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Posts posted by Eddbopkins.2630

  1. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > > > > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > > > > > O man I hate the charr....they destroyed old Ascalon back in that day. And they set up there home on there graves and repeatedly kill human Ascalonian ghosts. All charr from child to grown up needs to be exterminated, and there lands returned to there rightful owners of the Ascalonian decendants ...humans otherwise...if I could help jormag kill every charr and invade there home land like they did in the searing days. Things might be right again in tyria.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Long live Ascalon!

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Uhm... someone needs to brush up on their history lessons. ;) The Ascalonian territory originally belonged to the Charr. Then Humans invaded the place, and the Charr took it back. If anything, it _rightfully_ belongs to the Charr, not the Humans, who set up _their_ new home on the graves of Charr Ascalonian citizens (although one might argue that we don't know who was there before the Charr - claiming land is always a debateable action).

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I miss old Ascalon, too, and hated the Charr for what they did, but after seven years of GW2 I have long gotten over that. ;)

    > > > >

    > > > > You sure old Ascalon was originally charr? I read it was always human dominate and they build the wall to protect themself

    > > >

    > > > Humans took it from Charr who took it from the race(s) that lived there before

    > >

    > > The race that was there before mmm....I'd bet a lot of gold those before were humonz.


    > You'd lose a lot of gold ;)


    Guess I did...but in the wake of the charr civilization I say the land has become ungly and uncivilized. They need to leave and return it to human control....old Ascalon was so beautiful before the charr invasion. All the charr did to the land is uglify the landscape.

    And massacure the inhabitants.

  2. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > > > O man I hate the charr....they destroyed old Ascalon back in that day. And they set up there home on there graves and repeatedly kill human Ascalonian ghosts. All charr from child to grown up needs to be exterminated, and there lands returned to there rightful owners of the Ascalonian decendants ...humans otherwise...if I could help jormag kill every charr and invade there home land like they did in the searing days. Things might be right again in tyria.

    > > > >

    > > > > Long live Ascalon!

    > > >

    > > > Uhm... someone needs to brush up on their history lessons. ;) The Ascalonian territory originally belonged to the Charr. Then Humans invaded the place, and the Charr took it back. If anything, it _rightfully_ belongs to the Charr, not the Humans, who set up _their_ new home on the graves of Charr Ascalonian citizens (although one might argue that we don't know who was there before the Charr - claiming land is always a debateable action).

    > > >

    > > > I miss old Ascalon, too, and hated the Charr for what they did, but after seven years of GW2 I have long gotten over that. ;)

    > >

    > > You sure old Ascalon was originally charr? I read it was always human dominate and they build the wall to protect themself


    > Humans took it from Charr who took it from the race(s) that lived there before


    The race that was there before mmm....I'd bet a lot of gold those before were humonz.

  3. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > O man I hate the charr....they destroyed old Ascalon back in that day. And they set up there home on there graves and repeatedly kill human Ascalonian ghosts. All charr from child to grown up needs to be exterminated, and there lands returned to there rightful owners of the Ascalonian decendants ...humans otherwise...if I could help jormag kill every charr and invade there home land like they did in the searing days. Things might be right again in tyria.

    > >

    > > Long live Ascalon!


    > Uhm... someone needs to brush up on their history lessons. ;) The Ascalonian territory originally belonged to the Charr. Then Humans invaded the place, and the Charr took it back. If anything, it _rightfully_ belongs to the Charr, not the Humans, who set up _their_ new home on the graves of Charr Ascalonian citizens (although one might argue that we don't know who was there before the Charr - claiming land is always a debateable action).


    > I miss old Ascalon, too, and hated the Charr for what they did, but after seven years of GW2 I have long gotten over that. ;)


    You sure old Ascalon was originally charr? I read it was always human dominate and they build the wall to protect themself

  4. O man I hate the charr....they destroyed old Ascalon back in that day. And they set up there home on there graves and repeatedly kill human Ascalonian ghosts. All charr from child to grown up needs to be exterminated, and there lands returned to there rightful owners of the Ascalonian decendants ...humans otherwise...if I could help jormag kill every charr and invade there home land like they did in the searing days. Things might be right again in tyria.


    Long live Ascalon!

  5. New PvP game modes. After 7 years it time to move past 5v5 conquest. This game is a major embarrassment in the PvP department compared to gw1.


    Actual gvg like gw1 was. This wvw attempt at a gvg was a fail and does not support a gvg league or mindset. Gw2 is a complete fail for anything competitive imo. When you look back at gw1 you literally had spam messages of which guild won pop up on your screen. What more competitive and boss then that? NOT GW2 THATS FOR SURE.


    As far as I know not many games can claim to have backwards progress in terms of gameplay modes/builds/and play styles but gw2 takes the prize. Imo

  6. I feel that once you clear a certain Condi you should be immune to that Condi and it can not be reapplied for like 1-3 seconds. Just so it stops spam of the same Condi. Like u just cleared 8 stacks of intense 4k burning a tick. But immediately after u get 4 more stacks? What was the point of clearing specifically the burn if it come immediately back? There should be a second or a few of immunity after you clear zed Condi just to midigate the spam of condis.

  7. If your invis your damage should be HALFED. You already have the advantage of garenteed hit in stealth. So to balance that out all damage done from stealth should be HALFED allowing for counter play against the invisable un-noticable hits. Imo

    Gain the ability for surprised 1st hit but do less damage? That makes sense to me from a balance stand point.

  8. > @"Swagg.9236" said:

    > Lord DGAF is the patron spirit of GW2 mainly because anyone who has played this game for more than a few weeks can probably open up the team roster pre-match in PvP and get a feel for how the game will play out. The team comps are RNG and the encounters are rock-paper-scissors. Might as well just run off meta for the giggles if player skill is suppressed to that degree.



    I feel I'm more of the scarred veteran. Wins at 3am and so many losses b.c of ppl dcing, or other numerous reasons. Causing me to be a tad tilty. Lolz

  9. > @"Rico.6873" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > I'm alittle confused. Are you suggest new weapons with skills or just new skins? If it just new skins I don't care at all.

    > > If we're talking about new weapons with new skills then yes please. Gw2 needs more veritity with skills to use and there method of tieing skills to weapons was a big mistake in that department.


    > Gw2 already has a ton of skins, with more skins coming every day/update

    > I'm talking about new weapons with their own abilities


    > Would be awesome if they added completely new weapons (Whip, Rapier, Chakram, Fist)

    > But I would make do if they added already existing weapons to professions who don't own those weapons yet

    > (while making those weapons Core professions accessible!)



    I'm glad we're on the same page. And omg fist, haliberg, wipe, any and all weapons imaginable would be great. Since weapons discern skills/play style. So more weapons mean more veritity. If anyone is against this then there against overall growth of guild wars 2.




  10. > @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > If fa ele and sword Weaver are bs build to you...what other ele builds is acceptable to play against u with?


    > Core ele is fine


    LMFAO....just core? Even core has fa ele so that out of the question as well.....so what's left? Ahh deletion I see.



  11. Wow 20 of the same toon. Wow. I didn't think people did such a thing. Is changing a weapon and a few traits that difficult for some people. I can't believe it's on a free account either. 20 of the same toon? 20? If a single one of them share a peice of armor style or a stats then what's the point? I know people who have 3 maybe 4 of the same toon. Example my friend plays pretty much only gaurd so he has a core a FB a dh and I think 1 more he switches between depending on his PvP mood. But 20 of the same toon? 20?

  12. I think this would be a fun way to replay the 7 year old content for me and many others. Once you die that toon is dead forever....there might be a realm u can load into to clear your inventory but thats it. Once it dead it can't pve ever again. This would really keep people together in terms of groups and rolls in that group I feel...it could be allooott of fun. What does the community think of a hardcore mode?


    It would make every engagement exciting and challenging. Whether it's 2-5 lvl 2 mobs attacking you at once or a Orr vetran if you can make it that far that got it's sites on you. No matter what u don't want to die...would be a lot of fun imo...


    What does the community think?

  13. The story is not what drives the game for me. I don't even have a single living world story complete...I just don't care for an imaginary story of dragons and God's.


    What gw2 has is a combat system that is second to none in the gaming world.


    When they said something big I didn't expect the same old expected living world content.

    Pvp items like armor is not new content. It's new items/equipment. New content is what living world is. But god for bids pvp to get the same treatment like new game modes new tournaments more then every 4 hours.

    New maps is also not new content when you think about the fact that conquest is the same game mode we've had for the past 7 years.

  14. I was expecting something big and not in anyway like another normal living world announcement. Living world content is something to be expecting not something to be hyped up in my case. I don't think I even have one living world story complete. I don't even think I have more then 5 episodes done out of all of it. So this big announcement was nothing but a big let down and dissapointment for me.

  15. People who feel new items/skins is content should go play an hour or two of gw1 pvp and see how many different choices there are in that game mode in terms of gameplay. Now after 10years of gw1 they evolve grow and develop gw2 and what do we have after 7-8 years the same gameplay content. So where's the pvp development? Im very dissapointed in arenanet over the past 7 years and I can guarantee I won't be buying any more expansions or a gw3 if that ever happens...........#superdissapointed


  16. The steep learning curve i feel is due tothe fact that video games are becoming more complex in the face of technology and evolution from its predecessor. This kind of progress is always a good thing. If it ever beomes to complex for any kind of player newbe or veteran then this game or any other game just isn't for them.

    If you want basic mmo point and click simple as thinking 1+1 is 2 then i suggest gw1. That is a great classic combat syatem that good for all ages and mentalitites.

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