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Posts posted by Eddbopkins.2630

  1. Reaper spin to win (shroud 4 with quickness) can be nerfed imo.


    If i played my main fa ele id say everytging needs to be nerfed in comparision to that but these days i play reaper and axe 2 is another culprit id like to see nerfed.

  2. Anet will never take action if it affects the active player base numbers. Even If the bots/manipulators rose to a 50-50 real players to bot/manipulator ratio they wont do anything.

    The dont even add new game modes to keep intrest.

    They dont care for the state of pvp. Otherwise we wouldnt have the same competitive mode since day one.

  3. As it is right now Pheniox scepter 3 is a slow moving easily avoidable attack unless done at point blank range.


    What i would like to see is when casted it instantly summons a firey bird that doea massive 9k+ damage instantly, but then flaps its wings closed and launchs a projectile back to the caster minorly damaging foes.


    As it is right now i feel in the wake of all the reapers, engis, druids, gauds, and wars, when ever a scepter ele is in a game however few it is maybe 1 outa 6 games might have a scepter ele it just isnt as effective as all these other spin to win aoe dps classes.

  4. > @"tacoclaw.8251" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > Everyone is saying so much as to what is killing the pvp community. As for me its the lack of game modes. I can only do so many 5v5,


    > I totally respect your statement, and please respect this as an honest and good faith push back: In my life I have probably logged over 10,000 hours playing chess where the games move slowly and the mode is the same as always.


    Same here i have hundreds if not thousands of hours of chess my self...i always have a active game on my phone against the pc at any given day of the week. But gw2 is not chess in any way and i dont think a 1v1 in a chess game with millions of possibilities and outcomes can be compared to what 5v5 conquest 3 capturepoint circle quest that gw2 is.

  5. Everyone is saying so much as to what is killing the pvp community. As for me its the lack of game modes. I can only do so many 5v5, 3 capture point circle jerk. After 5 years and almost 5k games. Iv hung up my towel in december 2018. And unless some equivalent or better then its predicsessor gw1 comes into gw2, im gone from this community forever.


    As far as what we can do about it is nothing really. Its all on the developers table and only they can maken delicious meals (new game modes) for us.

  6. 3v3, 1 capture point. And after a few min 2-4 min of the capture point being captured for one side the capture point moves.

    This could be fun and balanced. With a 3 man squad you have have a dd, a tank, and a support. All playing there rolls with coordination and cooperation between a tight 3 man squad could be hella fun.


    I hate 5v5. This game can not be balanced for it properly. Theres to many skills and traits that make it difficult to do. Mostly because a 5v5 fight ends up becoming an out numbered fight and when 2 or more dpsers are hitting one target, that cant be balanced out.

  7. > @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

    > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > lol zog I always expect you to reply to these type threads.


    > Bro i like reality it's a nice place so why hide from it? lol I'd love something different but they said no queable 2v2 not ever already. :/


    I must of missed that announcement. Reading that makes me really sad. I guess it is what it is, and what it could/should of been isnt going to happen.

  8. Who cares about titles....lets talk about new game modes!!!!!! Once new games modes happen and im excited for pvp again then we can talk about titles. But as it is now, theres no point in working towards them if im bored af with your game that hasnt had any real development for it since day 1.


    New, fun, different, COMPETITIVE game modes first. Then a title rework. Imo

  9. Is this it? 6 and a half years and we are still at the same place as day 1.

    Im already at 5k+ games of the same game mode. For my sanity i can not pull my self to do even a single one more these past few months.

    If theres not any pvp development going on towards new game modes and pvp veritity, can the developers say so....i for one dont want to be waisting my time waiting for something that will never happen.

  10. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > Those are daily farm PvP map for PvE players wishing to complete their PvP dailies without bothering PvP players in their own turf. Having high kill count only mean that he spawned into the right team. Those maps are "private" map and the result don't count toward the ranking so PvP players should be more than happy than those exist, relieving them from being paired with players that just want to be done quickly with their PvP dailies.


    Ahh i see. I didnt relize they were private and that it doesn't count towards ranking. But do they make coin and mats from doing this? Like pip chest farming?

  11. > @"Kaburro.4712" said:

    > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > What are you trying to show in this video? That you killed 49 npcs in a row? So you successfully made pvp into a pve farm?

    > > Having npc run then stand still while u just smash buttons isnt a game i ever want to play. Waist of time for me mang.

    > > What you are doing is not considered pvp in my book.


    > You don't really get it, look at enemy team, they dont even try to counter. They just run and get farmed, instead of a brain they are controlled by a bad script... aka (" 'bots' ")



    I get that....thats why i call them npc none playing characters. Im saying thats a waist of time and no way enjoyable from the looks of it even being on the winning end.

  12. Id do and dont want this amulet gone.

    I do because it is very base stat dependent. As many stated if you have more then 16k this ammy is great, to great. It offers high damage and high defence.

    But for light classes like ele, thf, fighting against this ammy is nothing but a handicap.

    The real problem stems from unequal base stats for all classes in pvp. Lets take almost any other fighting game and pit 2 character against each other. They both will have the same amount of hp to start off with but some may hit harder or take less damage, but they all start off with the same amount of hp. If you look at gw2 you have one toon whos hp starts at 11k and then you have another that starts at 17k. Right off the bat, if i was a betting man id put 1000 dollars on the 17k man. If i had knowledge of the game whitch i do id see that demolishers ammy is to strong for some classes. And others cant even dream of using it.

  13. What are you trying to show in this video? That you killed 49 npcs in a row? So you successfully made pvp into a pve farm?

    Having npc run then stand still while u just smash buttons isnt a game i ever want to play. Waist of time for me mang.

    What you are doing is not considered pvp in my book.

  14. 3v3, 1 capture point. That will move after being defended or kept at a single color for a certain amount of time.


    1v1 king of the hill server/game rooms. Where there is a waiting ladder style tournament. Its basically a series of 1v1s and the loser just leaves the arena and waits for there turn. Could be best outa 3. But it can be watch/spectated by the people waiting there turn. After let say 10 straight wins, another campion from another server/game room are pitted against each other.


    And a 2v2 game mode be great.


    These are just a few off the top of my head. I hope they sound intresting.

  15. The entire idea behind the energy consumption is just a failed idea imo. I feel its just a wall the class has to fight over that other classes dont have to deal with. Even with energy there skills go on cooldown.

    Thf has a similar concept with initiative but doesnt have to deal with cds on there weapon skills.


  16. This is a very volatile question and choices. I cant choose, i want pvp to grow such as new game modes equal or greater to the options that were available in gw1 but if you look at the 6 year history i dont expect it to happen. These things take time and will not happen over night. Its already been 6 years and all we got was a failed stronghold. Its time to face the facts here people and quit with the begging and move on. If therr was any light at the end of thw tunnel with new modes it surely been shut down b.c of the lay offs.

  17. I do not see a problem with it.you playing the game within the classes limitations. If you are braking any rules then the class mechanic needs to change to not allow you to do what your doing. Imo


    If you are placing your turrets more then 1200 distance away from your self then the player to turret range needs to be lowered. If a engi steps 1200 distance away from there own turret it should auto detonate. Personally i think like 600-900 distance be best.

  18. Ill be sooo sad today if there isnt a pvp balance today. Pvp balances are our pvp content updates. So please make it happen captain.

    Considering swiss is a fart in the wind and the fact that theres only a single game mode for pvp 5v5 conquest, the only thing this community has going for it is the skill updates and balance.

    Pwease make it happen captain.

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