > > Im having fun and im having constant close games, and most of the oponents are power builds. For some reason people think its "cheese meta" when 30%-40% of players play condi, how about constant cheese power meta? warrior/holo every game, tfu.


    > Oh, you're gonna see the difference between the two _real fast_ when this next patch drops.


    I can't wait.

  9. IV had a big as well after the template addition.

    when loading into a PvP match I was unable to use any of ulitilies at all. It's like you never test anything. I started the match off as reaper but we had like 3 reapers so I switched to warrior. Had to load up into lion arc 1st because the toon wasn't parked in the mist. When it finally (I say finally because it took an absorbant amount of time way more then usual to load in) loaded up into the PvP match I was unable to use any utilities 6-0. Also I was missing an entire trait line none of the traits were selected in the specialization. So not only was I unable to use any heals, stun brakes, Condi clears, elite skills, I was missing an entire trait line because something wasn't tested before hand. I swear anet gets worse and worse with each update. Nothing was properly tested

  10. A disable feature would be much appreciated. The way you implemented your build templates is in my opinion the worst way possibe. I do not want to use it Sam I am. Please put a disable feature into it. Thank you.


    $36 to max out a single character on build and equipment templates, plus another $37 to max out an account on build storage – it’d run you $360 to max everything on an account with one of every class.


    Never in a million years will I pay 72dollars a toon for a QOL feature. These days that the price of a full game. I swear 2019 will probably be my last year in gw2.


    Also when loading into a PvP match I was unable to use any of ulitilies at all. It's like you never test anything. I started the match off as reaper but we had like 3 reapers so I switched to warrior. Had to load up into lion arc 1st because the toon wasn't parked in the mist. When it finally loaded up into the PvP match I was unable to use any utilities 6-0. Also I was missing an entire trait line none of the traits were selected in the specialization. So not only was I unable to use any heals stun brakes Condi clears elite skills, I was missing an entire trait line because something wasn't tested before hand. I swear anet gets worse and worse with each update. Nothing was properly tested with this template nonsense and I give the implementation and it's abilities a 0/10. Worse coding anet has ever done.

  11. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > ... it's just some faceless game developer.



    HoldUp......you are a anet dev in disguise. Lmao


    100-200gems. It's a feature I got to keep paying over and over again. So if I have 4 toons I play and I want them all to have 3slots at least at 200 gems that's 2400 gems. Well over 20 dollars for a QOL feature on a 7 year old game with a 10 year old engine. I think any more then that would be unfair practice. It already is with the needed feature of repeated purchase for each toon.


  12. What I would like to see from the partner program is, that the partners be more involved in the forums. I feel there are to many people all shouting there problems and the devs don't know what to take from all of this sometimes. However if the partners and community leaders lead the forums and questions then selected the most appropriate changes from the community and presented it to the devs and if you have multiple partners doing that and they all gather the same info well that's confirmation that w.e it is, needs changing.

    It will also bring a better usefulness to the partner program and dev relationship. And this will make everyone happy. Please consider involving the most knowledgeable and active partners.


    Allowing the partners who know the game inside and out to communicate with the devs will free up time for the devs to work on the problems instead of reading and trying to pick out what makes sense and what doesn't. I feel the devs shouldn't run the forums.cthe community should and the partners should be the middle man between the devs and the community.

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